Treatment of indigestion

It is treated with absorbent and abrasive agents and substances that contain bitterness and causticity, after first mixing something tart with them. You should drink stronger wine, the food should be dry, fried in a frying pan or on a spit, and you should drink less water. Rose cakes made from fresh roses are useful for a damp stomach. Here is one of the remedies to eliminate stomach dampness: boil a dirham of anise and a dirham of fennel seeds in water, strain five dirhams of I julanjubin, turn it into porridge and consume.

The treatment of such patients is close to the treatment of tabes, for this disease is a kind of tabes of the stomach. If it has become established, it is completely untreatable, because it is impossible to take on the task of moisturizing just the stomach without affecting the whole body. On the contrary, hydration of the stomach occurs only with the participation of the whole body. Ways to moisturize the stomach of such people include using a bathhouse and sitting in the bath; The frequency of visiting the bath depends on the degree of dryness of the stomach. Sometimes excessive dryness does not allow them to walk to and from the bathhouse on their own, and they have to be carried there and there on a stretcher so that the movement does not dissolve the moisture and does not seep through the pores of the water that they absorbed in the bath. Since the bath relaxes the strength, one should not bring anything that dissipates the force closer to such patients, so that the relaxation does not double. Such patients should be bathed by placing them in a bathtub, and they do not need to breathe the air of the bathhouse. The water in the bath should be moderately warm, between water that causes goosebumps and water that burns, and generally such that the patient does not suffer from it, but enjoys it; it should moisturize his body and expand his pores. The patient should bathe until his body expands and swells and leave the bath before it begins to shrink. When he comes out of the bath, he should be given a little rest and then given some kind of tender milk to drink, for example, woman’s milk or the milk of a donkey or goat; It is best to suck the milk directly from the teat or to take fresh milk as soon as it has been milked and drink it before it is completely exposed to air. A woman whose milk is drunk should first be fed with as much food as she can digest, and asked to do moderate exercise; she shouldn't feed anyone else.

If it is another animal, and not a person, then its good or bad digestion is recognized by the stench or lack of stench of its feces, by the moderate degree of its moisture or dryness or by the excess of one of these qualities, and also by whether the feces are smooth or bloated from the winds. The animal should be touched before milking and made to roll on the ground for exercise. Then they wait until the patient has digested the milk or barley water he has drunk, and this is recognized by belching and a feeling of lightness in the insides, and then, after four or five hours, they bathe him again and rub his limbs with oil so that the absorbed water is retained in them. If the patient is accustomed to the bath, bathe him a third time, and if it is better to limit himself to twice bathing, then increase the number of hours that pass between baths, as has already been said. After bathing, give the patient complete rest. If he is inclined to milk, then give him milk again, and if not, give him to drink strong barley water, that is, the kind where at first there was a lot of water, but then it was boiled for a long time, so that there was little left, and feed him bread from bread oven, cooked with yeast and salt and well baked. You can also feed fish from reservoirs with a rocky bottom, the wings of birds with light and tender meat, their eggs and the eggs of milk-fed roosters. Refrain from giving the patient viscous, hard and rough food, and if it is very nutritious, then choose foods that, with high nutritional value, are quickly digested and produce thin, moist chyme. The amount of food should be such that it does not overburden and distend the stomach, but it is necessary to take some food in case of this disease. The patient should definitely be given liquid, slightly astringent wine, which is difficult to dilute due to its wateriness; it facilitates the passage of food, revitalizes strength and eliminates the need to drink cold water, which is harmful due to its coldness. The amount of wine should be such that it does not float in the stomach and cause rumbling. Feed the sick a second time when the first meal is completely digested; try, as far as possible, to break up your meals and let them be light, so that the subsequent meal does not overtake the previous one when the food has not yet been digested. Patients should follow this regimen for several days, and when they revive a little, increase physical movements and increase rubbing and nutrition. When the sick get closer to health, stop the barley gruel and prescribe spelled soup instead of barley for two days or a day. Add foods that strengthen you, and start with legs of lamb and limbs of animals and birds with tender meat.