Black cumin oil for face against acne


Scientific research has long confirmed the therapeutic use of such a natural ingredient as black cumin oil for acne:

  1. The anti-inflammatory property of black cumin seed oil can effectively reduce acne inflammation;
  2. The antioxidant activity exhibited by black seed oil destroys free radicals and stimulates cell regeneration;
  3. Vitamin A contained in black cumin seeds helps unclog blocked skin pores, improve the epidermis layer and reduce the swelling of acne;
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids contained in it moisturize your skin and speed up the healing of acne;
  5. Vitamin C found in cumin seeds improves collagen production, improves skin texture, reduces the appearance of fine lines and acne scars;
  6. Vitamin B complex helps retain moisture and improves the top layer of your skin;
  7. The properties of this natural oil help inhibit melanin production and make your skin glow;
  8. Apart from acne, topical application of this homemade oil can treat eczema and psoriasis;
  9. Vitamin A and amino acids help reduce acne scars and dark spots;
  10. The zinc present in the seeds keeps infectious bacteria at bay and clears up acne spots.

How to use black seed oil for acne?

There are various ways to use black cumin seeds to treat acne But you must ensure that you use only 100% pure oil to achieve positive results. Depending on your skin type, choose one of the recipes provided to you below:

Black seed oil

First, cleanse your face to remove dead cells and excess sebum accumulated above it.

Use rose water or a cleansing mask to cleanse your face. Additionally, steam your facial skin to open up blocked skin pores for treatment.

Take the required amount of black seed oil and gently massage it all over your face and leave it to dry completely naturally.

Try this simple remedy before bed.

Honey and Black Cumin Seeds for Acne

The antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing abilities of honey can effectively treat acne. The humectant property locks moisture into the skin and prevents dry skin.

  1. Gently heat the black cumin seeds and grind them finely;
  2. Add the required amount of honey to the powder and mix it thoroughly.
  3. Wash your face as mentioned above and apply this mask evenly.
  4. Leave it on for 15 – 20 minutes and then rinse your face with water.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Black Cumin Seeds

The astringent property dries out acne and the antibacterial agents included in the composition prevent the spread of bacterial infection.

Moreover, it restores skin levels and strengthens the healing process of acne.

Note You should stop using this method if your skin becomes irritated.

  1. Mix finely ground black cumin seeds and add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to them;
  2. Apply the resulting mask to the affected skin;
  3. Rinse your face with water after 15 minutes.

Instead of black seeds, you can mix aloe gel, olive oil or water with apple cider vinegar to treat acne.

Important Note: For best results from apple cider vinegar and black cumin seeds, use the product a few hours before bed.

Consumption of black cumin seed oil for acne

Consuming black cumin seeds helps strengthen the immune system, which in turn helps in avoiding excess production of skin oil.

  1. Take hot water and add 2 tablespoons of black seed oil to it;
  2. Now expose your face to the steam;
  3. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of cumin seeds treat acne when rubbed on the skin pores.
Sesame oil and black seed oil

Like all the ingredients listed earlier, sesame oil also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and healing properties that can effectively treat acne.

The range of nutrients in this oil help block UV rays and protect sensitive skin.

  1. After cleansing your acne-affected face, wipe it with a soft cloth;
  2. Now mix sesame oil and black seed oil in equal quantities;
  3. Use a cotton pad to apply the oil mask to pimples;
  4. Leave it to dry naturally.

Lemon and Black Oil for Acne Scars

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities contained in lemon juice fight acne inflammation. Additionally, its whitening properties reduce the appearance of acne scars.

The acidic property exhibited by lemon helps exfoliate dead cells and reduce sebum production.

The astringent activity contained in lemon juice helps to shrink large skin pores and dry out pimples.

  1. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the required amount of black seed oil;
  2. You can also add honey to the remedy;
  3. After mixing thoroughly, apply it to acne affected skin;
  4. Rinse off the product after 15 - 20 minutes.

Note: Excessive use of lemon juice can make your skin sensitive to sunlight, so do not go outside in hot weather without sunscreen.

Black and olive oil

The antioxidants contained in olive oil reduce the appearance of acne scars. Its anti-inflammatory property reduces the swelling and redness of acne.

The essential fatty acids and vitamin E present in olive oil help retain natural moisture in the skin.

Vitamin D, E and K along with other nutrients help boost the immune system and avoid acne.

  1. Combine equal amounts of black seed oil and olive oil in a bowl;
  2. Pre-wash your face with water and dry;
  3. Apply the mixed oil and let it dry naturally.

Apart from topical use, you can ingest black seed oil in small quantities to treat acne and various stomach ailments. Instead of oil, I personally recommend black cumin seeds mixed with honey for internal consumption.

Many vegetable oils used to care for facial skin and correct various imperfections receive unconditional recognition in cosmetology. One of the valuable products is made from black cumin seeds and can be included in home preparations.

Benefits of caraway extract for facial skin

Black cumin oil is obtained by cold pressing from seeds, which allows you to preserve its beneficial qualities as much as possible. The extract contains a lot of biologically active compounds:

  1. Amino acids (including 8 essential ones).
  2. Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
  3. Mono- and polysaccharides.
  4. Phospholipids.
  5. Terpene derivatives.
  6. Saponins and alkaloids.
  7. Tannins.
  8. Phytosterols, enzymes.
  9. Flavonoids.
  10. Vitamins (groups B, E, C, D, carotenoids).
  11. Minerals (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, selenium).

Saturated with substances beneficial to the body, the oil has a wide range of effects that are used in medicine. The following properties of caraway extract are in demand for cosmetology practice:

  1. Antimicrobial.
  2. Anti-inflammatory.
  3. Regenerative.
  4. Brightening.
  5. Rejuvenating.

The natural product saturates the skin with nutrients and moisture, restores its water-lipid barrier, protecting it from the negative influence of external factors. Biological substances promote the healing of damage and the elimination of inflammatory phenomena. The oil cleanses the skin of excess sebaceous secretions, eliminating oily sheen. With the help of enzymes and vitamins, the resorption of acne scars is achieved.

Thanks to deep hydration and nutrition, acceleration of microcirculation and metabolic processes, synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, the oil helps smooth out fine wrinkles, increase the tone and elasticity of the dermis. Lightening properties make it possible to even out the color tone of the face and whiten age spots. The skin acquires purity and natural radiance.

Black cumin oil is a valuable product used to combat common cosmetic defects on the facial skin.

How to use in cosmetology?


There are several ways to use black seed oil. It can be applied pointwise to problem areas, added to ready-made products, or used as an ingredient in homemade masks. A specialist will tell you which one is suitable for a particular case.

Before applying masks, it is recommended to first cleanse your face of traces of makeup and other contaminants. Next, the skin is steamed over a bath, for which it is better to take not just water, but herbal decoctions or infusions (chamomile, linden, nettle).

Masks with cumin oil are applied to the face using patting movements, following the massage lines. It is recommended to treat the neck and décolleté area this way, but the area around the eyes should remain untouched.

For acne

To treat acne, you can use cumin oil in its pure form, gently applying it to the inflammatory areas 1-2 times a day. After 20 minutes, rinse with water. Masks are made several times a week until the condition of the epithelium improves. The following recipes are suitable for problem skin:

  1. Grape seed and black cumin oils (1 tsp each), tea tree ether (3 drops).
  2. Caraway extract (2 tsp), ground oatmeal (1 tbsp), tea tree oil (5 drops).
  3. Cumin and wheat germ oils (1 tsp each), tea tree and lavender (2 drops each).
  4. Olive (1.5 tsp) and cumin (1 tsp) oils, esters of rosemary, juniper, bergamot, basil (3 drops each).

Leave the masks on the face for 15–20 minutes, after which they are washed off with warm water. The duration of the course is 1–2 months.

For wrinkles


Dry skin is especially prone to the early appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, cumin oil will come in handy in this situation - it will moisturize, provide necessary nutrition and smooth out wrinkles. To tighten and rejuvenate, you can use the following masks:

  1. Oatmeal (1 tbsp), egg yolk, liquid copper and cumin oil (1 tsp each) - kept for 10 minutes.
  2. Sour cream (2 tbsp), cumin oil (3 tsp), ground cinnamon (1.5 tsp) - apply for 25 minutes.
  3. Jojoba, cumin, peach oils (1 tsp each) – exposure time is 20 minutes.

You can prepare a renewing mask from cosmetic clay (1.5 tsp) with mineral water and cumin oil (1 tsp). After thorough mixing, the composition is applied for 15 minutes. For dry skin, masks with cumin oil are used 3-4 times a week.

For pigment spots

To lighten age spots left after acne, you need to make a mixture of olive and black cumin oils (in a 2:1 ratio) and apply to a moisturized face. This composition is kept for 40 minutes, the residue is removed with a napkin and washed. It is also recommended to enrich the night cream with oil, adding 2-3 drops to 1 serving. Rub the cream between your palms and apply it with massage movements.

Black cumin oil is used to prepare cleansing, smoothing and tightening masks that will help cope with the imperfections of aging and problematic skin.



Since the oil is a completely natural product, it is well tolerated. The only contraindication limiting the use of the product is individual intolerance. It can be identified by the results of a simple test: apply a little oil to your wrist and observe the reaction for half an hour. If no changes occur, you can safely apply it to your face.

One of the valuable oils that has gained popularity in cosmetology is prepared from black cumin seeds. The product is actively used in recipes for home remedies that are well suited for oily and problematic, dry and aging skin. But to make the correction of aesthetic problems more successful, it is better to visit a specialist.

This oil, which was intensively used by Queen Cleopatra to maintain her famous beauty and was not ignored by the ancient healers Hippocrates and Avicenna, today is increasingly conquering the cosmetic market and taking pride of place in the recipes of folk healing remedies. Read more about the capabilities of black cumin seed oil to support human health and external beauty further in the article.

Composition of black cumin seed oil

The chemical composition of this product is not only rich and diverse, but also seems to be specially arranged in such a way as to most effectively solve problems that arise with human skin health.

Caraway oil contains 18 polyunsaturated and 8 saturated fatty acids, many of which are powerful antioxidants, 15 amino acids involved in the construction of the body at the cellular level, various types of polysaccharides and monosaccharides, alkaloids, enzymes and other nutrients. The vitamin composition of the product includes active elements that together create a powerful rejuvenating effect, which is so in demand in cosmetology.

Vitamins in black cumin oil are:

  1. thiamine (B1)helping to successfully fight skin diseases;
  2. riboflavin (B2), giving the human face a healthy color;
  3. nicotinic acid (B3), which, while fighting inflammatory processes, simultaneously helps eliminate acne and acne on the face;
  4. pyridoxine (B6), involved in supplying the epidermis with elastin and collagen;
  5. folic acid (B9), activating metabolic processes in the deep layers of the skin;
  6. ascorbic acid (C), inhibiting the aging process in the epidermis and stimulating its protective functions;
  7. calciferol (D), protecting the skin from peeling and redness;
  8. tocopherol (E), activating metabolic processes in the epidermal layers;
  9. phylloquinone (K), which has the ability to strengthen capillaries and prevent the formation of dark circles under the eyes.

The mineral component is well represented in caraway oil in the form of:

  1. gland, renewing and rejuvenating skin cells, supplying them with oxygen and raising tone;
  2. zinc, optimizing metabolic processes, inhibiting the aging of the skin and eliminating oily sheen;
  3. calcium, the deficiency of which provokes early aging of the skin and which effectively helps cleanse the skin pores of sebum;
  4. copper, restoring the elasticity of the skin and its protective properties against pathogenic microflora;
  5. phosphorus, which actively helps eliminate inflammatory processes on the skin.

Medicinal properties of cumin oil

This product has a set of valuable properties, which together have a powerful healing effect on the human body.

  1. It is based on the ability of caraway oil:
  2. stimulate the immune system;
  3. fight bacterial and fungal infections without causing an imbalance of microflora in the intestines;
  4. regenerate tissue at the cellular level, accelerating the healing of small wounds, cuts, abrasions;
  5. fight parasites in the form of helminths;
  6. free the body from poisons and toxins;
  7. calm the nervous system;
  8. relieve spasms;
  9. act as a diuretic and choleretic agent;
  10. exhibit anesthetic properties that help relieve mild pain and discomfort.

These and some other qualities of cumin oil predetermine its use in treatment:

  1. diseases of the respiratory tract due to its anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiviral properties, as well as the ability to have an expectorant and bronchodilator effect;
  2. diabetes mellitus due to vitamin and mineral complexes that promote insulin synthesis;
  3. female and male reproductive systems by normalizing spermatogenesis in men and increasing potency, and in women facilitating the menstrual cycle, eliminating mastopathy and other inflammatory processes;
  4. increased blood pressure by reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  5. thrombophlebitis and varicose veins due to preventing the formation of blood clots;
  6. cholelithiasis due to pronounced choleretic properties;
  7. pyelonephritis due to its bactericidal properties.

Basic methods of using oil

  1. In cosmetics, black cumin seed oil is designed to:
  2. optimize the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  3. stimulate blood flow and lymph circulation in the epidermis;
  4. activate the regenerative functions of the skin;
  5. improve complexion and even out its relief;
  6. eliminate inflammation on the skin;
  7. cleanse facial pores;
  8. prevent acne;
  9. provide adequate nutrition and hydration of skin tissue;
  10. smooth out age and facial wrinkles;
  11. increase the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis.

For this purpose, cosmetology has developed numerous recipes for using cumin oil in the following composition:

  1. masks;
  2. creams;
  3. lotions;
  4. compresses;
  5. rubbing;
  6. skin cleansing products.

Cosmetic care for different skin types

The same composition of cumin oil in its pure form can, when used in different ways, have different effects on facial skin in different conditions. And in combination with other products, the scope of beneficial cosmetic effects of cumin oil expands significantly.

For normal skin

The skin, which is in normal condition, nevertheless needs vitamin replenishment and enrichment with minerals. The best option for this is obtained by combining 1 tsp. caraway oil and 1 tbsp. l. grape seed oils. Apply this lotion to the skin of the face using a cotton pad and leave it in this state for half an hour. Then the lotion that is not absorbed into the skin is removed with a napkin.

For dry skin

In such a condition, the skin of the face needs high-quality moisturizing and replenishment with nutrients contained in cumin oil to bring the skin to normal condition and relieve it from dryness.

A mask based on:

  1. black cumin seed oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. cream or sour cream - 5 tbsp. l.;
  3. cinnamon - 1 tsp.

After thorough mixing, these components are infused for half an hour, and then applied to the face and left until completely absorbed.

Video: Mask with black cumin for dry skin

For oily skin

Extract from cumin seeds is especially effective on oily skin, thoroughly cleaning pores clogged with sebum, narrowing them and restoring freshness and cleanliness to the skin.

A mask is very suitable for this purpose, for the preparation of which the following is used:

  1. white cosmetic clay - 2 tbsp. l.;
  2. water - 50 ml;
  3. black cumin seed oil - 1 tsp.

These ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass, and then applied in a thin layer to the skin of the face. Wash off the mask with warm water after a third of an hour.

For irritated skin

An extract from black cumin seeds helps well in caring for the facial epidermis, which is in an irritated state and is characterized by redness, inflammation and rashes.

To solve this problem, use a cold compress based on cumin product. A gauze mask is impregnated with it at room temperature, in which holes are made for the mouth, nose and eyes. The mask is applied to clean facial skin and left for 40 minutes. There is no need to wash your face after completing the procedure, since the oil is absorbed almost completely into the facial skin.

Features of using face masks

Depending on the purpose of using cosmetic masks, their composition and time of use vary.

For wrinkles

A mask designed to smooth out and eliminate wrinkles should activate the regenerative activity of skin cells, causing them to form new collagen fibers, which give the epidermis firmness, elasticity and an attractive appearance.

To make such a mask you will need:

  1. caraway product - 20 ml;
  2. dried seaweed (kelp), crushed to a powder - 5 g.

Laminaria powder must be poured with warm water and left for 30 minutes. Then the resulting mass must be combined with oil. The mixture is applied to the face using a brush.

For acne

Since different types of rashes occur on different types of skin, masks to combat acne are made in different ways. For normal and dry facial skin, the mask is made from cumin, peach and jojoba oils, taken 1 tbsp. l. each. The mixture is applied to the face for half an hour, after which the remnants are removed with a paper napkin.

For oily epidermis prone to acne, prepare a mask based on cumin, tea tree and grape seed oils, taken 1 tsp each. everyone. This mixture is applied to problem areas of the facial skin and left on it for up to 40 minutes, after which the residue is washed off with warm water.

From blackheads

To get rid of this problem, according to cosmetologists, a mask made from:

  1. caraway product - 1 tsp;
  2. wheat germ oils - 1 tsp;
  3. tea tree oil - 2 drops;
  4. lavender oil - 2 drops.

The ingredients are mixed, and the resulting mixture is heated with steam and applied to the face. After a quarter of an hour, the mask is removed from the face using a paper napkin.

Possible contraindications for use

For all its benefits for the internal health and external beauty of a person, this product still has some limitations in use related to the state of the body of a particular person.

  1. You should not take it if:
  2. personal intolerance;
  3. pregnancy, since the product relaxes the muscles of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage;
  4. chronic diseases, since the drug can aggravate the course of the disease;
  5. after an operation related to organ transplantation, since, while strengthening the body’s immunity, the product simultaneously activates the function of rejecting foreign bodies;
  6. low blood pressure, which is associated with the ability of black cumin seed extract to lower blood pressure.