Facial massage oil for wrinkles reviews

Girls, please tell me what oil you use for facial massage? I would like something less fatty and light. If not oil, what do you use to make your hands glide? I bought avocado oil and peach oil, it stains the skin

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Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

I like hydrophilic oil, which is used to remove BB cream.

You can also use sperm

I need to find out why it’s sprinkled on me, for example, I don’t have such a reaction
coconut dries out in the medium term
shi don't like it
olive gud
and the ghee has gone
also flax
I love universal oils that can be used in a plate and on the skin and nails and heels, anywhere, even on the hair

Well, all oils are fatty. I love jojoba oil.👍

jojoba yes
it’s particularly non-greasy and pleasant

I like hydrophilic oil, which is used to remove BB cream.

Related topics

jojoba and it’s especially non-greasy and pleasant

slightly beaten egg white

Nevskaya Korona LLC bought jojoba at a pharmacy in St. Petersburg
I think they are all about the same, they praise botany by the way, but I haven’t tried it

I use Shea butter, after the massage I blot it with a napkin and don’t wash it off, it’s healthy

Coconut. I buy it in solid form and melt it in a steam bath. I’m very pleased with the result, the skin is soft and glowing, there are actually fewer wrinkles, but I hate oils, I just hate them. Wash the container, wash your hands, hide your hair, God forbid you get dirty. With your oily hands you will stain something, drop it on the floor, on the table, on your clothes. Ewww.
Please recommend a massage cream.

Why exactly oil, you can also use cream, I generally always apply cream in the form of a massage, the main thing is that it is moderately absorbed, then you have time to work everything out perfectly. For the winter I took Defavit cream from Libriderm, it has vitamins, it’s a little fatty, just perfect for massage


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When the first wrinkles appear on their face, many women panic. Meanwhile, there is no need to beat yourself up and cry about your “gone youth.” There are procedures that can help delay the onset of signs of aging. And these are not necessarily plastic surgery methods or expensive hardware procedures. A fairly effective way of rejuvenation is cosmetic massage; it will make the skin elastic and firm, and reduce the number of wrinkles. And for the procedure to be even more effective, you need to choose the right oil for facial massage against wrinkles.

How does it work?

Let's figure out what is the effectiveness of cosmetic massage. Proper procedure:

  1. normalizes metabolic processes in the epidermis;
  2. activates blood movement;
  3. promotes faster elimination of toxins.


Thus, the main function of the procedure is to improve cell nutrition and accelerate their regeneration. Thanks to this, muscle fibers are strengthened, loose skin is tightened, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

The oil used for massage performs two functions at once:

  1. eliminates skin damage when performing massage movements;
  2. additionally nourishes skin cells.


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Main types

There are several simple techniques that can be successfully applied at home. This:

  1. Classical. This procedure is very useful for aging and aging skin that needs toning. The main techniques used are stroking and rubbing. When performing the procedure, the use of oil is mandatory.
  2. Plastic. This massage option is especially useful for saggy, sagging skin covered with wrinkles. This technique consists of alternating rhythmic and fairly intense pressure. Massage oil can be used for the procedure, but sometimes talc is used.
  3. Pinch. This procedure is especially useful for problem skin. The technique includes a variety of movements - stroking, pinching, vibration. The use of oil is mandatory.


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Before you undertake self-massage, you need to carefully study the technique of its implementation. In addition, you will need to prepare the skin, namely:

  1. clean thoroughly, removing makeup and dirt;
  2. take a five-minute steam bath or hot compress;
  3. be sure to wash your hands thoroughly;
  4. apply oil for massage. The choice of oil depends on the properties of the skin. There are universal products, and there are those that are only suitable for dry or oily skin.

Precautionary measures

Despite the undoubted benefits of cosmetic massage, there are contraindications to this procedure. The procedure cannot be done if the skin has open wounds, inflamed pimples, or herpes rashes. You should not use this rejuvenation product if you have papillomas or large moles on your facial skin, which can develop into a malignant neoplasm.

In addition, you must make sure that the oil chosen for massage does not cause allergic reaction. Base oils rarely cause negative reactions, however, cases of individual intolerance do occur. But essential oils quite often cause allergies.


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What oils are used?

Basic and essential oils are used for massage. Basic products can be used without adding additional ingredients. You can mix several base oils with each other.

Esters are concentrated extracts, so they are used in minimal quantities, dissolved in a base oil or fatty cream.

Best Basic Products

To perform a massage, it is recommended to use the following base oils:

  1. Castor. Oil from castor beans contains a lot of substances useful for the epidermis. These are antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. Thanks to its rich composition, the oil has a pronounced rejuvenating effect, and also allows you to remove unwanted pigmentation. Suitable for dry and problematic aging skin.
  2. Rosehip. Wild rose berry oil contains a large amount of vitamins, beneficial elements and fatty acids. Suitable for dry skin prone to sagging.
  3. Avocado. Oil from exotic fruits can slow down the natural aging process and remove wrinkles that have already appeared. Suitable for mature, dehydrated, aging skin.
  4. Olive. This is one of the most popular products used in home cosmetology. It is recommended for use for massage if the skin is dry, covered with wrinkles, and begins to sag.
  5. Peach. The light structure of the oil obtained from peach seeds is perfect for cosmetic massage. The product eliminates sagging, smoothes out wrinkles well, and increases the elasticity of the epidermis. An important advantage is the versatility of the product; it can be safely used on any skin type.
  6. Grape seeds. Oil, which is obtained from grape seeds, is also a universal product. It takes excellent care of the epidermis, regardless of its type.
  7. Coconut. This is a unique product for performing massage, regardless of skin type. With regular procedures with coconut oil, the skin will smooth out, acquire a beautiful color and tighten.
  8. Cocoa. This oil is recommended for massaging sagging skin covered with wrinkles. The product contains a lot of useful substances, thanks to which the skin is tightened and smoothed.
  9. Corn. With regular massage with corn oil, the tone of the face will be evened out, rashes will go away, and wrinkles will become almost invisible.
  10. Linen. A unique product that literally revives dry, tired skin that is prone to aging.
  11. Macadamia. Macadamia nut oil is perfect for both preventing the appearance of signs of aging and eliminating existing wrinkles.
  12. Almond. Lightweight, highly absorbable almond oil is an excellent product choice for cosmetic massage. The product is universal, suitable for owners of any type of epidermis.

Best broadcasts

To enrich the composition of the base oil and increase the effectiveness of the massage, it is recommended to use essential oils. These are concentrated extracts obtained from plants.


For massage, cosmetologists recommend using the following types:

  1. Orange. This version of the ether is suitable for softening rough skin, eliminating wrinkles and sagging, and improving complexion. The product also works well on oily skin, as it reduces oil levels and helps tighten pores.
  2. Rosemary. This version of the ether is an ideal choice for aging skin; in addition, it copes well with inflammation and rashes.
  3. Lemon. Sour citrus ester is recommended to be added to compositions used for oily skin. It gives the skin a matte appearance, helps eliminate blackheads, and softens rough and flaky areas.
  4. Lavender. This is a universal product that activates regeneration processes. In addition, it has pronounced antiseptic and wound-healing properties.
  5. Mint. Peppermint essential oil is well suited for those with combination problem skin. It perfectly tones aging skin and maintains optimal water balance in cells.

Mixtures for massage

As already mentioned, massage can be performed using any base oil, but the use of oil compositions is more effective. To do this, take a base product (one or a mixture of several products) and mix it with esters. The finished composition can be poured into a dark glass container with a lid and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

  1. Eye massage mixture. In this area of ​​the face you need to make very light movements that do not stretch the skin. To prepare the oil mixture, it is recommended to use peach, olive or almond oil (you can use a mixture of them). It is recommended to add three drops of rose oil and two drops of sandalwood ether to 15 ml of base.
  2. Anti-wrinkle mixture and skin refreshment is prepared on the basis of olive oil. You need to mix 30 ml of base with 10 drops of camphor oil and add three drops of orange ether to the composition.
  3. Universal composition prepared on the basis of grape seed oil. For 20 ml of the base product you will need three drops of lavender ether and one drop each of mint and lemon essential oils.
  4. Massage composition for oily skin. It is recommended to use apricot or peach oil as a basis, since these products have a very light structure and do not clog pores. For 20 ml of base you need to add three drops of lemon, rosemary and bergamot esters.
  5. To tighten and refresh the skin It is recommended to use a base made from a mixture of rosehip oils (20 ml) and sea buckthorn (10 ml). We supplement the composition with two drops of rosemary ether.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Cosmetologists confirm that massage with oils is an effective rejuvenating procedure. However, before you start performing a massage, you need to study the technique very carefully. Wrong actions will lead to disastrous results - the skin will stretch, and this will lead to the appearance of even more wrinkles.


You also need to be careful when choosing an oil or oil composition to perform the procedure. Especially if you have oily skin, as some oils can clog pores, which can cause comedones and pimples.

Women's opinion

Women who use natural oils for facial massage are satisfied with the results. This is evidenced by their numerous reviews.

The most unpleasant thing for a woman is to see new wrinkles in the mirror. In order not to be unnecessarily upset, I recommend a classic cosmetic massage to all women. I myself have been performing this procedure for three months in a row, and I am very pleased with the result. The skin tightened and became smoother. To perform the massage, inexpensive oils are used - almond, grape seed. But you can use any that are suitable for your skin. Don’t be lazy to set aside 10 minutes every evening for your beauty, the result will definitely please you.

I periodically had a massage course with a cosmetologist, and I really liked the results. But lately it has become difficult for me to pay for salon care, and I decided to master this procedure and do it myself. My skin is dry, so I use oils for massage. I especially like coconut. It smells so wonderful and is great for moisturizing the skin.

One of the most common questions I receive about self-massage of the face is what oil to choose for massage?

The question is so frequent and important that I decided to put the answer to it in a separate video. I believe that NO oil should be used for massage or self-massage of the face.

Why use oil for facial massage

I understand that my position may surprise some people - after all, it is usually the oil that is used both in massage schools during training and in cosmetology parlors.

Many professional brands offer oil for facial massage, and advertising of one or another cosmetic oil is often integrated into facial massage.

Yes, all this is true, but not because the oil is better, but because it is more convenient or more profitable from a commercial point of view.

But not in terms of benefits for the skin.

Just 2-3 drops of oil once a week

Please note that even when we use oil in facial skin care for additional nourishment, it is recommended to take only 2-3 drops of oil and apply it as an oil serum 1-2 times a week.

But even if you use oil too often in such a minimal amount, you can get problems.

And for a full massage of the face, neck and décolleté, you need to take a fairly large amount of oil - not a few drops, but a few ml and literally rub this oil into the skin using massage techniques for 20-30 minutes.

And so 2-3 times a week during an intensive massage course. What could this lead to?

Consequences of using oils

If the skin is characterized by normal or increased sebum secretion, such an amount of oil can clog the mouths of the sebaceous glands, contribute to clogging of pores and the appearance of acne.

Even if the oil is not comedogenic.

If we are talking about dry skin that is not prone to rashes, such skin may not react with the appearance of acne. But an excessive amount of oil will disrupt the lipid layer and make it more permeable.

Those with dry skin have a naturally weak lipid layer, so the skin will be less able to retain moisture. Of course, this will not happen immediately. Nothing will happen from one massage session, but over time the skin will become drier.

This is in general terms. And if we consider each oil separately, then each oil has its own special properties and its own side effects.

Therefore, you should not use oil for facial massage.

So now, throw away the oil?

The oil can be used to massage the body, arms, legs, but not for facial skin.

You can enrich your cream or nourishing mask with oil if they do not provide proper glide. I described in detail how to do this in the self-massage training course “Renaissance”.

For the face, you can buy a ready-made massage product.

I recently tested several massage products for different skin types and different age groups. And I made a detailed review on YouTube.

What else is useful to read:

Olga Fem

For more than 10 years, I have been helping my clients prolong the youth of their skin and give it a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. Now, with the help of my books “Self-instruction manual for skin care #1”, “55 mistakes in facial care” and self-massage of the face “Renaissance”, almost everyone can improve their skin condition!