Sesame oil for face

Cold-pressed sesame oil has many beneficial properties, as it contains only natural ingredients. This product can be used for facial care and for healing the whole body. If you use the oil correctly, you can get rid of the first age-related changes and acne, cleanse the skin, and also improve the condition of the eyebrows and eyelashes.

Beneficial properties of sesame oil for the face

Sesame oil is obtained from raw seeds. The product is known for its beneficial effect on human skin, therefore it is actively used in cosmetology. The straw shade of the oil allows you to judge its quality. In most cases, the smell is barely perceptible, and the texture is light and does not leave a thick, greasy film on the skin.


The beneficial properties of the oil are due to its composition:

  1. vitamins E, A and B accelerate tissue regeneration processes and have an antioxidant effect;
  2. omega-3 acids increase skin elasticity by stimulating the production of elastin and collagen;
  3. saturated fatty acids (palmitic, stearic) nourish the skin;
  4. amino acids (tryptophan, valine, isoleucine, arginine, glycine) help get rid of inflammation by regulating pH balance;
  5. silicon, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus and ascorbic acid stimulate metabolism and keep the skin healthy;
  6. phytosterols promote more active collagen production, restore and protect the skin from harmful influences.

The product has an effect on enlarged pores and is especially useful for those with oily skin. The oil regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and protects the face from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation.


The product is obtained from both white and dark seeds. Both types are very popular. However, the healthiest oil is considered to be that produced from white seeds.

How to use sesame oil for facial care

Methods of using the product on the face can be as follows:

  1. The oil can be used instead of night or day cream; it is quickly absorbed and does not cause side effects.
  2. To remove makeup, simply soak cotton pads in oil and gently wipe off the makeup.
  3. A massage with such a natural remedy will eliminate premature aging and restore your skin's radiant appearance. To do this, you need to moisten your fingertips in the oil and apply it to your face with tapping movements. You need to pay attention to each area. The area around the eyes is also no exception. It is necessary to massage this area in a counterclockwise circular motion. All manipulations must be performed along special lines: from the nose to the cheeks, from the middle of the chin to the cheekbones, from the center of the forehead to the temples. The massage should last no more than 10 minutes. Do not rub the skin vigorously. It is necessary to alternate stroking with tapping and pinching. It is also not recommended to pull the skin too much, especially in the area around the eyes.


The product is very effective in masks and goes well with essential oils.

Recipes for getting rid of wrinkles

The following recipes are effective for smoothing facial skin:

  1. Moisturizing mask. You will need to mix 1 tsp. sesame oil with the same amount of almond oil. Apply to skin, including the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, wash off. It is recommended to repeat 1-2 times a week for 3-4 months.
  2. Rejuvenating composition. It is necessary to mix avocado oil with sesame oil in equal proportions, 0.5 tsp each. and spread over the face. After 15 minutes, rinse your skin with cool boiled water. Repeat once a week. Course - 2 months.
  3. Anti-wrinkle mask. In 1 tsp. sesame oil, you need to add the contents of vitamins E and A capsules (1 piece each), which must first be pierced with a needle. Mix everything thoroughly and spread over the skin. After 15–20 minutes you can wash your face. Repeat 1-2 times every 7-10 days. Course - 2 months.
  4. Nourishing mask. You will need half of the ripe banana pulp, which must be crushed to obtain a puree. Then add 1 tsp. sesame seed oil and stir. Spread the resulting composition over the skin and leave for 10 minutes. Then wash your face. Repeat once every 10 days. The course is 2–3 months.

To intensively moisturize the skin and smooth out fine wrinkles, the product can be combined with sour cream. The author of these lines applies this mixture before bed for literally 10 minutes. To make your face look rested in the morning, the sour cream should first be cooled a little and mixed in equal quantities with sesame oil. This mask eliminates swelling, so a small amount of the composition can be applied to the lower eyelids.

Photo gallery: ingredients for preparing anti-wrinkle masks

Recipes for getting rid of acne

Effective recipes with sesame oil for acne:

  1. Anti-acne mask. You will need 1 tbsp. l. blue clay, which must be diluted with warm water to obtain the consistency of a liquid dough. Then add 0.5 tsp. sesame seed oil and 2 drops of lemon essential oil. Then spread the mixture on your face. After 10 minutes, wash your face. Repeat 2 times every 7–10 days. Course - 2 months.
  2. Anti-inflammatory composition. 1 tbsp. l. dilute white clay with sage decoction to the consistency of sour cream. For this, 1 tbsp. l. The herbs must be poured with a glass of boiling water and cooked for 10 minutes. Then cool and filter. Add 9 drops of sesame oil to the diluted clay and, after mixing, spread over the face. After 15 minutes, wash your face. Repeat once every 7–10 days. Course - 3 months.
  3. Mask for blackheads and acne. 1 tbsp. l. Mix sesame oil with 3 drops of tea tree ether and spread the mixture on your face. It is best to steam the skin first. After 15 minutes, wash your face. It is recommended to repeat at least 2 times every 10 days. Course - 3 months.

For those with oily skin, it is advisable to clear out the pores before applying the mask. To do this, your face must first be steamed and cleaned with a scrub. This will allow the mask to penetrate deeper into the skin. The author of these lines uses ground coffee as a scrub, which must first be poured with boiling water. This simple remedy is suitable for those with oily or normal skin types. However, if there are acne on your face, it is better to refrain from using the scrub.

Photo gallery: ingredients for making acne masks

Video: face mask with sesame oil

Using sesame oil to care for eyebrows and eyelashes

To care for eyebrows and eyelashes, sesame oil can be used either in pure form or in combination with other ingredients. To get quick results, the product should be applied daily after removing makeup and left for at least an hour. Effective recipes for restoring eyebrows and eyelashes:

  1. Olive oil mask. Not only stimulates eyelash growth, but also restores damaged hair structure. It is necessary to mix olive oil and sesame oil in equal quantities. Then apply to eyebrows and eyelashes. Leave on for half an hour, without rinsing off. Repeat the procedure 3 times every 7 days. Course - 1 month.
  2. Moisturizing mask with wheat germ oil. Restores eyelashes after removing artificial hairs. Mix 10 drops each of wheat germ and sesame oil. Apply to eyelashes and leave for an hour. Then, if desired, wash with warm water. Repeat the procedure 2 times every 10 days. Course - 3 months.
  3. Almond oil mask. Prevents the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes. 0.5 tsp. Mix sesame seed oil with 10 drops of almond oil. Then apply to eyebrows and eyelashes. After half an hour, wash your face. Repeat 2 times every 7–10 days. Course - 2 months.

If after using the above recipes you experience discomfort in the eye area, it is recommended to wash them with green tea or chamomile decoction. If this measure turns out to be useless, you can use any anti-inflammatory drops. During the procedure, you should try to avoid getting the oil into your eyes.

Photo gallery: ingredients for eyelash and eyebrow care

Reviews on the use of sesame oil for the face

Sesame oil contains a huge amount of essential fatty acids (especially such as oleic, linoleic, stearic, arachidic, palmitic acid). The oil also helps your brittle and dry hair become silky and soft, giving it a natural shine. And the best thing about it is that it can be used for any type of your hair, it is universal, because it contains many substances that stimulate active hair growth and normalize the scalp. This oil is usually taken as a mask, and sometimes you can do a head massage with it. And sesame oil will help make the dream of those who are thinking about thick and long eyelashes come true. You just need to apply this oil to clean eyelashes using a cotton brush or a regular cotton pad. Leave the oil on the eyelashes for about fifteen minutes and wash off. After just two weeks of the procedures, you will see the results.



Previously, I had not wondered about caring for the skin of the eyelids, since I often heard that at a young age it is better not to harm these delicate areas of the skin; regeneration processes can easily occur on their own. But now, at 27, I’ve already thought that it would be nice to do some kind of preventive care for this area. I am firmly convinced that various creams give a temporary visual effect, and then systematically make things worse, creating a certain dependence on cosmetic products. This is not my subjective opinion, but a fact confirmed by various studies. Now I have fallen in love with the Siberian Product sesame oil. The skin feels absolutely beautiful to the touch.



Sesame oil is a natural product, it can be taken orally and used to prepare regenerating masks. This product is safe and suitable even for the care of children's and sensitive skin. If you follow all the rules, you can get a decent result in a short time.


Oils have long been considered the best cosmetics; they were used in both Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome. Oils have excellent restorative properties and are able to moisturize and tighten the skin and heal scars. In the modern world, cosmetologists pay a lot of attention to oil obtained from sesame seeds (or sesame). Sesame oil is used for the face, body and hair, that is, it can rightfully be considered universal.

Obtaining oil

Sesame oil is produced by cold pressing raw or lightly roasted sesame seeds. Due to the fact that the oil is cold pressed, all beneficial vitamins and minerals are retained in the oil.


Sesame drying oil is light yellow in color and transparent. Some people believe that fakes are sometimes found in stores due to differences in color, but in fact the color can vary depending on whether the oil is made from white or black sesame seeds. From white sesame it is light, from black it has a slight brown tint. For cosmetic purposes, the oil is refined.

Unrefined oil is also produced from raw black sesame seeds, but this product is used only for technical purposes for the subsequent production of medicines. Its properties are very different from sesame oil for cosmetic purposes.

Sesame and its derivatives are stored in a dark place for approximately 8-9 years.

Unique composition

Sesame oil is famous for containing a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are beneficial for the body. Each of these components effectively affects human skin cells.

Sesame drying oil for facial skin contains large quantities of:

  1. maslo-kunzhuta-dlya-lica-SAsMkx.webp

    Semazole is a substance that can protect the skin from the aggressive effects of sunlight, so sesame oil can be used as a sunscreen
  2. A large number of vitamins, namely vitamins A, B, C, E, which regulate metabolic processes in skin cells, strengthen and nourish them. Thanks to these vitamins, wounds and abrasions heal faster, scars become less noticeable
  3. Beta-sitosterol has a positive effect on blood circulation, thereby leaving the skin refreshed and hair growing faster
  4. Organic acids are excellent helpers in the fight against wrinkles and sagging skin, helping to restore the relief of the face and body.
  5. Natural glycerin creates an invisible film on the skin that retains moisture and does not allow harmful components to pass through from the outside.
  6. Amino acids are known for their effective work in restoring skin elasticity.

Compared to many other oils, sesame oil is considered one of the richest in vitamins.

Sesame in cosmetology

For a long time, cosmetologists around the world have been using drying oil from sesame seeds to prepare various products and masks. This popularity is due to the fact that that sesame oil for the face and hair can, in a sense, work wonders, namely:

  1. maslo-kunzhuta-dlya-lica-pnvKrYx.webp

    Evens out the tone of the face and gives it a healthy glow when pale.
  2. In cases of sagging skin, it tightens them and improves facial contours
  3. Regulates metabolic processes at the cellular level
  4. Penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and effectively moisturizes them, thereby removing even severe peeling
  5. Fights irritation, rashes, acne, reduces scars, eliminates traces of psoriasis
  6. Reduces existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones
  7. Removes blackheads and tightens enlarged pores
  8. Promotes blood flow due to its “warming” effect
  9. Moisturizes the scalp and eliminates dandruff
  10. Protects hair from ultraviolet radiation during periods of high solar activity
  11. Cleanses the scalp of heavy impurities and dead tissue cells.

Sesame seed oil is a universal remedy for combating various cosmetic problems, and it is also used for effective prevention.

Indications for use

This product can be used both in pure form and in the form of masks, creams and mixtures of several oils. It is recommended to use it if:

  1. maslo-kunzhuta-dlya-lica-hJStd.webp

    Shallow expression wrinkles, small wrinkles near the eyes appeared, the skin became flabby and lost its elasticity.
  2. The skin became pale, rashes, redness, and burst blood vessels appeared on it.
  3. The skin of the face, body or hair is dry and prone to peeling
  4. General aging of the skin occurs due to age
  5. The body is susceptible to vitamin deficiency and its first signs have appeared.


It is not necessary to use this oil when obvious problems with the skin of the face and body have appeared; it is an excellent preventative and can prevent all these problems before they even appear.

Contraindications for use

Like any other natural cosmetic product, sesame oil cannot be used by everyone; there are certain contraindications. It is important to first try the product on a small area of ​​skin, such as the crook of your elbow or behind your ear. Contraindications are:

  1. Direct allergy to this cosmetic product
  2. Severe skin sensitivity
  3. Open fresh large wounds (small wounds do not fall under this item)
  4. Extensive acne in severe form
  5. A large number of burst blood vessels on the surface of the skin.

Homemade beauty recipes

Not only cosmetologists use this product in their work. Many women know about the miraculous properties of sesame and purchase cosmetics with sesame extract in stores and pharmacies. But you can make excellent masks yourself by simply buying sesame oil for the face at the pharmacy. Its use and composition depend on what effect is expected.

Night eye mask

Many women notice the first signs of aging in the eye area, where the first expression lines appear and dark circles form. To get rid of these signs you need to periodically make a special night mask. To do this, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of heated sesame drying oil with vitamins in ampoules. You can take different vitamins, all of them will be useful. Apply the mask to the area around the eyes overnight. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Therapeutic composition for dry skin

Often, even the most nourishing cream is not able to eliminate severe dryness of the epithelium. The following mixture can cope with this problem: mix one teaspoon each of sesame and almond oil with half a grated avocado, apply to the face for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Body massage mixture

Sesame oil is as beneficial for body skin as it is for facial skin. With its help, you can slightly adjust the silhouette of your figure, reduce sagging (including eliminating slight cellulite) and restore elasticity. To do this, you need to mix sesame drying oil with honey and ground coffee (not instant coffee!) and rub into problem areas of the body with massaging movements for several minutes. Then rinse off in the shower with warm water.

Strengthening hair mask


Many people believe that sesame oil is beneficial for the skin of the face, but not for the hair. In fact, hair masks containing it give excellent results. The most popular and simple recipe: mix a few egg yolks with a couple of tablespoons of oil, apply along the entire length of the hair for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off the mixture with cool water, and then wash your hair with shampoo. If you use this mask at least once a week, your hair will become shiny, smooth, easy to comb and style.

Reference! Sesame can also be consumed in its pure form by eating a teaspoon of crushed raw seeds once a day. You can buy them at a store or pharmacy.

Consumer Reviews

There are a huge number of reviews about this cosmetic product on the Internet, most of them are positive, but there are also the opposite.

I use this oil in its pure form on my face, usually moisten a cotton pad with it and wipe the skin. Over the course of several months of constant use, I noticed many changes, the peeling became much less, the redness completely disappeared. Not to say that the effect is incredible, but compared to other products, this is one of the best, in my opinion.

But I didn’t really like this product. A friend recommended it to me as an excellent hair growth stimulator, I did everything as she advised: I rubbed the oil into the roots of my hair, left it for an hour, and then washed it off with shampoo. My hair didn’t grow faster, but I had to wash it almost every day, it was always dirty and greasy.

For me, this oil is one of the main cosmetic products, I make masks with it, massage my body, and sometimes I apply it to my hair, but rarely. The main thing is to choose a good company, you can end up with a diluted product and then the effect from it will be zero.

Sesame seed oil is a universal remedy, which combats a wide range of skin problems. It is important to take into account individual characteristics and apply it correctly.