Peach oil properties and use in cosmetology

A fruit with amazing nutritional qualities is the peach, which supposedly comes from China, where it is considered a symbol of longevity. Juicy fruits are a source for the body of a whole complex of vitamins, organic acids, mineral salts and essential oils. Leaves and flowers are used in folk medicine to prepare decoctions for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and rheumatism.

A light and nutritious oil is obtained from peach kernels by mechanical pressing and filtration. This wonderful product also contains a lot of useful substances, which explains the widespread use of peach oil in medicine, cosmetology, and cooking.

Composition and cosmetic properties of peach kernel oil

  1. Peach oil contains fatty acids (stearic, palmitic, linoleic, etc.), which
    have a direct effect on the integrity and proper functioning of skin cells.
  2. Vitamin A is necessary to maintain the water balance of skin cells. With a lack of this vitamin, the skin loses elasticity, becomes dry, and peeling appears.
  3. Vitamin E promotes better restoration and renewal of skin cells, protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Vitamin C. To keep your skin young and fresh, it needs collagen. It is vitamin C that is responsible for its production. It also helps strengthen blood vessels, speed up healing of the injured surface of the skin, and reduce bruises.
  5. B vitamins prevent premature aging of the skin, protect it from negative external factors, including sunburn, improve complexion and prevent diseases such as dermatitis.
  6. Vitamin P promotes the formation of collagen fibers, like vitamin C, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  7. Peach seed oil also contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. The lack of these elements affects the condition of hair, nails, skin, and bones. Therefore, it is very important to ensure regular intake of these micro- and macroelements into the body.

Peach oil: application in cosmetology

Peach oil is a universal cosmetic product. It is used both as an independent component and in combination with other ingredients.

Peach oil is very useful for the face, especially for dry, aging and prone to inflammation and irritation skin. Regular use of this wonderful product will help restore freshness and firmness to the skin, remove fine wrinkles, reduce various inflammatory processes, improve the color and general condition of the skin. Peach seed oil has a light structure and therefore is quickly and completely absorbed into the skin, saturating it with beneficial vitamins and microelements. Peach oil can replace several cosmetic products at once, since it is suitable for the face, eyelids, and lips. Apply a little oil to cleansed facial skin and the area around the eyes, and gently massage in with your fingertips. You can also add it to your favorite creams, lotions, and use it to make masks.

Peach oil nourishes and softens the skin well. Add citrus essential oil (tangerine, lemon, orange) to it at the rate of 1-2 drops per tablespoon of base and use the resulting product for anti-cellulite massage.

Using peach oil to care for the skin of your lips is also beneficial. Using it in pure form or in a 1:1 ratio with other oils (avocado, wheat, jojoba) will make the skin of the lips soft, elastic, help get rid of dryness and flaking, heal small cracks, make the color brighter and more saturated. You can also add a couple of drops of essential oil, such as rose or lemon balm, to the base composition.

Peach kernel oil is used as an effective makeup remover, which at the same time as a cleanser also has a nourishing and moisturizing effect. Soak a cotton pad with warm water, squeeze out excess liquid, and apply a few drops of peach oil.

The following remedy will help you grow and strengthen your nails at home:

  1. Peach oil – 1 spoon
  1. Wheat germ oil (jojoba, avocado) – 1 spoon
  1. Lavender essential oil (eucalyptus, lemon) – 2 drops

Mix the ingredients and rub the composition into the nail plates. It is recommended to do the procedure twice a day.

If your eyelashes are far from perfect, fall out and grow slowly, peach seed oil will also come in handy. It is enough to apply it regularly using a clean mascara brush (or simply moisten the tip of your finger and run it over your eyelashes). It is convenient to do this procedure in the evening, after removing makeup. Leave the oil on your eyelashes for an hour, then remove any excess to avoid getting into your eyes while you sleep.

A mixture of peach oil and crushed aloe leaves is used as a compress to heal cracked heels. The procedure is done at night, for several days in a row.

Due to its rich composition, peach oil also has an extremely beneficial effect on hair and scalp. Problems that its regular use will help eliminate are brittle, dry, lifeless, slowly growing strands, split ends, and electrified hair.

In order to restore softness to the rough skin of the hands and elbows, it is useful uses of peach oil in the form of a compress once every two days. Recipe:

Apply a mixture of the above components to the skin, wrap it in cling film and insulate it, for example, with a towel. After half an hour, wash the mixture off your skin.

Cosmetology without the use of essential oils is unthinkable, because the beneficial natural substances they contain have always been and are the main assistants to beauty and health. Peach oil is used quite widely in cosmetology, and I suggest getting to know it in more detail.


Peach kernel oil (Oleum Persicorum) is obtained by cold pressing from the kernels of peach kernels. Everyone probably knows the peach fruit: it is spherical and velvety, with a groove on one side, and inside it there is a large wrinkled-grooved bone with pinpoint dimples, where an oblong-shaped bitter nut with the smell of almonds is hidden.

About 400 years ago, the peach was brought to the countries of Central Asia from China, and from here it was gradually spread to countries such as Italy, France, Turkey, Bulgaria, Spain, Hungary, Romania, the USA, Japan, the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, Moldova, Dagestan, the Black Sea coast of the North Caucasus and Crimea. Peaches love the sun and warmth very much, and this wonderful tree lives quite a short time, only 10-15 years.

Peach oil is used quite widely in cosmetology due to its undeniable “skin-revitalizing” properties. What does “skin revitalization” mean? Firstly, it is necessary to note the nutrition of the skin. This is followed by hydration and regeneration.

Peach oil helps prevent dehydration, maintains firmness and elasticity of absolutely all skin types, and smoothes out wrinkles. Separately, I would like to note its benefits for inflamed sensitive skin due to the content of vitamin E, which has an antioxidant effect, vitamin A, which maintains the integrity of skin cells, vitamin B15, which, in turn, has high biological activity.

It should also be noted that this cosmetic oil prevents premature aging of the skin and stimulates metabolic processes. With long-term use, peach oil can strengthen blood vessels and cleanse pores. Since it is not absorbed into the skin very quickly, it is important to note that it is very well suited for massage and does not stretch the skin, because the fingers glide over it perfectly during the massage (residues of oil after the massage can be easily removed with a dry cloth: apply to the face and just get wet). Peach oil makes the skin soft and velvety.

Indications for use:

— suitable for caring for any skin type, and is especially effective for sensitive, inflamed and aging skin;

— smoothes out small facial wrinkles;

— helps restore skin elasticity (I note, especially cellulite);

- helps restore skin elasticity;

- gives the skin a healthy, beautiful color;

- helps in caring for brittle and dry hair;

— used to care for eyelashes and eyebrows;

- used for massage;

— very widely used as a base oil for creating aromatic and cosmetic mixtures with essential oils;

- used (even!) to remove makeup.

Methods of application

In cosmetology, peach oil can be used in its pure form or in various mixtures with other cosmetic oils. It will be perfectly combined in a 1:1 composition with almond oil, jojoba oil, avocado, wheat germ and is perfect for caring for the skin of the face, hands and body.

Peach oil for cleansing facial skin: soak a cotton pad in the oil and clean the skin along the massage lines until the next pad is clean.

Hot oil mask

Soak a damp cotton napkin (soak it in hot water in advance and wring it out thoroughly) with 20-25 drops of peach oil and apply it to the face and neck area for 20-30 minutes, covering it with a terry towel on top. This mask is recommended to maintain firmness and elasticity of the skin, it is recommended to do it 1 or 2 times a month. This mask is ideal for age-related skin changes, and is also effective in reducing the negative effects of all kinds of “artificial” cosmetics on the skin.

For massage Peach oil can be used in its pure form or in combination with essential oils, starting from the proportion of 1-2 drops of essential oil per 1 tablespoon of base peach oil.

As anti-cellulite agent: For 1 tablespoon of peach oil, add 1-2 drops of orange, tangerine or grapefruit essential oil and massage into problem areas.

For eyelid skin care peach oil can be used in pure form or in combination with jojoba or avocado oil daily 1-2 times a day, lubricating the eyelids or making applications for 15-20 minutes for 10-15 days. Using such applications, you will eliminate inflammation of the eyelids and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Peach oil is no less effective for lip care. Just like for eyelid skin care, you can use it either in its pure form or with avocado, jojoba or wheat germ oil (1:1). You can prepare the following composition: 1 tablespoon of peach oil and 1-2 drops of essential oil of lemon balm, rose and lemon - will help restore the freshness, elasticity, firmness, and brightness of your lips.

For strengthening the nail plate take 1 tablespoon of peach oil and mix with jojoba, avocado or wheat germ oil in a 1:1 ratio, add 2-3 drops of lemon, eucalyptus and lavender essential oils and apply, massaging the nail beds 2-3 times a day, also after 15-20 minutes before applying varnish (do not forget to thoroughly rinse off the oil before applying varnish). This procedure promotes rapid growth of nails, making them strong, shiny and transparent.

Peach oil is used quite widely in cosmetology, and its main functions are saturating the skin with vitamins E, A, B15. It moisturizes, nourishes, cleanses, regenerates the skin, helps overcome dehydration, increases elasticity and rejuvenates the skin.

10/13/2015 Elena Beauty and care 6 comments


Hello everyone!
The hero of my post today is cosmetic peach oil. Personally, I think this inexpensive product should be on the shelf in every home! Peach seed oil is used to treat a runny nose, strengthen nails, restore hair after dyeing, lubricate chapped lips and soften cuticles. But first things first - the article is all about cosmetic peach oil, benefits and harms, use in cosmetics for the skin of the face, lips, hair, as well as tips for use.

From the article you will learn:

Cosmetic peach oil benefits and harms

Chinese legend of the peach

[note]Once upon a time, the Chinese Queen of Heaven and fairy goddess Xi-Wan-Mu owned a magical garden on Mount Kunlun. And only once every three thousand years, wonderful fruits ripened in the garden - peaches of immortality. In honor of this event, Si-Wan-Mu organized a grand celebration for all immortal spirits! And those people who managed to taste a piece of the magic fruit became either immortal and learned the truth, or forever young with the ability to fly in the clouds!

This is probably why the Taoist god of longevity Shu Lao was always depicted with a peach in his hands. In Japan and China, the peach tree is considered the Tree of Life. And in some countries, talismans and amulets that protect against evil spirits are still made from peach wood![/note]

History of peach oil


Photo: cosmetic peach oil

Oleum Persicorum is obtained by cold pressing from peach kernels (kernels). Anyone who picked a peach pit as a child knows that inside it hides a soft kernel with a bitter taste and aroma of almonds.

By the way, the birthplace of the peach is not considered to be Persia, but Ancient China. About 400 years ago, the fragrant fruit was brought from the Middle Kingdom to Central Asia, and from there to Turkey, Italy, France, Spain, Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

What is peach oil rich in: chemical composition and properties

Peach oil contains many polyunsaturated fatty acids (for example, stearic, linoleic, oleic and palmitic). And peach seed oil is “packed to the brim” with vitamins A, E, C, P and group B, as well as macro- and microelements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron).

The oil is ideal for caring for aging dry skin, as well as for lips and delicate skin around the eyes. It can also be used for sensitive face types prone to allergies and inflammation. It is also useful for massage (it is absorbed a little at a time and does not stretch the skin) and for restoring dry hair.

Beneficial properties of peach oil for the body

Thanks to its luxurious composition, our oil:

  1. Tightens the skin, making it more elastic, prevents dehydration and smoothes out shallow wrinkles;
  2. Relieves many irritations and inflammations (including peeling) except allergic ones. For this we must say “thank you” to vitamin E (acts as an antioxidant), vitamin A (maintains the integrity of skin cells) and vitamin B15 (has high biological activity);
  3. Accelerates metabolic processes in cells and slows down the aging process;
  4. Improves complexion. The cheeks become pink, and the skin acquires an even matte shade;
  5. Cleanses pores and strengthens blood vessels (with long-term use);
  6. Nourishes, softens, moisturizes and fights dryness;
  7. Treats cracked lips, “jams” in the corners of the mouth and removes “crow’s feet” around the eyes.

By the way, cosmetic peach oil is also used in medicine! For example, when you have a runny nose, you drop it into your nose. Instructions: treat the nose with saline solution and place three drops of oil in each “hole”. You can do this at least several times a day until there is no trace left of your runny nose. Peach oil perfectly moisturizes the nasal mucosa, preventing small capillaries from drying out and bursting.

The use of peach oil in cosmetology

But today I will still focus on the use of peach oil in home cosmetology. Believe me, this inexpensive product can replace dozens of expensive tubes and jars!


Peach oil for eyelashes

Gently distribute the oil along the entire length of the eyelashes using a clean mascara brush or your little finger. Leave it overnight.

  1. eyelash loss stops;
  2. eyelashes become thicker and grow faster.

Lip oil

Here, too, everything is elementary simple. You just need to lubricate chapped, cracked or dry lips (for example, at sea) with the oil. This is much more effective than any expensive lip balm! Base oil can be mixed with jojoba or avocado oil 1:1.

Peach oil for facial skin

Peach seed oil has the lightest texture. Therefore, you can use it in its pure form for the face: against wrinkles, against flaking, for nutrition and moisturizing. This is usually done at night and washed off in the morning with water or tonic.

And just in case, wait half an hour after application so that the oil is absorbed into the skin and does not spoil the pillowcase.

  1. delicate velvety skin with a matte finish;
  2. pigment spots are whitened and pores are narrowed;
  3. the oil “feeds” the skin and smoothes out fine wrinkles;
  4. relieves dryness, peeling and irritation (especially important in windy weather or frost);
  5. protects skin from wind, frost and sun.

By the way, many people use peach oil as a product after depilation and shaving - it perfectly removes all traces of the “surgery” of hair removal. But those with oily skin need to be careful - excess oil can lead to the formation of “blackheads”!

I won't be greedy and will share another recipe with peach oil for the face.

Scrub mask for moody skin

Take 1 tbsp. warm oil and mix with the same volume of almond bran. Immediately apply our scrub mask to damp facial skin and gently massage for a minute. Leave the mixture on your face for about a quarter of an hour and wash off with warm water.

Makeup remover

Peach oil can easily remove even the most “indestructible” makeup!

Firstly, the oil effortlessly dissolves EVERYTHING (including waterproof mascara). Secondly, it does not irritate the eyes upon contact and does not cause swelling. Thirdly, as a “bonus”, the oil nourishes the eyelashes and delicate skin around the eyes.

So, take a clean cotton pad and apply a little oil to it. We press the disc to the eye, hold it for a couple of seconds and gently move it across the eye from the inner corner to the outer one. If necessary, repeat. You shouldn't rub as hard as you can - it can damage your eyelashes and stretch the skin of your eyelids!

To wash off the oil film, soak a clean cotton pad in water and remove any remaining oil from the eyelids and eyelashes.

Oil for nails and cuticles

Peach seed oil perfectly moisturizes cuticles. This is a must have for fans of unedged manicure!

  1. nails stop breaking and peeling;
  2. look stronger and more well-groomed;
  3. the cuticle softens, and hangnails appear much less frequently.

Peach oil for hair

Peach oil is our faithful assistant for the first stage of restoring “dead” hair. After the first use, dry, thin, electrified hair looks shiny, flowing and soft.

Apply the oil to slightly damp hair (from the roots, “smearing” it along the entire length) and leave it under film and “insulation” overnight.

A simpler option is my favorite aroma combing.

  1. hair looks like after lamination - smooth, shiny and “nourished”;
  2. dry hair that has been “killed” by chemicals stops becoming frizzy and electrified;
  3. the problem of dry and split ends is eliminated.

I also really like that peach oil, unlike burdock oil, is very light and non-greasy for hair. It washes off without any problems (sometimes just one wash with shampoo is enough for me).



Peach seed oil does not cause allergies even in newborns! That's why Oleum Persicorum should be on everyone's shelf. Especially for those who suffer all their lives choosing cosmetics for capricious and dry skin.

However, in very rare cases, individual intolerance is possible! But allergies to peach oil are much less common than, for example, to orange or tea tree oil.

What does peach oil go with?

Our oil can be used not only in its pure form, but also in combination with other cosmetic oils in a 1:1 ratio. His best “friends”: jojoba, avocado, almond and wheat germ.

Interesting facts about peach oil

In Tibet, peach oil was recommended to get rid of conjunctivitis! And the famous Avicenna used it to treat inflammation of the middle ear and migraines.

By the way, in Hungary, peaches are called the “fruit of calm”, as they help get rid of anxiety and bad mood.

I hope that I have convinced you how beneficial peach oil is for our beauty, and you will have another permanent product in your cosmetic bag.


I also want to share with you my trip to the planetarium. In general, I love this thing; I went for the first time last winter, when my friends invited me - it was their birthday present to me. I liked it so much that I went there a couple more times and watched almost the entire planetarium program, which I recommend to you too! It's so cool! In general, I’ll probably write a separate post about this, are you interested?

And here are a couple of photos in the planetarium (though the photos are from a phone, but there are)




I look forward to your feedback in the comments! Bye-bye everyone!