Facial massager magnet cosmetics

At the end of May, I bought a strange device at Magnit cosmetics - a wrinkle smoother. You can read about my first meeting with him here. Honestly, I didn’t believe in its effectiveness, but for the purity of the experiment I continued to use it. And, as it turned out, not in vain! Now I’ll tell you how my face changed after 2 months of using this miracle device.

And the device really turned out to be a miracle. No, it certainly won’t smooth out deep wrinkles and creases for you. But overall, I see the effect of it and it makes me happy. The wrinkle smoother perfectly smoothes and tightens the skin and gives an impressive lifting effect with regular use.

The instructions say that the device has the greatest effect around the eyes. It is able to relieve tension and have a lymphatic drainage effect; you need to massage it at special points, they are indicated in the instructions. In addition to smoothing wrinkles, it is also stated: ion therapy, which enhances the penetration of any cream into the lower layers of the skin, improves blood circulation, reduces puffiness and bags under the eyes.

The device fulfilled all its stated promises! It seems to me that serums and creams with it penetrate deeper into the skin and are better absorbed there. I use the device like this: in the evening I apply the cream to the area around the eyes and begin to pull the skin upward, towards the ears. This is how I work through the entire zone. The effect is visible immediately - the skin under the eyes turns red, but at the same time it is evened out and tightened.

Then, with the same stretching movements, I go over the entire face, pulling the skin towards the ears, and finally I work on the contour. The skin is tightened literally before our eyes! You immediately look refreshed. The swelling goes away and my face looks happier in the morning. No swelling or unevenness. The complexion is even, the tone is bright. Of course, most likely it’s all about the massage, but the device itself is very convenient for me personally.

So if you see it on sale, you can safely take it.

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Black mask against blackheads, magnets for weight loss, wrinkle eraser, massager against double chin? Olya Tretyakova honestly wanted to believe in these miracles. But first I decided to check.
When contextual advertising suddenly invites me to try something incredible, I realize that I seem to have been stuck on sites selling miracles for too long. Well, you know what I mean. All those black masks that penetrate the pores all the way to the brain, magnets that help you lose weight, quit smoking and find love, and other magical things found in the Hogwarts attic. Of course, I will now say that I go to such stores solely to laugh at the translations from Chinese to... hmm... I don’t even know what language - what, for example, does “chicken night deer funny gift” mean? But actually no. In fact, I want to believe: what if. What if scientists have finally invented something revolutionary? And everyone is already using them with all their might. And only I sit and laugh at the descriptions.

One day I shared these hopes out loud. On the editorial board. After which I was immediately issued a generous sum for the purchase of miracles - and given the order “not to deny myself anything.” Well, I didn’t refuse.

1. Biomagnets for effective weight loss Nano Slim


They promise: weight loss without changing your usual diet.

How they work: magnets were created with the support of the Center for Obesity Control in the USA and are declared as “modern nanotechnology combined with traditional acupuncture.” In addition, their effect is enhanced by biomagnetic waves. They “trigger hormonal changes by acting on active acupuncture points” and control attacks of “impulsive appetite.” Magnets also “burn fat (!) during the digestion process,” preventing it from being stored “in reserve.”


Olya: “Fat burning with magnets immediately delighted me. What do they have inside there, plutonium. And, by the way, I specifically checked - the center with the name indicated in the description does not exist. But it seems that such trifles are of no interest to anyone except me.

The instructions say that the magnets must be attached to the upper part of the ear. At what exact point is not indicated. I went online to find out where the very place was that I needed to put pressure on to lose weight. Did not find. But I discovered that in this area there are points responsible for the health of the knees, hips, feet, wrists and prostate. I don't mind making everything healthy at once with two small magnets. But what will happen if I begin to constantly influence a point that is personally not responsible for anything in my body - simply because, due to anatomical features, I do not have a prostate.

But try and try! I attached the magnets somewhere between the points of my knee and my wrist and got ready to lose weight. According to the instructions, they need to be worn for 6 hours a day: an hour in the morning, two in the afternoon and three in the evening. But after the first thirty minutes, the ear under the magnets became numb and began to throb painfully. It really wasn’t possible to think about food at such a moment.
But I couldn’t stand it for an hour the first time. When I removed the magnets (it was not easy, they are very tight), my ear was red and then hurt for a long time. So during the day I magnetized them a little to the right, and in the evening - a little to the left. At the same time, I hope, I also treated my wrists. Or feet. I'm not sure.

After a couple of days, at the mere thought of magnets, I didn’t want to live, let alone eat. Even looking at them, I had the feeling that I had turned three hundred years old, and my friends decided to pull me by the ears on this occasion.

Do they work or not? Don't know. I couldn't stand it for three hours at a time. And three weeks later, these infernal things became magnetized to who knows what (I suspect scissors, eyebrow tweezers and a hair clip - and may the Forces of Light bless them all, just in case!) and disappeared in an unknown direction. This is probably why the fat was not burned, hormonal changes did not start (on the other hand, at least the prostate did not grow back - and that’s good!), and the scales at the end of the month did not please me with anything. More precisely, no, I’m lying, they pleased me with two new kilograms. But, since I was actively involved in sports at that time, I decided that it was muscles.”

2. Neckline Slimmer chin trainer


Promises: remove the double chin, tighten the skin on the neck, strengthen the muscles in the affected area.

How it works: the device is equipped with three springs that are inserted into the exercise machine. It is placed between the sternum and chin and exercises are done: tilt and raise the head, open and close the mouth. The workout takes 2 minutes a day. As a result, the muscles and skin on the neck and chin should be tightened. The effect can be enhanced with the help of cream (included in the set). To do this, you need to apply it to the lower part of your face before “training”.

Here's what it looks like:

Olya: “I struggled with a double chin all last year, having done a lot of procedures (I talked about this in detail here, here and here) for a gigantic amount of money, but I never achieved an ideal profile. And here: 280 rubles for a device that is needed for 2 minutes a day - and in a month my double chin will finally leave me?!


The first difficulty I encountered was the design. Despite the detailed instructions and clear icons on the device itself, showing which way to turn what, opening it to change the spring, neither I nor my friends succeeded. I had to work with what I had: that is, with the spring that was inside initially. According to the description, it is the least tight. That is, for beginners.

The second is the lack of information about the composition of the cream from the set. They were supposed to apply it on their chin and neck before training. However, I didn’t dare to get dirty with something unknown from somewhere. I had to train without auxiliary materials.

Does it work or not? If your problem is stretched muscles of the neck and face, then you can probably tone them with exercise. Probably, if you try, you can even rock them, like some Mr. Olympia. But my problem is not the muscles. Damn gravity pulls the skin down, and fat “drains” under the chin. There is no point in fighting it by opening and closing your mouth (I honestly did this for a month!). Unless you try to curse your fat at the same time - well, what if he gets offended by this and leaves on his own?”

3. Mask for blackheads Black Head Pore Strip, Pilaten


Promises: get rid of blackheads, mattify and dry the skin, get rid of acne, regulate sebum secretion.

How it works: penetrates pores and draws out dirt and oil from them. Dries it using bamboo charcoal.

Ingredients: water, polyvinyl alcohol, glycerin, propanediol, propylene glycol, deuterium imidazolidinyl urea, iodopropynyl butyl carbamate.

Olya: “I would write that this is “that same mask - a hit on Instagram,” but there are now tons of “such masks” for sale, and each of them is one and only. The rest, of course, are fakes. So yes, I guess I’ll write it that way. So, in front of you - there is the very mask - a hit on Instagram. This is also the first product that has a composition. Only he is... kind of strange. I didn’t find the bamboo charcoal that was promised in the description on the package in the list of ingredients (or is it encrypted and you know how? Tell me), but I did find deuterium. I’m not very sure that I want to regularly use a mask that contains heavy hydrogen, the effect of which on humans has not yet been agreed upon by scientists. On the other hand, I wouldn’t be surprised if the translation of the composition was carried out by an electronic translator from Chinese and got something wrong.


Do they work or not? I was very afraid that my skin would react with an apocalypse. But nothing terrible happened: the face turned a little red, that’s all. But I didn’t notice any dirt pulled out of the pores, as in the well-known advertisement for the “black mask” (I won’t give a link to it, you’ve seen it a hundred times). The back of the mask was completely smooth after drying. I didn’t see any effect other than skin tightening. True, the mask stuck tightly to my eyebrows and hair. I barely peeled it off. Initially, I decided to go crazy and ordered four masks (all together - 150 rubles!). Now I don’t know what to do with the rest. Maybe use them to remove hair on your legs?”

4. Bust Roller breast massager


Promises: to enlarge and lift the breasts, improve skin tone.

How it works: during the massage, blood flow improves, “the muscles of the mammary gland are strengthened” and the breasts are enlarged (especially, the release says, “in young and middle-aged women”). Just 10 minutes a day and – quote again! - “your breasts will literally become “younger”, filled with vitality and beauty.”

Olya: “I suffered immensely when I found out that when putting together my order, they forgot to include another amazing thing, judging by the description - “plastic forceps that change the shape of the nose,” worth 140 rubles. Can you imagine? Let's say you accidentally broke someone's nose in boxing, and after the fight you hand your opponent this pink thing - like, heal up, dear friend!


But let's get back to the roller.

Does it work or not? I already understood from the description that the thing was fire. The fact is that there are no muscles in the mammary gland that can be strengthened. And there are no muscles at all - just skin and glandular tissue. But underneath them (hello, school anatomy course!) is the pectoral muscle. I don’t really understand how it can be massaged through the gland. Something didn't work out for me.

But perhaps it’s not a matter of anatomy, but the fact that I simply no longer fit into the category of “young woman.” Otherwise, I would have created such breasts for myself in a month, wow!”

5. Exercise machine for strengthening facial muscles


Promises: to prevent the appearance of a double chin, “to remove the “crying face” effect that occurs with age.” As a result, muscles “become 250% stronger and skin tone and firmness increase by 30%.”

How it works: you need to insert the exercise machine into your mouth and try to pronounce the letters “O” and “U” for 2-3 minutes, overcoming resistance. This should strengthen the muscles and tighten the skin.

Olya: “I remember how joyfully I persuaded the photographer to take a picture of me with this thing in my mouth and promised that I would put the photo on display. And then I looked at this photo and realized that I would rather die than show it to you. In addition, I later found this simulator on another site in the sex toys section.

Does it work or not? “Sorry, but I couldn’t make friends with this damn thing. Firstly, it hardly fits into your mouth. Secondly, what do you think about “firstly”? In general, if I need to remove the “crying face effect”, I would rather turn to modern cosmetology. I am 146% sure of this. That is, of course, 250%.”

6. Ionic massager for removing wrinkles Wrinkle Eraser


Promises: remove fine wrinkles and reduce large ones, “strengthen the effect of anti-aging creams by temporarily increasing the permeability of cell membranes,” “neutralize microbes, bacteria and viruses,” accelerate metabolic and regenerative processes in skin cells, increase the synthesis of new collagen by more than a third.

How it works: it's all about negative ions! The less of them in the environment, the more susceptible we are to diseases and the more tired we are. All this also affects the skin - the complexion deteriorates, the skin becomes flabby, and wrinkles appear around the eyes. That’s when this magical crap with the iontophoresis effect comes to the rescue! “Low-frequency galvanic currents gently massage your skin, stimulating blood circulation and enhancing cell nutrition, and pulsed action with automatic polarity change allows you to remove wrinkles as effectively as possible,” the release promises. As a result, regeneration in skin tissues improves, collagen synthesis improves, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Olya: “I’m not trying to offend iontophoresis here - this is an old procedure with proven effectiveness in the field of cosmetology.


Does it work or not? Unfortunately, this little Chinese contraption is only good for holding it to your temple to imitate a revolver. No changes in skin tone and the size and depth of wrinkles were noticed after a month of use. I used it over cream and without any products, but I still have wrinkles. Alas, alas!

General conclusion: “For just 2,000 rubles given to me by the editorial office, I received a whole bag of fascinating crap that delighted me for more than a month. I plan to invest the rest of my editorial money into the same good cause. China has come up with a bunch of other things that I just need to experience for myself. So to be continued!”

Interesting and important material on the topic: “apparatus for smoothing wrinkles magnet cosmetics” with a full description and accessible language.

Cosmetic devices will help restore the youth and beauty of your skin.

After 25-30 years, many representatives of the fair sex begin to seriously wonder how to get rid of wrinkles and restore youth to their skin. And usually the first thing that comes to mind is the use of special anti-aging products. But experts are sure that cosmetics are only half the battle, because much deeper layers of the skin are susceptible to aging than those into which cosmetics can penetrate. Naturally, you shouldn’t give up creams and masks - they maintain skin elasticity, protect it, help maintain water balance, but to achieve truly impressive results, you need anti-aging devices! The large selection of techniques and devices often confuses us, but we will try to help you figure it out and choose an electric facial massager that is effective just for you!

Rejuvenation techniques – smoothing wrinkles, removing swelling and strengthening the oval of the face.

  1. Galvanotherapy – technique of exposure to weak currents of positive and negative polarity. Thanks to galvanic currents, metabolic processes are improved, the production of your own collagen is stimulated, which leads to the smoothing of wrinkles. Galvanic currents increase the absorption of cosmetics; this method can be safely used from the age of 25 to prevent and combat age-related skin changes.
  2. Ultrasonic micromassage – a cosmetic skin lifting technology that is ideal for people aged 30+ years. Ultrasound not only increases blood circulation, but also helps fight swelling, perfectly smooths out fine wrinkles in the eyes, mouth, forehead, strengthens and tones the skin. Ultrasound massage carries cosmetic serums into the deep layers of the skin, greatly increasing their effectiveness.
  3. Mesoporation and electroporation – a safe and painless alternative to injections, these technologies are usually found in intensive rejuvenation combines. Weak currents open channels in the skin that conduct active components of cosmetics to the layers of the dermis. Thanks to these techniques, you can put off going to a cosmetologist and carry out a professional care procedure on your own, the results of which are comparable to mesotherapy!
  4. RF lifting has established itself as a technique that literally turns back time, which will undoubtedly appeal to women over 35 years old. High-frequency radio waves help tighten deformed skin and stimulate the production of young collagen and elastin fibers, which gives a cumulative result. Thanks to RF lifting, you can get amazing results, smooth out deep wrinkles, correct the shape of your face and reduce your double chin.
  5. Microcurrent therapy created for those who have sagging muscles and deformation of the oval of the face. The current effect tones the muscles and walls of blood vessels, preventing the formation of facial wrinkles. Microcurrents are an ideal prevention of muscle sagging, which means maintaining a youthful appearance at the age of 30+.
  6. Myostimulation This is a popular method of correcting muscle age-related changes. Weak pulsed currents effectively tighten sagging muscles, returning cheeks to their place, strengthening the oval of the face and removing a double chin. Myostimulation is a technique for the age category 35-40+; this method is perfectly combined with skin rejuvenation technologies, such as mesoporation and ultrasonic micromassage.

Facial massagers – efficiency and quality!

Our assortment includes devices and multifunctional combines from well-known European manufacturers that excellently cope with their main task - rejuvenation and smoothing of wrinkles. You can choose a Gezatone (France) facial massager, opt for Rio (England) or Slendertone (Ireland) devices. Whatever method or device you decide to buy, you will receive unsurpassed quality, stylish design and amazing effectiveness comparable to salon procedures. Give your skin perhaps the best and most effective devices - and it will respond to you with the radiance of youth and freshness!

Most women begin to experience skin problems by the age of 30. The appearance of the first wrinkles, pigmentation, increased dryness or oiliness - all this causes a lot of problems. Of course, there is a way out of the situation. You can slow down the aging process by undergoing cosmetic procedures. Botox, hyaluronic acid injections, lifts and more. But such manipulations can lead to serious consequences; in fact, this is a violation of the skin. How this or that drug will behave is unknown. In addition, such procedures are quite expensive. And they need to be carried out once every six months. Where is it better to buy a Revoskin massager? Reviews about the device are only positive. Millions of women, having experienced it for themselves, were satisfied. We will find out what the advantages are in the article.

What is a massager for?

Japanese women always look young and well-groomed. And it’s not just about the right food, there are many methods, massages, techniques that have been preserved since ancient times. In the modern world, when there is not much free time, it is important that skin care procedures take a few minutes. The Revoskin massager, which has positive reviews, gives excellent results for facial skin.

It was developed by Japanese scientists. The main highlight is its operating frequency (about 6000 vibrations per minute). This allows for a deep massage. The skin of the face becomes elastic, elastic, facial wrinkles are smoothed out.

In addition, the device does not have a negative effect. Everything is as natural as possible. A vibrating facial massager is the key to beautiful, well-groomed skin. Just a few minutes a day can slow down the aging process that every woman dreads.

Studying the appearance

The Japanese facial massager "Revoskin" has an interesting design. Outwardly, it resembles a razor. The dimensions are small, length about 14 centimeters. This allows a woman to easily carry it in her purse or take it on a business trip or travel.

The color scheme is dim. The orange tint of the device is diluted by the golden tip. The massager runs on several batteries that are included. They are hidden in a case made of waterproof material.

The tip is interspersed with gold of the highest standard. When the device starts working, precious metal ions have a special healing effect. The weight of the device is small, about 80 grams. The massager fits perfectly in your hand. It is a pleasure to work with him and perform cosmetic procedures.

The Revoskin device does not require special knowledge or skills. Any woman can use it correctly; just read the instructions carefully.

What does the device affect?

It is worth noting that a vibrating facial massager directly affects different areas of the skin:

  1. Ions, which are negatively charged, ensure the normalization of fat secretions. In addition, the process of microcirculation occurs. Cells are enriched with oxygen, proper blood circulation is restored. The skin of the face acquires a pleasant shade, oily shine, puffiness, and bags under the eyes go away. In order for the effect to be more noticeable, the developers of this device advise monitoring your water balance and nutrition. Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Food should be rich in vitamins and essential microelements.
  2. The Revoskin massager, reviews of which never cease to please, has a slight vibration that is practically not felt, but has a wonderful effect on the skin. The circulatory system begins to work faster, due to this the cells are enriched with oxygen, and they are restored. Small expression wrinkles are completely smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic. Pigment spots that appear with age also disappear.

With this device you can achieve excellent results that will be noticeable not only to you, but also to those around you.

What effect will be achieved?

Speaking of a facial massager, many are perplexed as to how an ordinary device that works silently and does not perform any special visible actions can affect the skin? The secret lies in its mechanism, which scientists have been working on for many years. Japanese "Revoskin" affects the skin with the help of vibrations and ions that release energy. Thereby:

  1. the skin aging process slows down;
  2. metabolism and blood circulation are normalized, fine wrinkles and acne disappear;
  3. the skin becomes elastic;
  4. the vascular network disappears;
  5. pigment spots are removed.

Revoskin anti-wrinkle facial massagers are suitable for absolutely all skin types. Recently, men take care of themselves no less than women, so the device may appear among their skin care products. You should not wait for the effect after the first procedure; the result will be noticeable after some time. To do this, massage must be performed regularly. It is also recommended to use special face creams.

We study the strengths of the device

The Japanese facial massager is popular among middle-aged women. The demand for the device is huge, and this is not without reason. Among its strengths are:

  1. Compact, light weight.
  2. Interesting design.
  3. Powered by batteries, no connection to the mains.
  4. Easy to use.
  5. The effect is noticeable after a month.

All these advantages indicate the need to purchase the device.

Are there any contraindications

Many people, when buying a massager, are interested in whether it has any contraindications. Of course they exist. You cannot use:

  1. Children and persons under 16 years of age. This is explained by the fact that in a young body all processes are streamlined. And there is no question of the appearance of wrinkles or pigmentation. At this age, you need to enjoy what nature gives and not interfere with natural processes.
  2. People suffering from furunculosis. If there are open wounds or ulcers on your face, you should forget about the device so as not to aggravate the skin condition.
  3. Pregnant women. Doctors advise expectant mothers to use the device with caution. It is better to use creams, and after giving birth, do a facial massage.
  4. People with hypertension. Due to the small vibrations of the device, blood flow increases, which can cause an increase in blood pressure.

Before purchasing an ionic vibrating massager, it is better to consult a therapist and dermatologist.

How to use the massager

When purchasing a device, you want to get a good result. This can be achieved if you do the procedures daily. It is better to divide them into courses, for example, 2 months of using the device, then a short break. The session can last up to 10 minutes. It is better to do the exercises several times a day. Ideally - morning and evening. With this scheme, the result will be noticeable within a couple of weeks. And after a month, the skin will take on a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Anti-wrinkle facial massagers are absolutely harmless, so you can use them constantly. To achieve better results, before the procedure you need to wash your face with warm water, then moisturize the skin with lotion or cream. You need to work with the most problematic areas: forehead, nasolabial folds, area around the eyes.

In addition, you can massage the abdomen, décolleté, and neck. After the procedures, the device must be turned off and be sure to wipe with medical alcohol or soapy water.

Where can I buy the device?

The Revoskin Gold massager is quite popular in Russia. It is often displayed in large supermarkets and entertainment venues. In addition, you immediately have the opportunity to try the device on yourself and then purchase it. But the developers assure that the price of the massager in this case will be high, since you have to pay the cost of rent and the work of a sales consultant.

To buy a massager at an affordable price, it is better to contact suppliers through the official website. In this case, the cost of the goods will be about 3500-4000 rubles.

Ordering through online stores is quite dangerous. You can get a fake, but such a device will have no effect. So, what should you pay attention to when purchasing?

  1. The color of the device is orange, there is a golden edging.
  2. Outwardly it resembles a razor.
  3. Operates only on batteries.
  4. When the device is turned on, there should be no sharp sounds or unpleasant odor.
  5. Product weight – no more than 80 grams.

If you cannot place an order through the official website, it is better to purchase a massager at a pharmacy and ask for a quality certificate for the product.

Customer Reviews

Each of us tries to look as young as possible; no one wants to grow old. Often the skin of the face reveals one's true age. The Revoskin massager will help prolong youth. Reviews about the device are only positive. The main thing is a noticeable effect. The skin becomes elastic, a pleasant complexion appears, wrinkles and pigmentation disappear. Achieving results is quite simple; just use the device regularly for a few minutes a day.

The device also helps boys and girls with acne and acne well. Now you don’t need to visit a cosmetologist or undergo expensive procedures. The massager will make your facial skin smooth, restore blood circulation and cell regeneration. Buyers also highlight the following advantages of the device:

  1. Compact. Fits well in a woman's handbag.
  2. Has an interesting design.
  3. The operating principle is quite simple.
  4. Affordable price.
  5. The case is made of waterproof material.

All these advantages indicate the reliability and efficiency of this device.

Are there any downsides?

Among the negative aspects, we can note the high probability of purchasing a fake. It is very difficult to buy an original product. Hence the negative reviews, saying there is no effect, and stuff like that. Many cosmetologists use the device during procedures, its effectiveness has been proven, all that remains is to purchase an original product.

But this point can be avoided if you place an order on the official website.

The Revoxin massager is very popular. It is universal, suitable for both women and men. The principle of operation is quite simple, just turn on the device and start massaging problem areas of the skin. The effect will be noticeable within a month.