Bags under the eyes after hyaluronic acid

In general, skin restoration with hyaluronic acid preparations is easily tolerated. That is why the procedure has become one of the most popular rejuvenation methods. Side effects and serious complications from it are also extremely rare. But quite severe swelling of the eyes after biorevitalization appears in every second patient, even if it was performed non-injection. Experts told us why this happens and how to deal with this unwanted phenomenon.

What is edema

As a matter of fact, swelling on the face can appear without any anti-aging procedures. At least once in their life, everyone woke up with bags under their eyes and very rounded cheekbones. Usually by the middle of the day everything goes away, and the oval of the face becomes clear again.

Edema is a subcutaneous accumulation of fluid. Or rather, lymph, which performs several important functions in the body. Normally, it flows through its vascular system, supplies certain nutrients to cells, protects tissues from pathogenic microorganisms and takes away metabolic products.

But there are situations when, for some external or internal reasons, more lymph is produced. Or its normal circulation is disrupted. Then subcutaneous swelling appears, which is called edema.

Biorevitalization procedure

The meaning of biorevitalization comes down to “revitalizing” the skin with preparations based on hyaluronic acid. It is even included in the very name of the procedure. But to achieve the desired result, you need to help the molecules overcome the hydrolipid barrier. Because of their size, they cannot do this on their own, which is why masks and creams with hyaluronic acid give such a short-lived effect.

Therefore, specially developed drugs are injected under the skin with a thin needle or “pushed” using hardware procedures (laser, ultrasound or microcurrents).

Once at its destination, the hyaluronic acid begins to attract water molecules, which it subsequently releases little by little to the cells. This achieves the effect of deep and long-lasting skin hydration.

In addition, as a result of the procedure:

  1. improves complexion;
  2. immunity increases;
  3. subcutaneous blood circulation increases;
  4. capillaries are strengthened;
  5. collagen production accelerates;
  6. cell regeneration is activated.

These positive changes lead to the smoothing of fine wrinkles, restoration of soft tissue volume, increased skin turgor, and the disappearance of shallow pigmentation and acne marks.

Causes of edema

Of course, swelling occurs for a reason. And they can be external or internal. And sometimes both work simultaneously, and then the swelling is so strong that the eyes become like narrow slits or large zygomatic swelling appears.

The sooner the causes of such pathological swelling are identified, the easier it is to get rid of it.


There are usually only two external reasons: the unprofessionalism of the cosmetologist or the carelessness of the patient himself, who did not listen to his recommendations. Medical errors include the following:

  1. ignoring existing contraindications - this happens rarely, since no one wants to take risks;
  2. drug overdose - this happens more often, especially if the doctor has little experience or the doctor uses a new drug;
  3. incorrect administration - injections must be done to a certain depth so that the hyaluronic acid reaches the desired areas;
  4. uneven distribution of the drug - happens when the density of injections is not the same.

In case of an overdose, the swelling can be very severe and may not go away for up to two weeks. And then, most likely, you will have to inject a splitting substance - hyaluronidase. It will quickly solve the problem, but the result of the procedure will be almost completely eliminated.


Also, severe swelling under the eyes and not only can be caused after the procedure by the individual characteristics of the body. Most often they are caused by:

  1. tendency to allergies - then they are accompanied by redness, rashes, itching, etc.;
  2. kidney problems - they can make themselves felt after the procedure;
  3. alcohol abuse – if alcohol was taken regularly, it will take more than a day to eliminate it and you will have to stop drinking at least a week before the procedure.

In these cases, dealing with swelling will be especially difficult. But, nevertheless, if you wish, you can still get rid of them in a couple of days.

An experienced doctor can determine in advance the patient’s tendency to swelling, and then he uses gentle biorevitalization methods. For example, linear, in which one puncture is made with a long needle, and then the drug is gradually released as it is withdrawn. This is especially effective in correcting facial wrinkles.

How to get rid

There are several ways to easily remove bags and swelling under the eyes after biorevitalization. But not all of them are harmless, and some have a negative impact on the results of the procedure. Therefore, when choosing a product, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.


The easiest way is to use pharmaceutical drugs. The most popular method among people is to take a diuretic. And the most useless in this case. Moreover, this option is completely unacceptable, as it provokes dehydration. And the task of hyaluronic acid is diametrically opposite. Therefore, it is better to forget about such tablets. Moreover, they wash calcium out of the body and disrupt the electrolyte balance.

Gels and ointments are safe and effective:

Name Properties
Heparin Inexpensive, but very effective, time-tested remedy. Kills pathogenic microflora, relieves inflammation, relieves swelling and pain. Doesn't irritate the skin at all.
"Dexpanthenol" Especially useful if there is irritation or redness from injections. It quickly removes swelling, but is not suitable for very sensitive skin, which can cause allergies.
"Traumel" A plant-based drug that contains about ten different extracts of medicinal herbs. It gives quick and excellent results, but its significant drawback is the high price.
"Troxevasin" The active ingredient is troxerutin. Strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, restores normal blood flow, and perfectly relieves inflammation. The ointment is hypoallergenic.
"Girundin" A drug created on the basis of an extract from leeches, capable of slightly thinning the blood and accelerating lymph flow. It quickly relieves redness and swelling, but it is better to use it at least on the third day after the injections, so as not to reduce their effectiveness.

Remember that if your face is swollen after biorevitalization, applying warming ointments, especially under the eyes (Finalgon, Nicoflex, Betanicomelon), is strictly prohibited.

Folk remedies

But often patients prefer to use folk remedies. And this is also a good option. Moreover, many of them are simple, effective, and cost mere pennies:

  1. Ice. Just not from running water, which can contain various infections! Tea, decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, etc.), non-carbonated mineral water or, in extreme cases, boiled water are suitable. You can wipe the swelling with ice cubes up to 5-6 times a day. But you can’t keep it in front of your eyes!
  2. Lotions. The simplest option is tea bags. It can be anything, but natural, without pieces of fruit and any chemical additives. The tea leaves can be used for their intended purpose, and the cooled tea bags can be placed on closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes. The result will please you.
  3. Potato. Or rather, potato juice. But the laziest ones may not prepare it, but simply put two freshly cut potato rounds over their eyes. But if you don’t have time to lie with them, you can squeeze out the juice and wipe your face with it 2-3 times a day.

It is also advisable to monitor your diet. It cannot contain a lot of salt, too spicy dishes, large amounts of meat and fish.

The total volume of liquid consumed is from 1.5 to 2.5 liters. It should not be small, since hyaluronic acid requires water, but not too much, so as not to overload the kidneys.

Massage and treatments


But this method of combating swelling after biorevitalization is categorically not recommended. It will, of course, give results, and quite quickly. But it is not in vain that these types of effects are included in the list of what should not be done after the procedure.

Any stimulation of blood flow (and with it lymph flow) leads to the fact that hyaluronic acid injected under the skin is distributed more quickly throughout the body and is more quickly absorbed. Massage and electrical procedures within two weeks after biorevitalization will shorten their duration from several months to 4-6 weeks. And, given the considerable cost of injections, this is bad news.


Some puffiness and swelling of the face always remains after biorevitalization, even after a non-invasive procedure. This is caused by the fact that hyaluronic acid attracts water and needs time to be evenly distributed under the skin. But normally, such swelling lasts up to two days, and then goes away on its own.

In order not to provoke severe and/or prolonged swelling, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. do not touch your face with your hands unnecessarily after the procedure;
  2. do not use decorative cosmetics;
  3. do not wash your face with hot water or take baths;
  4. do not visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium;
  5. do not sunbathe or stay in hot places;
  6. do not engage in active sports.

Although theoretically you can drink alcoholic beverages just a few days after the procedure, cosmetologists recommend extending this ban for at least two weeks. Otherwise, swelling that has already disappeared may reappear.

Summing up

According to patient reviews, after injection biorevitalization the face will swell in any case, even if the procedure is performed by a top-class specialist. For examples of moderate and pathological edema, look at photos posted on the Internet to understand when to worry.

If the swelling is small, there is no pain or severe redness, it is not necessary to use ointments. It is quite possible to get by with folk remedies or wait until everything resolves naturally. When swelling cannot be resolved for more than a week, or is accompanied by fever, itching and other unpleasant symptoms, it is better to consult with specialists. It is possible that the wounds are infected and require medical attention.

Sometimes patients are upset by bags and swelling under the eyes after biorevitalization, which can arise for a number of reasons related to the characteristics of the body or a violation of the technology of the procedure.

Injections of hyaluronic acid have become very popular lately, because they allow you to get rid of a whole list of imperfections and age-related changes in the face, neck and décolleté area. Many women note a fairly high level of effectiveness of this procedure.

How does biorevitalization work?

The principle of classical biorevitalization is to carry out a course of injections, through which the hyaluronic acid preparation penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. By using this technique, a rapid rejuvenation effect is achieved - both fine and deeper wrinkles are smoothed out, the complexion improves and evens out, the skin remains moisturized and elastic for a long time.

Unpleasant manifestations after facial biorevitalization such as bruises, bags and swelling under the eyes can occur for several reasons:

  1. negligence of the cosmetologist or the patient (when collecting an anamnesis, all the characteristics of the body and contraindications to the procedure were not taken into account);
  2. violation of the technology of the procedure (lack of experience and qualifications of the cosmetologist, accidental errors);
  3. the use of low-quality, expired or inappropriate medications for the individual characteristics of the patient (inappropriate filler can provoke an allergic reaction).

Important! In people with sensitive skin that tends to react to any kind of mechanical influence, side effects occur much more often. To reduce unpleasant phenomena in such cases, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all doctor’s instructions; it is recommended to avoid sudden changes in temperature, drinking alcohol, and excessively spicy and salty foods.

Side effects from biorevitalization

The most common side effect is bags under the eyes after biorevitalization. Often the body reacts to the procedure in this way for three reasons. The first of them is the accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the injection areas. The second is the response of sensitive skin to multiple punctures and microtraumas. The third is an allergy to one of the components of the drug.

Natural swelling after biorevitalization disappears on average in 3-4 days, this is the time needed to restore damaged skin cells.

It is also worth noting that the area around the eyes is much more susceptible to various types of mechanical influences, so many experts do not recommend touching these areas during rejuvenation procedures. However, if the client needs to have injections on the eyelids or under the eyes, the doctor must warn about the possible consequences.

In the photo, swelling around the eyes after biorevitalization looks unattractive, but in the vast majority of cases they do not indicate health problems and, if the patient follows the advice of a cosmetologist, they disappear quickly, without leaving any traces.

Sometimes women notice a slightly swollen face for several days after the procedure. As a rule, such a manifestation is also a natural reaction of the body to injections. However, if the injections have caused the entire face to swell and the negative effect does not decrease, this may indicate an allergic reaction to the treatment methods or the biorevitalization drug. In such a situation, you need to seek advice from the cosmetologist who performed the therapy, and during the examination, describe in detail all the nuances regarding your health and well-being.

Often questions about the safety and aesthetics of the procedure arise from patients who have discovered bruises, swelling or swelling of a separate area of ​​the skin, papules (small lumps at the puncture sites) from the use of an innovative rejuvenation method.

Considering the large number of individual characteristics, it is worth saying that all these manifestations are within the normal range if they last no more than 3-4 days. During this period of time, damaged cells are restored, and the body gets used to the hyaluronic acid drug introduced into the dermis and the concentration of fluid in the areas of its distribution. But, if side effects remain, discomfort, itching and pain intensify, you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary measures to eliminate all negative consequences.

Attention! After injections, do not touch damaged skin with your hands to avoid infection and complications. Under no circumstances should you try to reduce or remove side effects yourself with the help of massage, creams and other medicinal or cosmetic products. Any chemical or mechanical effect on the skin during the rehabilitation period must be agreed with a specialist.

Why does swelling occur?

As already mentioned, swelling after biorevitalization is a natural reaction of the body to the following factors:

  1. Concealment by the patient of information about contraindications or a tendency to allergic reactions;
  2. negligence and inattention of the doctor when collecting personal information about the patient;
  3. use of low-quality filler or containing allergens;
  4. failure to comply with sanitary standards and hygiene rules during the procedure;
  5. insufficient cleansing of the face from drug residues or its penetration into the surface layers of the skin.

In most cases, bags under the eyes are formed due to an excessive amount of injected hyaluronic acid, which in turn causes a large accumulation of fluid in the injection areas.

How to remove facial swelling and bags under the eyes?

If a patient has undergone facial rejuvenation using the biorevitalization method, and after some time she discovers swelling, bruises or bags under her eyes, what should she do? There are two options for the development of events. The first is to simply wait a few days until the side effects go away on their own. The second is to seek help from a cosmetologist.

Control methods at home

Cosmetologists do not offer effective methods regarding how to remove bags under the eyes after biorevitalization on your own. First of all, experts recommend temporarily reducing daily fluid intake to reduce the level of moisture attracted by hyaluronic acid. In some cases, washing with water with the addition of decoctions of antiseptic herbs or taking homeopathic remedies helps.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to massage, cool, cover the skin with creams or try to mask swelling with tinting compounds.

Doctor's help

If swelling under the eyes after biorevitalization does not go away for a long time, what should you do in this case?

There is only one answer - immediately seek help from a cosmetologist. The doctor will prescribe suitable medications or cosmetics to relieve symptoms. If an allergic reaction is detected, he will administer a drug that promotes the breakdown of hyaluronic acid and its removal from the body naturally, and will give the necessary recommendations for care.

A cosmetologist will tell you more about swelling after biorevitalization:

Biorevitalization is a popular procedure that is aimed at eliminating shallow wrinkles by saturating the skin with hyaluronic acid. Side effects occur infrequently, but they cannot be completely excluded. The most common adverse reaction is swelling.

What is biorevitalization

After the age of 25, regeneration processes in the body are noticeably inhibited - this concerns the synthesis of elastin, collagen, and the processes of production of hyaluronic acid. A decrease in the amount of these substances in the skin negatively affects its condition and is the main cause of dryness, the appearance of wrinkles, folds, gravitational sagging, and the development of atonic skin. If you start injections with hyaluronic acid preparations in a timely manner, the dermis can be restored much faster, as well as rejuvenation processes can be activated.


For biorevitalization in the eye area, crossed or cross-linked HA can be used.

The active substance used in anti-aging cocktails is not absorbed into cells in a short time, but is retained. One molecule of CG is capable of attracting about 500 molecules of moisture - this results in a fairly large water reserve. The skin is moisturized, its water balance is normalized, the volume deficit of soft tissues increases, and deep and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. The procedure is effective at almost any age - both at 30 and after 45. It is especially indicated in cases where it is necessary to strengthen the frame and activate zonal metabolism.

Possible side effects after the procedure

As a rule, biorevitalization is well tolerated. Side effects in the form of bruises and swelling appear for the following reasons:

  1. The cosmetologist did not take into account individual contraindications.
  2. The scheme for introducing the drug under the skin was implemented incorrectly.
  3. The wrong filler was used (there are many products on the market, they all have a specific list of indications and contraindications).


To minimize the risks of anti-beauty manifestations, carefully approach the issue of choosing a specialist, find out everything about his experience and availability of training certificates. If you know about your individual tendency to allergic reactions, it would be better to take allergy tests for sensitivity to certain substances. Before administering the drug, ask your cosmetologist to show you the packaging - it must be new, packaged, and contain basic certificates of conformity.


Why does swelling occur under the eyes and how often?

Bags under the eyes after injections are not uncommon. This area is very delicate, so many cosmetologists do not recommend touching it at all, so as not to encounter such negative manifestations as bruises and swelling. But still, if you decide to lose at least 10 years, you definitely need to treat the area under your eyes separately. Normally, swelling should go away within 3-4 days without special treatment or other measures. If you don’t want to go out in this state, plan the procedure before weekends, holidays, or take a mini-sick leave. You should consult a doctor with swelling after injections if the effects do not go away within one week or more. A specialist will conduct an inspection, be able to accurately determine the causes of the problem and eliminate them.

Seek professional help as soon as possible if the bags are large, uncomfortable, uneven, or appear to be an allergic reaction.

To evaluate the results of the procedure, take before and after photos. After – this is both on the day of injections and a week later. This way you will get the most accurate idea of ​​whether biorevitalization helped you or not, as well as how quickly the swelling went away.

Is it possible to avoid swelling?

Hyaluronic correction of the eyelid area is in high demand, since the skin around the eyes and the adjacent area first of all begins to suffer from active facial expressions, bad habits, and age-related changes. Swelling occurs quite often, but is small - this is explained by the characteristics of the skin in this area. Their occurrence cannot be completely avoided, since individual reactions are difficult to predict. To minimize risks, follow the rules for caring for the treated area after the procedure, temporarily avoid visiting saunas, steam baths, solariums, and swimming pools. Do not apply any decorative or care cosmetics to the skin in the treatment area.

How quickly they pass

Normally, bruises after injections are small and disappear within a few days. It’s time to start sounding the alarm if they persist for a week or more. Therefore, if you underwent the procedure yesterday, and today you saw a reflection in the mirror that does not please you, do not rush to get upset - perhaps the problem will go away on its own and quickly enough. You will find interesting information about the causes of swelling after the procedure in this video.

The cosmetologist says that such manifestations are the norm, the question is the severity of the symptoms and its duration.

Post-procedure care to relieve swelling

Follow the rules of post-procedure care for the delicate skin of the eyelids - this will help prevent the occurrence of unwanted reactions and quickly get rid of those that have already made themselves felt. Absolutely forbidden:

  1. mask swelling and bruises using decorative cosmetics;
  2. cool the injection sites with ice and expose them to other low-temperature influences;
  3. knead, massage, touch the skin of the eyelids with your hands (including without pressure);
  4. use skincare cosmetics (there is already enough moisture in the epidermis, and you can easily get extra swelling this way).

It is also very advisable not to drink at night and generally reduce the amount of liquid consumed.

To alleviate the condition after beauty injections and speed up recovery, you can use special homeopathic preparations. This:

  1. Arnica is a domestic remedy containing arnica, chestnut, mumiyo, plantain and so on. Apply the gel to the skin twice a day without rubbing. An excellent remedy for swelling.
  2. Lymphomyosot is a natural drug, used in courses. Treatment time is 10 days, 15 drops of solution three times a day. Please note that the drug has contraindications, and the formula may cause allergic reactions.

If swelling does not go away and, moreover, intensifies, be sure to consult a specialist. He will be able to determine the cause of the symptom and, if necessary, administer a drug to break down and remove hyaluronic acid. This method reduces the effectiveness of the procedure, but is the only solution if the problem is intolerance to the active components of the cocktail. Additionally, your doctor will recommend special care and/or treatment for you.

Swelling after biorevitalization in the eyelid area is a fairly common occurrence, which normally goes away within 3-4 days. Eliminate the risk of developing an allergic reaction; consult a doctor if the symptom does not go away within a week or more. To avoid increasing the risk of complications, strictly follow the rules of post-procedure care.