Methylparaben propylparaben what is it

Good afternoon friends! Anyone who uses cosmetics understands perfectly well that their long shelf life requires the presence of preservatives (parabens). Otherwise, pathogenic microorganisms, mold, and various bacteria multiply, and no self-respecting cosmetic brand can allow this. We have to resort to the use of certain parabens, since similar preservatives have not yet been invented today. Let's find out what parabens are in cosmetics and how they can harm us?

Parabens - what are they?

Parabens are a number of chemical components used in the cosmetics industry, medical preparations, and less commonly in the food industry. They have antibacterial and antifungal properties and are important for extending the shelf life of various products that require preservatives. In scientific terms, parabens are a series of esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid. This acid can be found in natural components, and parabens are exclusively chemical derivatives. Any cosmetic product contains a water base and various herbal additives in the form of oils, esters, and extracts. Their long-term storage after opening the package exposes the product to the rapid proliferation of bacteria, as a result of which it becomes unusable. In order for the products to have the proper appearance and retain their declared properties for a long time, parabens are added to them in order to prevent the growth of bacteria. Otherwise, their absence would have a detrimental effect on the condition of our skin, nails and hair. One thing is for sure, they are not toxic, but their negative side has not yet been fully identified, which is probably why there is a skeptical attitude towards them.

How to determine the presence of parabens in cosmetic products

This couldn't be easier; just look at the ingredients listed on the label of your products. Some components of cosmetic products are designated on the labels by the letter E with a specific digital value. For example: E214-ethylparaben, E216-propylparaben, E218-methylparaben, butylparaben, benzylparaben, isopropylparaben, isobutylparaben.

It is necessary to understand that it is impossible to detect all preservatives in one product at once. Which one is used depends on what the product is intended for. The lowest percentage of parabens is found in decorative cosmetics. The greatest difference is between products with oily and liquid textures. You may be surprised, but the presence of parabens is in all of these products:

  1. In shampoos, hair styling products
  2. In shower gels
  3. Men's cosmetics. Aftershave, foams, gels
  4. Various creams
  5. Liquid soap
  6. Toothpastes
  7. Eau de toilette, perfume
  8. Children's cosmetics
  9. Decorative cosmetics
  10. Medicinal products

The presence of parabens has been noticed not only in our cosmetics industry; countries in Europe, Asia and America similarly use them in their cosmetic products.

Positive aspects of parabens

Despite all the controversy about their dangers, they are currently among the most effective preservatives.

  1. Their use significantly increases the shelf life of cosmetics, medicines and food products while maintaining all useful qualities and appearance.
  2. More often, preservatives do not provoke allergic outbreaks and are calmly accepted by the body.
  3. Due to the low price of the preservative, the final product has an affordable price with high quality products.

Harm or benefit of parabens in cosmetics, their effect on the body

Many researchers ask this question, but, unfortunately, it is not possible to get a concrete answer. Why are parabens dangerous in cosmetics? There is an assumption that they tend to accumulate in the body, negatively affecting hormonal levels, and can lead to serious diseases. It's all about preservatives, similar to the female hormone estrogen. And excess estrogen negatively affects some people, especially women during pregnancy. A high level of estrogen can provoke disturbances in the development of the fetus and disruptions in further reproductive activity.

With a large accumulation of preservatives in the body, the risk of breast, uterine and testicular cancer in men increases.

Paraben preservatives have the ability to increase the negative effects of the sun. They affect DNA molecules, causing the skin to age too quickly. As a result of applying care products, the opposite effect is obtained.

Allergic reactions to them are rare, but no one completely excludes them. Therefore, although in isolated cases, there is a possibility of occurrence.

A high proportion of guilt regarding their presence and harm to health relates to deodorants. This mistrust of them was caused by a number of studies in which traces of parabens were identified in the analysis of breast cancer tumors. The cause of preservatives entering the body was supposedly deodorants. Later, a refutation immediately arises: the composition of deodorants does not contain a preservative, therefore, does not require parabens. As they say: “How many people, so many opinions.” Some really refute the harm of parabens, others are persistently confident in their negative impact, and are looking for an alternative to them.

Alternative to synthetic parabens

Cosmetic manufacturers have long been looking for a replacement for synthetic parabens. But unfortunately their attempts do not produce positive results.

Even the composition of decorative cosmetics includes parabens; at the moment this is the only effective remedy that can prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and is suitable in all respects. It is especially beneficial to use from the point of view of price interests.

Any cosmetics, one way or another, require preservatives. Whether they are natural or synthetic depends on the manufacturer. Nature has not deprived us and has offered several alternative natural preservatives, for example: extract from grapefruit seeds, birch leaves, pine bark, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, propolis and seaweed, fatty alcohol or alcohol. The most common is grapefruit extract, but its downside is its high cost, and naturally affects the high price of the final product. There is also a possibility of individual intolerance, which sometimes provokes allergic reactions. And no matter how much we praise natural preservatives, they also have their negative sides. In addition to allergic reactions, the skin can react negatively to essential oils or alcohol components, causing excessive dryness and causing a deterioration in its appearance.

Considering parabens, in this case they are suitable even for people with sensitive skin, and have very rarely been seen to cause negative reactions.

If natural preservatives are used in cosmetics, their shelf life does not exceed two or three weeks, exclusively in the refrigerator.

The high popularity of using parabens is explained by their low cost and effectiveness. At least this is a better option than previously used for these purposes, even more harmful formaldehyde preservatives. Evidence of this is science, which does not stand still, and there is a possibility of the invention of more advanced and safe preservatives.

Children's cosmetics - the danger of parabens

Unfortunately, children's cosmetics are no exception to the rule regarding paraben content. The preservatives used in the products affect the hormonal system of children. The use of creams with parabens negatively affects the health of boys, testosterone levels decrease. Children's bodies are more susceptible to the effects of carcinogens due to their low body weight. Because of this, you should be doubly careful when choosing children's products in order to protect your baby from exposure to harmful additives.

Are there cosmetics without parabens?

Numerous controversies and speculations surrounding the effects of parabens on the body prompted cosmetics manufacturers to find a way out of this situation. As a result, cosmetic products labeled “free-paraben” began to appear on store shelves like mushrooms. This inscription says that the product does not contain parabens. Can this be trusted?

After some thought, the producers cunningly resolved the situation. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. All they had to do was replace the names of these parabens with others, and as a result, everything remained in its place. For example, they replaced methylparaben with methyl paraoxybenzoate, ethylparaben-ethyl paraoxybenzoate, etc. These are the transformations with the disappearance of parabens. After all, in fact, the shelf life of the products has not changed, therefore, the composition of preservatives remains the same. And since no other analogues have yet been invented, pay careful attention to the composition of the labels of the products you purchase.

Is there a way out in organic cosmetics?

Horrible horror stories about the dangers of these preservatives force many women to switch to organic cosmetics, with the hope of purchasing gentle products. But this is another self-deception. Any cosmetics with a shelf life exceeding three weeks indicate that they contain parabens. In the case of organic cosmetics, the percentage of parabens is significantly reduced. Manufacturing companies simply cannot afford to use only natural preservatives; this significantly affects the high cost of ingredients, and accordingly production becomes unprofitable.

Be careful when buying organic cosmetics. Pay attention to its shelf life. You need to understand that the minimal inclusion of parabens in cosmetics reduces its shelf life.

In European countries, paraben standards are strictly defined and reduced to the lowest possible levels of 0.4% - when one preservative is included and 0.8% when several are included.

Nowadays, the production of cosmetics is simply impossible without the use of preservatives. To completely eliminate them from products, it is necessary to radically change the production system, and only some companies are capable of this. But there is a high probability of such changes in the future, since the demand for safe cosmetics is growing every year.

Manufacturers of cosmetics claim that the low percentage of parabens does not cause any harm to the human body. Whether you trust such statements is up to you. After all, any business implies high income with the smallest share of costs.

How to protect yourself from parabens

To at least slightly reduce your contact with parabens, follow the minimum rules:

  1. To ensure that the products you use are safe, use homemade cosmetics whenever possible. So you will probably know the composition of a cream or face mask, especially since natural cosmetics are becoming more popular. And as natural preservatives, it’s easy to choose the one that suits your preferences and skin type, since there is a large list of them, for every taste.
  2. In summer, at high temperatures, it is better to avoid applying products with parabens to avoid interaction with the sun's rays, thus protecting your skin from premature aging.

One way or another, it is very difficult to completely avoid the use of parabens, since they are present in many of the products we consume. But research continues and there is hope that in the near future we will be able to be completely confident in the safety of the products we use.

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For many years, there has been debate about how harmful paraben, which is found in cosmetics, is for human health. Some manufacturers are trying to find an alternative, others continue to use these ingredients. Paraben - what is it, a substance hazardous to health, or a regular additive? Oddly enough, there are simply no laws prohibiting its use.

Paraben - what is it

Paraben is a substance of chemical origin. Due to the fact that it has antifungal and antibacterial properties, cosmetics manufacturers widely use it during the manufacture of their products. Additionally, parabens can also be found in some foods and medications.

An interesting fact is that this substance was discovered in nature. Namely - in plants and blueberries. But the paraben we are talking about is produced exclusively synthetically. It is very easy to determine its presence in cosmetics.

Having seen these names, you can be sure that the cream or shampoo contains parabens.

Substance danger

Since 2004, research began on this substance and facts were made public that proved its danger.


What is the danger:

  1. Parabens, by their mode of action, have an estrogenic effect. Consequently, the use of cosmetics that contain this substance is strictly contraindicated for certain categories of citizens. This is especially true for pregnant women. Excessive amounts of estrogen can impair fetal development and future reproductive ability.
  2. When parabens accumulate in the body, the risk of developing cancer of the uterus, breasts and testes (in men) increases.
  3. The substance enhances the negative effects of sunlight. When interacting with ultraviolet light, DNA can be damaged and the aging process of the skin accelerates. It turns out that you apply a moisturizing cream, but in the end you get a completely different result.
  4. Skin irritation and allergic reactions may occur.

However, it is worth noting that opinions differ. Some people believe that the best cosmetics are those without parabens, others are not afraid of anything. After all, all the harmful effects of the substance have not yet been officially proven.

Benefits of Parabens

  1. Sulfates and parabens are the most effective substances when it comes to extending the shelf life of a cosmetic product.
  2. Quickly absorbed in the body.

Despite the positive aspects, cosmetologists do not recommend using creams and shampoos that contain parabens for a long time.

Designations in cosmetology

Handmade cosmetics are very popular today. There is no doubt that it is the most effective and safest for the skin. However, when girls do not have the time or opportunity to make the cream themselves, they go to the store.

  1. Common parabens are E218, E214, E216, E214, E219.
  2. Specific parabens – benzylparaben, sodium salts, isobutylparaben.

By the way, sometimes decorative cosmetics also contain these substances. Therefore, be extremely careful before purchasing any skin product for yourself.

Alternative remedies


Large cosmetic companies are now constantly looking for a product that will serve as an alternative to paraben. However, at the moment, no substance with the same properties has been found.

Decorative cosmetics also contain them in their composition, because they are the best preservative among all, which prevents the growth of bacteria.

It is worth noting the fact that it is not only parabens that are scary. Essential oils and alcohol can also cause harm. They dry out the skin greatly, which worsens its condition.

It is simply impossible to produce cosmetics without preservatives. There is only one way out - to completely change the entire production system and use innovative technologies. However, this requires a large investment, and cosmetic companies simply cannot afford it.

What cosmetics to use

If you want to use the safest products for your skin, then handmade cosmetics are the best option. Although you can choose the best option in the store if you look carefully at the composition. Please note that vitamins C and E, tea tree oil, eucalyptus or propolis are present. It also has its drawbacks. Such cosmetics cannot be used for longer than 2-3 weeks, then they simply lose their properties.

Paraben - what is it, how to avoid it? Probably not at the moment. As you can see, if you buy natural skin cream, it has a short shelf life, so it is not very profitable. Not every woman has the opportunity to update her cosmetics every few weeks.

Cosmetics “Paraben Free”: believe it or not


Very often on store shelves you can find cosmetics with very tempting labels that shout that they contain no parabens. Is this really true? As mentioned above, no alternative to this substance has been found.

Therefore, if you see a shampoo without parabens, you should not immediately believe that this is really the case. Manufacturers in this case act very cunningly. They simply change the name of the substance. If you are not an avid chemist, then don’t even pay attention to this. For example, it may be written that the composition contains methyl paraoxybenzoate. In fact, it is nothing more than methylparaben.

Should you trust organic cosmetics?


Parabens and the harm they cause to the skin have scared modern women so much that some have switched to using organic cosmetics. Few people understand that this is not a solution at all.

Remember, any cosmetics that are sold in the store contain at least a little paraben. Its addition as an ingredient is simply necessary because it helps products last longer. Imagine how quickly cosmetic companies would go bankrupt if they used only natural ingredients in their production.

If a cosmetic says that it is organic or natural, it just means that the proportion of parabens in it is lower than usual. But do not forget that this affects the shelf life. It is for this reason that you carefully look at what is written on the package before you buy yourself a shampoo, cream or anything else.

Useful tips


Absolutely every girl and not only uses cosmetics. Shampoos and creams are simply necessary products in any person’s arsenal. Of course, you want them to be as effective as possible and contain a minimum amount of chemicals. There is always a way out of the situation; below are some useful tips that will allow you to remain beautiful without harming your skin.

  1. If you purchase cosmetics in a store, always look at the ingredients. You can use products with paraben if its percentage is no more than 0.18.
  2. Do not apply the cream to your skin in too hot weather, because parabens react well with the sun. Better buy yourself soap with tar - this is the best protection for your skin. Regular washing will improve your complexion and get rid of unwanted acne. In addition, this soap is not drying.
  3. Try to do your cosmetics at home whenever possible. Let it be cream or shampoo. You will know exactly what you added to it and that there are no chemicals there. Also, when it comes to shampoo, making it at home has many advantages. The best part is that you can create a product that is perfect for your hair type.
  4. Add lemon and tea tree oil to your home cosmetics.
  5. Store purchased creams in the refrigerator so that their service life does not expire earlier than necessary. This is especially true in the summer.
  6. Always look at the packaging to ensure the expiration date. Do not use cosmetic products after this period has expired.


Paraben - what is it, a harmful additive in cosmetics or just a necessary ingredient? We will not get an answer to this question soon. Use useful skin care tips and you will always look young and beautiful.


The modern world actively uses preservatives. Many products from various areas of production must retain their properties for a long time, which is necessary not only for the actual application, but also at all stages of the production cycle and transportation of the product to the consumer.

Preservatives come to the rescue. Methylparaben, isolated in 1925 from blueberries, is rightfully considered one of the most harmless.

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What is methylparaben?


Parabens are esters of parahydrobenzoic acid that have pronounced fungicidal and bactericidal properties. (read about where parabens come from, what they are and where they are contained, and from this article you will learn why they are needed in cosmetics, as well as which manufacturers produce cosmetics without these harmful substances).

Methylparaben is one of the representatives of this series, differing from its “brothers” by easier dissolution in water and other solvents, rapid absorption, metabolization, destruction and removal from body tissues, as well as more pronounced activity against mold fungi, unlike ethylparaben, active against gram-negative bacteria and propylparaben, active against non-mold fungi.

Often found in nature, it has been found in cranberries, strawberries, blueberries and blueberries. In the first half of the 20th century it was obtained synthetically.

Its main properties are bactericidal and fungicidal properties, caused by interaction with the membranes of the cells of these organisms, disruption of the permeability of these membranes, and slowing down the absorption of glucose and proline by bacterial and fungal cells.

That is, when interacting with methylparaben, as a result of nutritional deficiency and removal of toxins from cells, these organisms die, which in turn allows the properties of the product to be preserved.

In human tissues, approximately 30% of the compound is destroyed immediately, the rest is processed by the kidneys and excreted naturally, and does not accumulate in healthy tissues of the body. In nature, psic acid bacteria.

Where can I meet you?

Due to its unique properties, nipagin (another name for the compound) is actively used in the food, pharmacological and cosmetic industries. In the food industry is called sodium methylparaben - preservative E-218 and is found in:

  1. jelly casings of meat products;
  2. confectionery products such as preserves, jams, confitures and some types of baked goods;
  3. breakfast cereals;
  4. instant soups, not to mention various mayonnaises, ketchups and sauces.

The pharmaceutical industry uses methylparaben to preserve the properties of soft dosage forms (ointments, creams, gels, liniments, suppositories), liquid (drops, syrups, suspensions, tinctures, decoctions) and even dressings.

It can be found in such well-known drugs as the antiviral ointment Acyclovir, the anti-inflammatory drug Diclofenac or the cough syrup Codelac.

The cosmetics industry also actively uses methylparaben. It can be found in creams, gels, shampoos, rinses, conditioners, toothpastes, deodorants and decorative cosmetics.

Why is it dangerous?

For all their positive properties, the reputation of parabens and methylparaben in particular turned out to be pretty spoiled. And here's what:

Methylparaben and breast cancer.

The very first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “paraben” is the research of Philippa Darbre, who found that in breast cancer samples of the upper outer quadrant of the affected organ there was a high content of methylparabens. She associated this fact with the use of deodorants containing this compound as a preservative.

However, studying samples taken from patients with this disease and not using deodorants, the picture turned out to be the same, and mammologists claim that the localization of tumors most often turns out to be in this place (outer upper square), which is due to the increased content of adipose tissue there.


Estrogen-like activity.

It is believed that methylparaben, when ingested into the body, is capable of converting into xenoestrogens, that is, it has estrogen-like activity. This frightened many consumers, since everyone had heard about estrogen-dependent forms of cancer, the effect of this female sex hormone on the health of a pregnant woman (both mother and fetus) and a decrease in sperm production and activity in men.

Studies conducted in the USA have shown that, unlike other parabens that have scanty hormonal activity, methylparaben does not have this property at all.
The sun's friend is the skin's enemy.

Another blow was dealt to cosmetics by methylparaben. It is capable of enhancing the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, which accelerates the aging process, causes pigmentation and is even capable of changing the structure of the DNA of the surface epithelium, which in turn leads to mutations in the skin.

As it turned out, this property can be easily stopped by introducing a sun protection factor into the product (both SPF and PA, which ensures a more effective effect of the product, since in combination with the moisture-retaining properties of methylparaben, protection against chrono- and photoaging is more effective)

Despite the hypoallergenic nature of the compound, in a number of people with hypersensitivity to this substance, it can cause an allergic reaction, expressed in itching, redness and other manifestations.

Most often, consumers of various products are afraid of the toxic properties of certain preservatives. Studies on rodents conducted in 2004 in the USA showed that methylparaben is practically non-toxic, is not able to accumulate in human tissue cells and is freely excreted from the body naturally.


Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn about methylparaben:

  1. It is quite harmless, found in gifts of living nature, easily destroyed in the human body and soil, and has no tendency to accumulate in healthy tissues. In comparison with other types of preservatives, it is non-toxic and does not have carcinogenic or allergenic effects.
  2. Research and the harm of the compound remains in question.
  3. Since the manifestation of bactericidal and fungicidal properties does not require a high content of methylparaben in the product, its concentration is usually not high. A content of methylparaben in human tissue of no more than 10 mg/kg body weight is considered safe.
  4. May appear under the name methylparaben, E-218, nipagin, para-hydrobenzoic acid methyl ester, para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester, methyl 4-parahydrobenzoate.
  5. Approved for use in most European countries and Russia.

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