Cream for dry eyelids


The skin around the eyes peels not only due to weather conditions - in cold or heat - very dry skin around the eyes, as well as on the eyelids, can be a symptom of diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. These conditions lead to dry, flaky, and sometimes itchy skin. The skin under your eyes and on your eyelids is thinner than some other parts of your body, meaning it retains less moisture, leaving the skin around your eyes vulnerable to drying out. Numerous store-bought personal care products and natural moisturizers can help you relieve dry skin around your eyes and protect the delicate skin in this area from dryness and flaking.

Common Causes of Dry Eye Skin

  1. Weather often causes dry and flaky skin around the eyes - low humidity and harsh weather conditions such as wind can dry out the delicate skin around the eyes.
  2. Heat - Central heating, wood stoves, space heaters and fireplaces all reduce indoor humidity and dry out the skin.
  3. Sun Exposure – The sun dries out the skin, including the skin around the eyes. But the most significant damage occurs deeper in the dermis, leading to deep wrinkles and loose, sagging skin.
  4. Hot baths and showers can also dry out the sensitive skin around the delicate eyes, as well as the skin on the eyelids.
  5. Excessive rubbing of the delicate skin around the eyes can irritate it, making it more vulnerable to dryness.
  6. Stress – Scientists believe that stress can trigger an eczema flare-up, which can lead to dry, flaky skin.
  7. Medical conditions such as hypothyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland) can cause very dry skin around the eyes.
  8. Other factors include age—as you get older, the skin under your eyes becomes thinner, making it more vulnerable.
  9. Skin conditions such as eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis and psoriasis cause red skin and dryness around the eyes.
  10. Blepharitis - The oil glands in your eyelids do not function properly due to hormonal imbalance. Blepharitis also causes peeling of the skin around the eyes.

Symptoms of dry skin around the eyes

Symptoms of dry skin around the eyes and eyelids include dry and flaky skin, which may also become red or itchy when rubbed. Dry skin around the eyes can affect the appearance of your skin by causing cracked skin, which increases the risk of more serious complications such as secondary bacterial or fungal infections.

Let's see what you can do to treat dry skin around the eyes.


How to get rid of dry skin around the eyes with moisturizer

The best treatment is to eliminate the cause of dry skin. Some causes, such as eczema, have no cure. However, it makes sense to do everything you can to reduce the symptoms of dry skin around the eyes and skin of the eyelids. If the cause of your skin condition is a more serious condition such as blepharitis, you should consult your doctor.

One way to treat itchy dry skin around the eyes is to use a moisturizer after washing your face with a mild cleanser. A moisturizer will provide quick relief from dry skin symptoms. It is important to remember that you need to moisturize your skin immediately after washing to “lock in” the moisture.

Before using any moisturizer, you should perform a small test to make sure there is no allergic reaction.

Aloe Vera is better than drugstore cream for dry skin around the eyes

Aloe vera acts as a gentle moisturizer that can help repair the damage done to dry skin around the eyes. Its antimicrobial properties may help speed up wound healing. Additionally, aloe vera can help treat medical causes of dry skin around the eyes and eyelids, such as psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis.

You can apply aloe vera directly to the dry and flaky skin around your eyes, being careful not to get the product into your eyes. Use "pure" aloe vera gel for the most effective treatment. Simply apply a small amount of aloe vera to the skin around your eyes as well as your eyelid and let it absorb into your skin. You don't need to rinse it. Do this daily to soften your skin and speed up the healing process for dry skin.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for Dry Eyes

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is another effective natural moisturizer for dry skin around the eyes. It can also soften the skin and reduce flaking. Coconut oil is able to penetrate the skin and provides deep hydration to the skin while maintaining a protective layer on the epidermis.

How to Get Rid of Dry Eye Skin with Coconut Oil

Apply coconut oil to the affected areas of skin near your eyes several times a day, and before going to bed. You can also use coconut oil to moisturize dry skin on your eyelids. This will help reduce itching and flaking of the eyelids. You can also slowly massage the oil into your skin. In small quantities, coconut oil is almost completely absorbed into the skin, leaving no greasy residue.

Another way to use coconut oil for dry skin is to mix coconut oil with aloe vera to create a natural lotion for healing ear infections and flaky skin. This mixture may also help treat causes of dry skin such as eczema.

Cocoa butter for dry skin around the eyes

Cocoa butter is another natural soothing and moisturizing agent that can relieve dry skin, preventing complications such as skin chapping. A study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science found that cocoa butter improved the appearance and tone of the skin.

To use cocoa butter on the delicate skin around the eyes, mix it with other beneficial products like castor oil or jojoba oil. Apply the mixture daily to hydrate the skin and treat dry and flaky skin.

You can also make this home remedy for dry eyes: 1 teaspoon coconut oil (melt first), 2 teaspoons cocoa butter, 1 teaspoon sweet almond oil. The oil mixture should then thicken. Apply to dry skin around the eyes to quickly get rid of flaky skin.

Natural oils to moisturize your skin

You can also use a solution of natural oils such as jojoba oil, sweet almond oil and avocado oil to treat dry skin. They provide a protective layer on the skin that retains moisture and prevents dry skin.

You only need a few drops of any of the above oils to keep the skin around your eyes soft and supple.

You can also mix natural oils with a drop of essential oil, such as lavender or chamomile. The soothing aroma of the essential oil will help reduce stress and can manage other skin conditions like eczema.

When using essential oils, care must be taken to ensure that the oil does not get into the eyes and cause irritation.

Vaseline is the cheapest remedy to get rid of dry eyes.

A thin layer of Vaseline on clean skin around the eyes will lock in moisture and form a protective barrier. This layer of petroleum jelly protects the skin under the eyes from cold and irritants, which prevents the problem from getting worse. Also, regularly applying petroleum jelly to dry, flaky skin on your eyelids will help speed up the healing process of dry skin.

Remember to be careful when applying any product to the eye area and follow label directions. If you accidentally get Vaseline in your eyes, don't worry. Vaseline is lipophilic, meaning it will only dissolve in fats and oils. A layer of moisture that protects the eyes will prevent the Vaseline from dissolving. Simply wipe off excess with a damp cloth.

Reducing stress reduces dry skin around the eyes

Stress can cause flare-ups of eczema, which can cause dry and flaky skin around the eyes. Essential oils, relaxation and just a good night's sleep reduce stress and the risk of developing dry skin.

What to take orally to reduce dry skin around the eyes


Evening primrose oil for dry skin

A study published in the international journal Cosmetic Science found that consuming evening primrose oil increased skin moisture content over a 12-week period. Evening primrose oil contains high amounts of gamma-linolenic acid (a fatty acid called essential for human health), only milk is a natural alternative to evening primrose oil. This product may offer some relief if the underlying cause of very dry skin is eczema.

Fish oil relieves dry skin around the eyes

Fish oil can also improve the appearance of dry skin by softening it. A study published in the Journal of Dermatological Science found that fish oil significantly increased water loss, increased skin hydration, and reduced skin itching over 60 days.
As with any dietary supplement, consult a physician before using primrose oil and fish oil, especially if you have any health problems or are taking medications.

How to prevent dry skin around the eyes

There are a few things you can do to prevent future flare-ups of dry skin around your eyes. Here are some tips to help you take better care of dry skin around your eyes and prevent the problem from occurring.

Avoid hot and spicy foods to prevent dry skin around the eyes

Be careful about your skin, especially the delicate skin around your eyes. Use unscented products and avoid scented soaps or shower gels, which can often cause skin irritation. You should also minimize the use of skin care products around your eyes.

Cosmetics should not cause dryness around the eyes

You should follow basic common sense measures to prevent other causes of irritation that may cause dry skin around the eyes. Don't overdo it with makeup, especially eye makeup and mascara. Also, make sure to change your beauty products regularly. It may be better to skip eye makeup altogether if your eyelid skin is very sensitive.

Keep your hands off the skin around your eyes!

Even if the dry skin around the eyes and eyelids is itchy and itchy, you should refrain from scratching or rubbing the skin. You should also avoid triggers for itchy skin around the eyes, such as fragrances and pigments containing nickel, which can irritate the skin.

Other Tips to Prevent Dry Eyes

  1. Always drink plenty of fluids, but especially in dry conditions.
  2. You can use a humidifier if you live or work in a very dry area.
  3. While it may be tempting to stay in the shower or bath longer, soaking should not be long and use warm water rather than hot water to avoid drying out your skin.
  4. To lock in moisture, use moisturizer immediately after washing.

Dry skin around the eyes and dry skin on the eyelids - when to see a doctor?

If you find that you can't get rid of dry skin around your eyes, it's probably time to see a doctor. Dry skin that becomes itchy increases the risk of developing secondary infections. Red, dry skin around the eyes may also indicate another cause of your dry, itchy skin around the eyes and eyelids, such as blepharitis.

Author of the article: Lisa Shefchik, Moscow Medicine Portal©

Denial of responsibility: The information provided in this article on how to get rid of dry skin around the eyes is intended to inform the reader only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Dry skin around the eyes is a problem that occurs frequently, regardless of skin type and age. We understand the causes of this phenomenon and explain how to eliminate its consequences.

  1. Main causes of dry eyelid skin
  2. Dry eyelid skin: what to do
  3. Rules for caring for the skin around the eyes
  4. Precautionary measures
  5. Tools Overview

Main causes of dry eyelid skin

The main reason why the skin of the eyelids suffers from dryness is that there are few sebaceous glands in this area, and therefore the hydrolipid film that retains moisture is thinner. This is why the area around the eyes can experience dryness, regardless of skin type.

The skin of the eyelids is naturally defenseless © iStock

In addition to the vulnerability of the natural protective mantle, the epidermis around the eyes is thin and loose, which leads to moisture evaporation. As a result, the skin of the eyelids often becomes dehydrated.

Nutrient deficiencies

With a strict diet that excludes animal and vegetable fats, the body does not receive enough essential fatty acids, which can contribute to dry skin in general and eyelid skin in particular. “The eyes of some novice vegetarians also don’t look the best, since they sincerely believe that apples and buckwheat have enough iron, although this is not the case,” adds Vichy medical expert Elena Eliseeva.

Ultraviolet radiation provokes a protective reaction of the skin - hyperkeratosis, as a result of which the tissues appear rough. Cold wind brings tears to the eyes, and contact of salty liquid with skin in the cold inevitably leads not only to dryness, but also to irritation.

Low air humidity

The skin of the eyelids suffers greatly from dry air: in rooms with heating or air conditioning and in a car equipped with an air conditioning system.

It often causes dry and flaky eyelid skin.

“If the problem occurs periodically, and you cannot associate it with exposure to cold or diet, you need to look for possible allergens. Allergies are usually indicated by redness and itching in the eye area.” Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy

Dry eyelid skin: what to do

All we can do is take into account the natural characteristics of the skin of the eyelids and eliminate or at least reduce the influence of negative factors that can aggravate the already difficult situation of the skin around the eyes.

Protect from ultraviolet radiation: Sunglasses protect the retina and skin of the eyelids.

Use care products containing not only hydraulic clamps, but also lipids: The skin of the eyelids needs both water and fats to prevent moisture evaporation.

Adjust your diet: balanced diet, rich vegetables, vegetable oils, replaceable and irreplaceable fatty acids, will help avoid excessive dry skin.

Rules for caring for the skin around the eyes

Since nature has saved on the sebaceous glands in this area, special products have been developed for the skin around the eyes, designed to artificially maintain the moisture-retaining hydrolipidic film. We'll tell you which textures cope better with this task and which ones are not suitable for dry eyelid skin.

Light cream, emulsion

These are ideal formulas: non-greasy, they are well absorbed, compensating for the lack of lipids.

Gel textures are not very comfortable for severely dry skin and can cause a feeling of tightness. It's best to avoid them.


Do you like oils? Choose ready-made formulas based on them, created by professionals specifically for eye contour care.

Precautionary measures

Sometimes we ourselves provoke increased dryness of the skin around the eyes © iStock

It is often our own fault that the skin of the eyelids becomes extremely dry: by ignoring its characteristics and needs, we treat it inappropriately. Remember what you absolutely cannot do.

Wash off makeup with soap. The pH level and detergent base of the soap, as well as any products not created for eye makeup removal, are not suitable for this vulnerable area. She will respond with at least peeling.

Use face cream. Facial products are not suitable for the eye area due to its physiological characteristics. It is thinner, prone to swelling, plus it is in close proximity to the mucous membrane of the eye, which means there is a high risk of allergies and irritation. Even if you have already tested your face cream or serum in this area and nothing bad happened, do not relax. The reaction may not occur immediately, and dealing with its consequences will be more difficult.

Rub your eyes with your hands or a towel. This is an unacceptably rough manipulation for fragile skin with a weakened hydrolipid film.

Use of medications without indications. Buying eye drops for yourself without a doctor's prescription is not a good idea. Be careful with products that stimulate eyelash growth. Perhaps the eyelashes will indeed become longer, but what is the point if they “decorate” red eyes swollen from an allergic reaction?

I am 34 years old. The skin around the eyes has become very dry, tight, and crow's feet have appeared ((Please advise a cream that will cope with all these problems and how to apply it so as not to further injure it? experts

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Any moisturizing cream for the skin around the eyes, even Nivea. This, author, is age related. Lean on foods rich in collagen: avoid cartilage, jelly and sun, always wear sunglasses.

By the way, there may also be inflammation of the skin around the eyes. I had it once, my skin dried out, then wrinkles and scabs formed. I couldn’t remove it with anything; I suffered for about six months. As a result, someone recommended hydrocortisone 5% eye cream, and everything went away in three days. There was some kind of soreness for the notes.

All women are fools, you are discussing complete *** here

Hydrocortisone is the best remedy. but it is hormonal, but the most gentle of all hormonal ones. When my skin becomes dry, I mix hydrocortisone and chanterelle baby cream. helps quickly.

Aevit costs 70 rubles in a pharmacy
or linseed oil
or hemp oil (it’s also terribly useful but expensive)
Apply gently with fingers in a circle around the eye socket above the eyebrows, under the eyes
and ideally, for every day you need cellular cosmetics in the form of a gel, for example Italian with echinacea

Hydrocortisone is the best remedy. but it is hormonal, but the most gentle of all hormonal ones. When my skin becomes dry, I mix hydrocortisone and chanterelle baby cream. helps quickly.

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Flaxseed oil and Aevit inside, Gerontol, Evening, Amber on the face (specifically from the Svoboda factory)

yeah, after your Gerontol-Amber and Evening, your face is sooooo swollen! I once did it on the advice of a friend - she has dry skin, I have combination skin, in general, I applied it in the evening, washed it off in the morning - SWELLING. face like a pancake

yeah, after your Gerontol-Amber and Evening, your face is sooooo swollen! I once did it on the advice of a friend - she has dry skin, I have combination skin, in general, I applied it in the evening, washed it off in the morning - SWELLING. face like a pancake

I really liked lundenilona's cream

Why (pardon me) do you put creams for dry skin on your combination skin? It’s all written there on the tubes. I also have combination skin and sometimes in winter I just use these creams as a mask. Please note that the author is not asking about the problem of oily skin, but for dry skin these creams are just the thing.

Don’t worry, this is most likely due to age, and it also happens due to an unhealthy diet. You should first consult a dermatologist. Most likely, you will be prescribed an ointment to treat a particular diagnosis.
For daily care from 30 years old for the area around the eyes, Bioderma Sensibio is perfect. Does not contain dyes or preservatives, has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Helps reduce sensitivity and in a fairly short time removes the feeling of irritation, thanks to its beneficial properties it smoothes out fine wrinkles.

I apply salcura cream, although it’s not under the eyes, but it nourishes great

With age, the skin becomes not just dry, but prone to redness and swelling; only hydrocortisone can save it

In your case, you need to try and try different creams, it may even depend on the food you eat.. As for eye cream, lately I have been using more of Monplatin cream, Israeli, in principle it helps, and the skin is moisturized and has become more elastic and clear.

My cosmetologist suggested: blepharogel. It suited me and I liked its effect on the skin. Sold in a pharmacy. Inexpensive.

With age, the skin becomes not just dry, but prone to redness and swelling; only hydrocortisone can save it


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