Kurbat eye massage

The flow of information in the modern world is inexhaustible. It is not surprising that the eyes, through which our brain perceives 80% of all data from the outside, weaken under the influence of constant overexertion. Massage will help maintain visual acuity and reduce the risk of diseases.


How is eye massage useful for restoring vision?

It has been proven that daily exercise can eliminate headaches, stop the progression of the disease and protect the eyes from excessive stress. The thing is that simple movements help:

  1. tone the muscles;
  2. improve blood circulation;
  3. stabilize intraocular pressure;
  4. reduce the risk of vascular atrophy and stagnation;
  5. instantly relieve fatigue.

At one time, doctors moved further, and in addition to facial massage, they used warm-up of the back and cervical region to restore vision. Prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis significantly affects the nervous and circulatory system of the eyes.

Given that the benefits of massage for improving vision are so obvious, the procedure will cost you almost nothing.

Spend just 10 minutes of your time on it every day and after a month you will notice a significant result. You don’t need special oils or products to perform it, and any technique can be found on the Internet completely free of charge.


There are a number of restrictions under which eye massage cannot be used to improve vision without the consent of a doctor. For certain factors the ban is temporary, for others it is strictly prohibited. More often they are associated with inflammatory processes, poor circulation and blood pressure problems.


Before performing an eye massage, make sure that you or the person for whom it is intended does not suffer from:

  1. elevated temperature;
  2. headaches;
  3. internal bleeding;
  4. clotting problems and other blood ailments;
  5. skin diseases;
  6. tumors of any quality;
  7. the last stage of hypertension;
  8. purulent processes;
  9. psycho-emotional deviations;
  10. central nervous system disorder;
  11. tuberculosis in open form.

Of course, you cannot conduct massage sessions if your eyeball is injured or has a viral or infectious infection. Any irritation in this case will aggravate the disease and lead to unpredictable consequences.


Eye massage technique

Facial palpation, which we use to restore vision, will be effective only if the rules and methodological recommendations are followed. Let's start with preparation:

  1. The procedure is performed on a clean face without makeup or traces of natural fat. Wash thoroughly and dry the massage area with a towel.
  2. Hands also need to be rinsed and dried. If the skin is a little rough, moisturize it with cream or cosmetic oil.
  3. Just as we warm the drops in the fist before applying them to the eye, so the massage cannot be carried out with cold hands. Rub your palms vigorously against each other and make sure they are warm enough.


If you are simultaneously doing eye exercises, a massage should be performed immediately after it, as a relaxation. Most techniques involve a sitting position and absolute relaxation.

In cases where massage is used for treatment, when choosing the optimal technique, you should seek advice from an ophthalmologist. A good doctor will demonstrate the technique and describe the expected effect of each exercise.

Classic eye massage

The procedure has an optimal effect on the visual organs - it relaxes and at the same time tones. After it, you don’t have to worry about drowsiness, because the main task is to activate all the receptors in the eye zone. The massage consists of the following:

  1. Cover your eyes with warm palms cupped for a short time. When you open them, you will feel a surge of energy and freshness;
  2. repeat the manipulation, but this time keeping your palms straight and slightly pressing your eyes. After repeating the exercise 5-6 times, you will notice how you begin to see more clearly;
  3. clasp your hands into fists and rub your eyes, as children do before bed. Do not press too hard, it is better to increase the frequency of repetitions to 6-7 times.



The technique is based on the concentration points of nerve endings, the stimulation of which activates recovery processes. Use three-fingered palms for massage. The pressure is applied simultaneously and synchronously with a force at which you will not feel discomfort. For convenience, the actions are described in points that correspond to the points shown in the picture.

  1. Hold your fingers on the upper eyelid for 5-7 seconds, pressing lightly.
  2. Repeat the movement for the bottom one. This stimulates the tear duct, reducing the risk of obstruction.
  3. Press on the eyebrows with the pads of three fingers with a delay of 5 seconds. The exercise should be performed up to 10 times.
  4. We turn our attention to the outer corner of the eye. Hold your fingers on the point for a few seconds.
  5. For the internal one, repeat the same manipulation.
  6. Apply progressive pressure on the closed eyelid for 10 seconds. Only at this point we use the pad of the thumb.
  7. Again, using three phalanges, we press the point between the cheekbone and ear.


Lymphatic drainage massage

Based on the name, it is obvious that the purpose of the procedure is to stimulate the movement of lymph. This type of massage should not be considered solely a cosmetic product. The result of the course is not only smoothed wrinkles and reduced swelling under the eyes, but also increased endurance of the visual organs. And all because simple manipulations improve blood flow, relieve fatigue and are the strongest prevention against blockage of blood vessels. Muscles that are toned are less prone to atrophy, and their daily relaxation spares the organ of vision for productive service in the future.

You can learn more about lymphatic drainage massage by watching the video:

Shiatsu massage

The Japanese technique is based on the theory that each point on our body is responsible for the vitality of a specific internal organ. And just as in eastern martial art such knowledge helps to overcome the enemy with one touch, so Shiatsu reveals the secrets of rejuvenation, restoration and longevity hidden in a single click.

The video shows a set of key Shiatsu points that help maintain healthy eyesight:

Eye massage to improve vision according to Zhdanov

The doctor claims that with the help of gymnastics and massage you can restore your vision, curing yourself of myopia and mild forms of astigmatism. The recipe for success is simple - the exercises should be performed daily, following the instructions appropriate for your disease. A set of simple exercises presented below will help strengthen the visual apparatus as a whole. In addition to the area around the eyes, the procedure also affects other parts of the face.

In just a week, having memorized all the movements, the massage will not take more than 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day.

  1. Press the point and massage for 30 seconds.
  2. Use your fingertips in a circular motion to work along the eyebrow line until warm.
  3. Move to the temples. Finish the manipulation as soon as you feel warm.
  4. The top of the cheekbones (the hard ridge above the cheek) also needs stimulation.
  5. Then warm the bridge of your nose with the same movements.
  6. Repeat above the upper lip.
  7. Using both palms, massage your neck thoroughly.
  8. Finally, apply vibrating pressure to the closed eyelid, then to the corners of the eyes. Using collective movements of all five fingers, walk along the eyelids.

To consolidate the effect, close your eyes tightly and open them as wide as possible. Repeat 3 times.


Restoring vision according to Norbekov

In his methodology, the author uses a selection of exercises, as well as a psychological attitude. According to the doctor, a winning attitude and positive thinking increases the likelihood of a speedy recovery. Massage in this technique is the final point, which relaxes the muscles after exercise.

We massage with our fingertips, making effort. The pressure should be noticeable, but not cause discomfort. We press on the following points:

  1. center between eyebrows;
  2. between lip and chin;
  3. wings of the nose;
  4. on the temples;
  5. The place where hair grows is above the forehead.

Video instructions for gymnastics to restore vision according to Norbekov:

Bates method for restoring vision: Shichko exercises

The method is based on Bates's discovery that the main visual impairments arise from physiological problems of the eye muscles. Therefore, visual acuity can be restored by actively influencing muscle tissue.

It is used to correct deviations such as myopia and farsightedness. With myopia, the oblique muscles of the eye are tense, and the rectus muscles are too relaxed. The opposite situation is for those who see objects well at a distance, but poorly near them. The purpose of the exercises is to relieve tension from some and develop other muscles in order to bring the visual system back to normal.

The video demonstrates exercises with elements of massage according to the Bates method, edited by Shichko:

Massage around the eyes

These exercises not only have a beneficial effect on vision, but also help smooth out facial wrinkles. Place your index and middle fingers together; these are your working tools for massaging around the eyes. The number of repetitions of each manipulation depends on your comfort; one item takes 30 seconds:

  1. Palpate the brow ridges. If you notice a pain point, spend more time on it.
  2. Carefully walk over the lower eyelid. Here the pressure will be weaker; you can simply tap the entire length with your fingertips.
  3. Spend time on the outer corner of your eye. Press the point several times, and then tap in the direction from the cheekbone to the temple.
  4. Be especially gentle on the inner corner. Light pressure is enough here.
  5. Press on the bridge of your nose and lower yourself down in a circular motion without removing your fingers.
  6. Massage your sinuses. Finding them on the face is not difficult - there is a barely noticeable depression at the edge of the lower eyelid, and the desired point is located a centimeter down from it.



Eye massage is useful and important in preventing vision. Many therapists also appreciated its importance in the treatment of ophthalmological diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma. The procedure does not require a massage room. All manipulations can be performed at home and at no cost. This allows you to join the many who have already tried this method to restore vision right now.

The modern rhythm of life causes vision impairment in almost 80% of urban residents. Recovery is a complex and often expensive procedure; it can be medicinal, surgical, or a combination. However, it is possible to preserve vision without medicinal or medical interventions using massage techniques. They are simple and affordable and suitable for home use.

Causes of visual impairment

Facts dangerous to vision include:

  1. Poor nutrition;
  2. Overwork;
  3. Long work at the computer;
  4. Working in an improperly lit room;
  5. Excessive or insufficient brightness of monitors;
  6. Lack of sleep;
  7. Insufficient rest;
  8. Sedentary lifestyle;
  9. Work in difficult conditions;
  10. Bad ecology.


There are also medical causes of vision diseases. Glaucoma, cataracts, blindness, etc. call:

  1. Diabetes;
  2. Poor blood circulation in the brain;
  3. Hypertension;
  4. Osteochondrosis;
  5. Head and neck injuries.

Myopia and farsightedness develop due to weakening of muscle tissue and fatigue of the optic nerves. The same reasons lead to muscle atrophy. The easiest way to correct the situation is with lenses or glasses. However, they do not cure the disease, but only help a person adapt to new conditions, and often lead to the progression of the disease.

Effect of eye massage

Regular acupressure of the eyes can prevent vision deterioration and restore its sharpness. It is painless, easy to perform and does not take much time. If there are no contraindications, it can be performed at home, combined with traditional methods of treatment or as a preventive technique.

Acupressure or acupressure is a traditional Eastern method of treating disease, based on influencing certain points on the body. Massage sessions in combination with special gymnastics lead to improved vision, a relaxing and tonic effect, and a reduction in the symptoms of many diseases.

The additional effect of the procedure is to improve the trophism of tissues and the muscular layer of the eyeball, activate the production of collagen and elastin, detoxify the skin, eliminate swelling and dark circles.

Indications and contraindications

Procedures are indicated for restoring vision, treating myopia and farsightedness, relieving fatigue and tension, and preventing age-related deterioration of the muscles of the eyeballs.


It is also recommended for eye diseases:

  1. Dry eye syndrome;
  2. Retinal dystrophy;
  3. Barley;
  4. Chalazion;
  5. Blepharitis, etc.

Contraindications for massage sessions:

  1. Recovery period after laser vision correction;
  2. Severe condition due to colds and viral diseases;
  3. Mechanical damage to the eyes;
  4. Damage to the skin in the eye area;
  5. Severe myopia;
  6. Decompensated glaucoma;
  7. Neoplasms in the eyes and brain;
  8. Bleeding and blood diseases;
  9. Hypertension 3 degrees;
  10. Open form of tuberculosis;
  11. Migraine;
  12. Fatigue of the central nervous system.

It is recommended to avoid massage if you have elevated body temperature or dizziness.

Mechanism of influence on the body

Impact on certain points leads to oxygen saturation of thin blood vessels. Improving blood circulation leads to intensive nutrition of eye tissue, which improves the condition of the eyeball and vision. Saturation with oxygen and nutrients reduces fatigue, reduces the feeling of dryness and pain in the eyes.


Along with blood circulation, lymph circulation also improves. Metabolic processes are activated and excess fluid is removed from the tissues. Mechanical impact on energy points strengthens the immune system, improves the elasticity of muscle tissue and skin. As a result, swelling goes away, complexion and skin condition in the eye area improves.

Techniques and tricks

Doctor Zhdanov's technique

Begin the massage from the central point on the forehead, which is located just above the junction of the eyebrows. Massage it for about 35 seconds with the tips of the thumb, index and middle fingers. After this, rub the area with your palm. Using the pads of your middle fingers, massage your eyebrows until a feeling of warmth appears. Then they move on to massaging the temples with the pads of their index fingers. Processing time: 53-45 seconds. After the temples, the under-eye cheekbones, the center of the bridge of the nose and the center of the area between the upper lip and nose are worked on.


Then they move on to kneading the neck. To do this, use two palms, and the kneading time is from 1 to 3 minutes. When the neck muscles are warmed up and the palms are warm, return to the eyes. Gently press the closed eyelids with your fingertips, then massage the eyelid with vibration movements, and the direction is from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. The session is completed by massaging the entire surface of the eyelid with the pads of 4 fingers.

Classical technique

This technique is often prescribed for the treatment of myopia and other vision diseases. Begin the exercise by applying pressure with heated palms to your closed eyes. The pressure is increased gradually, and the number of repetitions is up to 6. Then the palms are clenched into a fist and the eyelids are rubbed for 30-50 seconds. Next, apply gentle pressure on the eyebrows with your fingers. The direction is from the inner edge to the outer. Massaging time is about 40 seconds.

After this, they begin to apply increased pressure on the lower part of the orbit. Move on to working on the outer and inner corners of the eyes, making careful circular movements clockwise. On the bridge of the nose, movements should be vibrational - this will free up the sinuses and increase blood flow. The penultimate exercise is a direct impact on the eyeballs. Using the pads of the index and middle fingers, press on the closed eyelids 12-17 times. Then make circular movements with the pads clockwise and counterclockwise. The session is completed by lightly pressing the inside of the hand on the closed eyelids.

Bates gymnastics

For gymnastics and exercises, the Bates system of eye exercises is often used. It is based on the fact that visual acuity is determined by 6 main muscles. The treatment method consists of relaxing and strengthening the muscle tissue responsible for focusing.


It is recommended to perform gymnastics in the morning and before breakfast, without glasses or contact lenses. The head should be motionless. The first exercise is to look up, then down, right and left. Repeat from 8 to 12 times. Make diagonal movements with your eyes from the upper right corner to the lower left and vice versa. The number of repetitions is 10-12. Then you need to draw a rectangle with your eyes, blink quickly several times and repeat the exercise. The next figure is a bow. Start it diagonally from the upper left corner. After the bow, they draw a figure eight with their eyes. Between each exercise, give your eyes a rest for 2-3 seconds. They complete the gymnastics by moving their gaze clockwise. Repeat up to 8 times, and blink quickly in the interval.

Bates massage

It is more convenient to perform a massage using the Bates method from a sitting position. It begins by massaging the forehead with the index, middle and ring fingers. Direction of movements clockwise and counterclockwise. Next, the index finger is placed at the bridge of the nose at the starting point, the middle finger in the middle, and the ring finger between the eyebrows. Apply simultaneous pressure and light massaging for 15-20 seconds.

The next exercise is to move your fingers to the temples and massage from the temporal region to the corners of the cheekbones under the eye sockets. The wings of the nose are worked only with the index fingers, and the bridge of the nose with the middle fingers. Then they move on to the ears. First you need to lightly press on the tragus, and then the entire surface of the ears is massaged.

Next they move on to working on the neck. This is needed to get rid of muscle tension, blocks and to improve blood flow. It is necessary to work on its back surface: start with intense stroking down from the hairline. Then - increased pressure with the edge of the palm and thumb.


After massaging the neck, proceed to massaging the eyes. With two fingers, lightly press on the closed eyelids and perform massage movements. Do 4 repetitions, each lasting 5 seconds. In the same way, massage the lower eyelids, outer and inner corners of the eyes.

The last exercise is to look for deformed and vulnerable spots on the eyeball (astigmatic points). To do this, look at any piece of furniture in the room. Watch without blinking for 15-20 seconds. Then close the eyes and gently press on the eyelid with your fingers. They do this until the outline of the selected object becomes clear. Eyes open and blink rapidly for 20 seconds to relieve tension. You need to repeat the exercise 2-3 times a day.

Qigong technique

In Eastern medicine for rejuvenation and longevity, any technique begins with relaxation and deep breathing. The massage is performed in calm conditions: the light should be dim, the room should be quiet and not hot. The best time is before bed. Before the session, hands are rubbed against each other until a feeling of pleasant warmth appears.

The first exercise is pressing with your fingertips on closed eyelids. Repeat 8-10 times. The pressure force is chosen as high as possible, but there should be no sensation of pain. Then, using the pads of only the index fingers, make 8 presses on:

  1. The corners of the eyes at the bridge of the nose;
  2. Points at the beginning of the eyebrows, in the middle and at the end;
  3. Outer corners of the eyes;
  4. The central point under the eye sockets;
  5. The central point on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.

Next, perform 8 pinches from the center of the eyebrow to its outer edge. The massage practice ends with eye exercises. It is better to do it in semi-darkness, and to prevent the development of vision disease, gymnastics must be repeated daily.


The first 3 exercises are repeated 18 times:

  1. Rotate your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise;
  2. Movement of the gaze in a straight line to the right and left;
  3. Movement of the gaze up and down.

After this, the gaze should be focused on the tip of the index finger, which is located 25-27 cm from the bridge of the nose. The gaze is moved behind the finger, held for a few seconds, and focused on the finger. The entire cycle is repeated 36 times.

How often should I use it?

Each massage technique to improve vision takes no more than 10 minutes, and 2-3 sessions can be performed per day. If there are no contraindications, then you can practice daily. Morning procedures will help prepare the eye muscles for the upcoming work, evening procedures will help to relax and relieve tension.

If you practice regularly, the first results will be noticeable within 20-25 days.

Acupressure for the eyes is a useful, simple and affordable technique. It will not only improve vision, but also cope with fatigue and pain after a working day, eliminate dark circles under the eyes, and avoid the appearance of facial wrinkles. Classes can be held both in the morning and in the evening. To consolidate the effect of the sessions, after the massage it is recommended to lie down for a few minutes with your eyes closed and put a compress on your eyelids. You can make it from a cotton swab dipped in strong black tea or milk, a slice of fresh and cold cucumber or raw potato. You can also make compresses from a decoction of chamomile, linden, mint, birch or cornflowers. After the compress, apply a nourishing cream for the skin around the eyes.

Do you know what it does Taoist massage? Brings back radiance eye!

What do you think is the first thing that reveals a person’s age? You, of course, answered correctly: no wrinkles at all, not even a neck or arms.

At 35 years old, for example, in the indicated parameters you will rarely notice significant differences in anyone from 25 years of age, but you will still be able to tell with high accuracy who is 35 years old and who is 25.

And here eyes... Believe it or check it, but you determine age precisely by the eyes.

The state of the mental body is transmitted through the retina of the eye, and we all see perfectly well (with some super-fine vision) all the layers of the years we have lived.

It is this ability of ours - to see through the eyes the state of the mental body - that allows us to determine the age of any person with high accuracy.

Taoist eye massage - one of the best methods for restoring vision that I know. And remove those ballasts and those layers that betray our age!

This method very (simply very!) simple in execution.

That's why he's one of my favorites. And I'm sure you will love him too. And you will begin to apply it.

Because you won't forget:

Age is determined by the eyes.

Or rather, by the intensity of the radiance of the gaze.

Watch this video and see for yourself!

Taoist eye massage (video)