Metrogyl anti-tick gel

Demodectic mange is treated mainly with ointments containing permethrin and other compounds that are effective against acariasis, a disease caused by ticks. Metrogyl for demodicosis is an option that deserves attention, despite the fact that, according to the official instructions, the drug is intended for the treatment of protozoal and bacterial infections.

Brief information about the causative agent of the disease

Demodicosis is caused by the subcutaneous demodex mite. The second name of the parasite is ironworm acne. This is a small (no more than 0.5 mm in length), worm-like parasite with eight legs on the front of the body.

It lives in hair follicles and sebaceous glands - mainly the face, but can also colonize other areas of the body - the back, chest, legs. Feeds on sebum and skin particles.

The spread of the mite to uninfected surfaces is possible both from a person’s hands (for example, after scratching acne on the face) and as a result of the parasite’s independent movement across the skin.

The speed of the iron is small; in 1 hour it can cover no more than 10-15 mm, but this is enough to spread over the entire surface of the body over time. Ticks usually travel at night. During the day, to escape bright light, he prefers to hide deep in the follicles and sebaceous glands.

Demodex is a bisexual creature that reproduces by mating. This happens at the mouth of the follicle or gland. The female moves deeper to lay eggs. After a few days, the eggs hatch into larvae. The entire cycle of transformation of an egg into an adult takes about 2-3 weeks.

It is believed that D. folliculorum and D. brevis are present on the skin of most healthy people, without causing them any harm for the time being. Under favorable conditions, parasites begin to actively reproduce, causing demodicosis.

To become the owner of acne, it is not at all necessary to become infected with a mite from a sick person (although this path is also possible). A weakened immune system or illness of some disease that is a risk factor for demodicosis, for example, viral hepatitis or diabetes mellitus, is sufficient.

Is it possible to cure demodicosis with Metrogil?

The active substance of Metrogyl is an antiprotozoal and bactericidal drug Metronidazole. The mechanism of its action is to block the synthesis of nucleic acids in protozoa and microbes, leading to their death.

Metrogil Available in various dosage forms.

  1. injection solutions, each ml containing 5 mg of metronidazole;
  2. tablets containing 200 or 400 mg of active substance;
  3. ointments and gels for local use with 10 mg of metronidazole per 1 ml.

To get rid of iron worms, metrogil is used in the form of ointments. Reviews about their effectiveness vary greatly - from delight at successfully getting rid of the disease, to complete disappointment and the categorical conclusion that Metrogyl is absolutely powerless in the fight against acne.

But the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of metrogil cannot be doubted, so there is no doubt about its benefits in the treatment of inflammatory skin processes that accompany pronounced demodicosis.



We are glad to meet again with regular and new subscribers! The topic of the article today is the drug Metrogyl for demodicosis. Is it possible to use it in the fight against subcutaneous mites, and how to quickly achieve positive results?

Demodicosis is one of the skin diseases. Unlike pimples and comedones, which occur as a result of clogging of pores with sebum and dirt, the appearance of demodicosis is caused by a parasite.

The demodex mite, which can only be seen under high magnification under a microscope, lives on the body of more than half of people and animals. It may not manifest itself in any way for a long time, but under the influence of unfavorable factors (stress, weakened immunity, etc.) it becomes active and begins to declare itself:

  1. redness of the skin;
  2. inflammation;
  3. the appearance of a small rash;
  4. peeling and unpleasant itching.

Characteristics of the drug

Metrogyl gel is one of the most effective forms of this group of antibiotics for external use. Thanks to its light, non-greasy consistency, the gel is perfectly absorbed into the skin and has an inhibitory effect on colonies of subcutaneous parasites, as well as their larvae.


The main purpose of Metrogil is:

  1. inhibition and complete destruction of various harmful bacteria, including mites;
  2. relief of inflammatory processes;
  3. eliminating itching;
  4. returning the skin to a healthy natural tone, reducing redness and flaking.

The gel is poorly absorbed into the blood, so its side effects (negative effects on the liver, etc.) are minimized. But it also cannot help the skin recover in 1-2 applications.

Why do dermatologists prescribe it as a course?

With regular lubrication of the affected areas of the skin, the active component of the drug (metronidazole) accumulates in the layers of the dermis - exactly where demodex likes to live. Thus, at the end of the course, both adult active parasites and larvae will be destroyed.

Subtleties of practical use of the gel

To achieve positive results, apply the gel to inflamed areas of the skin twice a day. The product is applied to cleansed skin, from which remaining moisture has been removed, in a thin, even layer, without rinsing off, so it is better to treat the face in the morning and evening.

The gel is quickly absorbed, forming an almost invisible transparent film on the surface, onto which any decorative cosmetics can be applied very easily.

To quickly get rid of blackheads, acne and pimples, as well as to rejuvenate your facial skin, we recommend that you read this effective remedy .

Why should the drug not be applied to wet skin?

Because moisture prevents the rapid penetration of the active components of the medicine into the pores of the skin. A similar rule applies to cleaning the face - pores free from dust and dirt quickly absorb the gel.

Clogged pores, with excess sebum produced, are simply not able to absorb the required amount of the drug, and more than half of the gel remains on the surface of the skin, quickly drying out. Thus, contaminated pores do not allow the product to “reach” the mite’s habitat.

In case of severe inflammation, Metrogyl gel is used to apply compresses. To do this, a dense layer of the drug is applied to a gauze bandage, and then attached with pieces of adhesive tape, covering the areas affected by the mite.

Particular care must be taken when applying oil to the upper part of the face. The gel should not come into contact with the eyes or the mucous membrane of the eyelids.

Did you know that you need to lubricate damaged areas of the skin, going slightly beyond the boundaries of redness (a couple of centimeters)? This is done for preventive purposes to prevent parasites from moving from infected skin to healthy skin. Even if the redness has passed quickly, continue to lubricate the skin with gel until tests (skin scraping to test for the presence of demodex) show negative results. The duration of treatment ranges from 2 months to 1 year and will be individual for each person.

List of contraindications and possible side effects

Young mothers during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding need to exercise caution when using Metrogyl gel, and be sure to coordinate this with their doctor.

Obvious contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  1. individual intolerance to individual components of the drug, and especially metronidazole;
  2. extensive skin burns;
  3. the presence of open wounds, ulcers;
  4. chronic respiratory diseases.

To determine how the body reacts to the drug, it is enough to apply a small amount of gel to one of the areas where the tick is localized. If discomfort occurs (tingling, burning, swelling, etc.), the skin is thoroughly washed with running water, and Metrogyl gel is replaced with another product.

Common side effects include:

  1. slight swelling occurs at the sites of application to the skin, it takes a long time to go away;
  2. maintaining hyperemia;
  3. mild itching;
  4. hives (small rash);
  5. a feeling of tightness and slight flaking of the skin.

Doctors say that the manifestation of at least one of the side effects can serve as a good reason for abandoning the gel or replacing it with antibiotics of a similar effect.

This concludes this article, dear readers.

Metrogyl gel, by today's standards, continues to be one of the most effective pharmaceutical products in the fight against demodicosis. But remember that it is important to apply it correctly, and then you will definitely defeat the subcutaneous mite.


See you again on the blog pages!


For the treatment of pimples, acne, acne, blackheads and other skin diseases caused by adolescence, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hereditary factors, stressful conditions and other reasons, many of our readers successfully use Elena Malsheva's method . After reviewing and carefully studying this method, we decided to offer it to you.

The drug Metrogyl gel with an affordable price and positive reviews, according to the instructions for use, is intended to destroy protozoan pathogenic microorganisms of the anaerobic spike type, as well as bacteria by suppressing the production of nucleic acids.


The composition of 1 g of the drug includes:

  1. 10 mg of the active ingredient metronidazole;
  2. clotrimazole;
  3. disodium edetate;
  4. methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  5. propylene glycol;
  6. carbomer 940;
  7. sodium hydroxide;
  8. propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  9. purified water.

Release form

The drug is a gel for external use, dispensed in 30 and 50 g quantities in laminated plastic or aluminum tubes with a screw cap. The medication is available in the form of a homogeneous substance with a gel consistency and color ranging from clear, white to yellowish.


Reviews report convenient packaging of Metrogyl gel, complete with 1 tube of the drug and instructions for therapeutic use. The price of a product weighing 50 g and equipped with applicators ranging from 1 to 10 pieces ranges from 219 to 240 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is an antiprotozoal agent with antibacterial and bacteriostatic properties, used for external use.


  1. Studies have shown minimal absorption of the drug. After external use, background amounts of the drug are found in the blood serum. Metronidazole entering the body is able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and the placenta, enter various cells and breast milk, while the maximum concentration of the substance in the blood when applying 1 g of the drug is up to 66 ng/ml.
  2. With intravaginal use of the substance, absorption of metronidazole in the bloodstream is observed at a level of 56%. The time to reach the maximum concentration of the active substance (237 ng/ml) ranges from 6 to 12 hours. Stable connections with blood plasma proteins are less than 20%. Research and practical application have confirmed the more effective effect of Metrogyl in the form of a gel compared to the medicine produced in tablet form. Metabolism of metronidazole occurs in the liver, followed by excretion from the body through urination.
  3. Absorption of clotrimazole when used intravaginally ranges from 3 to 10%, while high levels of the substance remain in the vaginal lubricant for 48 - 72 hours.


Metrogyl gel (instructions for use, price, reviews for external use confirm the effectiveness of the combined action) demonstrates activity against anaerobic bacteria such as:

  1. Peptostreptococcus spp;
  2. Prevotella spp;
  3. Peptococcus spp;
  4. Mobiluncus spp;
  5. Fusobacterium spp;
  6. Clostridium difficile;
  7. Eubacterium spp;
  8. Bacteroides fragilis;
  9. Gardnerella vaginalis;
  10. Bacteroides spp.


In addition, the active component of the drug has an effect on such types of protozoa as:

  1. Trichomonas vaginalis;
  2. Entamoeba histolytica;
  3. Giardia intestinalis;
  4. Entamoeba histolytica;
  5. Giardia lamblia;
  6. Lamblia intestinalis.

Metrogyl gel: instructions for use (price, reviews correspond to the stated effect) informs that in addition to metronidazole, the product contains clotrimazole, which is characterized by a fungicidal and bactericidal effect. When interacting with microorganisms, clotrimazole slows down the production of ergosterol, which affects the permeability of microbial cell membranes.

At the same time, low doses of the substance provide a fungistatic effect. The interaction of clotrimazole with peroxidases and mitochondrial enzymes leads to an increase in the percentage of hydrogen peroxide to critical values, causing the death of formations of a mycotic nature.

Indications for use in gynecology

Metrogyl gel: instructions for use (price, reviews confirm effectiveness) of an antifungal and antimicrobial drug, indicates how to use it in the form of a vaginal gel.


The drug is dispensed with a prescription from the treating specialist and is prescribed for the treatment of urogenital diseases such as:

  1. candidiasis vulvitis;
  2. urogenital trichomonases;
  3. candidal vulvovaginitis;
  4. confirmed vaginosis of a bacterial nature.

Indications for the face

Metrogyl gel is used for local external use, relieving swelling, improving the condition and healing of thinned blood vessels.

Shows high effectiveness in therapy:

  1. acne;
  2. infectious dermatological lesions caused by varicose veins or diabetes mellitus;
  3. eczema;
  4. difficult-to-heal skin areas;
  5. fight against subcutaneous mites with demodicosis;
  6. seborrhea;


Metrogyl gel is used in the treatment of seborrhea.

  1. rosacea that appears on the face due to the use of hormonal drugs;
  2. acne, which manifests itself in the facial area during puberty in adolescents.


Metrogyl gel (instructions for use, price, reviews are contained in various forums and discussions) is recommended to be limited if the patient’s body is hypersensitive to nitroimidazole derivatives and other components of the drug.

But there are a number of special cases, stipulating the conditions for taking the drug for certain groups of patients, Among which it is necessary to highlight:

  1. The patient has liver failure, epilepsy, leukopenia, and a tendency to seizures.
  2. Prohibition on the prescription and use of the drug for the treatment of children under 12 years of age.
  3. Use the drug with caution in patients with diseases of the central nervous system, since during systematic therapy with metronidazole, cases of peripheral neuropathy, in particular paresthesia and numbness of the extremities, have been noted. If any signs of neuropathy appear, you should immediately report changes to your doctor, who will review the therapy involving the use of Metrogyl gel.
  4. Diseases of the hematopoietic system and liver dysfunction.
  5. Use in small dosages for patients with signs of blood dyscrasia in the symptomatic manifestations of the disease.
  6. Avoid contact of the drug with the mucous surfaces of the eyes when carrying out antibacterial treatment of the face, which may result in excessive lacrimation. If the drug gets into the eye area, it is necessary to rinse thoroughly using plenty of water.
  7. Cautious use in the first trimester of pregnancy and when breastfeeding.

Side effects

When used externally, in accordance with the recommended dosages, usually no adverse reactions to metronidazole, which is one of the main components, occur.

In rare cases, as a result of the body’s individual reaction to the drug, the following consequences may occur:

  1. skin itching;
  2. irritation;
  3. upper respiratory tract infections, manifested in pathologies such as nasopharyngitis, nasal congestion, bronchitis, sinusitis;
  4. burning;
  5. sensation of a metallic taste on the surface of the lips;
  6. hives;


  1. migraine;
  2. the appearance of a feeling of tingling or numbness in the limbs;
  3. swelling and hyperemia of the skin, manifested at the site of application of the drug;
  4. the appearance of infection in the area of ​​the urinary system;
  5. nausea;
  6. the appearance of signs of contact and allergic dermatitis;
  7. hypertension;
  8. a feeling of skin tightness and dryness.

If signs of dermatitis appear, you should immediately consult your doctor, and then, in accordance with the instructions, either reduce the frequency of application of the product or completely stop using it.

In more rare cases, side effects such as:

  1. neoplasm;
  2. the appearance of pain in the back;
  3. swelling of the face;
  4. basal cell carcinoma;
  5. the appearance of fungal infections in the vaginal area.

Instructions for use, price and reviews indicate the high quality and effectiveness of Metrogyl gel. But when using it, it is possible that some side effects may occur. To avoid this, before carrying out therapy it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination by an endocrinologist, dermatologist, dentist and gynecologist.


Medical practice does not note any known cases of drug overdose, however, there are situations where It is recommended to avoid when carrying out treatment using Metrogyl gel:

  1. When using any medications based on metronidazole (regular and vaginal), drinking alcoholic beverages is contraindicated due to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug and a simultaneous increase in the risk of allergic reactions.
  2. Avoid visiting the sauna, taking hot baths, being exposed to direct ultraviolet radiation, and eating smoked and spicy foods.
  3. Limit and, if possible, completely eliminate the wearing of synthetic underwear, since in this case the risk of relapse of vaginitis increases significantly. During treatment and after recovery, it is recommended to prefer natural cotton-based underwear.

Special instructions during pregnancy and lactation

There are no research data on the use of Metrogyl gel for antibacterial therapy in pregnant women. The instructions for use of the drug recommend using it during pregnancy only if there are appropriate recommendations from the treating specialist.


After using the gel, a slight (at the level of the concentration of the substance in the blood plasma) increase in the concentration of metronidazole in breast milk is observed. The decision to stop breastfeeding or taking a drug should be made by the attending physician based on an assessment of the positive effect for the mother and the risk to the child’s health.

Use for children

Due to the lack of laboratory studies on the effectiveness and safety of using the gel for the treatment of children, it is recommended to refrain from prescribing and using the drug in patients of the younger age group and children under 12 years of age.

Metrogyl facial gel, instructions for use

When used externally to eliminate pathogenic microflora in the facial area, it is recommended to apply the gel 1-2 times onto a previously prepared area of ​​skin. Double treatment of the affected areas is carried out in the presence of pimples, affected areas and blackheads, while the treatment of the affected areas is carried out in the morning and in the evening.

The product has a light consistency, easy to use. After application to the surface of the skin, it is placed on it in an even layer, forming a thin film.

The course of treatment can last up to 9 weeks. It is noted that with daily use of the product, noticeable results are observed after several weeks from the start of the procedures.


The use of gel for therapy in the facial area involves the sequential implementation of a number of procedures, including:

  1. Thorough hand washing before and after handling.
  2. Cleansing the skin using mild soap, foam, milk or gel.
  3. Wipe the treated surface with alcohol-free lotion.
  4. Perform a targeted application of the drug with rubbing using the palms or fingertips until a uniform thin layer is formed on the surface of the skin. In special cases, the gel can be applied under the bandage according to the recommendations of the attending physician.

Cosmetologists emphasize the high effectiveness of the drug for treating oily skin.

Vaginal gel Metrogyl, instructions for use

Metrogyl gel is used twice a day (morning and evening), while the recommended dosage for intervaginal use is 1 full applicator (5g). The duration of treatment depends on the recommendations of the specialist and can range from 5 to 10 days.

If necessary, to completely eliminate the causative agents of pathogenic microflora, it is possible to repeat the course of therapy carried out after 14 days. During treatment, gynecologists recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse.


The algorithm for using Metrogyl gel includes the sequential performance of a number of operations:

  1. Remove the applicator from the packaging and remove the cap from the tube.
  2. Putting the applicator on the neck of the tube, positioning it in space so that the applicator is pointing up.
  3. Pressure on the surface of the tube until the entire volume of the nozzle is filled.
  4. Dismantling the applicator from the surface of the tube and sealing it with a lid.
  5. Carefully insert the nozzle into the vagina with gradual pressure on the piston to ensure complete flow of the gel inside.
  6. Removing the applicator and treating it with medical alcohol for subsequent storage in a clean form until next use.

Drug interactions

Gynecologists take into account the interaction of the drug with other drugs, since some of them can have a negative effect on the course of therapy, cause side effects and complications.

It is not recommended to take the gel together with drugs such as:

  1. amphotericin, nystatin, natamycin, since these substances reduce the effectiveness of clotrimazole;
  2. lithium-based medications, the use of which increases the percentage of this element in the blood plasma;
  3. non-polarizing muscle relaxants;
  4. phenobarbital, which accelerates the metabolism of the active substance;
  5. indirect anticoagulants, the interaction of the drug with which leads to an increase in their effect;
  6. cimetidine, which reduces the metabolism of the active substance, resulting in its increase in the blood serum, which in turn increases the risk of complications


To eliminate bacterial and infectious pathologies on the face and in the area of ​​the reproductive system in women, as well as to prevent their occurrence, it is recommended to carry out measures to treat and strengthen the immune system with the drug Metrogyl gel.

Detailed instructions for use are included with the product. The affordable price and numerous reviews indicate the high effectiveness of the drug.

Video about Metrogyl gel, rules of its use and effectiveness

Metrogyl gel for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, expert advice:

The effectiveness of Metrogyl gel in the fight against acne: