Mesotherapy as a way to get rid of acne and comedones

Many people often suffer from teenage problems such as pimples, comedones, acne, blackheads and increased sebum secretion even in adulthood. That is why the most effective procedure in this case will be the use of mesotherapy treatment.

Mesotherapy for acne has very good reviews, since microinjections into the facial skin improve metabolism in the dermal layers and accelerate regeneration. This is facilitated by the high concentration of beneficial substances in the composition of the drug.

Methods of performing mesotherapy.

This therapy is carried out using injection and non-injection methods. The injection method involves manual administration of the drug using a needle or microneedle. The non-injection method involves the use of a special device. The pain from the procedure is insignificant, especially with hardware administration.

Of course, the non-injection method is the most preferable, since manual administration requires the cosmetologist to have knowledge of asepsis, the ability to bypass painful areas and the skill of using the drug sparingly. Hardware administration of the drug is carried out without injections. Depending on the composition of the cocktail and the therapeutic components of such a procedure, devices can work on different principles, using electroparation, electrophoresis, electroosmosis (injection under pressure), and electromagnetic waves.

Non-injection mesotherapy for acne has the most positive reviews, since often problematic skin has microtraumas from self-cleansing of the face, which is undesirable for the injection method.

Composition of meso cocktails.

The composition of meso cocktails may vary. However, they mainly contain a variety of oligoelements (potassium, selenium, phosphorus, etc.), as well as substances such as hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen and various vitamins. Cocktails can also have an oxygen composition. The cocktail recipe may contain vitamins, antioxidants, stimulants, minerals, amino acids, and cell extracts in various proportions. At the same time, other cosmetic procedures can also be performed.

Of course, red dots, bruises, small papules, and bruises can be an unpleasant side effect. But these are temporary defects. Therefore, during such therapy, you should avoid visiting public places.

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