Facial mesotherapy what is it?

Facial mesotherapy has been used in cosmetology for more than half a century.

The popularity of this procedure can be explained by the fact that it allows you to solve a number of facial skin problems without resorting to surgery.

Everything you need to know if you decide to have youth injections - how often and at what age you can do mesotherapy for the face, what it is, the pros and cons, what this technique gives - you will learn further.

The essence of the injection method

First you need to understand what this procedure is. Facial mesotherapy refers to therapeutic injections in the form of individually selected cocktails, which are injected into the middle layer of the skin. Such cocktails may include minerals and vitamins, extracts of medicinal plants, amino acids and other substances.

For injection, a very thin needle is used, penetrating to a depth of 1.5 to 3.9 mm. Injection mesotherapy can effectively solve many problems associated with the face.

In each case, its action is individual, but there is always a result. The procedure allows you to increase microcirculation in the bloodstream, improve the elasticity and tone of the skin in the injection area.

While external agents that are applied to the skin cannot penetrate other layers of the skin except the superficial one, mesotherapy cocktails reach the middle layer of the dermis. This makes it possible to activate and speed up metabolic processes, improve blood circulation and start cell restoration processes.

Benefits and indications

Among the positive aspects, the following points stand out:

  1. Mesotherapy (including non-injection) provides long-term results that will not need to be updated regularly.
  2. The procedure is suitable for ladies of any age. It is especially effective as a method of combating wrinkles.
  3. There are practically no contraindications. But before the procedure, a small test is recommended to eliminate the risk of allergic reactions.
  4. Carrying out mesotherapy on an outpatient basis helps to achieve effectiveness.
  5. Almost always, skin cells take the drugs very well.

“Beauty injections” help solve the following problems:

  1. deteriorated skin condition due to unfavorable climate;
  2. the need for rehabilitation of skin tissue as a result of surgery;
  3. loss of facial muscle tone;
  4. dull skin, characteristic signs of aging, including wrinkles;
  5. double chin;
  6. acne, pimples, acne;
  7. seborrheic dermatitis;
  8. the presence of fatty deposits under the skin, nasolabial folds;
  9. swelling and dark circles around the eyes;
  10. creases on the skin;
  11. too pale skin color, excessive pigmentation;
  12. the presence of scars and cicatrices, rosacea.


The procedure is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. during pregnancy, especially in later stages;
  2. breastfeeding the baby;
  3. presence of cancer;
  4. chronic kidney failure;
  5. cholelithiasis;
acute infectious diseases; period of exacerbation of chronic diseases; skin diseases; chronic pathologies of the heart and blood vessels; hypertension; problems with blood clotting; use of blood thinners; wounds, burns and other damage; high sensitivity to the components of the administered drug.

Progress of the session, video

During preparation for facial mesotherapy, the cosmetologist should talk with you, find out about diseases and allergies, if any. He will clarify whether you have taken any medications and what you expect from mesotherapy. During the conversation, the specialist will be able to select the optimal medications for you that will be injected under the skin.

All the patient needs to do is sit in a comfortable chair. The cosmetologist will do the rest. First, an allergy test is carried out, since if there is a negative reaction to any of the components, the effect will be ruined. This test involves a specialist administering a minimum dose of a substance to the wrist area and analyzing the reaction.

If a cocktail is planned, no more than three components are usually used, which reduces the risk of an allergic reaction. Many people are concerned about whether pain relief is required during mesotherapy. This is determined by the client's sensitivity threshold. For some clients, mesotherapy does not cause any discomfort, and it feels like a kind of subcutaneous massage.

If the pain scares you, immediately talk to your cosmetologist about it. Previously, the face can be treated with a special cream, which will include lidocaine, which protects against pain. Thin needles are used for injections. A specialist can carry out the procedure manually or using an injector - a device that dispenses the injection of a component.

For real specialists, manual technology is usually no worse than hardware. The depth of drug administration and the number of injections are determined by the specialist. It all depends on the characteristics of the skin and the wishes of the patient.

Watch a video of how facial mesotherapy is done:

Recommendations and care after skin injections

Before the procedure, you should refrain from taking medications and alcoholic beverages. Also try to avoid bright sunlight.

It is also important to adhere to certain rules after the procedure. What not to do after facial mesotherapy so that its effect is only positive:

  1. On the day of mesotherapy, other procedures are contraindicated.
  2. On the first day, do not use any cosmetics - this can greatly harm the result.
  3. Also, over the next few days, try to avoid overheating, hypothermia, and direct exposure to sunlight. It is also prohibited to visit baths and saunas, solariums, and swimming pools. Massage and physical activity will also have to be postponed for some time.

Effect and results

Despite the fact that this procedure provides almost the same sensations as superficial exposure techniques, it is much more effective, since biological substances enter directly into the epidermis. This allows the skin to recover from the inside and ensures long-lasting results.

You can compare injections with reflexology, however, a special one - one that acts on the points and areas responsible for youth and beauty. A noticeable effect will not occur immediately. This usually takes about 2-4 weeks.

But immediately after entering the salon, you will also find noticeable changes, which will include the following:

  1. pharmacological action, which will be determined by the direction of the drug used;
  2. improving blood supply to capillaries and circulation;
  3. acceleration of cell renewal processes, activation of metabolic processes in skin cells;
  4. reflexogenic effect, mesotherapy can be compared with acupressure or acupuncture.

Here you can see what results can be achieved using this technique:

Drugs used

In mesotherapy, different groups of drugs are used, differing in their composition, level of action and characteristics of origin. The most popular among them are:

  1. Synthesized drugs. These funds are created artificially. The most popular representative of facial mesotherapy is hyaluronic acid. Preparations based on it are used to moisturize the skin, since this acid perfectly retains moisture.
  2. Herbal and plant extracts. These products are very effective and completely safe.
  3. Preparations based on animal products. These are collagen and elastin, which allow you to achieve youthful and elastic skin.
  4. Vitamins. The use of vitamins A, C, E, P, and group B is popular. They all have strong antioxidant properties, which helps improve the appearance of the skin.
  5. Minerals. Chemical salts of micro- and macroelements are often used, in particular selenium, phosphorus, magnesium and others. They act selectively, so in each individual case they are selected depending on the problems that need to be solved.
  6. Organic acids. In most cases, these are pyruvic and glycolic acids, which provide a peeling effect and accelerate cell regeneration.
  7. Medications . These are separate medications that can only be used in accordance with individual indicators.

A number of factors are used when choosing drugs. All skin features play a role - age spots (which are also removed with laser), wrinkles, photoaging, skin type and much more.

At the same time, do not forget that the specialist performing the procedure is responsible for the result obtained, so it is better to contact a real specialist.

How many procedures need to be done, average prices

Many people are interested in the question of how often do mesotherapy procedures for the face need to be done and how much does this type of solution to many cosmetic problems cost?

The number of visits to the salon required will depend on the patient’s age and the problems he wants to solve. On average, it is necessary to undergo a course of 5-7 facial mesotherapy procedures that will help achieve beauty, health and youthful skin.

The cost of facial mesotherapy will depend on the level of the institution and the master that you have chosen, on average it is 2000-6000 rubles per procedure.

This technique gives good results in combination with LPG facial massage, RF lifting procedure, body wraps, chemical peels and injection and laser biorevitalization.

We invite you to see photos before and after facial mesotherapy:


Reviews about the procedure are usually positive. Negative reviews in most cases are the result of either the wrong choice of a specialist or the wrong choice of a product for the skin.

“I had facial hydromesatherapy. I really liked the result. I got rid of wrinkles, improved skin tone, and my complexion became healthy and attractive. So many compliments from friends... I did a course of 7 procedures, despite the fact that the salon was very inexpensive.

Now I resort to prophylaxis once every two weeks. The first time I tried this procedure was on sale in one of the expensive salons, then I found an economy class option with similar devices. The most important thing in the success of mesotherapy is that good drugs are used.”

“I had the procedure done for the first time 6 months ago, but I didn’t notice any results. I was very disappointed, maybe the drugs were just not suitable. Now I decided to do it in another clinic. Two days passed, the result began to appear a little. Let's see what will happen next".

“I’ve been doing facial mesotherapy for 4 years, now I’m 45, and the results are only encouraging. The main thing in this matter is to find a good cosmetologist who will choose the right cocktail based on your age and skin type. The procedure helps even out the complexion, moisturize the skin and remove signs of aging.”

Finally, watch a video about how mesotherapy helps in the fight against acne and pimples:

Facial mesotherapy for women and men it is considered a popular procedure for rejuvenation and skin transformation. During injection manipulation, drugs with a vitamin cocktail are injected into the dermis using a needle. There are also non-injection methods. The effect of the classical procedure is almost equivalent to plastic surgery. Moreover, the manipulation takes place without pain, and the result comes instantly.

Let's talk about the method in more detail: what drugs are used, their effects, indications and contraindications, cost, course. And if you have already experienced the effect of mesotherapy, leave a review in the comments. Your opinion is very important to us.

What is this procedure

Mesotherapy was invented by the French doctor Michel Pistor in 1958. The name comes from the first part of the term: “mesoderm”. This is the middle layer of the dermis, where the blood vessels are located. Thus, the word means treating the skin by injecting drugs.

Initially, the method was used as a therapeutic method: to stabilize metabolic processes. However, it was later discovered that after the injections the skin becomes elastic, moisturized and smooth. Therefore, facial mesotherapy began to be used to correct defects or age-related changes. To solve complex problems, you just need to choose the right combination of components.

Cosmetic creams are not able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. While mesotherapy injections deliver beneficial substances to a depth of 5 mm.

Indications for injections

Beauty injections will help cope with the following problems:

  1. Wrinkles on the forehead, in the eye area or between the eyebrows.
  2. Bags, bruises, swelling, drooping or sunken eyelids.
  3. Nasolabial folds, drooping corners of the lips.
  4. Double chin, jowls, fat deposits on the face.
  5. Ptosis or deformation of the oval of the face, loss of elasticity, sagging.
  6. Couperosis or spider veins, hyperpigmentation, freckles.
  7. Skin dehydration, dryness, peeling, irritation.
  8. Enlarged pores, inflammation, pimples, acne, post-acne marks.
  9. Uneven relief and complexion, dullness, scars, scars.

The effectiveness of facial mesotherapy: After the procedure, the skin acquires a healthy tone, moisture, acne, unevenness and scars are eliminated, pigment spots, spider veins and wrinkles are eliminated.


Facial mesotherapy: photos before and after the procedure

It is important to know at what age facial mesotherapy has been performed. The restriction is age under 18 years. For young girls, injections will help cope with excess oily skin. For women 25–35 years old, prevent age-related changes. And ladies over 40 need to fight wrinkles and loss of firmness.

Read also:

Facial mesotherapy has contraindications

  1. Allergic reactions or intolerance to the drug.
  2. Internal pathologies of the liver, kidneys, oncology.
  3. Autoimmune and infectious diseases.
  4. Chronic forms in the acute stage.
  5. Period of pregnancy or lactation.
  6. Damage to the cover, abrasions, scratches.
  7. Skin diseases: herpes, dermatitis.

Facial mesotherapy is not recommended during menstruation. This is explained by the fact that during critical days and up to the 14th week of the cycle, blood clotting is poor.

Progress of the classical procedure

Before the session, a consultation is held with the client. In the absence of contraindications, the dermatocosmetologist selects the composition, method of administering the drugs, and also takes an allergy test.


An allergy test is required before the procedure.

The procedure involves several stages:

  1. Preparation. 4 days before the injections, the patient should not take analgesics, aspirin, and should also abstain from alcohol.
  2. Cleansing. The cosmetologist removes impurities from the skin with a cotton compress. It is worth noting that it is better not to use decorative cosmetics on the day of your visit.
  3. Marking. The doctor mixes the composition and prepares the problem area for injection by applying points along the vessels along the arcades.
  4. Injections. Facial mesotherapy itself takes 30 minutes. Injections are performed manually using a syringe with a long needle or a special mesoinjector.

Women who decide to undergo the procedure for the first time often wonder: “Will it hurt?” Mesotherapy, of course, causes discomfort associated with subcutaneous administration. However, thanks to the lidocaine or novocaine included in the composition, the sensations are similar to a therapeutic massage.

What drugs are used

The composition for anti-aging injections is called meso-cocktails. Most often, hyaluronic acid is used as the basis. There are many manufacturers and distributors of cosmetic products offering different combinations of components. The vitamin cocktail is selected based on the individual needs of the skin.


Preparations for facial mesotherapy

The basis of injection preparations for facial mesotherapy includes:

  1. Elastin and collagen are proteins of youth that form the facial frame, tissue density, and elasticity.
  2. Hyaluronate or hyaluronic acid is a human skin molecule responsible for renewal and restoration.
  3. Fibroblasts are connective cells that produce collagen, affecting the structure and color of the face.
  4. Enzymes are catalysts for biochemical processes that regulate metabolism and also break down fats.
  5. Plant extracts help in the treatment of rashes, rosacea, pigmentation, and give tone.
  6. Organic acids: pyruvic, polylactone, glycolic - fight photoaging and hyperpigmentation.
  7. Vitamin complex: calcium, silicon, magnesium, biotin, retinol, ascorbic acid. Substances increase the protective functions of the skin.

The most suitable composition is selected by a cosmetologist after consultation. The client always has the right to ask for a certificate and learn more about the product.

The ranking of the best drugs for mesotherapy includes:

  1. Japanese complex Sakura;
  2. Korean Dermaheal SR;
  3. American Meso-Xanthin;
  4. Italian Foto age Elasthase;
  5. Spanish Lightening Xtra;
  6. French Embrioblast Filorga.

The production of cocktails for mesotherapy in Russia is not as widespread as abroad. Among the worthy analogues we can note the domestic brand Skinasil. According to reviews, the drug has a less pronounced effect, but has an affordable price.

How much does facial mesotherapy cost?

The price for the procedure depends on the drugs used, as well as the area of ​​application. In addition, in medical salons in the capital you will have to pay more money for such rejuvenation than in the provinces.

More details about prices in the table:

City Average cost of one procedure, rub.
Moscow 5 000
SPB (St. Petersburg) 4 500
Ekaterinburg 4 000
Nizhny Novgorod 3 700
Rostov 3 500
Samara 3 400
Astrakhan 3 000
Voronezh 4 200
Krasnodar 4 200
Minsk 3 000
Orenburg 3 000
Kazan 4 000
Ufa 4 300

The method of rejuvenation is in demand not only among women. Modern men also take vitamin injections for their faces.

How many procedures are needed?

To achieve the desired result, you need to undergo a full course of mesotherapy. The number of sessions depends on the condition of the skin. On average, 3–7 visits per course will be required. For deep problems, the number can increase to 10. Further prevention is carried out every 6 months. For girls 25–30 years old, one injection every 6–12 months is enough to maintain youthful skin.


The photo shows the face after 3 and 5 procedures

It is important to understand that by the age of 30, collagen, the protein responsible for youth, ceases to be produced in the required quantity. Therefore, the skin begins to lose its shape. If you don’t take care of aging prevention at this age, then at the age of 40 it will be more difficult to cope with pronounced wrinkles.

Rehabilitation and possible complications

Proper care after mesotherapy during the rehabilitation period is no less important than the implementation of injection technologies. If the patient does not follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations, the result will come to naught.

What not to do after facial mesotherapy

  1. Go to the bathhouse, sauna.
  2. Sunbathe in the sun, in a solarium.
  3. Take a bath or hot shower.
  4. Engage in sports and heavy physical labor.
  5. Apply decorative cosmetics to your face.
  6. Perform massage, mask, peeling.
  7. Swim in the river, sea, pool.
  8. Touch injection sites.
  9. Drink alcohol and coffee.

You only need to limit yourself in everyday things temporarily: 1–2 weeks. But the skin will become at least 5 years younger, and you won’t mind the money spent.

After the injection, cosmetologists advise drinking more fluid so that swelling goes away faster. A balanced diet will help speed up regeneration. Be sure to include fruits and dairy products. The first day you should not wash your face with water; after that you need to use filtered water. To speed up skin recovery, apply Bepanten or Panthenol ointment, and apply sunscreen before going outside.

Consequences of mesotherapy

The first half hour after injection procedures, facial redness and discomfort are observed. There may be papules - lumps from injections that persist for 24 hours. If acceptable manifestations do not go away, but only intensify, you need to consult a cosmetologist.


Possible consequences and complications after facial mesotherapy: photo

  1. Hematomas. Bruises after mesotherapy are caused by deep injection of the drug or close proximity of capillaries.
  2. Erythema. If the face remains red for more than a day, inflammatory processes are possible.
  3. Necrosis. It manifests itself as subcutaneous bumps that do not go away, turning into purulent inflammation. In this case, an infection has occurred.
  4. Allergy. It manifests itself as swelling and itchy blisters. A delayed reaction to drugs is possible. In this case, after mesotherapy a rash appears, the skin begins to get wet, and after a while severe swelling appears.

The conclusion is the following: when consulting with a cosmetologist, it is necessary to provide reliable information about the reactions of your body. Be sure to take an allergy test. And most importantly, choose a qualified doctor.

Pros and cons of mesotherapy

Like any cosmetic procedure, mesotherapy reviews are both positive and negative. Let's look at the main points.


  1. Painless procedure.
  2. Precise, local action on tissue.
  3. Possibility to choose the composition depending on the skin condition.
  4. Combines with other types of cosmetic therapy.
  5. Low probability of negative consequences.


  1. Concerns due to skin exposure from injections.
  2. The effect is temporary, the procedure must be repeated.

The correct approach to the rejuvenation procedure will bring only positive results. Negative reviews appear due to mistakes by the cosmetologist or failure to follow recommendations for care after injections.


Flaws are found by those who want to find them.

Other types of mesotherapy

Often women are afraid to get injections on their face and consider them dangerous. Therefore, they are looking for other ways of rejuvenation. In addition to classic injection facial mesotherapy based on hyaluronic acid, there are alternative dermal treatment methods.

Non-injection facial mesotherapy

What it is? The principle of operation is similar to the classical procedure. However, needle-free facial mesotherapy does not involve puncturing the epidermis. With this technique, a special composition is applied to the skin, which can penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. Thus, the tissues are saturated with nutrients that slow down aging. And most importantly for cowards, this mesotherapy takes place without the use of a needle.

Fractional mesotherapy for facial skin

What it is? It is considered a hardware type of facial mesotherapy. The rejuvenating technique, just like conventional injections, is based on puncturing the skin. However, with the fractional method, the mesococktail is administered with an equipped manipulator, at the end of which there are needles coated with nanosilver.


The effectiveness of fractional mesotherapy for facial skin: photos before and after the procedure

Fractional mesotherapy using the Dermapen apparatus is carried out in a similar way. The small device is equipped with microneedles that deliver the useful composition to a depth of 2 mm. Reviews about the effectiveness of the fractional method indicate a pronounced anti-aging effect, minimal damage and the absence of a rehabilitation period.

Facial mesotherapy at home

Doing injection mesotherapy at home is extremely dangerous. The procedure is performed only on an outpatient basis, as there is a risk of infection. Self-rejuvenation can be carried out using special equipment, having previously discussed the method with a cosmetologist.

A noticeable result is achieved by a dermaroller or mesoscooter for the face. You can buy a mesotherapy device in online stores or a pharmacy. The device is a handle, at the end of which there is a roller with needles 0.5 cm long. Thanks to this subcutaneous massage, you can correct wrinkles, reduce sagging tissue, even out complexion, and also fight increased fat content.


Mesoscooter for facial mesotherapy at home

The Gezaton massager has become an accessible method of facial mesotherapy at home. The device of the French company is distinguished by its quality, low price, ease of use and efficiency. The device emits concentrated thermal energy, due to which collagen cells are renewed. Roller massagers Mediline and Marasil became analogues.

Each type of mesotherapy has its own advantages and disadvantages. The result of the injection or hardware rejuvenation method depends on the qualifications of the cosmetologist, the correct selection of meso-cocktail, and compliance with the recommendations after the procedure. And for those who prefer to transform themselves at home, roller massagers or mesoscooters will be your assistant.

Every woman makes a lot of efforts to maintain youthful and fresh skin. In addition to numerous professional care products and the use of home recipes, cosmetology sessions in beauty salons are especially popular, allowing you to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. One of these procedures is mesotherapy, which involves a targeted effect on the epidermis using specially selected active drugs. In the article we will look at what it is - facial mesotherapy, reviews, indications and contraindications regarding the procedure.

Description of the method

First of all, you need to understand what this cosmetic procedure is. Facial mesotherapy involves injections into the middle layers of the dermis with an individually selected therapeutic drug. Its composition may include vitamin complexes, minerals, plant extracts, amino acids and other nutrients. Injections are made using a very thin needle that penetrates to a depth of 1.5 to 3.9 mm.

There is also non-injection facial mesotherapy. What it is? The procedure involves applying a specially selected cocktail to problem areas of the skin, after which the device is applied to these areas.

Mesotherapy allows you to get rid of numerous problems associated with the skin of the face and neck. In each individual case, its effect is individual, but the result is guaranteed. Sessions significantly improve microcirculation in blood vessels, make the skin elastic, and increase its tone in the area where the drug is administered. Unlike products for external use, which penetrate only the superficial layers of the skin and are not able to penetrate into deeper areas, drugs used during mesotherapy act in the middle layers of the epidermis. This allows you to activate metabolic processes, cell regeneration, and improve blood circulation.

The price of facial mesotherapy is from 2000 rubles. The non-injection procedure costs the same.

Drugs used in the process

We looked at what it is - facial mesotherapy. Reviews of the methodology will be presented below. Let's look at the cocktails with which the procedure is carried out.

During this manipulation, different groups of medicinal drugs are used, which differ in composition, action and manufacturing features. The most popular of them are synthesized drugs that are created in laboratories.

  1. The most commonly used cocktail for facial mesotherapy is hyaluronic acid. It helps retain moisture in the deep layers of the dermis, due to which the skin is moisturized and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  2. Plant extracts, absolutely safe and effective elements.
  3. Components based on animal products, including collagen and elastin. They, in turn, rejuvenate and increase skin elasticity.
  4. Facial mesotherapy with vitamins C, B, A, E, P. The elements included in the preparations are distinguished by powerful antioxidant properties that improve the appearance of the skin.
  5. Minerals. Most often, chemical salt and macroelements are used, including selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. Mineral supplements are selected depending on the desired effect of the procedure.
  6. Organic acids. As a rule, these are glycolic or pyruvic acids, which stimulate cell regeneration.
  7. Medications. Among them are certain medications, the use of which is permitted only for individual reasons.

When choosing a drug, a cosmetologist is guided by a number of indicators, in particular: the characteristics and type of skin, pigmentation, age-related changes, rashes and other factors. A wide range of drugs allows you to create a cocktail to achieve the best result in each individual case. It is important to remember that the specialist performing it is responsible for the result of the procedure, so it is necessary to contact an experienced specialist with good recommendations.

Photos before and after the facial mesotherapy procedure can be found in this article. They confirm that the result of the manipulation is immediately visible.

Indications and benefits

We looked at what it is - non-injection facial mesotherapy, as well as a procedure performed using injections. Now let us mention the advantages and positive aspects of such manipulations.

This cosmetic procedure has a number of indications, among them are:

  1. deterioration of facial skin due to exposure to adverse weather conditions;
  2. the need to restore skin tissue after surgery;
  3. decreased tone of facial muscles;
  4. sagging skin;
  5. pronounced signs of aging, loss of facial contours, facial wrinkles;
  6. double chin;
  7. acne, acne, problematic facial skin;
  8. seborrheic dermatitis;
  9. the presence of fat deposits;
  10. nasolabial folds;
  11. tendency to swelling;
  12. circles under the eyes;
  13. unnatural pallor and unhealthy appearance of the face;
  14. creases;
  15. pigmentation;
  16. scars, scars, rosacea.
  17. loss of skin elasticity, decreased turgor;
  18. a tendency to dryness or, on the contrary, excessive work of the sebaceous glands.

The benefits of taking a course of mesotherapy include:

  1. A course of mesotherapy, including non-injection methods, provides long-term results, without the need to regularly resort to maintenance procedures.
  2. The procedure is recommended for women of all ages. It is especially effective in combating age-related skin changes.
  3. A properly selected drug virtually eliminates the risk of adverse reactions. Before performing the procedure, it is recommended to undergo a short test for individual intolerance to the components of the drug in order to avoid allergic reactions.
  4. Mesotherapy performed on an outpatient basis makes it possible to achieve the best results.
  5. In almost all cases, skin cells respond well to the injected drug.
  6. An opportunity to get rid of several facial skin problems without resorting to other procedures.
  7. Achieving the desired result in the shortest possible time.
  8. Compared to many other cosmetic procedures, patients highlight the affordable price of facial mesotherapy.


It should be noted that mesotherapy is carried out in two ways: non-injection or by injection, so some contraindications may prohibit the procedure in one way, but do not exclude the other. Facial mesotherapy using a non-invasive method is considered less dangerous, since in this case the risk of side effects is reduced, in addition, the procedure is painless. This method is carried out by introducing drugs with a laser, meso-roller, magnet, or a special cosmetology device that affects the skin with cold.

In turn, contraindications to facial mesotherapy can be divided into absolute and relative. In the first case, the administration of drugs by injection is completely excluded, since it can provoke complications of existing pathologies or worsen the general state of health. These include:

  1. Oncology. Non-injection mesotherapy is approved for use, but depends on the type of tumor and the patient’s condition. This is due to the fact that some components of the administered drug can activate the process of renewal and division of cancer cells, as a result of which the disease will begin to progress.
  2. Blood clotting disorder. In this case, the invasive method is absolutely contraindicated, as it can cause bleeding.
  3. Pathological fear at the sight of an injection is a rather rare case, but it does occur. In this case, we can recommend the non-injection administration of a vitamin cocktail.

If we talk about relative contraindications, they are temporary. That is, injections are unacceptable, but only until certain signs or circumstances that prevent the procedure are eliminated. Relative contraindications include:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation. Despite the fact that no research has been conducted on the effect of a cosmetic procedure on a child’s condition, to avoid negative consequences, it is advisable to postpone the session until the woman stops breastfeeding.
  2. Taking medications that can affect blood clotting. Therefore, before starting mesotherapy, it is important to inform the cosmetologist about all medications currently taken. This will help avoid unwanted consequences.
  3. Exacerbation of herpes on the face.
  4. History of allergies.
  5. The presence of infectious diseases, regardless of their location.

Particular attention is paid to the drugs used during the procedure. Thus, the administration of hyaluronic acid is prohibited for patients with hypersensitive skin, as well as open wounds on the face. Artichoke extract is contraindicated in acute renal failure, liver dysfunction, and hepatitis.

Possible side effects

Regardless of the technique used, mesotherapy is considered an invasive procedure, despite the fact that disruption of the integrity of the skin is minimal. Even if all safety precautions are followed, the risk of side effects exists.

The following complications are possible after injection type facial mesotherapy:

  1. Most often these are negative reactions caused by the administered drug. After completion of the procedure, the client may feel a burning sensation, experience pain at the injection sites, and redness may appear. Since medicinal cocktails contain several components, there is always the possibility of an allergic reaction to one of them. This can only be avoided by conducting a sensitivity test to the drug.
  2. Less common, but the possibility of developing side effects due to non-compliance with the technology of the procedure cannot be excluded. For example, if during mesotherapy the cosmetologist inserted the needle too deeply, a blood vessel could be punctured, therefore, bruises will likely appear at the puncture sites. If the technician does not properly disinfect the equipment or work area being used, there is a risk of infection for the client. If the technician is insufficiently qualified, after the procedure, scars may be observed on the face or, even worse, tissue death (necrosis).

It is worth remembering that minimal bruising after facial mesotherapy is still present. In normal skin condition, they disappear after 10-14 days.

Considering all the listed consequences, it is necessary to be very careful when choosing a cosmetologist and preparing for mesotherapy.

How does the procedure work?

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist will conduct a brief conversation and clarify whether the client is taking medication or suffers from certain diseases or allergies. Then he will find out the purpose of mesotherapy and, based on the client’s wishes, select the optimal drug for injection under the skin. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, a specialist may recommend peeling.

To eliminate the risk of adverse reactions, the cosmetologist performs an allergy test. To do this, a minimum dose of the drug is injected into the wrist area; if no redness is observed on the skin for some time, proceed directly to the procedure itself.

Many clients are interested in the question of whether pain relief is required when performing mesotherapy. This is determined in each individual case and depends on the sensitivity threshold. For some, the procedure is associated with a deep massage and does not cause discomfort, while for others it causes acute pain. First, the cosmetologist can apply a cream to the face that contains lidocaine, which reduces sensitivity. Mesotherapy is carried out manually or using a device that dispenses the introduction of a medicinal composition. Experienced cosmetologists have mastered the manual technique no worse than the hardware one. The depth and number of injections depend on the condition of the skin, the client’s wishes and are prescribed by the specialist.

Post-procedure care

It was discussed above what it is - facial mesotherapy. Feedback from patients suggests that it is important not only to choose a qualified specialist, but also to provide proper care after the manipulation.

After the procedure, you must refrain from taking medications and alcoholic beverages, and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. In addition, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules so that the effect of the procedure has the best effect on the appearance and condition of the skin:

  1. On the day of planned mesotherapy, no other procedures are performed.
  2. The first day after, you should not use any cosmetics; it may get into the puncture sites, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the drug.
  3. During the week, it is advisable to avoid hypothermia, overheating and direct exposure to sunlight on the skin of the face. You should postpone visiting the pool, sauna, bathhouse and solarium. You will also have to forget about massage and active physical activity for several days.
  4. The treated skin areas should not be massaged for 2-3 days. Cosmetologists also recommend not touching your face if possible.

Effect and results

Due to the fact that the active ingredients are introduced into the middle layers of the skin, the procedure is much more effective compared to surface exposure. The skin is restored from the inside, which ensures lasting results. The invasive method is often compared to reflexology, which, by influencing certain points, promotes skin rejuvenation.

The visible effect after mesotherapy is not observed immediately; it usually takes several weeks. However, on the day of visiting the salon, some changes are noticeable on the face depending on the pharmacological action of the drug: this is an improvement in blood supply, which is manifested by an improved complexion, acceleration of regeneration processes and metabolism in skin cells. Mesotherapy is often compared to acupuncture and acupressure.

How many procedures are needed and how often?

Many clients are interested in the question of how often facial mesotherapy is performed and how many will be needed to achieve the desired result.

Mainly, the duration of the course of mesotherapy is determined by age and the problems that need to be solved. For some, it is enough to heal the skin and improve complexion, for others it is enough to smooth out wrinkles, which will take more time. How many facial mesotherapy procedures are needed? On average, the course ranges from 5 to 7 procedures, as a result of which you can achieve rejuvenation and improvement of facial skin.

The best results can be achieved if you combine mesotherapy with facial massage, lifting, masks, chemical peeling, and biorevitalization.

Patients resort to this procedure for various reasons: to rejuvenate or increase skin elasticity, eliminate scars or the effects of acne.


Although the procedure is recommended by many, it is still worth checking with the specialist about the nuances of what it is - facial mesotherapy; studying reviews will also be useful.

Women have both positive and negative opinions on this matter. Let's start with the positive mammoths, including:

  1. If you contact a qualified cosmetologist, then after completing the course a clear result will be noticeable.
  2. If there are no adverse reactions, then women consider hyaluronic acid to be an effective remedy. Reviews of mesotherapy around the eyes say that the component helps smooth out wrinkles and facial folds.
  3. The skin clearly becomes more elastic.

There are also negative reviews:

  1. Women say about mesotherapy around the eyes: if the skin is thin, they often have bruises and red spots at the injection sites.
  2. The appearance immediately after the procedure leaves much to be desired (uneven skin). For many, it was a problem to return home or go to the store - everyone on the street pays attention.
  3. Many people note the pain of the injections and discomfort during the procedure.
  4. To remove deep wrinkles and acne, more than 10 procedures are needed, which is expensive.
  5. The procedure must be repeated.

It is worth noting that the injection form of the procedure has more negative reviews. They are primarily related to the appearance of the skin.

Those who have tried the non-injection procedure say that the pain during it is insignificant, there are no punctures or red dots after them. Everyone also notes that the skin has become much more pleasant to the touch, more even and uniform.