Mesotherapy against graying reviews

The color of a woman’s curls is an indicator of youth and well-being, so many try to use any method, and mesotherapy against gray hair is no exception. Most often, gray hair appears after 35 years. At the age of 50–60 years, gray hair becomes much more numerous. This process is determined by the amount of pigment in the bulbs. When special cells (melanocytes) stop producing coloring pigment, the white color of the hair intensifies.


Gray hair appears due to decreased activity of melanocytes. This is due to the genetic code of each person. Early gray hair is a consequence of a lack of certain vitamins and elements in the body. Hair coloring is not a solution to the problem, but only a disguise. Mesotherapy will help cure and restore the color of strands. It improves the nutrition of cells in the scalp, strengthens hair follicles, and promotes good growth.

Procedure technology

Mesotherapy is the injection of therapeutic cocktails under the scalp. These mixtures contain:

  1. a large amount of vitamin B;
  2. microelements;
  3. amino acids.


They also contain various natural analogues of melanin, magnesium, zinc, polyunsaturated fatty acids, medications, etc. Sometimes hyaluronic acid is also used.

To achieve an effective result, a whole course of treatment must be carried out. On average, about 10 injections are needed. Their number and frequency are assigned individually.

This cosmetic operation involves injecting a healthy cocktail under the scalp to a depth of 4 mm. There is no need to be afraid of injections. Mesotherapy itself is a comfortable procedure that is tolerated without problems.

In addition to the therapeutic effect, manipulation helps to nourish the skin and improve blood circulation. Most often, girls are forced to sign up for mesotherapy at the clinic due to the process of hair loss. After consultation and examination by a doctor, a course of treatment is prescribed. This operation helps with:

  1. loss of shine;
  2. the appearance of dryness;
  3. dandruff;
  4. hair fragility.


Vitamin cocktails are harmless and will not be superfluous even with minor problems or their absence. Considering the cost of procedures, it is more rational to resort to them when necessary. The cost of the drug, which depends on the set of components, varies between 50–150 dollars, and the services of a cosmetologist are not free.

The procedure works as follows: beneficial elements act on the hair follicle bulbs, after which the duration of the growth phase increases, the synthesis of melanin pigment increases, which allows you to stop the process of graying. There is a lot of controversy and discussion about the effectiveness of such a procedure.


Research and treatment results have reached the following verdict: mesotherapy returns hair to its natural color at the initial stage of graying, and at later stages, vitamin injections will help strengthen the curls and give them thickness, but will not return the color.

The healing effect lies not only in a well-composed complex of vitamins, amino acids and other substances, but also in the addition of melanin pigment.

It helps restore color and accelerate hair growth.

Another secret lies in the injection areas. Sometimes injections are made not only under the scalp, but also into the undercollar part of the neck. Thus, blood microcirculation is normalized faster.

Mesotherapy procedure in the clinic

There are 2 options for performing injections: manual (using a small syringe) or hardware. The last method is the use of a special mesoinjector gun, which allows you to automate the process and reduce the duration of the procedure. The level of administration of the vitamin cocktail may vary.


The specialist uses thin and short needles. Considering the minimum depth of the injection, it is easy to understand that the procedure is almost imperceptible and absolutely painless. To ensure that the effect of medicinal cocktails is sufficient for the entire area of ​​hair on the head, a cosmetologist or doctor pricks a person’s skin every 1.5 cm.

After the procedure, bruising occurs extremely rarely and only in very sensitive patients. Residual bruises do not require special treatment and disappear on their own within 1–2 days. The main advantage of mesotherapy in the treatment of weakened hair and gray hair is the absence of side effects and the versatility of the drugs.


The procedure takes about 30–40 minutes. It must be carried out in a sterile environment. For a long-term effect, a course of mesotherapy procedures is prescribed. As a rule, the result is noticeable after 3-4 sessions, after which 2-3 more procedures are performed to consolidate the success. In case of complex diseases, serious lack of vitamins, or in the case of using mesotherapy against gray hair, a course of 10–15 sessions is prescribed.

Often, due to distrust of cosmetologists or a desire to save money, women try to find a way on their own. High-quality and safe mesotherapy is only possible with a good doctor. By purchasing expensive drugs and special injection devices, women risk causing great harm to their health and appearance. Do not forget about the importance of experience and knowledge, which only a good specialist possesses.

Contraindications and prevention

Mesotherapy is one of the therapeutic clinical procedures; there are also contraindications to its implementation. Strict medical prohibitions apply for oncological pathologies, severe skin infections, hemophilia and kidney diseases. Harm to health can be caused when performing mesotherapy during menstruation, pregnancy, lactation, exacerbation of any chronic diseases, epilepsy, allergies to components.

It is not yet possible to completely restore melanin production in already gray hair. Only at the early stage of the appearance of such a symptom can you avoid the problem by consulting a doctor in time and taking a course of vitamin injections. Considering the harmlessness of the procedure, mesotherapy can be carried out as a preventive measure. It will strengthen your hair, give it strength and shine, and in some cases delay the appearance of gray hair. Before signing up for injections, you must consult your doctor.

Therapeutic cocktails used

Preparations injected under the skin contain amino acids, zinc, and B vitamins. Such cocktails:

  1. stop hair loss;
  2. eliminate dandruff;

The composition of the cocktail is selected individually

  1. normalize sebum secretion;
  2. improve the condition of the scalp in general.

In addition, mesotherapy is a good preventive measure against gray hair.

The composition of the meso-cocktail is selected individually, taking into account the person’s problem.


Treatment with mesotherapy is indicated for:

  1. androgenetic, focal and diffuse alopecia (baldness), in chronic and acute forms;
  2. dry and oily skin;
  3. poor condition of the scalp and hair due to aggressive influences (ultraviolet irradiation, diet, hair coloring and curling, taking medications, etc.);
  4. hair fragility, dryness and fluidity;
  5. seborrhea, dandruff and itchy scalp;
  6. premature appearance of gray hair.

At androgenetic alopecia in men, hair thins and falls out on the parietal and frontal areas of the head, in women - starting from the central parting with a transition to the side surfaces. At diffuse baldness hair in both men and women falls out evenly throughout the entire scalp due to a failure in the hair development cycle. This signals disturbances in the functioning of the body as a whole. Alopecia areata – the formation of one or several round-shaped bald spots due to damage to the cells of the hair root system, a malfunction in the immune system.

Duration of the procedure

One mesotherapy session lasts about 40 minutes.

After the procedure

After mesotherapy, small bruises may appear at the injection sites, which will disappear within a week.

Mesotherapy effect

After the procedure you CANNOT:

  1. You can take a bath and shower only after 8–12 hours;
  2. visit a solarium or stay in the sun for a long time - for 2 days;
  3. use masks and other cosmetics within 12 hours.


Naturally, patients are interested in when and what effect to expect from the procedure.

After a course of mesotherapy

Please know: treating hair follicles is a complex and lengthy process. After 1-2 sessions of introducing meso-cocktails, you are unlikely to see the result. Healthy hair will not grow from a diseased bulb: it must first be completely restored and provided with everything necessary for the subsequent growth and nutrition of healthy hair.

At the end of the course, which includes 8–10 sessions, hair loss stops and new hairs begin to appear. Overall, the hair becomes soft, manageable and shiny.

However, for the final result, several courses of 8–10 sessions may be needed, which can be carried out throughout the year.


  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  2. Neoplasms
  3. Having allergies to medications used
  4. Menstruation period
  5. Chronic diseases in the acute stage
  6. Inflammatory processes
  7. Poor blood clotting
  8. Epilepsy, etc.

Other uses of mesotherapy

This procedure is successfully used not only for hair treatment, but also for other cosmetic purposes. So, it allows you to deal with problems on:

  1. face (various skin defects: sagging, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, enlarged pores, scars, rosacea);
  2. body (cellulite, rosacea, local fat deposits on various parts of the body, stretch marks, stretch marks).


Alexandra: I turned to mesotherapy after reading reviews about its effectiveness against early gray hair. My parents had this problem, and at the age of 25, gray hairs began to appear on me. Naturally, I had a complex and scoured the entire Internet in search of a solution, tried a bunch of different remedies. Then I learned about mesotherapy. Looking ahead, I will say that the procedure itself does not solve the problem of gray hair. At the first salon they delicately kept silent about this to me. True, my hair began to look much better, it grew fat more slowly, and the split ends disappeared. But because of this lie, I changed the salon. In another, they explained to me that early gray hair is a genetic process and cannot be stopped. You can just slow it down, which is what I do. And the hair looks great. I am pleased.

Marina: After mesotherapy, the hair became soft, shiny, and split ends disappeared. Of course, it’s not that “wow”, but compared to what it was... Maybe when I complete the whole course, I’ll see a more noticeable effect. But overall, mesotherapy is an excellent procedure for improving hair health. It seems to me that those who have dyed their hair will especially see the effect. Many of my friends have done mesotherapy and definitely no one regrets it.

Svetlana: I did mesotherapy last year. Now I’m going to repeat it, my hair looks so gorgeous after using it. The “loofah” on my head, which I had, one might say, has come to its senses))

Video: treatment of baldness
