Does micellar water help with acne?

Water is the source of life; without it, the human body would not be able to function normally. Its deficiency leads to inevitable death, because H2O is responsible for all vital processes. The benefits of a binary inorganic compound for the skin are invaluable, as it perfectly moisturizes and cleanses it. Water for acne performs primarily a cleansing function. It makes it easier to remove remaining dirt from the pores.


What water is good for acne?

It is known that salt water helps to eliminate rashes. It has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare a medicinal solution, it is best to use sea salt, because it is much healthier for the epidermis. This product not only perfectly removes excess sebum, but also exfoliates dead cells.

Regular use of the solution helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, thereby eliminating shine. You can also make lotions with it.

If you have acne all over your body, then it is very useful to take baths with water and sea salt.


The benefits of thermal water

Thermal water is widely used in the treatment of numerous acne. It is extracted from natural sources located at great depths. It contains a large number of microelements that play a huge role in the health of the epidermis. Its beneficial properties are as follows:

  1. relieves even severe inflammation;
  2. normalizes water balance in dermal cells;
  3. deeply cleanses the skin.

Thermal water does not contain any chemical impurities, and therefore is completely hypoallergenic.

Methods of application

Use thermal water in the form of a spray, which is sprayed at a short distance from the face. You can also apply the product using a cotton pad. It is used for topical use only.

Thermal water producers

Today there are many manufacturers that produce thermal water. The most popular of them are:


Vichy is a thermal water supplied from a French spring that has been famous for a long time. It perfectly moisturizes the dermis, saturating it with all the necessary microelements. The liquid inorganic compound also has anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. The product, donated by nature itself, contains 17 minerals and 13 microelements, which not only enrich the epidermis, but also increase its barrier functions.

Evian thermal water is melt water from the Alpine mountains that has undergone a high degree of purification. It helps to effectively not only moisturize the epidermis, but also relieve irritation. Evian recommends treating your skin before applying makeup and can also remove makeup.

“Ya Samaya” is produced by a domestic manufacturer, so it is in a more affordable price category, but this makes it in no way inferior in its healing properties to expensive analogues.

Kenzo perfectly moisturizes and cleanses the epidermis, filling it with life-giving moisture. Its regular use helps to effectively relieve inflammation and also improve the appearance of the face.

“Black Pearl” is thermal water from a Russian manufacturer, which is extracted from Alpine mountain springs. Its benefits for the epidermis are invaluable.

"Yves Rocher" can be used as a tonic, as well as a base for makeup, and can also be used to remove evening makeup perfectly.

What can be replaced?

You can replace water obtained from thermal springs with ordinary mineral water without gases. In this case, you need to choose a drink with a minimum amount of salts, since a high content of them can adversely affect the condition of the dermis.


Washing with cold water helps improve the condition of the skin, perfectly toning it. However, this method is not suitable for everyone, since such water, instead of being beneficial, can cause rashes. This especially threatens the sensitive dermis, as well as people who are allergic to cold.

Dermatologists cannot come to an opinion about what water is best to wash with. Some argue that warm water opens the pores, which means it allows for better removal of impurities. Others say that warm water provokes the active work of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which a large amount of sebum begins to be released.

Which water to give preference will depend on the physiological characteristics of the dermis. Wash at a temperature that is most comfortable for your skin.

The harm of frequent washing

Washing procedures are usually carried out in the morning and evening. If you wash your face less often, this risks the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the epidermis. During washing, the skin is cleansed not only of sebaceous secretions, but also of dead epidermal cells. If the stratum corneum is not removed in time, this leads to numerous development of bacteria.


In addition to the benefits, frequent washing also threatens severe skin irritation, as well as active sebum production. This in turn can lead to profuse rashes.


Many doctors claim that if you drink a lot of water, the skin will soon begin to cleanse itself. This happens due to the fact that the liquid is able to expel from the body all the harmful substances that have accumulated in it.


For effective therapeutic effects, drink at least two liters of purified liquid daily. You need to drink water in small portions throughout the day.

It is also useful to cleanse the skin and restore water balance and drink herbal teas prepared with purified water. Decoctions based on mint, chamomile and thyme are especially useful.

No doctor can guarantee that acne will go away by drinking large amounts of fluids. In addition to internal use, local use in the form of lotions and tonics, which can also be prepared independently using water and antiseptic herbs, is also necessary.

It is very useful to wipe your face with chamomile infusions every day. Also, herbs such as calendula or string are perfect for preparing them. Water will perfectly cleanse and moisturize the dermis, and the herbal components will have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. You can also make ice from the decoctions to wipe your face. After the cubes freeze, they are washed with them. The procedure is best carried out in the morning.

In addition to the internal and local use of water, to effectively eliminate inflammatory processes in the dermis, it is very important to follow a cleansing diet, which will allow you to quickly and completely remove toxic substances from the body. To do this, be sure to eliminate all fatty and fried foods, as well as various types of smoked foods, from the diet. Sweets are also prohibited, as they can also provoke inflammatory processes in the dermis.

Preference is given to dishes prepared by boiling, steaming or stewing. In addition to fresh, clean drinking water, your daily diet should include freshly squeezed juices and fermented milk products.


“I’ve been drinking up to 2.5 liters of water every day for four months now. There are actually fewer skin rashes."


“I drank a lot of water for acne. During the treatment period, I also followed a diet and after six months the acne completely disappeared.”

“As a family, we constantly drink a lot of water. When my son started having rashes as a teenager, I forced him to drink at least 2 liters a day.”


Micellar water can be found on almost every woman’s shelf. Everyone knows that this cosmetic product is used to quickly cleanse the face of dirt and makeup. Does micellar water help with acne, does it get rid of blemishes and redness? Or should we not expect more from her than careful facial care? You will find detailed answers to these questions in our article.

Composition and properties of micellar water

Micellar water was originally used as a means to soften facial skin, as well as to combat redness and inflammation. It carefully removes dirt without harming the hydrolipidic membrane or causing irritation. Many manufacturers include natural ingredients in its composition, which enhances its positive properties. For example, cucumber extract is popular, which relieves inflammation, refreshes the face after a working day, and also soothes the skin.

Micellar water is used for makeup removal, including in the area around the eyes. Unlike milk and foam for washing, it does not leave an unpleasant greasy film on the surface of the skin. If you regularly wipe your face with this product, its appearance will noticeably improve. In the summer, this product gives freshness and also helps to quickly get rid of unwanted oily shine.

Advantages of the product

The properties of micellar water are explained by the action of natural particles - micelles, which upon contact with water form surfactants. It has the following effect:

  1. fights inflammatory processes and irritations that appear after using cleansers;
  2. deactivates the influence of chemicals that enter the skin from the external environment;
  3. effectively destroys fat, so it is suitable for oily skin and cleansing the face in hot weather.

The products are available in small bottles, which are convenient to use while traveling, on a train or on an airplane.


This remedy is not without its drawbacks. But these are rather minor disadvantages that you need to remember:

  1. sticky feeling after application;
  2. individual components in the composition can cause allergies through individual intolerance;
  3. slight shine after use in some women, depending on the characteristics of the epidermis.

It is undesirable to allow micellar to get into your eyes, so you need to wash off cosmetics from your eyelids very carefully. If it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, the product may cause an unpleasant burning sensation. Please note that micellar water may cause acne if used frequently. This happens due to the destruction of the living layer of the epidermis.


How does micellar water work on problem skin?

Skin with acne, rashes and comedones is called problem skin. To eliminate these defects, you will need a micellar solution containing a small amount of alcohol, substances with antibacterial effects and plant extracts. It is not advisable to use a specialized product for wiping the delicate skin around the eyes. They treat exclusively problem areas of the face.

Micellar water is unable to become a complete cure for acne. But it will serve as a good additional therapy.

Micellar water against acne helps if blemishes are caused by:

  1. irregular cleansing;
  2. using alkaline cleansers;
  3. an incorrectly selected product for your skin type

Micellar water is also used as a remedy against blackheads. Blackheads are pores clogged with waste products of the epidermis. Remnants of makeup and dust often get there. The fat accumulated in the pores oxidizes and turns black. However, micellar water is not completely capable of removing blackheads, as it has a mild effect. Therefore, in this case, it is more correct to use it to regularly wipe the face, and remove blackheads with the help of intensive cleansers.


Keep in mind that pores get clogged even with your favorite foundation creams. And this leads to inflammation and acne formation. That's why it's so important to cleanse your face properly in the evenings. To do this, makeup removal is carried out in several stages. First, wipe the face with micellar water, and then wash with a foaming gel.

How to use micellar water for acne correctly

The key to solving the problem is proper washing. To get rid of acne, you need to buy a product that cleanses your face without drying it out. If the product dries out the dermis, the sebaceous glands will begin to produce more oil.

When cleansing your face with micellar water, the micelles penetrate the pores, rejecting impurities and dead skin particles. Natural components moisturize the dermis, saturate it with useful substances and soothe. You may have heard that micellar water can be used to wash your face more than twice a day. You can't do that. If you overuse the product, it will destroy the protective skin barrier and increase acne. The product itself has a neutral environment, but frequent use can harm the face by destroying the beneficial microflora that is responsible for protecting the skin.


How to choose a product for your skin

In order not to aggravate the problem and quickly get the desired effect, choose the right product.

For oily skin

Those with oily skin have larger pores, and the entire epidermis is covered with an unpleasant oily film. In this case, you need to choose products containing polysorbate, natural oils, and a small amount of alcohol. Alcohol will remove fat well, narrow pores, and oils will saturate the epidermis with essential microelements.

For dry skin

Dry skin often causes wrinkles, even in very young women. The face looks lifeless, dry and dull. Such women need products without alcohol and aggressive surfactants. It is also important to pay attention to the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition, which will protect the skin from moisture loss and maintain its youthful appearance.

For combination skin

Such women have oily shine and enlarged pores in the forehead, nose and chin areas. In this case, peeling is often observed on the cheeks. In this case, cosmetologists advise choosing two products - one for caring for the T-zone, the other for dry areas. Or buy micellar water with the addition of thermal water.

For problem skin

The composition must contain alcohol, antibacterial components and medicinal herbs. The presence of zinc and copper is also allowed, which soothe the skin and dry out pimples.

What do we recommend for acne?

If you have acne or comedones, then pay attention to the products of Bioderma, Effaclar Ultra from La Roche-Posay, Garnier, Normaderm 3-in-1 micellar solution, Vichy. The micellar with calendula extract Real Flower Cleansing Water Calendula from Neogen Dermalogy also beneficially removes redness.


How to protect yourself from acne?

It is better to avoid any problem than to deal with it later. As mentioned, the appearance of acne is often caused by improper care. Here are the rules you should follow to keep your face beautiful:

  1. Wash your face in the morning using the gel. During the night, dust and dirt accumulate on the face and sebum is secreted. It will not be possible to completely remove all this with ordinary water. Accumulated pollution will inevitably lead to acne, blackheads and inflammation.
  2. Avoid washing with soap. Alkali is very dangerous for the face; it kills beneficial microflora, which leads to problems.
  3. Exfoliate regularly. It is necessary to get rid of keratinized skin particles, because, remaining on the surface of the face, they prevent beneficial substances from penetrating deep into the dermis.
  4. Use tonic. Whatever gentle cleanser you buy will change the pH balance. The tonic helps restore it. With tonic, the activity of creams increases.
  5. Wash your face after using micellar water. Micelles mixed with dirt residue on the skin can cause acne. Therefore, you need to wash your face after using this product.



What do girls say about the effectiveness of this product against acne and blackheads? We suggest reading the reviews:

Veronica, 25 years old:

I fought acne and subcutaneous skin with the help of Garnier 3 in 1 micellar. I washed off my makeup with it, and then used Nivea Aqua Effect gel. I also treated my face with Clarens lotion. All of these products helped me reduce my acne. The consumption of micellar water is very economical.

I use Garnier Clear Skin. It mattifies the face and prevents the formation of blackheads. It saves me in the summer, when there is dust everywhere and my face gets more oily. I use it morning and evening to remove dirt after walking around the city.

I use Real Flower Cleansing Water Calendula. I often got acne from tap water, and this is a typical problem when traveling - this is how many people react to unusual water. But thanks to this product, my face remained beautiful without any breakouts.

Effaclar Ultra from La Roche-Posay is the best I've tried for my problem skin. Doesn't dry out, cleans well, has an unobtrusive scent. Removes fat without damaging the dermis.

I had a lot of rashes, acne, and later subcutaneous pimples appeared. I used Garnier for years, but nothing improved. Then I switched to Bioderma and after a month I noticed that redness did not appear. No new rashes were observed. Apparently, there are no components in the composition that clog pores and cause acne. And although it costs more than Garnier, I now only buy Bioderma.


Micellar water can become an effective assistant in the fight against acne and blackheads if used together with gels, scrubs, and peels. As an independent treatment, it will not completely eliminate defects. Problem skin requires special components in the product - natural extracts, antibacterial substances, copper and zinc, which will relieve inflammation and dry out rashes. We recommend that you read the label carefully and also use the products correctly - wipe your face no more than twice, and be sure to rinse off so as not to disturb the natural balance of the dermis.

Micellar water is very popular today. It is very often used in the manufacture of various cosmetics. This liquid contains micelles that allow you to carefully care for your skin, efficiently removing decorative cosmetics and other external contaminants. Micellar water is a very effective additional remedy for acne and other rashes. By thoroughly cleansing the facial skin, it cleanses pores and moisturizes the skin. This means that this anti-acne water minimizes the risk of developing inflammatory processes, which are most often the cause of rashes.

Composition and properties

Micelles, which are the main components of micellar water, are tiny particles of oils in the form of balls. They are the ones who remove impurities from the skin and cleanse the pores. Against the background of high-quality skin cleansing, complex acne treatment is more effective.

In addition, micellar water almost always includes the following components:

  1. Glycerin, which moisturizes and softens the skin,
  2. Panthenol, which has healing properties.

The combination of these substances makes it easy to deal with small pimples, without any additional treatments. Micellar water that helps with acne is produced in a huge range. The composition of such cosmetics may include various components. Therefore, you should always carefully study the composition of the liquid in order to choose the most optimal option. Before using micellar water against acne, you should make sure that there are no allergic reactions to its components.

Micelles give cosmetics special properties that have a positive effect on the skin. Main liquid ingredients:

  1. Relieves irritation;
  2. Protect from negative external influences;
  3. Remove shine from sebum;
  4. Eliminate dry skin and, therefore, prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Regular use of micellar water helps prevent the appearance of skin rashes and preserve the natural beauty of the skin for a long time.

How to use?

Micellar water itself is a preventive remedy. As a rule, cosmetologists recommend it as an additional means of cleansing the skin in the complex treatment of acne after determining the cause of its occurrence.

An effective remedy against acne is homemade lotion. For this you should take:

  1. 20 ml chamomile decoction.
  2. 20 ml cucumber juice.
  3. 5 ml tea tree oil.
  4. 2 ml mint oil.

All ingredients should be mixed and 20 ml of micellar water added. The finished composition should stand in a dark place for a couple of days. After this, you should wipe the problem areas with lotion three times a day. This way you can get rid of acne in a short time.

Periodically you need to deep clean the skin. To do this, you can use a mask that contains the following components:

  1. 20 ml infusion of rose petals.
  2. 40 g of white clay, purchased at a pharmacy.
  3. 4 drops of lavender oil.

20 ml of micellar water is added to the mixture, after which it is applied to the face and left for approximately 15 minutes. Then you just need to wash off the mask with cool, clean water.

If you have oily skin prone to acne, you should not use micellar water. This is due to the fact that the micelles mix with the fat secreted by the sebaceous glands, which causes a comedogenic effect. This means that acne will form on the skin.

Caution should be exercised when using micellar water. It can damage vision after direct contact with the eyes. It is advisable to give preference to cosmetic products whose packaging bears the inscription: “Approved by ophthalmologists.” In addition, it is better to use colorless micellar water.

Other acne remedies

There are other effective natural liquids that can effectively combat skin rashes. Therefore, what water to wash your face with acne needs to be decided individually, taking into account the condition of the skin.

Hellebore water

Hellebore water helps well in the fight against skin rashes. This remedy was used in ancient times to combat parasites. Therefore, it is believed that hellebore water is most suitable for cases where skin rashes are caused by:

  1. Fungal infection;
  2. Demodex mite;
  3. We deprive.

Hellebore water contains natural toxic substances. Thanks to them, she successfully fights any skin infection, including bacteria. But it should be remembered that hellebore water can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before using the product, it is necessary to do a sensitivity test. Hellebore water should not be used for washing. You need to moisten a cotton swab with it and gently wipe the inflamed areas no more than twice a day.

Thermal water

Very often, thermal water is used as an additional remedy to combat skin rashes. It can be obtained from a wide variety of natural sources located throughout the world. Any thermal water is healthy, as it contains a huge amount of useful microelements. If you wash your face in the morning with cold water obtained from natural sources, you can be sure that your facial skin will always look fresh and healthy. Thermal water is an excellent anti-aging skin remedy. If you wash your face with it before applying makeup, it will last longer. Often, skin care cosmetics are made based on natural liquids.

Soft thermal water is distinguished by the fact that it normalizes the water balance in the skin. And it is this property that explains its usefulness in the fight against acne. She is capable of:

  1. Qualitatively moisturize;
  2. Minimize the production of sebum, which creates plugs in the pores;
  3. Dry the inflamed areas.

Few people know that thermal water can be prepared independently at home. To do this, you need to take ordinary mineral water with a minimum amount of salts in the composition. Washing with mineral water is a very useful procedure that allows you to maintain healthy skin. In the morning, it is recommended to wash your face with ice water from natural sources, and during the day, if possible, wipe your face with ice cubes.

Pink water

Another effective remedy for acne is rose water. It can be purchased at cosmetic stores, but it is also easy to make yourself at home. To prepare pink tonic you need to use:

  1. Petals from approximately 50 roses;
  2. Liter of purified water.

It is important to use flowers from your own garden that were not treated with any chemicals when growing. The petals need to be filled with water and simmered over low heat. The boiling process should continue until the petals lose color. The resulting mixture must be cooled and filtered. It should be stored in the refrigerator.

To fight acne:

  1. Wash your face with pink toner every day during your morning hygiene routine before applying cosmetics.
  2. Every evening after removing makeup, wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in pink toner, then wash with cool water from a natural spring.