How to get rid of wrinkles on hands at home

Regular diets lead to early aging of the skin on the hands, due to which the body’s supply of tocopherol and retinol is depleted. Fingers and the backs of the hands become wrinkled due to insufficient hydration and tap water containing a lot of chlorine and heavy metal salts. The upper layer of the epidermis becomes thinner and loses elasticity due to ultraviolet radiation, strong wind and frost. But is it really impossible to resist negative factors? Can!


Aging begins with the hands. It is the palms and fingers that reveal a woman’s real age, and sometimes add several years or even decades to her. Why is this happening? Girls do all housework with their hands. They wash the dishes, soak and hang out the laundry, wipe the floors and windows.

The skin of the hands is constantly in contact with aggressive cleaning agents, which dissolve the protective fat layer and dry out the upper layers of the epidermis. Moisture evaporates from the palms along with nutrients responsible for the regeneration of the dermis. The first fine wrinkles appear, which gradually become deeper.

How to maintain youth? Of course, it is best to give up household responsibilities or shift some of the work onto your husband’s shoulders. If this is not possible, you should get thick rubber gloves that will protect your palms from water with bleach, washing powder and dishwashing detergent.

Before starting work, soak your hands with moisturizer. Homemade or store-bought, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to apply the cosmetic product in a thick layer, like a mask. Cotton gloves are put on the treated hands, and rubber gloves are placed on top. While a woman vacuums or wipes dust from the windowsill, the cream is absorbed into the upper layer of the epidermis and saturates it with useful substances.

You can add a few drops of liquid vitamin A or E to the cosmetic product. Rubber gloves create the effect of a mini-sauna, softening rough skin. And tocopherol and retinol, absorbed into the hands, trigger the regeneration of the dermis and smooth out shallow wrinkles.

At the end of your homework, wash off the remaining cream with warm water. Do not use soap for the next 2–3 hours. The product dissolves the fatty film and cancels the effect of the mini-sauna.

Balanced diet

The second step on the path to well-groomed and smooth palms is proper nutrition. The aging of hands and face is slowed down by antioxidants, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, C and E, as well as proteins. A woman should give up mono-diets and fasting. On the contrary, you should eat chicken, beef or turkey every day. Vegetable salads seasoned with olive or flaxseed oil. Cereals and light soups. Dishes from river or sea fish.

To reduce the number of wrinkles, you need to include in your diet:

  1. avocado pulp;
  2. blueberries and blackberries;
  3. broccoli;
  4. raspberries and strawberries;
  5. cauliflower and radishes;
  6. black beans and soy products;
  7. pumpkin, zucchini and sweet potatoes;
  8. carrots and tomatoes;
  9. garlic and any nuts.

Green tea without sugar, pure still water and dry red wine have rejuvenating properties. Only alcohol should not be abused. 1-2 glasses a day are enough to saturate the body with antioxidants and slow down the aging of not only the hands, but the entire body.

But you should avoid pickled vegetables, salted meat and smoked fish. These products dehydrate the dermis and lead to the appearance of early wrinkles.

Natural masks for beautiful palms

Honey works well against age wrinkles. The bee component is also recommended for small cracks, inflammation and roughness of the palms. The composition of the mask will depend on the problem that needs to be solved:

  1. If your hands are covered not only with wrinkles, but also with pigment spots, combine 80–90 g of honey with 10–15 ml of lemon juice. Season with 2 beaten yolks and soak the palms in the mixture. The mask must be secured with fabric gloves and kept until the morning.
  2. Oatmeal will save rough hands. Soak 25 g of raw cereal in 35 ml of honey. When the flakes swell a little, chicken yolk foam is added to the paste. The palms are covered with a thick layer of mask, which is washed off after 8–10 hours.
  3. A mixture of honey and olive oil will save dry dermis. Whisk the liquid ingredients and then mix with 1 yolk. You can add 3-4 drops of tocopherol or vitamin A to the product.

But honey is not the only thing that removes wrinkles. Melon pulp returns youth to your hands. The crushed workpiece is seasoned with starch and 25 ml of lemon juice. The remains of the fruit mass are washed off after a quarter of an hour.

If you need to remove wrinkles and whiten your palms, bread will help. Wheat bread is soaked in warm milk. Spread a homogeneous paste onto clean palms and fingers. Milk can be replaced with warmed yogurt or curdled milk. Only a fermented milk drink should have a high percentage of fat content.

Glycerin will remove deep wrinkles. The product is combined with wheat or corn flour to form a thick mass. Add 20–30 ml of honey. Distribute in a thick layer over problem areas. Rest your hands for 30–35 minutes, then wash off the glycerin mask and apply cream to your palms.

Rough skin will love coffee grounds. Rub the product into wet hands using massage movements and leave for half an hour. It is recommended to alternate a mask of coffee grounds with mayonnaise or full-fat yogurt. Dip your hands into the heated product and hold for 25–35 minutes. Coffee removes dead particles of the epidermis, and mayonnaise, especially homemade, saturates the palms with microelements and moisturizes.

Rejuvenating baths

Regeneration of the upper layers of the epidermis begins with warm hand baths. Special solutions and decoctions soothe inflammation, heal microcracks and smooth the skin on the palms. The procedure is carried out daily, 30–40 minutes before bedtime, but always after taking a shower.

Young girls whose backs of their hands are covered with barely noticeable wrinkles are advised to take baths with sea salt. The solution saturates the epidermis with moisture and renews it. The regenerating solution is prepared from 2–3 tbsp. l. dry ingredient and 500–600 ml of warm water.

The products are combined in a small bowl and immersed in the liquid of the palm. The container can be covered with a terry towel to create a sauna effect. Periodically add hot water to the bowl. Steamed hands are gently wiped and moisturized with cream enriched with vitamins and essential oils. It is advisable to wear cotton gloves on top.

Mature ladies are advised to take starch baths. Both corn and potato will do. The product tones flabby and too thin skin, retains moisture in the dermis and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles.

Dissolve 60–65 g of starch in a cup of water and break up the resulting lumps. A homogeneous liquid is poured into a bowl and the palms are immersed in it. Soak your hands in a starch solution for 20 minutes. Then the skin should be blotted with a towel and treated with cream.

Potato broth baths also have regenerating properties. Several large tubers are boiled in 2–3 liters of liquid. The peel is not removed, just the workpiece is thoroughly washed under the tap. When the potatoes become soft, take them out and mash them, and then mix them with hot broth until smooth.

The mass of tubers is cooled to 38–40 degrees and the palms are immersed in the preparation up to the very hand. Steam your hands for 15 minutes and rinse with clean water. Rub homemade cream with vitamins into dry skin.

Revitalizing cream

What should you do after baths and masks? That's right, rub the cream into your hands. Which cosmetic product is the most effective? Prepared with your own hands.

An inexpensive restorative cream is obtained from burnt alum. The preparation is purchased at the pharmacy; you will need only 10 g. You also cannot do without 5 bay leaves. The plant is brewed with 300 ml of water and infused in a steam bath for 8–9 minutes. The strained broth is mixed with 3 proteins. The chicken ingredient is pre-beaten with 35 ml of olive oil.

All that remains is to season the cream with alum, transfer it to a glass jar and leave for a day. Use before bed. This remedy can be replaced by sour cream mixed with vegetable oil and freshly squeezed currant juice. This cream does not last long. It is better to mix 5-10 ml of components every evening and immediately rub into the skin.

Hand aging can be stopped with diet, masks and homemade creams. Nutrient compositions renew the dermis and tone. But to prevent new wrinkles from appearing on the palms and fingers, they must be protected from frost, household chemicals and ultraviolet radiation. And also regularly massage your arms and hands to improve blood circulation and skin condition.

Video: super mask for wrinkles on hands

Often there is a situation when, being vigilant about facial skin care, people forget or pay insufficient attention to the skin of their hands, believing that this area needs less care than facial skin, having greater density and thickness, is better protected and therefore more resistant to external influences. influences.

This misconception is the reason for ignoring the need to care and protect the skin of your hands.

As a result, with perfectly preserved facial skin and overall skin tone on the body, It’s your hands that often give away your age.

To keep your hand skin in good condition, you need to use protective equipment and properly care for it.

Proper care requires not only desire and partly time, but also an understanding of the essence of the issue, knowledge of the reasons why the skin of the hands takes on an unpresentable appearance. So what features does the skin of the hands have?

More the skin of the hands is moisturized less than the skin of the face, it is drier in nature, about five times. The lipid layer, which performs protective functions, is also produced less than in other parts of the body, about ten times.

As a result, the skin on the outside of the hands ages much faster.. Another thing is with the palms, where the stratum corneum (the outer part of the epidermis, in direct contact with the environment) is most developed, as well as on the soles of the feet.

You have probably noticed that a non-specific cream may hardly be absorbed into the skin of the soles and palms. Or the same olive oil that the depleted skin of the face or body literally drinks, absorbs like a sponge, behaves completely differently in these areas.

Causes of wrinkles on hands

The stratum corneum consists of thin, anucleate cells that are located close to each other, resulting in a powerful mechanical protective barrier against harmful bacteria and microbes.

These horny scales are formed from keratin (an albuminoid group of substances), there is also an abundance of sulfur, and the amount of moisture is minimal. That's why creams that are good for the skin of the face and body are not suitable for the skin of the hands and feet.

How to give your skin a beautiful and well-groomed look?

We'll tell you what products you can use to smooth out wrinkles on your hands.

Daily care and protection

  1. It is necessary to take measures to protect the skin and nourish it properly, maintain natural moisture in the epidermal cells with the help of moisturizers, and perform procedures to cleanse the skin of your hands from dead cells.
  2. It is important not to forget to use cream to moisturize your hands after washing. If you are cleaning or washing dishes, be sure to wear rubber gloves.
  3. Apply moisturizer some time before going outside. In the cold season - in an hour, and in the warm season - in 15 minutes.
  4. Do self-massage of your hands, softening and nourishing masks.

Watch a video tutorial on self-massage of hands:

Review of effective remedies


Hand creams are divided into three groups according to their effects – protective, caring and healing.

Creamy products for everyday hand skin care (care) differ in the expected time of use, are day and night. They can also be labeled for age purposes, with an active wrinkle smoothing effect.

But when the skin of the hands, under the harmful influence of the external environment, age-related changes, and hereditary factors, loses moisture to an extreme extent, lipid balance is disturbed, cracks appear, wounds easily form, it dries and peels greatly, it is no longer possible to manage with everyday care products.

We need complex creams or ointments that accelerate regeneration processes, actively moisturize the skin and relieve irritation. This is already a category of creams or ointments with a therapeutic effect.

Nourishing creams are made primarily on a fat basis, while moisturizers contain about 80% water and only 20% are active ingredients that transport moisture into the skin, additionally enriched with bioactive ingredients.

Creams with anti-aging indications are usually characterized by the inclusion of substances such as collagen, elastin, keratin, aloe extract, and hyaluronic acid.

It must be remembered that moisturizing hand creams contain up to 80% moisture (water comes first), in contrast, nutritional products are fat-based. Nutritious ones are preferable in cold periods, and moisturizing ones in warm seasons.

Cream from the manufacturer Green mama – Aleut with vitamin F and Kholmovy solyanka extract.

The name itself already suggests that this hand cream is focused on active nutrition and protection.

Well absorbed, excellent nutritional properties, smells like pine.
An example from the group of medicinal creams is "Losterine". Losterin cream is suitable for extremely dehydrated hand skin. This cream contains active ingredients that solve the problem.

The urea in the cream penetrates deep into the skin, ensuring maximum transit of the beneficial nourishing and moisturizing ingredients of the cream.

Substances such as salicylic acid, naphthalan, and Sophora extract relieve skin irritation, it flakes less, and the itching characteristic of such cases goes away.

Almond oil and D-panthenol regenerate the skin and heal wounds.

Hand cream from Yves Rocher - long-lasting hydration. From Nivea – Hand cream with sea buckthorn and Vitamin E “Complex”, it nourishes and maintains normal moisture levels. It is well absorbed into the skin, perfect for the off-season. Hand cream “Intensive care” from Garnier. It’s also worth paying attention, it has collected a lot of good reviews about its caring properties. Nourishing hand cream made by a wonderful Indian manufacturer - Himalaya herbals. Its effect becomes noticeable with prolonged use. From Natura Siberica – night restorative hand cream, with linden extract and pine nut oil.

Organic acids, phytoncides, vitamins and carotene in its composition nourish and moisturize the skin, giving it softness and velvety.

L’Occitane – Hand cream with shea butter – instant effect of relieving dryness and tightness on the skin of the hands. Neutrogena Hand Cream Concentrated Hand Care – wonderful moisturizing effect, but takes a long time to absorb. Nivea Hand Cream with Q10plus (anti-aging) – absorbs just perfectly, smooths out wrinkles, the skin of the hands becomes soft and tender.

You can enhance the effect of any nourishing cream simply - apply it in a thick layer, and put on cotton gloves until completely absorbed, plus another 20 minutes. If you “scrub” your hands before the procedure, you will achieve a more pronounced effect of nourishing the skin and smoothing out wrinkles.

Ointment from the manufacturer Himani - BoroTotal. There is no special purpose for the skin of the hands; it is a universal nourishing and healing product. A very fatty mass, containing: aloe, sesame oil, sandalwood, beeswax, amla and many other bioactive and nutritional ingredients.

High nutritional properties of the cream - it is better to use it as a mask in this case, or for cracks in the skin of the hands or very obvious wrinkles - apply to problem areas.

Ointment "Uroderm" – designed for problematic, cracked, rough skin of the hands. Ointment Radevit – rejuvenating properties.


In the fight against wrinkles on the skin of the hands, it is worth paying special attention to masks; they are available ready-made for sale, or you can make them yourself using folk recipes:

  1. Bielita Pro Manicure, alginate mask for hands. Powerful rejuvenating effect.
  2. Skinlite Ultra-moisturizing hand mask-gloves (with oat extract). Guarantees the same effect as using paraffin therapy in a salon.

Folk remedies

Let's take a closer look at how to remove wrinkles on your hands at home.


  1. Using a blender, make a homogeneous mass of 2 parts parsley and 3 parts cottage cheese.
  2. Add a little lemon juice (a teaspoon per 3 tablespoons of the mass), you can add a teaspoon of fish oil.
  3. Apply the mask, wrap your hands in cling film and wrap them in a towel.
  4. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.

We offer another wonderful mask for hand rejuvenation:


  1. Take honey and sea salt (if you don’t have it on hand, you can use regular salt), mix, add a little olive oil.
  2. Be sure to use very fine salt. The mass should be thick, but not too thick.
  3. Apply to damp skin of hands, massage gently, cleansing the skin of dead cells.

You can make a scrub from nourishing oils and soda:

Night mask:

  1. Mix glycerin with a few drops of vitamin E.
  2. Apply to damp skin of hands.
  3. Wear cotton gloves.

Glycerin helps vitamin E penetrate the layers of the epidermis. The feeling is not very pleasant, the mask is viscous and sticky, but the effect is amazing.

Wrinkles from the palms of your hands can be removed using coffee-salt peeling:

  1. Mix very fine Extra salt with very finely ground coffee grounds, add a little honey, you can enrich it with vanilla essential oil. The mass should be so thick that it does not spread, but also moist enough to be easily applied.
  2. Using massaging movements, cleanse the skin of your hands.
  3. After the peeling procedure, apply heated almond oil to your hands.

If you want a more gentle peeling, add yogurt.

You can also add ylang-ylang essential oil and a little olive oil to the hand wash gel. Thus, the hygiene product will also acquire a caring effect.

For hands you can prepare a balm from mumiyo and beeswax. It not only nourishes the skin of your hands, but also promotes its regeneration. Watch the video of preparing this product:


Paraffin therapy has worked well for smoothing the skin on the pads of the fingers and hands. If there are no contraindications, therapeutic procedures using clays and mud have a positive effect on the fight against wrinkles.

To prevent wrinkles on the hands, it is primarily important to take protective measures and timely moisturize and nourish the skin. Don’t forget about adequate fluid intake, vitamins and proper nutrition!

And a little about this topic from a psychosomatic point of view. The skin of the hands is not some separate part, it is the area of ​​the largest organ in the body. As you remember, or don’t remember, from the school curriculum, there is such an amazing anatomical fact.

The appearance of wrinkles depends largely on a decrease in metabolism and blood circulation. And these processes of the body, in a sense, are in close connection with our mood and state.

A state of closedness, nervous tension, stress creates projections of this in the body in the form of physical tension. And this, in turn, suppresses and reduces the speed of vital processes. After all, it has been noticed that being in a positive mood, a person recovers even much faster.

Additional Tips

This is a recommendation that will relieve stress and enhance and make cosmetic manipulations more effective.

  1. Turn on soft relaxing music.
  2. Light the candles.
  3. Pour warm water into a bowl, adding a little salt and lavender essential oil.
  4. Place your hands in the bowl. Imagine your hands becoming one with the substance of water. Relax, close your eyes. Let no boundaries be felt, your hands and water as one.
  5. After this, take the scrub and gently massage the skin of your hands, removing all accumulated tension along with the scrub substance.
  6. After completing the cleansing step, apply cottonseed oil to your hands. Exactly him! Here we need to talk about its amazing properties.

The composition of this oil is such that it has a strong rejuvenating and regenerating effect on the skin. Cotton pickers, exposed to the scorching sun all day, quickly grew old, their skin wore out from such stress, while the skin on their hands was very smooth and young, because by contacting this plant, picking it, their hands were saturated with healthy cotton oils.

Shake your hands hard and fast for a minute. Then relax them, place them on your knees with your palms facing up. Imagine how life-giving forces flow into your hands, saturate your skin, your hands become soft, feminine, and trusting. Harmony and lightness.

And in conclusion, Elena Malysheva will give you some more useful tips on this topic:

It’s not just the wrinkles on the face that reveal a woman’s age. Hands are also a visible and open part of the body that is in plain sight. But most ladies take care of their faces, but ignore their hands. As a result, wrinkles and folds appear, the skin dries out and ages quickly. How to get your hands back to normal? What will help get rid of wrinkles on the skin of your hands? Let's ask the opinion of cosmetologists.

Why do wrinkles appear on the hands?

It is noticeable to the naked eye that the skin on the outside of the hands is thin. It is equipped with a small number of sebaceous glands. Regular exposure to the sun and water causes the skin to become even thinner and dry. Moreover, it may peel off, red spots appear on it, not to mention wrinkles.

If we are constantly in contact with household chemicals and do not protect our hands, then skin aging occurs at an accelerated pace. That is, insufficient care combined with exposure to negative factors leads to deterioration of the condition of the skin of the hands. Wrinkles and cracks appear on them. Some women do not take basic care of their hands, ignoring wearing gloves in the cold season. And when working with kitchen, bath, and toilet cleaners, do not use rubber gloves. They also work in the garden.

So it turns out that the hands betray their inattentive owner, who simply does not take care of them.

About getting rid of wrinkles

Hands require constant hydration and nutrition. A good cream will no longer help get rid of wrinkles. It is necessary to enhance cell regeneration by performing special procedures. The beauty salon will offer you a whole series of them. Paraffin therapy is a popular treatment for aging hand skin. Original paraffin “gloves” will make the skin of your hands softer, smoother, and more pleasant to the touch. Several such procedures need to be done to achieve a visible effect. By the way, you can do them at home by purchasing cosmetic paraffin at the pharmacy. It is heated, cooled slightly so that the temperature is no more than 40 degrees, and immersed in the composition of the brush. Keep the “gloves” on your hands until they cool down. They are easy to remove. 6-8 such procedures need to be performed for noticeable skin rejuvenation. Do them daily.

Special masks will also help. Oil based ones give a good effect. It is necessary to mix jojoba, avocado and peach oils in equal proportions. They are heated in a water bath, applied generously to pre-washed hands and immediately put on cotton gloves. They promote deeper penetration of oil components into the skin. You need to keep your hands in gloves for 30-40 minutes. Excess oil is then removed. No need to wash it off. The result of this procedure will be smoothness of the skin, its softness, and reduction of wrinkles.

It is also recommended to make a creamy hand mask. Prepare high fat cream. Half a glass will be enough. Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil to them, heat them in a water bath and apply generously to your hands. Wear gloves. After 30 minutes, remove the remaining mask and rinse with warm water.

You can do this procedure at night. Mix one chicken egg yolk, one tablespoon of peach or grape seed oil, the same amount of honey and 3-4 capsules of vitamin E. When warm, this composition should be applied to previously cleaned hands and put on gloves. The mask lasts all night, in the morning you need to wash it off and immediately lubricate your hands with cream. The composition eliminates excessive dryness of hands, cracks, perfectly moisturizes and nourishes.

Another option for eliminating wrinkles is based on the use of glycerin. Mix three tablespoons of the product with corn flour, add a little mineral water, and heat in a water bath. The composition should have a creamy consistency. This mask should be applied every evening to cleansed hands. Keep for 20-25 minutes.

In summer you can rejuvenate your skin with berry masks. You need to turn a handful of berries into puree, mix with 50 grams of homemade sour cream and make a mask, insulate it with gloves. Sour cream nourishes and softens hands well, strengthens nails. Berries perfectly moisturize them. The procedures must be daily and for a visible effect they must be performed at least ten times.

After the above anti-aging masks, make it a rule to always protect your hands, pamper them daily with cream and vegetable oils.