Microcurrent facial devices at home












Effect of microcurrent therapy devices

Microcurrent therapy devices are special devices that apply weak pulsed currents to the skin. The lymph flow is stimulated and the work of muscle fibers increases. Blood flow also increases, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and oxygen flows more easily to the cells.

Unique therapy devices consist of electronic housings and electrodes (movable, stationary). During the procedure, a current passes through the tissues of the human body between oppositely polar electrodes (round or pear-shaped). It is the flow of current that leads to the following positive aspects:

  1. ion channels open;
  2. metabolic processes within and between cells increase;
  3. conditions for the production of elastin, collagen, and dermal regeneration are improved.

As a result of therapy using the device, microstimulation of muscles and vascular networks is carried out, and lymph outflow is enhanced. The procedure for exposure to microcurrents for the face at home is as follows:

  1. cleansing the face of cosmetics, applying a special conductive agent;
  2. carrying out the procedure itself;
  3. applying a suitable cosmetic product.

A noticeable cosmetic effect will be achieved if the procedure is repeated regularly. The frequency of therapy depends on the existing problems. The course is determined individually. It consists of one to three sessions per week, its duration is 6 to 14 weeks. After this, it is enough to perform preventive actions once a month.

The effect of using a facial device with microcurrents

You can use a facial device with microcurrents to great advantage at home. Before carrying out therapy, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications (it is better to consult a doctor). The cosmetic procedure itself is absolutely painless, has no side effects, and does not require a recovery period after it.

Therapy is prescribed to people of different ages and genders for skin care. Thanks to modern devices, it is possible to stop the appearance of signs of aging and eliminate many defects.

Effects of using microcurrent devices:

  1. swelling decreases, puffiness goes away;
  2. lifting occurs, the oval is tightened;
  3. the number and depth of wrinkles are reduced, the formation of new ones is prevented;
  4. complexion is normalized, pigmentation is reduced;
  5. elimination of pimples, blackheads, rashes (together with other methods);
  6. the penetration of nutrients from cosmetic preparations improves.

How to buy microcurrent therapy devices in the Constellation of Beauty online store?

Modern microcurrent devices are fairly inexpensive devices that many people can afford to buy. At the same time, the purchased device will serve for a very long time, in turn, paying for several times the visit to expensive salons.

The online store “Constellation of Beauty” offers to buy a unit for facial therapy at home. Effective devices are presented that work only in one direction, and also combine several programs. All you need to do is add the item to your cart, indicate a convenient method of delivery and payment, and then place your order.

When choosing microtone devices in the “Constellation of Beauty” online store, you can take advantage of the following advantages:

  1. a large selection of effective devices;
  2. the opportunity to consult with a cosmetologist before purchasing;
  3. regular promotions and discounts on branded products;
  4. quality guarantee from manufacturers;
  5. prompt delivery of products throughout Russia;
  6. the opportunity to visit stationary stores in many localities of the Russian Federation.

A skin care device is a convenient and effective way to maintain youth. The microcurrent therapy unit is easy to use independently and take with you when traveling. At the same time, it is easy to order through the online store.

Cosmetology is developing rapidly, offering new methods for improving the condition of facial skin. Unfortunately, most of them are very painful and can also have unpleasant consequences. But still, there are several absolutely non-traumatic, pain-free and at the same time effective procedures aimed at rejuvenating and improving the condition of facial skin. One of them is microcurrent therapy, during which non-invasive effects are applied to the skin. This means that the epidermis is not damaged by needles or any other devices, and the integrity of the tissue is not compromised. However, this does not in any way detract from the effect of the procedure.

What is microcurrent facial therapy

Microcurrent therapy is a unique non-invasive method of influencing skin cells, blood vessels and facial muscles with low-frequency pulsed current. The procedure is carried out with a special device with electrodes connected to it. They are conductors of impulses. The electrodes need to be applied to the problem area, after which a massage is performed with their help.

Microcurrents combine well with other cosmetic procedures. Even a facelift with threads (with the exception of gold and platinum) and Botox injections are not a contraindication to hardware effects on the skin. But still, some women note that after microcurrents, the effect of Botox disappears very quickly, so it is better not to touch the injection areas during the procedure.

Microcurrents have a wide spectrum of action:

  1. improve blood circulation and lymph flow in tissues. Thanks to this, swelling disappears from the face, the skin becomes smoother, the complexion is evened out, and the pores are narrowed;
  2. accelerate cellular metabolism, enhance regeneration. As a result, tissue renewal occurs much faster, and a lifting effect occurs;
  3. normalize muscle tone, remove tension - this helps eliminate facial wrinkles;
  4. accelerate the production of collagen and elastin, ultimately starting the process of self-rejuvenation;
  5. promote the removal of toxins, which is very important for comprehensive facial skin rejuvenation.


Indications for microcurrent therapy:

  1. prevention of facial skin aging;
  2. expression wrinkles;
  3. swelling of the face;
  4. bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  5. sagging skin;
  6. skin texture defects, including post-acne, scars, enlarged pores;
  7. acne;
  8. pigmentation.

Despite the fact that the procedure is considered absolutely safe, it still has some contraindications:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. installed implants;
  3. cardiac and electrical stimulators;
  4. epilepsy;
  5. oncology;
  6. blood vessel diseases.


Types of procedure

There are several types of microcurrent therapy. Professional devices installed in salons and clinics allow clients to offer one or more procedures to choose from:

  1. Microcurrent lifting. Thanks to the procedure, the facial skin becomes more elastic and the oval of the face becomes clearer. Metabolic processes in skin and muscle cells are accelerated, wrinkles are smoothed out.
  2. Reprogramming of facial muscles. In this case, microcurrents primarily affect the facial muscles, removing excess tone. This leads to the elimination of facial wrinkles and the prevention of their further appearance. Those who have already experienced this procedure note that the effect is equivalent to the effect of a Botox injection. Microcurrents have an undeniable advantage, because they do not interfere with the activity of facial muscles.
  3. Microcurrent lymphatic drainage. Aimed at eliminating edema. Accelerates blood and lymph flow in facial tissues. Removes excess fluid and toxins. Eliminates bags under the eyes.
  4. Disincrustation. This is a cleansing procedure designed for problematic skin with enlarged pores. First, the skin is covered with special preparations that dissolve the contents of the pores, and then they are cleaned using microcurrents. In addition to cleaning, disincrustation allows you to close pores and even out the surface of the skin.
  5. Ionic mesotherapy. The most effective microcurrent procedure. With its help, you can solve the problem of pigmentation, swelling, and scars on the surface of the skin. Effective for tightening pores. Among other things, ionic mesotherapy increases the permeability of the skin, making it more receptive to the substances used during the procedure.


Devices intended for home procedures are less functional, so before purchasing, you need to carefully read the instructions and make sure that the desired microcurrent procedure can really be carried out using the selected device.

How does the procedure work?

The procedure for applying microcurrents to the face includes several stages:

  1. Preparatory stage. Microcurrents, unlike some other cosmetic procedures, do not require prior preparation. However, a couple of days before the session, you can do a light enzymatic (superficial) peeling, after which the cosmetics used during microcurrent exposure will better penetrate the skin. It is recommended to drink a lot directly on the day of the procedure. This will help remove toxins from the skin.
  2. Makeup removal and skin cleansing using a special product.
  3. Application of contact gel. Microcurrent sessions are not performed on dry skin. The product is selected taking into account existing skin problems. For example, for desincrustation there is a special anti-acne gel, for lifting there is an anti-wrinkle gel, etc.
  4. Impact on the skin with electrodes. Most often it is carried out in several stages. As a rule, the procedure begins with microcurrent lymphatic drainage. The electrodes move along the lymph outflow lines. Lymphatic drainage is performed not only on the face. The treatment must begin from the neck area to ensure free flow of lymph from the face.
  5. Lymphatic drainage is usually followed by microcurrent lifting, during which the electrodes move closer and further away from each other.
  6. The next stage is the impact on the facial muscles, after which the procedure ends with repeated stimulation of the lymph outflow lines. In total, a microcurrent therapy session lasts about 40 minutes. Each stage requires separate device settings: different current strength and pulse frequency are set.
  7. Removing contact gel residues.

The full course consists of 10-15 procedures, which must be done at intervals of 2-4 days.

Video: exposure to electrodes on various areas of the face

Microcurrents at home

Nowadays, hardware cosmetology has become accessible to any woman, even if she does not want to visit a salon. There are devices on sale that are designed specifically for home use. However, when purchasing such a device, you need to be extremely careful in studying its characteristics, since the strength of its impact may turn out to be so weak that there will be no effect from the procedures. In good devices, the current strength should be adjusted in the range of 20-800 µA.

The main rule: lymphatic drainage should be carried out along the lines of lymph outflow, while other procedures should be carried out along ordinary massage lines.


The procedure itself is carried out exactly the same as in the salon: cleansing the skin, applying contact gel, and applying microcurrents to the skin, which begins with lymphatic drainage. Gels for hardware cosmetic procedures can be purchased in specialized stores, including online stores. Each microcurrent therapy device is accompanied by instructions that contain recommendations for the procedure, which may include schemes for influencing different areas of the face.


It is very convenient to massage your face using special microcurrent gloves. This allows you to combine hardware effects with facial massage. However, not all equipment intended for home use allows you to use this function. When purchasing a device, you need to make sure that the manufacturer has provided the ability to connect not only ordinary electrodes to it, but also glove electrodes.

Video: facial massage with gloves with built-in electrodes


Oh yes, I remember all my feelings after the first course in my life)... How the nasolabial muscles gradually went away. How the washboard on my forehead was ironed, how the periorbial hernias tightened, how I wanted more and more not to part with the mirror, how I even tried to throw out my foundations). At first, when you apply the care cream, it even refuses to be absorbed - it’s as if the skin is completely full). Everything is smooth, pleasant to the touch, the pores are tightened, the oval of the face is clear. Such a multifaceted effect from the procedure lasts for about a couple of weeks. Then you need to repeat. After a planned 7-10 day course (I do it twice a year: in the spring and in the fall, and in the fall - with alternating courses of peelings), the skin retains its tone longer - i.e. for about 2 months now. You don't have to do anything with your face. Then go for a maintenance procedure. In general, microcurrents have a fairly wide range of applications, not only rejuvenation. You can use them to smooth out scars (a cesarean scar is waiting in the wings), correct post-acne, treat seborrhea, cellulite, and use it as a rehabilitation method after chemical peeling, plastic surgery, microdermabrasion and other procedures. The condition of the skin does not become worse over time, there is no addiction. It’s just that over time, if you forget about supporting procedures, everything returns to normal... and in contrast to what the procedure gave you, what is given by nature begins to make you very unhappy. Hence the rumors that, they say, the skin has become worse than it was BEFORE, the cells do not work, they have become lazy, and so on/all sorts/miscellaneous/surprisingly dense….


Pelageya Sviderskaya


Over time, age-related changes appear more and more clearly on a woman’s face: swelling, wrinkles, etc. All this makes us wonder how to deal with it. Creams, gels, foams do not give such an effect, so you start looking for something more effective and efficient, various salon procedures. I didn’t consider too radical options, and so I settled on microcurrents. The procedure is painless, requires repetition, the course is about 10 procedures. This procedure is done every other day. I alternated it with a regular facial massage. The cost of one procedure is 500 rubles. The time of one procedure is 40 minutes. It all starts with makeup removal, a special gel or cream is applied, then the cosmetologist begins to move two thin metal knitting needles over the face, connecting them during the procedure. More precisely, they are similar to them, as it may seem to the average person. These two tubes are connected to the machine. After microcurrents are applied to the skin, along the way you begin to feel a pleasant warmth begin to spread across the skin of your face. According to the cosmetologist, this is a good sign, the skin is reacting. After the procedure is completed, the cosmetologist applies a special serum to the face, which nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Changes are visible already after the 3rd or 4th procedure, the oval of the face becomes clearer, the face is thinner, the complexion is fresher, swelling goes away. I am very pleased with the result, because I believe that you should not immediately resort to radical measures, but should start small.



The most obvious advantage of the procedure is that it is non-injection! Its other obvious ADVANTAGES:

— pronounced face lifting;

— restoration of skin microcirculation at the cellular level, improvement of metabolism;

— restoration of damaged cells and integuments;

Microcurrents support all layers of the skin - epidermis and dermis, as well as blood vessels and muscles, improve the synthesis of collagen and elastin. This leads to the smoothing of wrinkles and folds on the skin, and has an anti-inflammatory and vasodilating effect. Microcurrents also reduce puffiness and help the skin remove toxins. The number of sessions is determined by a specialist depending on the age and condition of your skin. A procedure of 10 sessions every day or every other day is usually recommended. And then a maintenance procedure once a week or 2 weeks. But this is all at the discretion of your cosmetologist. Personally, I usually do a course of 10 procedures every other day. Semiannually. Or I alternate it with a facial massage, also in such an intensive course. That is, once every six months I have a massage, and then microcurrents the following months. I usually do it in the off-season. The duration of the procedure is approximately 20–30 minutes, but this is also individual. I have already seen the effect of such a procedure 3 times. It is cumulative, so it is recommended to carry it out in sessions. The skin becomes smooth, the pores narrow, it is clear that the skin is nourished from the inside and less skin care creams need to be applied at home, because the skin has “eaten well” during the procedure. The effect lasts after a course of 10 sessions for 1 month, then maintenance procedures are needed.




Recently I began to notice that the skin on my face looked somewhat flabby, and unsightly bags had formed under my eyes. I understand that this is due to stress and lack of sleep, but, unfortunately, I cannot correct the surrounding situation, so I had to turn to hardware cosmetology for help. I decided to try the vaunted microcurrents. The first thing I liked was how painless the procedure was. I felt practically nothing. And secondly, a great result. After completing the full course (I needed 8 procedures in total), the result is very noticeable. A competent cosmetologist + a good device is a clear success. In general, the result of my course was complete elimination of bags under the eyes, noticeable tightening of the skin (the effect is like lifting). My face acquired tone, I began to look healthier and less tired.



Deep wrinkles have not completely disappeared, but small ones have gone away, and the skin has become nourished and pleasant to the touch; as a bonus, after the procedure, bags under the eyes disappear and blueness decreases. The procedure itself is pleasant, you can sleep, there are no sensations and there shouldn’t be! Especially unpleasant ones. By the way, the device also allows for a facelift, which is aimed at strengthening the muscles, especially good for those who already have a sagging oval, drooping eyelids, jowls, strands...))). It’s too early for me, and I have strong muscles, thank fitness! Microcurrent is an excellent choice for those who want to achieve rejuvenation without undergoing injection procedures or plastic surgery! The only negative is that it takes time, of course, the injection was given and it went away, the result was in a week. But here you need almost a month, and after six months you need to repeat the course. You can go for a maintenance procedure once a month! I will continue this procedure... I definitely recommend it!


Ksenia Schastlivaya


Microcurrent therapy has proven itself to be an effective procedure that allows you to cope with not very deep wrinkles, bags under the eyes, as well as other skin imperfections. You can find many positive reviews about this method on the Internet. Its main advantage is safety. However, you need to understand that miracles do not happen, and the skin cannot smooth out before your eyes after the first procedure. Many women, forgetting about this, tend to expect just such an effect. In order to get your skin in order, you will need several sessions of microcurrents. In addition, do not forget that nutrition, regimen and habits have a primary impact on appearance and can negate the effect of any, even a very good cosmetic procedure. Therefore, in order to achieve positive results, you will need to take a comprehensive approach to the problem, show dedication and patience.

Microcurrents for the face: what is it, features and benefits of the procedure?

Microcurrents for the face - what is it? This issue is of interest to many women who have been using electrophysical procedures for rejuvenation for many years.

Methods using electric current have recently enjoyed enviable popularity. Thanks to them, women can get rid of skin defects and restore a healthy appearance to their face.

Microcurrents for the face, a general idea of ​​the procedure

Microcurrents for the face are a special type of physiotherapy, the main goal of which is to rejuvenate the skin using pulsed current, which has an extremely positive effect.

This effect is based on weak pulsed currents, whose characteristics are in many ways similar to the electrical impulses of the human body.

The soft, delicate effect of microcurrents at the cellular level leads to a significant improvement in blood microcirculation and acceleration of metabolic processes.

In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the vascular system, muscles, and subcutaneous fat. The result of this influence is:

  1. normalizing the electrical charge in cell membranes;
  2. ATP synthesis increases many times (by 500%) and amino acid transport (by 30-40%);
  3. blood microcirculation becomes better, which means that all the required nutrients and oxygen will be delivered to the cells faster;
  4. cellular regeneration, synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin proteins occurs at a faster pace;
  5. changes also occur in the muscular lining of the blood vessels - its tone noticeably increases. But with permeability, on the contrary, a problem arises; it decreases. As a result of this, lymphatic outflow increases, toxins and metabolic products are quickly removed from the cells.

These procedures are carried out on special devices that generate current. This is done using electrodes of various shapes and structures.

Such procedures are especially useful for aging skin.
Due to the fact that the alternating current parameters are insignificant, the procedures are not addictive and each session is perceived by the body as something new and useful.

How is microcurrent therapy performed?

The effectiveness of microcurrent therapy has been tested by time. In addition to the fact that electrochemical processes in cells are normalized, this method helps to maintain the further functioning of cells.

Microcurrent therapy can be performed in two ways:

  1. The first method involves cleansing the skin before the session and applying a guide base (cream, gel or tonic will do). After this, for each individual you need to select the intensity of the electrode action and the procedure starts. The cosmetologist spends at least half an hour performing rotational movements on the skin of the face with an electrode. The session ends with the application of gel or cream. This is necessary so that the skin calms down and is protected.
  2. The second method differs from the previous one in that before starting all actions, a special thermal mask is applied to the skin of the face, on top of which a film is distributed. The cosmetologist performs a special massage with his hands, which are worn with gloves with electrodes built into them and connected.

These sessions do not differ significantly, with the exception of the type of microcurrent therapy, the technique used by the specialist and the features of the device models.

You can see firsthand how the microcurrent therapy procedure works in the video below:

6-7 days before the microcurrent procedure, it is necessary to exclude protein foods from the diet.

During the sessions, it is recommended to give up alcohol, smoking and drinking coffee, and try to get more rest.

Duration of the course (taking into account age)

The results obtained last for about 6 months. It all depends on the characteristics of the patient’s skin.

To achieve a positive effect, it is worth taking the course. Basically its duration is as follows:

  1. Young girls under 30 years of age. Use for prevention. The course does not last long.
  2. Women under 40. Often cosmetologists prescribe about 5-6 sessions, which should be carried out once every 7 days.
  3. Ladies under 50 years old. The course increases to 8-12 manipulations. They need to be carried out at intervals: once every 3 days.
  4. Women after 50 years. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. 1-2 days between sessions is enough.

Types of microcurrent therapy

Cosmetology salons offer more than one type of procedure of this kind. You can choose any one. The most popular are:

  1. lymphatic drainage;
  2. reprogramming of facial muscles;
  3. microcurrent lifting of the skin of the face and neck;
  4. microiontophoresis;
  5. disincrustation.

Microcurrent lymphatic drainage is based on the process of releasing excess fluid from tissues. After 22 years, blood flow in the facial skin leaves much to be desired, and fluid stagnates in the interstitial space.

Here, an accumulation of cell waste products occurs, which leads to damage to facial tissues. Lymphatic drainage copes well with this problem, eliminates circles, and removes swelling under the eyes.

Reprogramming the facial muscles aims to restore nutrition and tone of the facial muscles. This is a brilliant alternative to Botox. As a result of the influence of microcurrents on the epidermis, the muscles completely relax.

Thanks to neck and face lifting carried out using microcurrents, you can expect to get rid of wrinkles and sagging skin, in addition, the tone of the facial muscles will noticeably increase.

But this procedure also has the disadvantage of high stimulation activity. Using conventional equipment, you can encounter certain problems - deepening of facial wrinkles and exacerbation of neuritis.

Electrodes should not be placed in the area of ​​the heart, blood vessels of the neck or eyes.

Ionic mesotherapy is one of the most intensive procedures performed using microcurrent. Therapeutic sessions have a positive effect on pores, relieve swelling and scars.

The skin of the face is rejuvenated. During mesotherapy, no deformation or damage to tissue occurs; other procedures using microcurrent cannot boast of this.

Thanks to microcurrent, amazing results can be achieved in cosmetology practice. This becomes possible thanks to:

  1. stimulation of tissue nutrition and hydration;
  2. restoration of the correct functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  3. stimulation of local immunity, which leads to the prevention of the development of inflammatory processes;
  4. the porosity of the skin decreases.

An unusual, but already very popular method, has a number of advantages. The procedure is painless, no rehabilitation period is required. The effect is maintained for at least 3 months.

The result of the technique is impressive - the complexion becomes fresher, puffiness goes away, and the tone of the facial muscles increases.

Question answer

What is the real effect of the procedure, how durable is it?

Is there any pain during the manipulation?

Is it possible to achieve a positive effect with the help of microts for rosacea?

Indications for microcurrent facial therapy

Before deciding to conduct a restorative microcurrent procedure, you need to know in what situations such sessions can and should be carried out.


  1. the appearance of numerous acne and rosacea;
  2. sagging skin;
  3. development of dermatosis and atopic dermatitis;
  4. the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  5. presence of pigmentation or earthy complexion;
  6. increased muscle tone;
  7. persistent damage to skin vessels;
  8. the presence of stretch marks and scars;
  9. aging and very dry skin;
  10. swelling of the face.

Microcurrent therapy is the only hardware technique used both to prepare the face and body for plastic surgery, and for the purpose of successfully completing the rehabilitation period.

Microcurrent treatment in combination with other cosmetic procedures can only have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Contraindications for the procedure

When conducting microcurrent facial therapy, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of each organism and take into account the presence of certain ailments in a person.

Not everyone is allowed to use microcurrents. There are also contraindications that you need to be aware of.


  1. pregnancy;
  2. breastfeeding period;
  3. individual intolerance to microcurrents;
  4. oncological diseases and the presence of benign formations;
  5. severe thrombophlebitis;
  6. a condition when there are serious pathologies of internal organs;
  7. recently suffered a heart attack, stroke;
  8. seizures (especially epilepsy);
  9. the presence of metal objects (meaning pacemakers, pins in bones);
  10. recently undergone chemical peeling of the face.

Microcurrent therapy should not be performed on people with mental illness, alcoholics or drug addicts.

If contraindications have been taken into account and the patient does not have them, then the risk of unpleasant consequences is reduced to zero.

If you experience discomfort during manipulation, you should ask the doctor to reduce the intensity of the currents.

Microcurrents and microstimulation - what's the difference?

Many women confuse concepts such as microstimulation and microcurrents, although these procedures are completely different. Each of them is based on the effect of current.

However, microcurrents simply penetrate deep into damaged areas of the cell, stimulate their restoration, and accelerate metabolic processes. In this case, muscle contraction does not occur.

With microstimulation, the current causes the facial muscles to alternately contract and relax.

Microcurrents or microstimulation, which is better, is determined by a specialist for each specific case.

Microcurrent therapy at home - myth or reality

You can purchase devices used for microcurrent procedures and perform cosmetology sessions at home.

The result of the procedures depends on the quality of the chosen device, so you should not save money when purchasing equipment for conducting microcurrent.

Among the most popular models of microcurrent devices are the following:

Device name Description Estimated cost
Portable microcurrent therapy device kb-0910A A Chinese device equipped with two electrode balls that generate electric current. It is equipped with a convenient control panel, which is located on the body of the device and allows, if necessary, to easily adjust the power level. To operate you will need a pair of AA batteries. 45-50 $
Bio Wave m920 Gezatone

The device was made in France. Compact, convenient. The amplitude of the energy impulses ranges from 1.3 to 12 V. Thanks to this, it is possible to perform the procedure of toning the facial muscles. $30-40 NuFACE

Manufactured in America by the company of the same name, the device has two conductive heads and operates from a built-in power supply. The device is equipped with an intelligent sensor, whose task is to independently select a skin care program. $150 Ionic-Ultratonic m365 Gezatone

The device is produced in France. Has the ability to generate mono and bipolar electrical impulses. Excellent for electrophoresis and microcurrent facial massage. $60

First of all, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Popular brands are more expensive, but they are of good quality and more reliable, as evidenced by numerous customer reviews.

For use at home, a device with a frequency of 1 to 300 Hz and an electronic pulse strength of 20 to 800 μA is quite suitable.

Using microcurrents on the face on dry skin is very harmful, so a special gel must be used.

An experienced master will not only tell you, but also demonstrate how the skin should be treated, and also advise how long to do it.

Additionally, you can watch videos on relevant topics. It is important to avoid excessive care, because it is harmful to the same extent as its lack.

We recommend visiting a cosmetologist to learn all the rules for carrying out the procedure at home.

Cost of microcurrent lifting

The price for one session depends on the type of service and can range from 1200-1500 rubles.

To achieve a confident result, you need to undergo 8-12 procedures with an interval of 2-3 days. After this, it is enough to conduct a maintenance session once every 4 weeks.

Microcurrent therapy is one of the unique modern methods used in cosmetology to restore the firmness and elasticity of facial skin.

If you look at the photo before and after the procedure, you will notice a significant difference - the skin becomes tightened, healthy and youthful, acquires a healthy color and radiance.

Expert opinion

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Microcurrents can be used at any age. If at the age of 20 a girl is faced with some problems that microcurrent therapy can help solve, there are no prohibitions. This procedure is useful for excessive dryness or, conversely, oily skin, the appearance of comedones, rosacea.

Alison Pontius

plastic surgeon

I advise you to spend about 8-12 sessions. Sometimes even more or fewer procedures are required. In each case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the person. This manipulation is useful for swelling under the eyes and rosacea. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you should not carry out the procedure if there are any metal particles in the treatment area (for example, braces). There is no need to prepare for microcurrent therapy.



“I heard a lot about microcurrent therapy, but I didn’t believe it, I was skeptical. I'm used to not trusting anything. A friend is familiar with this procedure firsthand; she has long been trying to persuade me to join her, and I succumbed.

I want to say that, contrary to all expectations, I was satisfied. I tried ionic mesotherapy. The skin acquired a healthy appearance and glowed with youth. I'll definitely go again."


“I have experienced the use of microcurrent myself more than once. I want to say that after the first course of treatment I was delighted with the result. Radiant skin, bags under the eyes decreased, wrinkles smoothed out.

By the way, the effect lasted for 3 months. The second course no longer had the same effect. The only thing I really like is that the bags under my eyes are reduced after visiting the salon.”


“The effect of microcurrents is amazing! It’s so nice when people around you compliment you that you look several years younger! I took one course and will definitely repeat it again.”


“I tried the microcurrent therapy procedure in the salon, I liked it. However, you often don’t go to salons, so I bought a device and now I will conduct such sessions for myself at home.”


“I am 39 years old and I am currently undergoing microcurrent therapy. Already 7 procedures are over. I like! The skin is no longer so flabby, it looks healthier and more toned.”