Folk remedies for facial skin tightening

Age-related changes do not please anyone. Especially those that are reflected in appearance. If poor health can still be somehow hidden from others, then the wrinkles on the face speak for themselves. Women, and men too, try to fight them by any available means. But everyone's capabilities are different. For some, the time and money allow them to regularly visit beauty salons and even undergo plastic surgery. And many, for various reasons, have to look for effective ways to quickly tighten their face at home.

What are we fighting against?

In fact, we don’t have to fight with age – time cannot be stopped. And not even with wrinkles - they are only a consequence. Actions should be aimed at the causes that provoke or accelerate the sagging of the oval of the face and the deterioration of the skin condition. There are several main factors:

  1. Unbalanced diet. These are: lack of vital substances, anemia, disruption of normal digestion, overweight or underweight and other troubles that do not have the best effect on appearance.
  2. Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking are the worst enemies of beautiful skin. They dehydrate and poison the body, slow down metabolic processes and at the same time noticeably accelerate destructive changes in tissues. And alcohol also provokes swelling, overloads the kidneys and neutralizes the results of most injection rejuvenating procedures.
  3. Loss of muscle tone. Not only the muscles of the body, but also the face should be in shape. They form a natural support frame for the skin, helping it resist gravity, which constantly pulls it down.
  4. Ultraviolet. No matter how much cosmetologists repeat about its harmful effects on the skin, most people begin to pay attention to it only after the first age spots appear. But if this process has already started, then it becomes more and more difficult to fight them every year. In addition, under the influence of direct sunlight, the process of photoaging occurs.
  5. Negative external influences. This can include many things: climatic conditions, poor-quality water and cosmetics, improper skin care or lack thereof, sudden temperature changes and time zone changes. If possible, such things should be taken into account and try to compensate.

And although our aging rate is programmed genetically, it is possible to influence the process. Moreover, if you do this naturally, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the whole organism.

Therefore, adherents of a healthy lifestyle and natural cosmetics often look much younger than their peers, even if they regularly visit cosmetologists.

Rejuvenation scheme

Since there are many factors that can accelerate aging, the approach to natural rejuvenation must be comprehensive. You can, of course, make great efforts and be able to quickly tighten your facial skin with exercises or procedures at home, but improper care and an unhealthy lifestyle will neutralize the result within a couple of months. So it’s better to change everything and just develop new useful habits.

And positive changes need to start with regular and proper skin care. It consists of three main stages: cleansing, nutrition and hydration. But most women limit themselves to washing their face and simply applying cream. This is clearly not enough for tightening and rejuvenation.

Here's what experts recommend doing:

  1. Wash your face at least twice a day moderately warm water using gel or foam appropriate for your skin type. This will help remove dirt particles and excess sebum.
  2. Exfoliate once or twice a week. For sensitive skin, it is better to buy an enzyme mask or prepare a tomato mask, the recipe for which is described below. For dry skin you need a soft granular scrub, and for normal and oily skin you can use a stone scrub.
  3. Nourishing masks – a mandatory element of facial care. They allow you to compensate for the lack of vital substances and quickly improve the condition of the skin. It is better to do them in the evening so that the skin can rest at night and not sweat under a layer of decorative cosmetics. Frequency – 2-3 times a week.
  4. Deep peeling. Do it once every 1-3 months, depending on the oiliness and condition of the skin. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the pores and remove the top layer of keratinized epidermal cells. It can be performed in a salon or purchased and used at home. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and do an allergy test.
  5. It is important to tone your skin regularly. This should be done after every wash and removal of decorative cosmetics. The toner normalizes the acid-base balance of the skin, moisturizes and soothes it, preparing it for further procedures.
  6. Quality creams It should be applied morning and evening. Moreover, there should be special products under the eyes, and not one tube for the whole face, and sometimes for the hands too. It is evenly distributed in a thin layer on well-cleaned skin, and after 3-5 minutes the residue must be removed by blotting the face with a napkin. In the evening, this procedure is done at least an hour before bedtime, so as not to provoke morning swelling.


By following these simple rules, within a couple of weeks you can notice a clear improvement in your skin condition. It will become smoother, fresher, more vibrant and a healthy glow will appear.


But in order to perform a real facelift without surgery yourself at home, you need to take care of your muscles. They need to be trained regularly, and active facial expressions are clearly not enough for this. Although, if you grimace correctly, then this is already excellent gymnastics. But most in everyday life are limited to smiles and eyebrow movements.

Here is the simplest complex, the daily implementation of which can quickly remove a double chin, tighten sagging cheeks, reduce nasolabial folds and prevent the spread of fine wrinkles across the face:

  1. Open your eyes as wide as possible and hold for 10-15 seconds, and then relax.
  2. Inhale deeply through your nose and puff out your cheeks. Now release the air slowly, as if you were blowing out a candle.
  3. Using the muscles of your nose and upper lip, without using your hands, lower the tip of your nose and try to hold it like that for several seconds.
  4. Open your mouth, rounding it, and slightly lift your head up. In this position, blink 10-15 times, relax.
  5. Press the skin at the outer corners of the eyes and gently pull it back and up. Now try to close your eyes, overcoming resistance (carefully!).
  6. Press your cheeks with your palms and try to smile, overcoming the resistance of your hands.
  7. Clasp your palms and place your elbows on the table. Place your chin on them and try to open your mouth, while using your palms to push your jaw back.

The number of repetitions is gradually increased from 5 to 15 times. It is important to control that during the exercises the rest of the facial muscles are as relaxed as possible, and the effort is not too great to cause discomfort.


A properly performed massage gives your muscles an excellent boost of energy. Of course, it is better if it is done by a professional who knows the location of biologically active points and muscle groups. But some types of it can be learned independently.

It is advisable to massage in the morning, after washing your face before applying the cream. It will help remove swelling, refresh the complexion, and tone the skin.

The most effective types of massage are:

View Peculiarities
Shiatsu Eastern technique of finger impact on biologically active points. You can study their location from books or drawings published on the Internet or on our website. It’s even easier to find videos with comments from specialists and do a massage with them.
Lymphatic drainage Helps activate subcutaneous blood circulation, improves cellular nutrition, allows you to quickly get rid of toxins, and perfectly removes swelling, bruises and bags under the eyes. But it does not have a serious effect on the muscles, so it is good to alternate it with hardware myostimulation or other, more active types of massage.
Asahi This Japanese technique gives such a powerful lifting effect that with regular use it allows you to do a quick facelift at home and look visually younger for several years completely free of charge. The complex consists of 12 movements, which must be performed in a strictly defined sequence. It is a combination of lymphatic drainage and acupressure with classical techniques.

In principle, it does not really matter what type of massage is used. It is important that this is done regularly and correctly, without excessive pressure or stretching of the skin. Then the result will not be long in coming. Although after Asahi the effect is almost instantaneous. But with one-time use it is short-lived.

Hardware procedures

If you can afford a small financial investment, you can easily do useful hardware procedures at home using portable devices. Their price is usually comparable to the salon course, so the return on such investments is quick, and the effect from them is simply excellent.

Cosmetologists recommend purchasing one or more of the following devices:

  1. "Darsonval". The thing is truly irreplaceable and should be in every home. It stimulates the skin with electrical discharges and creates an ozonizing effect. Smoothes out fine wrinkles, tightens the skin, quickly relieves inflammation, kills pathogenic microflora, accelerates regeneration processes.
  2. Microcurrents. By changing the modes and intensity of exposure, you can use them to work on all layers of the epidermis and restore its lost tone. An excellent remedy to get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes, tighten eyebrows and eyelids, smooth out shallow wrinkles.
  3. Galvanizer. Used with specially developed gels. A low-power direct electric current provokes the formation of ions that are able to overcome the hydrolipid barrier and deliver nutrients to the deep layers of the skin. Compensates for vitamin deficiency, activates blood circulation, improves cellular nutrition.
  4. Ultrasonic scrubber. Has several operating modes. Allows you to effectively cleanse the skin of dead epidermal cells, tone and moisturize it. In lifting mode, it slightly stimulates the muscles, forcing them to remain toned. Necessary for oily skin, as it allows you to deeply cleanse pores without damaging it.

Infrared massagers with vibration mode also give a good effect. They allow you to simultaneously act on muscles and skin. But rosacea and inflamed acne are categorical contraindications to their use.


It is impossible to keep your skin tight, beautiful and elastic unless you review your diet and make your meals regular and nutritious. It is advisable to eat small portions 4-5 times a day.

Calorie intake can be calculated using tables posted on the Internet or you can consult a nutritionist.

Mandatory menu components should be:

  1. lean meats and fish;
  2. chicken or quail eggs;
  3. fresh vegetables and fruits;
  4. whole grain bread (or with bran);
  5. porridge from unpolished grains;
  6. citrus fruits (in moderation);
  7. seafood;
  8. fresh herbs;
  9. seasonal berries;
  10. dairy products;
  11. vegetable oils.

You will have to exclude: fast food, everything fatty and fried, carbonated drinks and packaged juices, any alcohol. If it is difficult to provide adequate nutrition, then it is advisable to take a course of high-quality multivitamins twice a year.

Folk recipes

Masks according to folk recipes are an excellent help, but they will not significantly tighten the skin. Therefore, they should be used as part of a rejuvenation complex. Here are some great easy recipes:

Mask Action Preparation
Potato Starch has powerful cleansing and whitening properties. A potato mask allows you to quickly remove bruises and bags under the eyes, fights shallow pigmentation, smooths out fine wrinkles and refreshes your complexion. Boil 1-2 large root vegetables with the peel, then peel, crush to a puree, add a little milk or cream, chopped dill and apply evenly on the face warm (you can even apply it to closed eyelids). Leave for 15-20 minutes, wipe off with a napkin and wash well.
Gelatinous The property of gelatin to harden at room temperature allows you to achieve an occlusion effect and deep moisturizing of the skin. The mask slightly tightens pores, evens out skin texture, and tightens the oval of the face. Gelatin is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and heated in a water bath until completely dissolved. Then apply layer by layer onto the skin with a brush. After this, you need to lie quietly until a film forms. It can be pulled off from the bottom up or simply washed off with warm water. Finally, be sure to apply moisturizer.
With clay Cosmetic clay gives a powerful lifting effect and at the same time works as a soft peeling, deeply cleansing the pores of impurities and excess sebum. The clay is diluted with water, milk or whey to a thick sour cream (if desired, you can add essential or natural oils) and applied in a fairly thick layer on the face, leaving until completely dry. Before washing off, cover your face with a damp cloth for a few minutes.

Many other healthy recipes can be found. It must be remembered that they manifest themselves only in the 2-3rd week of use. Therefore, you will have to be patient.

Summing up

According to reviews from most women, an effective facelift at home is a completely realistic task if you approach the issue correctly and do not strive to get immediate results. In fact, it is only at first that everything seems complicated and troublesome. Gradually you get used to such changes and self-care even begins to be a pleasure.

Of course, it is advisable to start doing all this after 25-30 years, while the skin has not yet begun to sag, and the oval of the face still retains its clarity. But better later than never, especially since there are no age restrictions on the methods listed above.

There is no need to set deadlines. Everything is very individual. For some, it takes a month to see visible results, while for others it takes up to six months. But if you have patience and take care of yourself regularly, everything will definitely work out.

Loss of skin elasticity is a normal natural process, which, fortunately, can be, if not stopped, then suspended. We invite you to consider how a facelift is performed at home, recipes for folk masks, as well as recommendations for daily skin protection from aging.

Why does the skin stretch?

If everything is clear with stretch marks on the body: weight loss, weight gain, childbirth and other physiological processes, then with the condition of the face everything is much more complicated. Every year, human skin loses elastin, collagen and other hormones that are responsible for its elasticity and smoothness. In addition, after 25, the body’s production of these substances is also significantly reduced. As a result, areas under the skin are formed where there is not enough fat base, causing the face to become flabby and wrinkled.

It is impossible to avoid this, but scientists have proven that it is possible to significantly slow down the process of loss of these substances and increase their “shelf life”. For this, various “beauty injections” and surgical interventions are mainly used. But not all women can afford these events; in addition, they have many contraindications.

Useful tips

Before you start a facelift at home, you need to monitor your diet and lifestyle, otherwise there will be no result:

  1. narodnye-sredstva-dlya-sTvhMo.webp

    Nicotine and alcohol are the first enemies of young and beautiful appearance. The sooner you quit smoking, the better it will remain in its original form;
  2. Long walks in the fresh air help saturate the pores with oxygen, which stimulates the production of collagen;
  3. Dita Von Teese claims that she owes her perfectly smooth face after 50 to her habit of not sunbathing. Sun exposure accelerates collagen loss;
  4. Be sure to eat right. You can’t overeat sweet, fatty, smoked foods; it’s better to remove carbonated drinks from your diet and reduce coffee consumption (or even replace it with green tea or mate);
  5. Use special creams. It is advisable to select high-quality professional cosmetics that suit your age and the needs of the epidermis.

Video: natural way to tighten face skin

Recipes for tightening your face using traditional methods

A very effective way is to use juice aloe vera. This natural component moisturizes pores, gives a feeling of cleanliness and soothes irritation. You need to mix a teaspoon of aloe with a spoon of lemon juice and lubricate your face with the mixture. It is advisable to do the procedure at night. We must remember that lemon lightens the epidermis, so dark-skinned girls need to be careful.

Even simple treatment of pores with aloe pulp has a positive effect. Break off a twig from a green plant, wash it and cut it in half, wipe the surface of your face and neck. This technique also helps speed up tissue regeneration after plastic surgery.


Photo – Aloe for face

If you have problematic facial skin that needs a tightening, then lime juice has also proven to work well at home. Combine 10 grams of lime juice, the same amount of mint decoction and aloe juice, then apply to a clean face for 15 minutes. Repeat daily.

Avocado - This is a famous overseas fruit, which is often used to make professional anti-aging complexes. You need to thoroughly wash one fruit, cut it in half and grind it in a crusher or on a grater. Afterwards, mix the pulp with a spoonful of honey and fresh tomato juice. This tightening mask perfectly smoothes problem areas, eliminates the feeling of dryness and nourishes. Repeat once every two days.

To quickly tone yourself up in the morning, you need to rub your face with avocado skin or apply fruit puree for 5 minutes. With regular use, this will smooth out fine wrinkles.


Photo – Avocado mask

Often used to correct and tighten facial contours honey. This product nourishes the epidermis and increases elastin production. To make an effective mask, you need to take a teaspoon of honey and mix it with the same amount of rose water (available in pharmacies). Apply the mixture to problem areas and leave for half an hour. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in a horizontal position. Repeat twice a week.

A very good therapy is based on the use of cosmetic clay, but before you can tighten your facial contours using this method at home, you need to make sure that you have a normal type of epidermis. Green mineral is used for tightening. Mix a spoonful of clay and mineral water (the liquid can be replaced with lemon juice) and apply to the entire surface of the face. We wait until the product dries and wash off with warm water. Can be done every other day.

Cosmetic pink clay provides not only smoothing and tightening of the face, but also whitening. You need to combine mineral powder and mint decoction in equal parts (two tablespoons of mint are needed for a 200 ml glass). Apply to the skin and leave until completely dry.

A very effective non-surgical facial technique based on the use of a simple cabbage. This is a rather labor-intensive mask, but effective, we will need:

  1. Small bowl of shredded cabbage;
  2. A tablespoon of oatmeal;
  3. Egg white;
  4. A teaspoon of honey.

Mix all ingredients in a blender and then spread on cleansed facial skin. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse with cold water or a contrast shower. Repeat three times a week.

Provides excellent lifting and scent to the face coconut milk. You can buy a ready-made product, although it is advisable to break the coconut yourself and extract the liquid. Apply the product to a face cleansed of cosmetics using a cotton swab and do not rinse off. We recommend using the technique before bed or if you do not need to leave the house for at least a few hours.

The Women's Forum often advises using herbal infusions, which should not be washed off. They act as anti-aging lotions. You can mix chamomile, mint and rosemary. Tea made from rose petals, violets and plantain has proven itself well. Pine branches will also help tighten your face.


Photo - Herbal decoction

Any non-surgical technology (especially a circular facelift at home) has a greater effect if you also use professional cosmetics. Do not forget to periodically apply special smoothing creams and tonics to your face at night. Very good reviews about Chanel, Dior, Shiseido. Always wash off your makeup (especially foundation) before going to bed.

Use the above products only if you are not allergic to them. In addition, after a month of intensive home therapy, a week of rest is recommended, during which time the epidermis restores its usual balance of microelements.


Skin cells are an external indicator of everything that is happening inside the body. Therefore, the aging process, diseases, lifestyle, and even a person’s state of mind are reflected on the face. The more stress, the scarier it becomes to peer into the mirror every morning in search of new folds and wrinkles.


Not everyone will find the courage to go to a cosmetology salon. And not many people know how to tighten their facial skin using quite affordable means and methods, even at home.

When is a facial skin tightening needed?

Cosmetic facial skin tightening is a rejuvenating procedure. Its goal is to smooth out folds, wrinkles, make the oval of the face clear, remove the double chin and jowls. If we consider this at the cellular level, then it is designed to increase the production of collagen and elastin in tissues, which have a tightening effect. Young skin does not need to resort to such procedures, although at 30 years old, after sudden weight loss or as a result of a nervous breakdown, lifting may be required. Indications for the use of tightening agents are:

  1. age-related changes;
  2. wrinkles (age and expression lines);
  3. double chin;
  4. blurry facial contour;
  5. unhealthy skin color;
  6. excessive pigmentation;
  7. saggy, loose skin;
  8. dryness and flaking;
  9. shaved.

If you are sure that you simply need to tighten the skin on your face, you need to choose lifting techniques and products known in cosmetology. They will solve your problems with sagging and sagging skin as safely as possible. If you feel that you lack professionalism and competence in your choice, contact a cosmetologist who will give useful advice and help you choose the most optimal option in your case.


How to tighten your facial skin: methods

A large number of modern techniques reveal the secrets of how to tighten facial skin quickly, painlessly and without even leaving home. If you need a guaranteed excellent result, for which a specific person or a specific company (beauty salon) will be responsible, use the services of numerous beauty salons. They will offer you a lot of lifting procedures:

  1. laser resurfacing (evaporation of the surface layer of skin with age spots and wrinkles);
  2. biorevitalization;
  3. thermage;
  4. peeling;
  5. mesotherapy (injection of a drug under the skin);
  6. ultrasound (myostimulation due to the warming effect on the facial muscles);
  7. manual and vacuum massages;
  8. photorejuvenation (exposure to a beam of light on all layers of the skin, causing the synthesis of elastin and collagen);
  9. plastic surgery (elimination of excess skin: the skin on the neck is smoothed, a double chin and sagging cheeks are eliminated).

If you categorically refuse salons, you can get a more accessible, less expensive, and sometimes just as effective method. Home remedies for facial skin tightening are easy to prepare, easy to use, low price and guaranteed safety. Make up your mind, try and enjoy the results:

  1. homemade masks;
  2. self-massage;
  3. contrast wash;
  4. using ice cubes on the skin;
  5. contrasting and herbal compresses (chamomile, lavender, linden blossom, etc. have a lifting effect).

If you need to tighten your facial skin after losing weight or due to age-related changes, you can turn to your favorite and useful lifting masks. The ingredients for them can be easily found, if not in your kitchen at home, then certainly on supermarket shelves. Preparation will not take much time, but will have the desired effect.


Folk remedies for skin tightening

Homemade facial skin tightening masks must be non-allergenic and affordable so that they can be used regularly. Twice a week is the best option. You need to keep them on your face for about 20 minutes. However, don't focus only on the lifting effect. Remember that caring for any skin should be complete and comprehensive. A month of anti-aging masks should be replaced by another course - these can be moisturizing or protective products. In order to tighten the skin, we suggest that you pay attention to the following masks.

Pour fresh black bread without crust (50 g) with hot milk (the same amount), let it swell for half an hour, then knead, add warm, liquid honey (one tablespoon).

  1. 2. With cosmetic clay

Pour white cosmetic clay (one tablespoon) with warm water to form a porridge-like mass. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and liquid, warm honey (one teaspoon each).

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and chop the zest. Mix one teaspoon of both with bran (two teaspoons) and pre-beaten egg white.

Grind oatmeal (two tablespoons), pour in hot milk (the same amount), cool, add warm honey (one teaspoon) and whipped egg white.

  1. 5. Potato

Grate fresh potatoes (new) and mix the resulting puree (two tablespoons) with olive oil (one teaspoon).

Beat fresh egg whites and apply to skin. After 10 minutes, repeat the procedure. After another 10 minutes, the mask can be removed.

Mix beaten egg yolk with grated cucumber (two tablespoons), add olive oil (one teaspoon).

Free fresh, juicy tomatoes from peel and seeds, turn into puree by passing through a strainer or simply crushing it with a fork. Mix the resulting mass (two tablespoons) with olive oil (one teaspoon).

Mix fresh grape juice (one tablespoon) with white cosmetic clay (two tablespoons). Add one teaspoon of wheat germ oil.

  1. 10. Rice

Mix rice flour (two tablespoons) with protein and add essential oil of vetiver, cloves, geranium, jasmine, nutmeg, incense, cedar or ylang-ylang (5 drops) - they all have a lifting effect.

The homemade face mask you choose will be a good alternative to lifting procedures in beauty salons. Perhaps the effect will not be so pronounced at first, but you will be confident in the naturalness and safety of this product. Deceive time - and the reflection in the mirror will no longer remind you of your age.