Is it good or bad to have many moles?

A mole can be found on the body of both men and women. Every person who has a large number of nevi has repeatedly wondered why there are many moles on the body.

Why are there many moles on the body?

A nevus forms in that part of the skin where a large number of pigment cells accumulate. There are people who have a predisposition to such a process. Answering the question, if there are a lot of moles on the body, what does this mean, we can answer that this is a specific property of the skin when there are a large number of birthmarks on the body since childhood. If in an adult or small child their number begins to increase noticeably, you need to pay attention to this and a number of other factors.

From birth

The reason that a baby has many moles on its body at birth is a genetic predisposition. For example, in relatives of the same blood, birthmarks may appear on the same areas of the skin. The pigmentation process of skin cells can be accelerated if a young child is regularly exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, or during peak hours of exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

New moles appear

Recently, modern medicine suggests that if there are many moles on the body: the cause depends on the age of the person. The appearance of a large number of small nevi indicates that the body has begun to age at the physiological level, and their appearance indicates the need for the body to confront old age. The reason for the appearance of new spots may also be changes in hormonal levels. The human endocrine system, on which hormone levels in the body depend, has a direct impact on the appearance of formations. There are a number of periods when hormonal imbalance occurs. These periods include:

  1. Carrying a child.
  2. Thyroid diseases.
  3. Transitional age.
  4. Abortion.
  5. Taking hormonal or contraceptive medications.

During such periods, either the appearance of a large number of new birthmarks or the growth of previous moles occurs. After the end of one of the periods, when the hormonal background stabilizes, they may become discolored or disappear on their own. There is no need to worry about such changes. However, to confirm the safety of neoplasms, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

The appearance of new birthmarks may also be due to the negative effects of radioactive radiation. For example, when working frequently and for a long time with a computer or mobile phone, radioactive rays surrounding the user on each side provoke an increase in melanin in the human body. Melanin directly relates to this type of neoplasm.

The reasons for the formation of new nevi also include insect bites or damage to the skin. If the wound is not treated properly, the healing period will take a long time. During this period, an environment with developing infectious processes may begin to form in the wound. As a result, a large number of moles can form on different areas of the skin.

The main reason for the appearance of nevus is ultraviolet rays. They most actively influence the transformation of a benign tumor into a malignant one. However, the initial large number of nevi on the body does not indicate that their owner is predisposed to cancer.

For example, after a long stay under the scorching sun, a person may notice new small moles on his body. Doctors strongly recommend not spending a lot of time in direct sunlight if you have a lot of moles. And especially for those who have a light skin tone from birth. This includes a ban on visiting the solarium.

Many red moles appear

Red moles, like brown ones, are safe formations. They can appear on the body of both an adult and a teenager. Over time, this type of nevi disappears on its own. However, if symptoms such as changes in size, severe itching, or redness are present, you should immediately consult a dermatologist for an examination.

The red spot includes many capillaries. This amount causes the formation of clots. If there are a lot of moles on the body: the reasons are as follows:

  1. digestive system disease;
  2. heredity;
  3. menopause;
  4. puberty;
  5. diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  6. period of bearing a child;
  7. pathological liver diseases;
  8. disruption of the pancreas;
  9. malfunction of the lymphatic system.

If red nevi appear, it is recommended to go to a specialized doctor who can give appropriate recommendations. It is forbidden to resort to self-medication or removal using improvised means, these actions can cause negative consequences for the body.

Many hanging moles appear

Hanging nevi differ from ordinary nevi in ​​that they are more dangerous. Their danger lies in slight injury. They are often found in places such as: neck, armpits, lower abdomen, back, legs, arms, head. Using tight clothing, jewelry, and tight shoes can easily damage a hanging mole. The formation that is located on the back can be easily combed or torn off, without even suspecting its presence in that place.

Their appearance can occur during puberty, when exposed to ultraviolet rays, due to the presence of the papilloma virus.

In the case of a large red mole, which is located in a place that is constantly exposed to mechanical stress, you should consult a doctor. After a thorough examination, he will be able to determine whether the red mole needs to be treated or removed. Modern medicine is famous for its variety of removal methods: using laser, nitrogen, scalpel, current. After surgery, for example, a man no longer fears cutting it off while shaving.

Many moles appear during pregnancy

Pregnancy refers to a period when a girl’s body undergoes dramatic changes. There is an increased production of hormones, since a woman’s body contains another one that requires additional resources. It follows that moles may appear in large numbers during pregnancy. In most cases, after the birth of the child, when the mother’s hormonal levels return to normal, nevi can disappear on their own.

As a result of stretching of the skin on the abdomen, the functioning of blood vessels deteriorates, which causes the appearance of moles during pregnancy. This phenomenon is generally accepted. If a pregnant woman experiences swelling, redness, burning or enlargement, she should immediately consult a dermatologist. He will conduct an inspection and make appropriate recommendations.

Many moles appear in a child

The appearance of moles in children occurs between the ages of six and seven years. Most nevi form during the first 25 years of a person’s life. From birth and during adolescence, the number of birthmarks on the child’s body may increase. The formation of moles is also influenced by the following factors:

  1. excessive activity of the child;
  2. long exposure to direct sunlight;
  3. genetic predisposition to the appearance of nevi.

If birthmarks located on the child’s body do not cause discomfort, do not hurt, and do not itch, then it is not necessary to contact a dermatologist. Otherwise, you cannot neglect a visit to the doctor. Such signs may indicate that the child has begun the process of transforming a mole from benign to malignant. This rarely happens, but we should not forget about the possibility of such a development.

What is the danger

If an adult or teenager has about 50 nevi, then he has an increased risk of developing cancer than a person who has 10–15 spots. Those people who have many moles on their body should always remember whether it is dangerous and visit a doctor regularly.

Newly formed moles are not dangerous if:

  1. doesn't itch;
  2. does not increase in size;
  3. color does not change;
  4. there is no discharge of pus or fluid;
  5. there is no swelling or visible inflammatory process.

In the absence of these signs, it is recommended to independently observe the nevi, and if one of the symptoms appears, immediately go to the doctor. It is important to be careful in areas that are subject to rubbing, scratching or other physical impact, so that the integrity of the mole does not become damaged. If treated incorrectly, an inflammatory process may begin in a torn or completely torn mole, as a result of which the proliferation of cancer cells may become more active.

Particular attention should be paid to birthmarks that are located on the foot and palm. If there is a mole in such a place, it is impossible to avoid rubbing or any other damage that threatens the development of cancer.

What to do if a lot of moles appear

The appearance of a large number of nevi does not indicate the presence of cancer. This phenomenon suggests that you should be careful about birthmarks. Inspect the accumulation of moles every day. Once every six months, visit a dermatologist or oncodermatologist to conduct a qualified examination of the spots and diagnose their condition.

Is sunbathing allowed

If there are an excessive number of tumors on the body, doctors do not recommend being under the sun between 10 am and 5 pm. At such times, the sun's rays are aggressive to human skin. When allowed, ultraviolet rays activate the production of pigment that accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue, which leads to the formation of new birthmarks. The conclusion is that you need to sunbathe carefully, using sunscreen.

Chinese view of moles

Residents of China who are keen on traditional medicine believe that the formation of new spots on the human body is associated with chronic diseases and inflammatory processes in organs, which are provoked by stagnation of negative energy. After a huge amount of such energy has accumulated in the body, an active release occurs. Energy is released in the places where the diseased organ is located.

A mole (birthmark, nevus) is a benign neoplasm that almost every person has. Some have only a few of them on their body, while others have more than 100. Many moles on the body are a reason for self-examination and regular visits to the doctor, but not for panic.

Why did many moles appear on the body in a short time?

A pigmented mole is a collection of melanocytes (cells that produce the pigment melanin) in the epidermis or dermis. This process is regulated by melanocyte-stimulating hormones, which are produced in the intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland. The number of moles on a person’s body is determined mainly by heredity. Certain gene loci contain information about the number and location of all formations on the skin.

The appearance of new formations can be associated with the influence of many factors - hormones, ultraviolet radiation, infections, injuries.

What does this mean

An increase in the number of nevi may be associated with hormonal changes. For example, this is often observed during puberty, due to a sharp increase in the production of sex hormones. Many small moles can appear in a woman during pregnancy. This is a normal reaction of the body and does not pose a danger to human life.

Less commonly, endocrine pathology associated with disruption of the production of pituitary hormones can provoke the appearance of new formations.

The growth of melanocytes occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation; with increased insolation, moles can become larger. Thus, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and frequent visits to the solarium can be dangerous to human health.

Skin injuries and infections

Sometimes many moles appear in response to injury or viral infection. Biologically active substances that are formed during inflammation can stimulate the growth of melanocytes.

Many large and small moles on the body: is it dangerous?

New moles can appear anywhere: face, scalp, stomach, back, arms, legs. Their color can also be different - brown, black, red, purple. The shape can be flat, in the form of a spot, or convex. These characteristics have little effect on the risk of melanoma. Only quantity matters, as well as the so-called. danger criteria - asymmetry, edge, color, size and dynamics.

What does this mean, normal indicators

Changes that cause concern

To assess symmetry, it is necessary to draw a conditional line along the center of the nevus. If the halves are approximately the same, this is a good sign.

Clear boundaries of the nevus are considered normal. The edge should normally be even and smooth.

Fuzzy and blurry edges, jagged edges, irregularities.

It is not the color of the nevus that is assessed, but the uniformity of color. It’s good if the color is uniform, without areas of lightening or darkening.

Uneven color - there are lighter and darker gaps and inclusions.

Small formations are considered prognostically more favorable.

The diameter of the neoplasm is more than 6 mm.

It is very important to monitor the dynamics of neoplasms - how quickly they grow, whether their color and surface change.

Increase in size in a short period of time. The appearance of unpleasant sensations (itching, pain, numbness of the skin).

A large number of birthmarks is associated with an increased risk of developing melanoma, a malignant neoplasm of the skin. If there are more than 100 moles on the body, the risk of malignancy increases 5 times.

To roughly determine the number of formations on the body, you need to count how many moles are located on 1 arm (hand, forearm, shoulder). If there are more than 7, most likely the total number of nevi is more than 100.

The number of large moles on the body is increasing: what to do

Question: what to do if large moles constantly appear? The first thing to do if many birthmarks appear on the body is to examine the skin and evaluate the symmetry, edge, color and size of the new growths.

If you identify at least one danger criterion, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct an examination, and only after that a decision is made about the need to remove the nevus.

If moles appear in large numbers, a medical examination is necessary in any case.

At home

The main thing to do at home is to regularly inspect new formations. In most cases, this is enough to prevent complications. There is no need to try to get rid of birthmarks with the help of medications or folk remedies, this can have a bad effect on your health.

Some important skin care tips:

  1. Avoid direct sunlight on your skin (it is not recommended to sunbathe between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.).
  2. Use sunscreen - it is better to choose a cream with a protection factor of at least 15 (SPF 15).
  3. Cover large birthmarks from the sun with a bandage.
  4. Do not scratch or injure the formations.
  5. Do not exfoliate areas of the skin where there are nevi.

When to see a doctor

In addition to the large number of formations on the body, risk factors include:

  1. male gender (men are more at risk of developing melanoma);
  2. age over 50 years (melanoma develops more often in adults);
  3. fair skin and hair, freckles;
  4. skin sensitive to sunlight (such people often burn in the sun);
  5. family history - one of your close relatives has been diagnosed with melanoma.

People who are at risk should visit a doctor at least once a year. You should also consult a doctor if any danger criteria appear (asymmetry, uneven edges, rapid growth, uneven color).

Is it worth removing nevi?

Not all skin lesions can be removed. Whether or not to remove a mole should be decided after consultation with a dermatologist, including dermatoscopy.

When a formation must be removed:

  1. there are signs of malignant degeneration;
  2. often injured;
  3. creates discomfort;
  4. localized on the face (cosmetic defect).

The remaining nevi are only observed; they do not need to be removed.

Several methods can be used for treatment: electrocoagulation, cryotherapy, surgical excision, laser therapy.

How it goes, what it involves

What formations can be removed

Advantages and disadvantages

The method is based on the action of electric current. A special instrument (coagulator) is used to cauterize the nevus. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Only benign, small and medium

The advantages include the minimally invasive nature of the method and its accessibility. The main disadvantage is that melanoma cannot be removed. A scar may remain on the skin.

During cryodestruction, liquid nitrogen is used to remove a nevus. It freezes and is destroyed. A bubble forms at the site of exposure to liquid nitrogen, and after it is opened, a crust forms.

Small benign formations

Advantages: painless, minimally invasive. Disadvantage: several sessions are often required; large nevi cannot be removed.

Using a scalpel, the surgeon removes the formation, sutures the wound, and sends the material for histological examination.

Advantages: you can remove any formations, even malignant ones. Disadvantages: the method is traumatic, a scar remains after the operation.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and the formation is removed using a laser.

Only benign, small and medium

The advantage is that there is no scar left after removal. Disadvantages: high cost, impossibility of removing malignant tumors.


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Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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Birthmarks are congenital or appearing over time formations on the skin, pigmented in black, brown, purple or red. Almost all people have such spots and this is the norm. Many moles on the body - what does this mean, should a new appearance be regarded as a signal of danger, a manifestation of a disease? Every person should be concerned about their health, so any changes in the body should be the object of attention and be studied and recognized. We will consider further what information the appearance of birthmarks conveys.

What are moles

In medicine, birthmarks are called nevi; they can be located on any part of the body, they can be flat or convex. They appear throughout life from the birth of a child. Birthmarks grow especially actively during puberty, at the age of 11-13 years, when active cell division occurs, including melanocytes, from which moles are formed.


Our ancestors used their moles to predict the fate of a person, his illnesses, predispositions, past and future. Two hundred years ago, a woman with a small dot on her face (spot) or back was considered especially attractive. Even in our time, many sex symbols have such a cute feature. Birthmarks, if they are not convex, look beautiful and mysterious; you need to pay attention to its increase and see a doctor.

The meaning of moles on the body

In the eighteenth century, the heyday of the fashion for birthmarks, rules for interpreting marks on the body also appeared. Here are the main reasons why many moles appear on the body:

  1. the dot near the eye could have been present in the fatal lady;
  2. a mark at the temple is a sign of a changeable nature;
  3. on the ear - a tendency to rash actions;
  4. on the right cheek - to a successful happy marriage;
  5. on the left cheek - means a contradictory, constantly struggling soul;
  6. a spot in the corner of the mouth or above the lip - a subtle, kind nature;
  7. travel lovers were decorated with a dot on the nose;
  8. owners of spots in the neck area are successful in any circumstances.

Why moles appear on the body

Moles are formed from intermediate pigment tissue between the inner and outer balls of the skin. Reasons for appearance:

  1. Predisposition. The appearance of a neoplasm in a specific location in a person can be determined in the genome. There is a connection between the name “mole” and “kinship” - the presence of signs in relatives in certain places.
  2. Ultraviolet abuse. Too frequent and long exposure to sunlight provokes the body to produce melanin in large quantities, from which a mole is formed. The same can be said about visiting a solarium - it contributes to the appearance of many birthmarks.
  3. Moles can form (as well as disappear) under the influence of hormonal surges (pregnancy, stress, illness).
  4. Radiation, injury, or the action of a virus can provoke the appearance of a new mole.


Why are there many moles on the body?

The main factors for the appearance of moles are described above, so the answer to this question may be long-term exposure to one or more of these factors. Doctors warn that a large number of birthmarks on the body increases the likelihood of cancer. This is, for example, melanoma. Therefore, such people are not recommended to spend long periods of time in the sun or in a solarium, as this can increase the risk of a mole degenerating into a malignant neoplasm.

We can definitely say that the appearance of moles is a normal physiological process that does not pose a threat to health. If they do not change in size, shape, or color, their presence does not threaten you in any way. However, you should constantly monitor their condition and not abuse the factors described above. Medical diagnostics will help determine the condition of the birthmark and the body as a whole.


Red moles occur due to a malfunction of small blood vessels and capillaries that nourish the skin. They are called angioma and are not a dangerous type of skin disease, so you should not worry when they appear. The only cause for concern may be a mole that changes in size, color and shape. It is worth remembering that any benign angioma can degenerate into a malignant tumor.


Hanging moles are not so harmless. They often get in the way, they are easy to peel or injure, they are not 100% safe (they can become malignant, especially with injury), and they have an unattractive appearance. They are called papillomas and grow from epithelial cells. Appear on the neck, back, groin and armpits during puberty, when exposed to sunlight, due to the human papillomavirus.


If such a neoplasm is large in size, located in a place where it can be injured or has changed shape, size, or a rim has appeared, this is a reason to contact a specialist to determine a method of control or removal. There are different options for removal: with a scalpel, laser, current beam, using cryodestruction. In any case, after this you will solve cosmetic problems and will not be afraid of cutting when shaving (relevant for men).

During pregnancy

Carrying a child is a time when the mother’s body is subjected to serious tests. Hormones responsible for all processes in the body cannot cope with both and are produced in increased quantities. Therefore, the reason for the appearance of new marks depends directly on this process and means the normal functioning of the hormonal system. They often disappear over time.

Hanging moles may appear on the neck. In the abdominal area, due to constant stretching of the skin and poor vascular activity, red growths may appear in this area. This is considered normal. However, if new or old moles begin to cause discomfort, swelling, burning or itching, be sure to find out the opinion of your therapist on this matter.

What do many moles on the body mean?

A large number of moles on the body is often disturbing and raises many questions about the safety of such a presence. Therefore, scientists do not stop researching this issue. According to one version, the maturation of a large number of small birthmarks at once and the speed of their appearance indicates the rapid aging of the body. If many birthmarks appear on the face, neck and stomach, this indicates advanced age.

According to popular belief, if many moles appear on your body, you are popular with others, good luck and happiness accompany you. Chinese healers, on the contrary, believe that negative energy leaves the body through birthmarks, so the presence of a large number of marks (birthmarks) indicates a serious illness. What to believe in - everyone decides for themselves.

Should I worry?

There is always cause for concern with any change in a birthmark. To independently study the problem, you can take into account the signs of a dangerous neoplasm, ACCORD:

  1. A (asymmetry) – if, when the axis is drawn through the center, the halves differ;
  2. K (edge ​​of a mole): smooth – healthy, jagged, torn – dangerous;
  3. K (blood) – there is no bleeding from a benign mole;
  4. O (color) – a healthy birthmark is evenly colored;
  5. P (size) – small birthmarks in rare cases can degenerate, the larger they are, the more dangerous;
  6. D (dynamics) – development of any of the previously described signs.