What are wrinkles on the forehead called?

Over time, you have to wonder how to remove wrinkles on the forehead. Advances in the field of cosmetology offer modern women a whole arsenal of facial care products. But it’s not just “crow’s feet” around the eyes that can ruin your mood when looking in the mirror.


A wrinkled forehead can be successfully disguised with voluminous bangs, a wide-brimmed hat or a light scarf tied with special chic. However, this will not improve the situation. The dream of smooth skin on the forehead will constantly undermine your mood.

Causes of wrinkles

After 25 years, some changes begin to occur in the body that affect the elasticity of the skin. Wrinkles appear on the forehead between the eyebrows, “crow’s feet” around the eyes, and folds in the nasolabial area. This happens due to the fact that the blood supply to the skin gradually decreases. The body begins to redistribute the blood flow, directing it to the internal organs, supplying them with oxygen and nutrition. The skin does not receive sufficient blood supply and gradually fades.

There are several other factors that influence the appearance of wrinkles:

  1. The rate at which the epidermis renews itself slows down, intracellular pressure decreases, and cell walls lose their elasticity. The skin does not retain moisture as well as before, the blood vessels become fragile, and a vascular network appears.
  2. Skin immunity loses its strength. Peeling and irritation occur on the surface of the skin - it can no longer withstand solar radiation well enough. The sebaceous glands function worse.
  3. Cosmetologists believe that free radicals are responsible for skin aging. Their main source is ultraviolet radiation from the sun or exposure to quartz lamps.
  4. Ultraviolet light promotes the destruction of collagen fibers, dehydration of all layers of the skin, which ceases to be moisturized and elastic.

The factors listed above are one of many that can affect the color and condition of the skin.

Expression wrinkles

The formation of facial wrinkles directly depends on excessive facial mobility. Bad habits that affect their education:

  1. wrinkle your nose periodically;
  2. to frown;
  3. constantly smile widely;
  4. emphasize surprise by excessively widening your eyes;
  5. constant antics to emphasize your cheerful disposition (funny faces in all photographs);
  6. raise eyebrows in surprise;
  7. clench your teeth tightly, lowering the corners of your lips when irritated and displeased.

People with a nervous temperament do not control their facial expressions; facial wrinkles appear in them much earlier than in calm and balanced people. Of course, you cannot constantly walk around with a stony and motionless face, refusing to show emotions and remaining insensitive in all situations.

Sincere fun and a friendly smile prevent despondency and irritability from appearing, and help avoid stress, which also affects the condition of the skin. Positive and joyful moments in life, a good mood have a beneficial effect not only on the functioning of the whole body as a whole, but also on appearance.

How to remove wrinkles on the forehead and make it beautiful and smooth

There is a possibility of postponing the appearance of forehead wrinkles to a later date. This can help:

  1. restraining excessive facial expressions;
  2. proper nutrition;
  3. moderate physical activity;
  4. drinking enough water;
  5. outdoor recreation.


If wrinkles have already appeared, there are several different ways to make them less pronounced or completely get rid of them:

  1. perform special exercises;
  2. constantly massage;
  3. use folk remedies;
  4. the use of scrubs and special cosmetics.

Cosmetology recommends how to remove wrinkles on the forehead using more radical and effective methods. They are used when it is necessary to get a good and quick result.

  1. Removing wrinkles on the forehead with injections is a method that has become most widespread and popular these days. Women willingly agree to injections designed to improve the skin. Most often this is Botox, its task is to immobilize and smooth out the muscles. Injections are productive and quite affordable. They should be used without fanaticism. Too frequent use of such drugs causes the body to become addicted and reduces the results of their use.
  2. Thread lifting is another one of the most widely known methods for removing wrinkles on the forehead. Threads are implanted in the necessary places, which dissolve over time or not. This method of smoothing the skin and preventing the formation of new wrinkles provides good results that last up to 5 years. Immediately before using thread lifting, it is still recommended to get Botox injections.
  3. If the wrinkles are not very deep, a chemical facial peel can help. This method helps remove the dead skin layer and make the surface of the facial skin smoother and softer. All of these procedures must be performed by qualified professionals following all appropriate procedures. There are other professional peels, such as:
  1. mesopling;
  2. peeling with glycolic and fruit acid;
  3. enzyme;
  4. ultrasonic;
  5. mechanical.

If there are very deep wrinkles, scars or other skin defects on the forehead, you can decide to have surgery and put yourself in the hands of a plastic surgery specialist. All plastic surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. Therefore, there are some restrictions for their implementation - heart disease, hypertension, diseases of internal organs and others.


The effect of plastic surgery lasts for many years, after which surgical intervention is allowed again. If a suitable clinic and an experienced surgeon are found, everything is done well - skin tightening gives excellent results and has a noticeably prolonged effect.

Hardware techniques

What to do if wrinkles on the forehead occur due to structural changes in the skin? The answer to this question can be given by hardware cosmetology.

Laser Application

Laser skin smoothing is carried out using local anesthetics. The doctor directs the beam in such a way that it vaporizes the deep layer of the epidermis. Those cells that remain “glue” to the basement membrane.

Evaporation is carried out until the first drops of blood appear. Protruding scarlet drops indicate that the depth of impact has been fully achieved. The swelling remaining after the procedure, small caked crusts, and redness disappear within a few days. This method is suitable for almost everyone, unless there are serious skin diseases.

Advantages of this method:

  1. you can adjust the depth of exposure and thus work exactly on the area of ​​the skin where it is required;
  2. the method does not cause pain;
  3. the use of a laser beam does not injure the skin;
  4. the likelihood of negative side effects is very low.

Before using a laser beam, you should refrain from solariums, outdoor tanning and independent peeling procedures or rough skin cleansing.

At the clinic, a specialist will additionally clean the skin and treat it with an anesthetic. This can be either a light injection or a freezing spray. The laser treatment procedure itself does not take much time and causes minimal discomfort and discomfort.

Using this method to combat wrinkles on the forehead has some contraindications:

  1. pustular rashes;
  2. hemophilia and other blood diseases;
  3. heart diseases during their exacerbation;
  4. oncology;
  5. colds or viral diseases that cause high fever.

Before coming for laser wrinkle correction, you should consult with your doctor.

SMAS lifting

Those representatives of the fair sex who have thin and delicate skin can use SMAS lifting. This method is based on the fact that the elasticity of the layer located between the muscles and the skin increases. Under the influence of ultrasound, which is used in this method, new elastic fibers are formed.


SMAS lifting is widely used for eyelid lifting, correction of sagging cheeks and sagging chin. But, if you use it in combination with other methods of removing wrinkles in the forehead (with biorevitalization, Botox injections, etc.), it gives excellent results with a lasting and rejuvenating effect.

Advantages of the method:

  1. Only local anesthesia is used;
  2. only a one-time visit to the specialist who performs the procedure is required;
  3. it does not require a long time for rehabilitation; it is enough to exclude visits to saunas, solariums, and gyms;
  4. lifting can be done once a year;
  5. the procedure is also suitable for young women under fifty years of age;
  6. the best effect occurs after three months after visiting the doctor.

It is not recommended to carry out SMAS lifting in a state of acute exacerbation of a chronic disease, with high blood pressure or high temperature.

RF lifting

This method is based on the unique effect of electromagnetic radiation, which helps to kickstart the natural rejuvenation of the skin. You can achieve good results in the fight against wrinkles by combining this lifting with the use of mesotherapy or biorevitalization.

The effect is achieved after a course of several procedures, between which a two-week break is required. The positive results from using this method last for more than two years. For young girls, the duration of RF lifting can last much longer.


  1. oncology;
  2. thyroid diseases;
  3. skin diseases in the forehead area;
  4. thrombophlebitis;
  5. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  6. viral or colds;
  7. severe form of diabetes.

Before using this method of skin rejuvenation, you must obtain the approval of your doctor.

How to smooth the skin on your forehead yourself

In order to maintain excellent skin condition and avoid the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose, it is necessary to carefully consider this problem in your youth. There are several methods for this that will not take much effort and time.


Exercises to maintain smooth skin and massages can be done from the age of 25. The skin at this age is elastic and young, and regular care will help keep it in this condition until old age.


Anti-wrinkle exercises are performed at any time of the day when there is free time. But it is better to do it early in the morning or in the evening before bed - the skin should be cleansed of impurities and cosmetics.

  1. Fix the skin of your forehead by placing both hands on it in the place where the hair begins to grow. Then tense your forehead muscles with effort, lower your eyes down and remain in this position for several seconds. After that, relax. Do it several times.
  2. Firmly fix the middle of the forehead with four fingers. Then wrinkle the skin and muscles of your forehead and hold them in this position for several minutes. Repeat the exercise at five-second intervals up to 5 times. This exercise also helps to cope with facial wrinkles.

Perform these two simple exercises daily and you will see that you can remove small wrinkles in the forehead area, as well as prevent the appearance of new ones.


Massage in the forehead area helps to smooth the skin, start the processes of its renewal and restoration. Before starting the procedure, thoroughly cleanse the skin and lubricate it with nourishing cream. When performing massage movements, you should not move or squeeze the skin too much. There is no need to touch the skin in the eye area.

  1. Place the fingertips of both hands on the area above the bridge of your nose. Slowly, with light movements, move towards your temples, smoothing the skin between your eyebrows.
  2. Using the index and middle fingers of both hands, make vertical movements in the area between the eyebrows and the beginning of hair growth.
  3. Using your index and middle fingers, make sliding arcing movements from the bridge of your nose to the ends of your eyebrows. Exercises are performed with both hands.
  4. Slowly make zigzag frequent movements with your middle and index fingers from the bridge of your nose to your temples.
  5. Apply circular movements with your fingers across the entire forehead area, smoothing the skin.

By performing these exercises every other day, you can maintain youthful forehead skin and eliminate wrinkles on the forehead between the eyebrows.


Nourishing and moisturizing masks help maintain youth and elasticity of the skin and have a beneficial effect on its color. Here are examples of two very effective masks made from natural ingredients.

  1. Honey-egg mask. Mix the raw yolk of one chicken egg with a teaspoon of slightly warmed honey. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer to clean and dry skin. Leave for three quarters of an hour and rinse with cool water. This mask composition will restore elasticity to the skin and fill it with healthy vitamins.
  2. Sea buckthorn mask. Apply sea buckthorn oil to clean facial skin daily for two weeks. Leave for 30 minutes. It is better to do the procedure before bedtime. Remove any remaining oil with a damp cloth. Sea buckthorn oil is perfect for slowing down skin aging and smoothing out existing wrinkles. The minerals and beneficial substances contained in the oil moisturize and nourish the skin, giving it a silky velvety feel.

To keep the skin in the forehead area smooth and elastic, give it the same attention as the skin around the eyes. A clean, smooth forehead not only visually reduces a woman’s age, but also gives her an attractive and well-groomed appearance.

Facial lines or wrinkles often form on the forehead, allowing one to judge a person’s character. Vertical folds on the forehead also indicate the state of the nervous system. From this article you will learn how to determine a person’s character by the wrinkles on their forehead.

  1. The forehead is smooth, without wrinkles - on the one hand, a sign of carefree and cheerful character, and on the other (in the presence of other not very good facial indicators) - it speaks of confusion in the concepts of good and evil.
  2. A forehead randomly furrowed with deep wrinkles is a sign of mediocre intelligence and laziness.
  3. Chaotic shallow wrinkles diverging in all directions are a sign of eccentricity and originality.
  4. Deep zigzag folds on the forehead are signs of failure in business.
  5. Deep zigzag wrinkles on a low, bony forehead are a sign of depravity and recklessness.
  6. Deep, irregularly shaped wrinkles located in different directions are evidence of impulsiveness, harshness, quarrelsomeness, and rudeness.
  7. Horizontal wrinkles located in the lower part of the forehead, close to the eyebrows, are evidence of deep intelligence. Horizontal wrinkles located in the upper part of the forehead, close to the hair, are evidence of pride and hard-heartedness. Subtle horizontal parallel grooves are a sign of a calm mind and honesty.
  8. A single horizontal wrinkle dividing the forehead into upper and lower parts is evidence of a person’s great independence, moral and spiritual, and the ability to balance his own view with the opinions of others. Such people have objective views and judgments. It is also a testament to literary talent, hard work and loneliness.

What do wrinkles on a person’s forehead mean?

Many parallel wrinkles covering the entire forehead indicate a person’s emotionality and perseverance. He is a materialist. A narrow upper lip indicates his distrust of others. His earlobes, fused to his neck, emphasize his stubbornness. He is an excellent analyst and is fanatical in his work. It is difficult to convince him of anything. Very collected and resourceful in difficult situations. Has a good sense of humor. Doesn't waste words. He's a dashing driver, but he doesn't like to repair his car. Could be a diplomat.


Let's determine the character by the wrinkles on the forehead in this case. This is a person with great willpower. Very talented, deep in his inner content. When speaking, three parallel deep lines are clearly visible, crossing the entire forehead, which speaks of his straightforwardness and purity of soul. The line going up from the nose emphasizes his stubbornness. He is very patient, collected as much as possible in extreme situations, resourceful and decisive. Symmetrical lines above the eyebrows on both sides of the forehead indicate his selfishness. He doesn't know how to adapt. He usually gives birth to girls. Happens twice in marriage.


This arrangement of wrinkles on the forehead indicates the difficult fate of a person. He is talented and has an analytical mind. The nervous system is unbalanced. The lower lip is large and full, which emphasizes a sharp mind and extraordinary kindness. He loves jokes and is incapable of offending his neighbors.


Such lines on the forehead indicate that the person is stubborn and has a difficult character. He is very inquisitive, has developed intuition and the gift of a psychologist. Able to understand everyone, to enter into their position. The upper lip is narrow, which indicates his distrust and caution in communicating with strangers.


Thin lips indicate a complex and unpredictable character. Deep-set eyes emphasize rigidity in matters of principle. He is constantly at risk, walking on the edge of a knife. He is kind by nature and loves nature. Because of his excessive kindness, he gets into unpleasant situations every now and then. Has an analytical mind.


This arrangement of wrinkles on the forehead indicates a person’s cunning. He is diplomatic and achieves success in his professional activities in the second half of his life. A thin upper lip speaks of his caution and distrust of people. He is grouchy, often dissatisfied with life, and difficult to please.


This person is persistent, this is indicated by the lines on the forehead arranged in the form of steps. The nose speaks of his extraordinary ability to work. This person is talented, diligent, not prone to boasting, and does not like to be the center of attention. May be a musician or artist.


Such lines indicate a balanced character of a person. The second straight line says that he gives birth to children of different sexes. The top line indicates that he may be in two marriages. He loves his family and is happy to help his wife with housework. A nose with a small hump indicates increased sexuality. This person knows how to control emotions, is inquisitive, and spends a lot of time watching TV.

What do wrinkles on the forehead mean?

How can one determine a person’s character by the wrinkles on the forehead, if there is only one line on the forehead running from the nose up and slightly to the right? It says that a person has deep analytical thinking and good memory. He may be an excellent politician, but he will never become an actor or artist. Selfish, distrustful, carefully selects friends. He is very cheerful in company and likes to drink. Extremely hardworking.


Symmetrical lines converging in the center of the forehead are rare. Such a person has a calm character. He is somewhat reserved and has an analytical mind. The ability to manage emotions allows him to become a manager and politician. He is inquisitive, loves to travel, make new useful acquaintances. A good family man, as a rule, he gives birth to children of different sexes, whom he loves very much.


A short perpendicular line on the bridge of the nose indicates that the person is very stubborn. This is confirmed by the earlobes fused to the neck. Meticulous, in some cases boring. Wavy lines combined with a few broken ones indicate that this person had to retrain, and this was fraught with many difficulties. An excellent conversationalist, loves debates. Has an ability for languages, but does not always develop them. Easily gains authority.


We determine character by wrinkles on the forehead. A lot of wavy lines on the forehead indicate punctuality, that this person is too straightforward and stubborn. Talented, very sensitive. He can express himself most fully in the field of art, becoming an artist or sculptor. Clean, overly squeamish. He prefers to do everything in the house with his own hands. Devoted to the family, such people rarely get divorced.


A line running across the entire forehead means that this person is unusually bold in decisions and actions and loves risks. Very talented. Knows how to make the right decision. Sexy. You should not wake him up in the morning - his reaction can be unpredictable. His earlobes, fused to his neck, emphasize his stubbornness. An excellent mechanic, he drives the car skillfully. Witty. If he doesn’t like a person, he constantly makes fun of him. The stupidity of those around him irritates him.

What does a wrinkled forehead mean?

Intelligent, capable and normal people usually have 5 or 6 continuous wrinkles on their foreheads. In people, although intelligent, but who have undergone difficult trials and been led astray by fate from the path they originally chose, wrinkles on the forehead are interrupted and uneven in many places, which indicates dullness of mental abilities and fragility of beliefs. Exalted people, gifted speakers and great artists have only 3-4 longitudinal lines, intersected by one line from top to bottom. The absence of wrinkles or barely noticeable wrinkles on the forehead is a sign of an undeveloped mind and an inability to think seriously.

Seven parallel lines on the forehead indicate kindness, prudence, and distrust. This is a person with a subtle psychology, caring, before doing anything, he will think through everything.


A long wrinkle on the forehead, framing the left eyebrow, indicates slyness and a great sense of humor. The topmost line of the hair indicates talent. Such a person can be a director, playwright, he has a well-developed imagination. But he is very vulnerable. The middle line crossing the entire forehead indicates his sociability and extraordinary sociability. He loves to be in the thick of things and willingly makes new acquaintances. Not very balanced, especially the “December” one. He always achieves what he wants, success accompanies him.


A broken line above the left eyebrow indicates an analytical mindset. This person does not rush to conclusions; he is courageous and decisive in difficult matters. Can be the head of a large enterprise. He is a fan of his work, does not back down from difficulties, and stubbornly pursues his goal. The second line, curved in the middle, speaks of his physical strength and endurance. A “winter” person can be a high-class athlete. He is usually tall and loves to travel. Spends most of his time at work.


A transverse line in the middle of the forehead, bent down, indicates a person’s extraordinary persistence and stubbornness. Two wrinkles on the forehead above the eyebrows indicate his proud and unapologetic character. He loves to argue, and in an argument he must win. Impatient, hot-tempered, unbalanced. Cannot accept defeat. He has a sharp mind and a philosophical mindset. Selfish. Capable of exact sciences. Tends to change places. Excellent orientation in unfamiliar areas. Reliable, will never betray, knows how to keep a secret. Kind, loves dogs.


Two lines above the bridge of the nose indicate a person’s courage and strong will. His whole life is spent at work. Knows how to stand up for himself and his interests. Materialist. He endures failures, of which there are many in his life. Very physically durable, can work at high temperatures. He gives birth to children of different sexes.


What do curved wrinkles on the forehead mean?

Curved lines above the eyebrows indicate a person’s extraordinary cunning. He is stubborn and selfish. He does not tolerate injustice, which brings him a lot of trouble. Monogamous and jealous. Very clean, fastidious. Goes bald when young. Very inquisitive. Materialist. He likes to make fun of people who don't appeal to him.


How can you determine a person’s character by the wrinkles on their forehead? Many curved lines on the forehead indicate a complex character. It is difficult for such a person to get along with people; he does not find like-minded people in every society. Eternal fighter for justice. He doesn’t know how to adapt or curry favor with his superiors. Several lines above the eyebrows indicate that in extreme situations it is difficult for him to navigate, he is not collected, and can make mistakes. He goes bald early. Not a careerist. Has literary abilities.


A perpendicular line coming from the nose indicates that this person is persistent in achieving his goal. Short connecting lines indicate talent in the arts, especially in the musical field. May be a variety actor. Loves to travel, easy-going. Not very successful in his personal life, he marries several times.


Two deep, curved transverse wrinkles, complemented by two short ones at the top of the forehead, indicate a person’s outstanding musical talent. He is proud and very vulnerable. He devotes his entire life to his favorite business. Mostly boys are born to him, girls are rare.


A curved line above the eyebrows indicates an unstable human nervous system. He is a bad diplomat, unyielding, stubborn. Straightforward, which brings him a lot of trouble. Hardworking, calculating. He is moving up the career ladder very well.


A curved wrinkle above the bridge of the nose speaks of a person’s extraordinary pride, selfishness, and selfishness. He is stubborn and persistent in achieving his goals. Selective in friendship. Very punctual, will never let you down. He is very worried about the dishonesty of his loved ones. He is very honest, an excellent leader, and has organizational skills. In the professional field he reaches great heights.

Such an asymmetrical arrangement of lines speaks of a person’s flexible nature, but not in achieving the goal. In this he is irreconcilable, stubborn and persistent. Two short wrinkles at the top indicate his pride. He does not know how to adapt, often fails due to the fact that he cannot put up with injustice. He has many friends and is a wonderful storyteller. He has the gift of an orator. Ears pressed to the head indicate his persistence in achieving his goal.


Lines crossing the entire forehead and going down to the nose indicate a closed person. He is stubborn, very patient, and not prone to nervous breakdowns. Brave and decisive in action. In extreme situations, he is as collected and calm as possible. Obligatory, brings any task to the end. Witty.

This person has one central wrinkle that runs across the entire forehead. The others disperse from her. The character of such a person is not simple. He is jealous, cunning, persistent in achieving goals, stubborn over trifles. Disgust. Very talented, but difficult to realize his talent.



This person has deep analytical thinking, is fair, and persistent. The lines concentrated on one side of the forehead emphasize his determination. Not inclined to believe prejudices, not influenced. He chooses his friends himself and respects moral principles. Achieves great success through hard work. Obligatory, never breaks his word.

How to tell your character by the wrinkles on your forehead

So, we determine character by the wrinkles on the forehead. The line that runs from the nose to the eyebrow indicates that this person is very kind not only to those close to him, but to everyone he encounters. His nose suggests that he does not strive for material wealth and can be content with what he has. He gives birth to children of different sexes. Talented, can engage in artistic photography. He experiences great difficulties in family life.


Such lines on the forehead are characteristic of a good-natured, but moderately stubborn woman. She likes to sleep longer in the morning. Has a good memory. Four lines crossing the forehead mean that she acquires one specialty, but works in a completely different one. The nose emphasizes her kindness. The upper lines on the forehead represent an unfinished triangle, which speaks of her loneliness. Despite the fact that life is not easy for her, she persistently pursues her goal. Free from prejudice.


The line coming from the nose and continuing above the eyebrow speaks of a person’s spirituality and his predisposition to stress. He can devote his life to worship. He is very sympathetic and loves animals. Selfless, will not harm anyone. A philosopher by nature, he respects women, which is emphasized by the shape of his nose. A cleft chin indicates increased sexuality. He's emotional. Earlobes fused to the neck indicate stubbornness.


A line crossing the entire forehead, a longitudinal wrinkle on the forehead, speaks of an analytical mindset. Many broken lines indicate extreme kindness. Such a person can be a doctor or psychologist. He cares very much about his loved ones. Mandatory, will never let you down. The short lines above his eyebrows, one of which is curved, highlight his talent in mathematics. He can be a mathematics teacher at school, as he loves children very much. Not a careerist, he sincerely rejoices in the professional successes of his colleagues.



Longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead, which are located close to the eyebrows, indicate a person’s talent in the field of art. He is an excellent conversationalist and an interesting person. He has a sharp mind, does not tolerate lies, and is impossible to deceive. In moments of temper he is harsh in his statements. Doesn't like boring people. Cheerful in company, good joke teller.


The lines on the forehead in the form of a fountain indicate that this is a very careful person, a reinsurer. He is very squeamish. Doesn't like long business trips. Has a keen sense of smell and cannot tolerate unpleasant odors. He is capricious and difficult to please. His wife has a hard time with him. He does not marry for a long time, and is demanding in choosing a girlfriend. Grumpy, selfish.


A straight line running across the entire forehead indicates a person’s ability to navigate in extreme conditions. He is not afraid of difficulties, he is ready for anything. Talented, most often fully realizes himself in the field of science, design and modeling. He is interested in historical literature and plays chess well. The character is complex, stubborn (especially among the “December” ones). Leader in the team. He chooses his friends carefully.

Now you know how to determine a person’s character by the wrinkles on their forehead.


As a rule, wrinkles are associated with the inevitable process of withering of the human body. But physiological aging is just one of the many reasons for the formation of wrinkles on the forehead. There are many factors that negatively affect the skin, but a person can take control of most of the causes of premature aging.

Wrinkles on the forehead: types and what causes them

Wrinkles on the forehead are usually called folds and grooves on the skin. The cause of their occurrence is most often a loss of skin elasticity due to various factors.

The following types of wrinkles are distinguished:

  1. horizontal and vertical;
  2. deep and superficial;
  3. facial and age-related.

Expression wrinkles appear as a result of the daily work of the facial muscles due to the manifestation of various emotions. Usually they are formed along certain lines. Horizontal wrinkles are called “anxious” wrinkles, the main reason for their formation is the habit of wrinkling the forehead, and vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows (“angry”) appear due to the habit of moving the eyebrows. Age-related wrinkles are one of the consequences of aging, when the skin loses its elasticity.

Superficial wrinkles are usually expression lines, but sometimes they appear due to skin problems, such as dryness. The main characteristic: the zone of their occurrence is only the top layer of skin (epidermis). Such wrinkles can appear even in young girls; they can and should be dealt with. With deep wrinkles the situation is more complicated, since not only the epidermis is affected, but also the dermis and subcutaneous fat. The skin loses its elasticity and sags under its own weight. Such wrinkles are practically impossible to correct and are an age-related change.

Factors in the formation of wrinkles

The appearance of wrinkles can be affected by:

  1. physiological aging of the body. Typically, age-related changes are unnoticeable until about 25 years of age, then the production of collagen and elastin begins to decrease, the work of the sebaceous glands slows down, and the skin begins to fade;
  2. the influence of hormonal disorders. A lack of thyroid hormones leads to poor circulation of the skin and, as a consequence, dryness, and female sex hormones produced during childbearing age affect the elasticity and beauty of the skin;
  3. heredity, genetic characteristics of an organism. If parents look older than their peers, this is a reason to pay more attention to taking care of their skin, since the tendency to form a large number of wrinkles can be hereditary;
  4. exposure to aggressive environmental factors. The skin is negatively affected by direct sunlight, wind, temperature fluctuations, increased dry air, poor ecology, staying in stuffy, smoky rooms, and rare walks;
  5. influence of factors “from within”. These reasons directly depend on a person’s lifestyle. Fatty and sweet foods, alcohol, lack of vitamins A, E, C, D in the diet, dehydration, smoking, chronic fatigue, stress, lack of fresh air are a direct path to rapid skin aging.


Skin care should be approached from all sides; the effect of cosmetics is useless if the skin is not “nourished” from the inside

The above factors lead to the following changes in human skin and, as a result, to the formation of wrinkles:

  1. deterioration of skin nutrition due to decreased blood circulation in the dermis and subcutaneous fat;
  2. a decrease in the number of cells at the base of the epidermis and an increase in the number of keratinized cells, which, accumulating, form a rough, hard layer that interferes with the functioning of the sebaceous glands and metabolic processes;
  3. disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, leading to dehydration of the skin;
  4. deterioration of the functioning of fibroblasts, which form the precursors of collagen and elastin proteins, as a result of which the skin loses its elasticity;
  5. deviations from the thickness of the normal subcutaneous fat layer (if it is too thin, the skin is constantly subject to dehydration, and a layer that is too thick interferes with metabolic processes).

Significance in physiognomy: why deep vertical, horizontal, transverse, longitudinal and facial wrinkles appear

Physiognomy is a way of determining a person’s personal qualities, based on an analysis of his facial features, a classic example of pseudoscience. Here, very interesting conclusions are drawn from the wrinkles on the forehead.

For example, horizontal folds of the forehead indicate excellent mental development of a person. If there are three or more such lines, their owner is used to working on his own development, and sometimes their presence is interpreted as a sign of genius. They often indicate assertiveness, great insight and a love of power. If the horizontal wrinkles are broken, this is a sign of a lot of interests. And the triangle in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose will tell about a person’s power over logic and intuition.

Vertical folds between the eyebrows indicate a demanding, assertive character. Moreover, this trait can manifest itself not only at work, but also in personal life, and is often excessive. Such people love precision and order in everything. And a few wrinkles between the eyebrows are a trait of perfectionists. It is impossible to hide from the nagging and comments of such people.


More than three wrinkles on the forehead are a sign of genius and exceptional hard work, and broken lines indicate versatility of interests

But one vertical wrinkle in the middle of the forehead indicates a nature that is accustomed to feeling like an outcast in society. For such people, any relationship is difficult, and they are often plagued by failures and health problems.

How to get rid of and hide wrinkles on the forehead

You can use different methods to eliminate forehead wrinkles:

  1. cosmetical tools. Today, stores offer a huge selection of anti-aging cosmetics. It contains active substances that make the skin more nourished and elastic:
  1. retinol,
  2. coenzyme Q10,
  3. hyaluronic acid,
  4. vitamin C,
  5. peptides,
  6. stem cells,
  7. UF filters and others;
special dietary supplements and vitamin complexes for the skin (available in tablet form, containing collagen, coenzyme Q10 and antioxidants); injections with hyaluronic acid. This method is referred to as salon procedures; using a thin needle, the substance is injected into the area where wrinkles form; mesotherapy is a method of introducing vitamins and active substances into the skin through injections; peeling is an excellent way to rejuvenate the skin, suitable for both salon and home use. The essence is the removal of the stratum corneum of the skin, as a result, blood circulation improves, and the skin becomes more receptive to nutrition with cosmetics; laser wrinkle removal (this procedure stimulates collagen production); injection of Botox. Its action causes temporary paralysis of facial muscles; surgical intervention. The essence of the method is cutting off excess skin and muscle tissue. Only professional plastic surgeons can perform such operations.

The consequences of getting rid of wrinkles on the forehead

The choice of method for getting rid of wrinkles depends on the characteristics of the skin, age and depth of the folds. The consequences of the most popular and drastic methods of combating wrinkles:

  1. if the skin is prone to irritation, peeling will aggravate the situation by adding inflammation, and the result of the procedure will not please for long until a new layer of dead cells grows (on average from 1 to 3 weeks);
  2. The effect of Botox lasts about a year. The disadvantages of this procedure are a fairly large list of strict prohibitions during the rehabilitation period (for example, you cannot bend forward, visit baths and saunas, or rub with a washcloth). Violation of the rules, as well as the incompetence of specialists, can lead to complete paralysis of the facial muscles, facial asymmetry, and drooping of the upper eyelid;
  3. the consequences of plastic surgery, like any surgical intervention, can be unpredictable. It is not easy to find a competent, highly qualified specialist, and it is even more difficult to predict the individual reactions of the body. The main advantage is that the effect lasts 10–15 years;
  4. mesotherapy can cause headaches, increased blood pressure, pain, redness and swelling; injections with hyaluronic acid in some cases lead to facial asymmetry and the appearance of bruises. If the wrinkles are deep, the course of injections will have to be repeated after 3-4 weeks. The effect lasts from six months to a year.

How to make wrinkles less noticeable with cosmetics

Before applying decorative cosmetics, you should use a special serum with a lifting effect. This product will tighten the skin, making it more elastic. After this, a leveling makeup base is applied, it fills in shallow wrinkles, and the foundation goes on more evenly.

Some makeup artists recommend using water-based concealers to cover areas with fine lines and wrinkles. The tone of the concealer should be slightly lighter than the skin. The skin area will become visually smoother.

There are several rules for applying decorative cosmetics to areas with wrinkles:

  1. An oil-based foundation will moisturize the skin, but using a product that is too oily will only highlight imperfections;
  2. the tone of the cream should match the color of the skin; too light or dark a tone will highlight wrinkles;
  3. Concealer should be applied in a small amount only to the problem area, its excess will also visually age the skin;
  4. The powder dries out the skin; it should be applied carefully and in small quantities.


Applying a concealer lighter than your natural skin tone to your forehead will visually even out the area, making wrinkles invisible

Prevention of occurrence

Unfortunately, the aging of the body is an irreversible process and the appearance of wrinkles cannot be avoided, however, there are recommendations that will help delay their occurrence:

  1. It is unacceptable to go to bed leaving decorative cosmetics on your face, the results of the sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as contaminants from the environment. This entire layer clogs pores, interferes with the natural exfoliation of dead cells, can cause irritation, allergic reactions, and blocks the flow of oxygen;
  2. procedures for cleansing the skin, applying cosmetics, massages should be gentle, you should not stretch or rub the skin too much, as this can deprive it of its elasticity and cause injury;
  3. It is worth exfoliating the skin 1-2 times a week, this way you can get rid of the stratum corneum and make the skin smoother and more receptive to nutrients. In addition, this is also an excellent massage that improves blood circulation;
  4. face masks in cream or fabric forms are especially effective when used 1-2 times a week after peeling; they contain more active ingredients than creams and instantly transform the skin;
  5. contrast washing with warm and cool water is very useful for the face (or after washing with warm water, you can wipe the skin with an ice cube - this improves blood circulation and tones);
  6. Be sure to use nourishing cream daily. It should be selected according to your skin type and have a lifting effect;
  7. 2-3 times a week it is useful to do face-building - special gymnastics and facial massage. The movements are simple and effective;
  8. A separate point in the war against wrinkles is the organization of proper nutrition. The body must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, microelements, and proteins. Fans of strict diets and fast food lovers can forget about beautiful skin;
  9. Most often, wrinkles in the forehead indicate a person’s active facial expressions. To prevent the formation of such wrinkles, you should begin to observe and control your own expression of emotions, eradicating the habit of frowning and raising your eyebrows.

Sometimes a person’s active facial expressions are a consequence of wearing ill-fitting lenses or glasses. Perhaps there is a reason to turn to specialists to select better quality optics.

Video: preventing wrinkles using Facebook building


I am almost 35, there is a clear wrinkle on my forehead. Therefore, for now I only need Botox injections in this area. The procedure is simple and short. You go to the doctor, listen to the list of contraindications, and then fill out the informed consent form. After this, the doctor asks you to actively wince and marks the desired area. Then he wipes and disinfects it. Botox injections are placed at the points indicated by the doctor. There are no sensations at first. The injection site only turns slightly red. The doctor warns that on this day you may have a headache or feel nauseous, but this has not happened to me. The muscles “turn off” after about 10 days, I haven’t exactly timed it. Almost 6 months have passed since the Botox injections, the effect is still preserved and seems to be weakening slightly. After constant flexion and extension in the wrinkle area stops, it quickly begins to lose depth. In the first 2 weeks after Botox injections, you should not take a hot bath, bend up and down frequently when playing sports, make masks in the injection area, use scrubs in this area, or drink alcohol. You should not visit the steam room, do ultrasonic facial cleansing (on the forehead), or get eyebrow tattooing. These actions can either significantly reduce the effect of Botox or completely eliminate it.



I have quite a few skin problems. Therefore, when I decided to fight the first wrinkles, I chose a procedure that would help solve some of my problems. In general, the procedure itself is not very painful. A thin needle and the magical hands of a cosmetologist work wonders. The procedure is called biorevitalization. The process is as follows. An anesthetic cream is applied to the skin of the face, the face is covered with a film, it tingled a little, I lay there for about 15 minutes. Then the cream was wiped off with a cotton pad, the cosmetologist in front of me opened the package with the drug, which was already in the syringe, showed me the syringe and a needle (tiny, no longer than 1 cm ). Of all the injections, it hurt 5-6 times, apparently, the places were especially sensitive. The procedure itself took about an hour. But on my forehead she did it on my forehead, filling in and displacing the emerging wrinkles. Two days later there was no trace left of the injections. When the cosmetologist finally finished, she wiped my face with chlorhexidine and applied Traumeel antiseptic ointment and told me to lubricate it with chlorhexidine and Traumeel for 2 days. The face seemed completely different, fresher. My complexion has changed noticeably - I look like I did after a vacation. The skin has smoothed out, and even enlarged pores have become smaller! In principle, it is better to do this procedure a couple more times at intervals of two weeks. In general, I absolutely do not regret that I decided to do this procedure. It cost me 5,500 rubles, and I would have spent more on good anti-aging cosmetics, but it is unlikely that such an effect would have been achieved, because biorevitalization is care from the inside. I strongly recommend it to everyone!



To prevent wrinkles up to 25, you should not use creams, but first of all, eat right, stop smoking and alcohol, use sunscreen (especially in summer), avoid solariums and, if possible, get enough sleep (at least from 11 to 6 am).

Cherry Fairytale

Wrinkles on the forehead appear for various reasons. Skin aging is just one of them. The problem can be solved with the help of cosmetics, injections, and surgeries. Prevention plays a big role in preventing the appearance of wrinkles - proper nutrition and skin care, exercise, massage.