Wrinkles above the eyebrows meaning

Every year, science reaches a new level, improving skills. And no matter what direction it develops, the main thing that research is aimed at is people. More and more people are becoming interested in physiognomy. This branch of scientific research is aimed, in particular, at answering the question of what wrinkles on the forehead mean.

In fact, every part of the body, every fold, wrinkle and notch can tell everything about its owner. The main thing is to learn body language and understand what it tells us. By studying a person's forehead and how it has become with age, one can calculate character traits, health status, and much more. It all depends on the number and location of the folds formed.


As a person ages, wrinkles appear on his face. On the forehead they look like straight and intersecting lines. If many small folds have formed, then their owner has a stern disposition and has health problems. One vertical wrinkle intersecting three horizontal ones indicates that their owner is a happy and successful person, he has an excellent career and everything is in order in the family. Long-livers and lucky people have a rather interesting arrangement of lines; they form a rhombus. And that's not all that wrinkles on the forehead say.

Horizontal wrinkles

Those with horizontal folds in the forehead area are usually happy people, very respected among their friends and popular among the opposite sex. If there are two such wrinkles, then fate clearly loves these people; they differ from others in their increased luck. In addition, they have well-developed intelligence and always have a high level of intelligence. If a person has three horizontal folds on his forehead, then this means that he is artistic, positive, with great creative potential.


If the wrinkles are located in a zigzag shape, then their owner is not very well versed in business matters and, most likely, fails in any attempt to start his own business. People with a nervous character become the owners of short horizontal wrinkles. If the ends of the folds have creases, then it will be difficult for such a person to share personal space with others, and it will not be easy to get along with him.

If wrinkles are located on the outer corners of the eyes, then this is a clear sign of cunning character. People who are well-developed business aptitudes often have similar wrinkles on their foreheads.

What do vertical folds mean?

If a person has a large vertical wrinkle in the center of his forehead, this indicates a large number of troubles in life and poor health. It is believed that such people feel uncomfortable in a team, are prone to conflict, and are difficult to get along with. In addition, it is quite difficult for them to improve their own lives.


If a person with such a wrinkle has a family, then we can safely say that he does not live very peacefully with his other half. They have constant quarrels, perhaps the person has gone through a divorce.

If a business person develops a vertical wrinkle, this means that he has reached certain heights in doing business. If angular wrinkles appear above his eyebrows, this means that the person has experienced a lot of anxiety and is constantly worried about something. This is what vertical wrinkles on the forehead mean.

Parallel wrinkles between the eyebrows

Strong leadership qualities are manifested in the owner of parallel wrinkles between the eyebrows. Such people are very successful, they are able to reach heights in the creative and political spheres. Often their ability to learn quickly leads them to the path of teaching, where they pass on their knowledge to others.

If these wrinkles are curved, then the person has an unhealthy psyche. You are faced with a person prone to criminal acts and violence. He has a very tough and firm character, it is better to behave carefully with him, because he is not always sensibly aware of his actions. It is also worth noting that vertical folds between the eyebrows may appear as a result of a heart attack. They also often indicate digestive problems.


Seriously considering the question of what wrinkles on the forehead mean, it is worth noting that the interpretations of every small detail are very detailed and with in-depth study, a complete psychological portrait can be made. Also, using them, you can find out a person’s hidden illnesses, and perhaps this will save his life, since the sooner the presence of a problem is determined, the easier it will be to solve it.

Why do wrinkles appear?

The appearance of wrinkles on the forehead is mainly due to the elasticity of the skin, the age factor, as well as the peculiarity of the cell structure. But these are not all the reasons. Polluted atmosphere, air temperature changes and other natural factors can have an impact. Genetics and various diseases also have an impact. Wrinkles can appear due to bad habits, poor nutrition, and poor skin care. Psychology, facial expressions, stress and other factors can also cause changes in the structure of facial skin.

Chinese technique

One of the things that wrinkles on the forehead indicate is disease. The ancient Chinese used wrinkles to diagnose human health as early as the third century BC. With their help, they determined the condition of internal organs; this practice has survived to this day. They also determined the hidden and obvious abilities of a person.


So, the upper part, namely the forehead from the eyebrows to the hair, could tell about the intelligence and conditions in which the person grew up. From the eyebrows to the nose, the folds indicated fortitude and the ability to control one’s emotions and actions in emergency situations. The lower part of the face was examined exclusively in older people, with its help it was possible to find out how successful a person had become and what kind of attachments he had.


Almost no one can avoid the appearance of age-related wrinkles, except that the period of their occurrence is slightly delayed with the help of cosmetics. But if they occur ahead of time, then this is a clear manifestation of a tendency to various diseases. After 25 years, many men and women are interested in what deep wrinkles on the forehead mean.

Diseases associated with wrinkles on the upper forehead

By studying the lines on the face, you can learn about many diseases that their owner himself does not even suspect. For example, wrinkles between the eyebrows indicate a liver condition. The folds on the upper part of the forehead are responsible for the bladder. The wrinkles in the center of the forehead speak for the intestines.

If there are longitudinal, small wrinkles, we can say that a person has a weak nervous system, he is prone to neurotic conditions, depression, and he may have problems with sleep. Any folds between the eyebrows indicate abnormal metabolism; when they appear, it is better to examine the condition of the liver.

Diseases associated with wrinkles on the lower forehead

But what the wrinkles on the forehead located transversely will tell you is that a person often experiences headaches. The frequency of their occurrence can be calculated by the depth of the folds. If they are intermittent, then the nervous and autonomic system of their owner is weak, but at the same time he is a very smart and intellectually developed person.

Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows indicate arrhythmia and stomach problems. Longitudinal wrinkles between the eyebrows can indicate problems with the spine. Most often they indicate the presence of cervical osteochondrosis.

Human character and wrinkles on the forehead: what they talk about, photo

Over time, wrinkles appear on every person's face, and if you carefully examine their depth, location and shape, you can tell a lot about their owner. For example, determine his behavior in society or find out important traits of his character. If the folds appear to emerge from one point, then this is a clear sign of a complex character.



A persistent character is observed in people with the same folds. They are determined to achieve goals, never relying on the help and support of others. This is what the wrinkles on the forehead of a man, similar to each other, say. People with a line in the center of their forehead have strong will and courage. They are able to calm everyone around with their determination and responsibility.

Wrinkles on the face appear regardless of the condition of the skin in strictly defined places. This happens in case of weakening or disease of the internal organs associated with these places, as well as due to “failures” in other bodies: energy, thought and consciousness.
The picture shows the most common wrinkles.

1. Wrinkles of the mind.
A human head is projected on the frontal part of the face. Thus, wrinkles on the forehead may indicate excessive caution and mental overload, and in some cases, headaches, cerebrovascular accidents, etc. If you are concerned about deep wrinkles on your forehead, then perhaps you will be consoled by the words of Pythagoras: “Never consult those people whose foreheads are smooth - they never reflect.”

2. Wisdom wrinkles.
On the body of thought, the shoulders symbolize the ability to wisely and with dignity endure the ups and downs of life, the ability to find positive aspects in unpleasant situations. If the shoulders are tired, drooping, and even ache, then one can assume, in particular, an inability to overcome hardships and adversities, a feeling of helplessness, hopelessness and anxiety.

3. Wrinkles of surprise.
They are located in that part of the face that is associated with the condition of the forearms and elbows. On the body of thought, elbows symbolize a change in directions of areas of activity, readiness to perceive new life or professional experiences. To avoid wrinkles of surprise, you need to perceive everything that happens to you adequately, and not be surprised at every occasion.

4. Wrinkles of stubbornness.
Wrinkles in this part of the face are associated with the condition of the neck. On a mental level, they talk about stubbornness, unwillingness to consider different sides of an issue, which often leads to insoluble problems, and on a physical level, they talk about pain in the neck.

5. Wrinkles of loneliness.
Wrinkles in this part of the face indicate diseases of the thyroid gland and upper back. On the body, thoughts are a feeling that you are being attacked by life, a lack of moral support, a feeling of loneliness and uselessness.

6. Scrupulousness wrinkles.
Fingers are projected in the area of ​​the crow's feet, symbolizing the little things in life. Those with such wrinkles are overly attentive to details and details, paying too close attention to the little things in life. Crow's feet can occur, in particular, with pain, numbness, and tingling in the fingers.

7. Retrograde wrinkles.
Wrinkles in this part of the face indicate chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. On the body, thoughts are a fear of the new, an inability to assimilate this new, to keep up with the times.

8. Vitality wrinkle.
This is more likely not a wrinkle, but a fold of skin, a groove. In physiognomy, much attention is paid to this groove. It reflects the state of almost all organs associated with digestion, as well as the buttocks and thighs - a stable support for the body and the main “mechanisms” for moving forward, both physically and at the level of the body of thought.
In other words, only a person with a reliable digestive system and standing firmly on his feet will have the strength to move forward.
A well-formed (that is, clearly defined, not smeared) philtrum indicates increased vitality and the ability to quickly recuperate. A deep and long groove indicates longevity.

9. Shyness wrinkles.
They talk about diseases of the stomach and duodenum. And if they are located around the entire mouth, they also indicate weakness and pain in the legs and poor bowel function. Most often, shyness wrinkles occur in people who are unsure of themselves, experience fear, and an urgent need for protection and patronage.
10. Wrinkles of pessimism.
They are located in the part of the face that is associated with kidney conditions. The “mental” causes of kidney disease include harsh criticism, disappointment, failure, and the causes of adrenal disease include defeatist attitudes, an indifferent attitude towards oneself, and anxiety. There may also be an indication of increased stress or stomach diseases,
duodenum and gallbladder.

11. Wrinkles of disappointment.
These wrinkles are associated with many important internal organs. The presence of these wrinkles suggests malfunctions not only of the kidneys, but also of the liver, gallbladder, intestines and even the heart (since the kidneys, which regulate the composition and thickness of the blood, have a direct effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, which tirelessly pumps blood).
At the mental level, wrinkles of disappointment indicate a lack of feeling of joy in life and love. According to physiognostics, the heart is the center of love, protection and security, and the blood is an expression of joy, energy circulating freely in the body.

12. Wrinkles of self-doubt.
These wrinkles can appear due to ulcerative formations in the intestines. On the body of thought, they express reluctance and even fear of getting rid of everything that is outdated, unnecessary, and a firm belief in their inadequacy.

13. Wrinkles of indifference.
They are similar to wrinkles, which on a mental level can lead to problems in the lungs (depression, sadness, fear of accepting new things, fatigue from life), in the spleen (obsession, obsessive ideas), in the liver (anger, short temper, inability to manage one’s emotions, constant complaints, justifying oneself), in the knees (stubbornness and pride, unwillingness to give in), in the legs (collapse of ideals), in the feet (loss of reference points in the surrounding reality).

14. Wrinkles of fear.
These wrinkles can occur due to problems in the intestines, hemorrhoids. On the body of thought they reflect the fear of not meeting a deadline, anger in the past, fear of parting (with a person, work, thing). The feet are projected in this same place, pain in which may arise due to fears of the future and the fear of doing the first

Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid the occurrence of wrinkles, and over time, the face of each of us will be covered with them. However, by carrying out timely prevention, you can prevent their occurrence at an early stage.

What is the meaning of wrinkles on the face?

Did you know that perhaps metaphysical causes are the basis of many diseases? For example, people who are deprived of joy often have problems with the pancreas.

Wrinkles also have a certain significance, since they are formed as a result of the vital activity of the body and the behavior of the human face (regular physiological movements of the facial muscles).


  1. Headache. Wrinkles above the bridge of the nose indicate that a person is predisposed to headaches.
  2. Tendency to alcoholism can be identified by the large number of transverse wrinkles located on the forehead.
  3. Stomach problems will demonstrate a wrinkle running vertically down the center of the forehead.
  4. Organs of the genitourinary system. Semicircular wrinkles under the eyes indicate problems with the bladder. Folds near the eyes are an external manifestation of depression.
  5. About disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract The nasolabial folds will tell you. If the right fold is deeper than the left, then you should pay attention to the gallbladder. It is also worth taking a closer look at the length. If the wrinkle reaches the chin, it is advisable to check the body for the presence of gastritis, colitis or ulcers.
  6. Genital organs. Wrinkles above the upper lip (vertical and shallow) indicate malfunctions in the functioning of the genital organs. Vertical wrinkles descending from the corners of the mouth indicate initial problems with the pancreas or the imminent appearance of gastritis with a low level of acidity.
  7. Bladder. When the skin on the cheekbones becomes flabby, sags and many wrinkles appear, this may indicate a pathology of the bladder.
  8. Circulatory problems. One on the chin (horizontal wrinkle) signals poor blood circulation in the pelvic area.

Believe it or not, it’s up to each person, but when you stand in front of the mirror, you notice a face wrinkled beyond your years, don’t be lazy, check your thyroid gland.


The meaning of some types of facial wrinkles

Let's take a closer look at some types of wrinkles on the face, the meaning of which is presented in the pictures.

On the forehead: horizontal continuous, horizontal intermittent

In a woman, such wrinkles reveal their masculine character. These ladies skillfully use their ability to defend their own interests.

In other cases, the appearance of such wrinkles is typical for people with a difficult character. It is difficult for them to succeed in their career. Due to their tendency to constant conflicts, such individuals are very emotional.


Between the eyebrows

If the line is single, then the person belongs to the risk group and perhaps it indicates an accident.

Nasolabial folds

If they are balanced and follow the line of the cheeks, then this is a person from the middle class of the population with a stable income. Straight wrinkles coming from the very nostrils are a sign of need. This means that your interlocutor knows what the battle for life and serious illnesses are.

Crow's feet

A sign of kind, positive and open people, who sometimes amaze with their naivety and kindness, are “crow’s feet” wrinkles.


Crow's feet wrinkles

Wrinkles on the face that define character

In life situations, we are accustomed to giving our faces certain expressions, which eventually cause wrinkles to form. Their meaning can be seen in the following pictures.

For example, a pursed lower lip against a large upper lip may indicate female frigidity and male impotence.

Horizontal wrinkles near the eyebrows demonstrate deep intelligence. But if they are shifted almost to the hairline, then the person is proud, cruel and arrogant by nature.


Deep horizontal wrinkles, more like folds, will tell about the laziness of the interlocutor and reluctance to lead an active lifestyle.

In smart, but prone to prideful people, you can often notice perpendicular wrinkles on the face.

The meaning (practice the definition with pictures) and the essence of the interlocutor’s character will help you unravel horizontal parallel and barely noticeable folds. This is a sign of honest people.

Two clear straight lines between the eyebrows will indicate balanced and stable people.

Wrinkles tell about your health

Poor health not only harms the body, but also leaves marks on the face, where the skin is very thin. Sick people often experience unexpected early wrinkles on the face.


The significance (with accompanying pictures) of such changes lies in the following diseases:

  1. early expression wrinkles arise not only from dry skin, but also with the appearance of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland;
  2. Horizontal wrinkles in the forehead are caused by headaches;
  3. a vertical wrinkle located on the bridge of the nose is a sign of frequent depression and liver problems;
  4. deep nasolabial folds – sore teeth;
  5. mesh around the eyes, indicating a lack of vitamins;
  6. folds formed on the cheeks signal a circulatory disease, hormonal imbalance and a tendency to hypertension.

Causes of wrinkles

Wrinkles on the face (the meaning with pictures are presented below), being a visible sign of age-related changes, are formed from childhood and appear gradually. First, the skin loses its elasticity, then it becomes rough, then wrinkles appear on the forehead, then in the corners of the eyes, etc.

Excessive dry skin

It manifests itself as a feeling of tightness, flaking, dull color and finely porous structure. At a young age, the skin is delicate, but with age, due to problems with the water-lipid balance, it begins to fade, which ultimately leads to the appearance of wrinkles.


Dry skin needs to be moisturized

To determine dry skin, just do a small test: press on your face with your finger. If the traces do not pass, then you have this type and the following information is for you.

For normal functioning, it is necessary to provide the skin with good hydration. To restore hydration levels, you need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day. This volume helps replenish losses and removes harmful toxins.

Age-related skin changes

The birth of wrinkles occurs at both 10 and 20 years old - they are called facial wrinkles. The cause is frequent contraction of the facial muscles. To prevent this, do not unnecessarily grimace, wince or make faces.

According to statistics, at about 15-20 years of age, a person begins to develop so-called “crow’s feet”


From the age of 25, wrinkles appear on the cheeks in the dimple area. Closer to 40, they become longer and turn into nasolabial folds.

At 30, the appearance of “folds of grief” is observed. They disfigure any person, as the face becomes sad.

At 40 years old above the upper lip so-called monkey wrinkles appear on the chin.

The work of facial muscles

Tension or weakening of one of the facial muscles over time affects the face in the form of changes in the skin. Moreover, wrinkles form perpendicular to these muscles.

Both cosmetic procedures and cosmetics, as well as folk remedies, will help in eliminating facial wrinkles.


Cosmetology has long used Botox acupuncture - a procedure during which a paralyzing muscle injection is administered. After it, wrinkles are smoothed out, and facial muscles are in a weakened state for a long time.

As for cosmetics, some of them contain botulinum toxin, which affects facial muscles and nerve endings.

Common diseases

The appearance of wrinkles can be caused by the following diseases and factors:

  1. passive smoking;
  2. temperature fluctuations;
  3. gastrointestinal diseases;
  4. infections;
  5. long exposure to the wind;
  6. frequent use of powder and face washing;
  7. high dryness (humidity) of the air;
  8. fanatical passion for sunbathing.

Prevention of early wrinkles

The main enemy of the skin is the scorching sun and strong wind., therefore, for protection before going out, it is imperative to apply a special cream with UV filters to your face. It is also worth mentioning that the early appearance of wrinkles is promoted by a boundless and uncontrolled love of tanning.


A good and affordable prevention is wearing sunglasses. The accessory protects the skin around the eyes, protects from ultraviolet radiation and prevents the appearance of facial wrinkles. In the pictures their meaning is demonstrated by the result of constant squinting of the eyes.

The most common human habit – smoking – has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin. Nicotine can reduce collagen production and destroy vitamin C. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity.

Our website has a useful article about rejuvenating facial skin with apricot oil. Perhaps it will be of interest to you.

To prevent early wrinkles, it is recommended to minimize your facial expressions. In particular, stop frowning, as the skin remembers this condition, and the first wrinkles begin to form in the fold area.

And the last, but very important tip: The skin needs to be moisturized and nourished with cosmetic products. Daily skincare procedures promote active collagen production. However, for the delicate skin around the eyes, you should purchase a special product.

Compliance with the above rules, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, will prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.

Useful video about what wrinkles on the face mean:

A very interesting video about how to guess a person’s character by their face: