Is it possible to take darsonval during menstruation?


Darsonvalization is a popular procedure, in demand both in medicine and in cosmetology. However, even this common method has contraindications. Let's study them in more detail.

Contraindications to the use of Darsonval

First of all, it is worth considering that there are a number of general contraindications. Among them:

  1. low blood clotting;
  2. bleeding;
  3. epilepsy;
  4. thrombophlebitis;
  5. presence of a pacemaker;
  6. pregnancy;
  7. breast-feeding;
  8. arrhythmia of heart contractions;
  9. pulmonary tuberculosis – active form;
  10. oncology;
  11. expansion of capillary vessels;
  12. Excessive hair growth on the surface to be treated.

Knowing the contraindications to the use of Darsonval, you can avoid side effects, some of which are very serious.

Why is the procedure with Darsonval contraindicated?

The operation of the device is based on the influence of high-frequency electrical impulses. That is why the categories of contraindications listed above exist:

  1. For example, electrical impulses make blood flow much more intense, and the speed of blood movement along the vascular network increases. If a person has bleeding, when the surface of the body is treated with the device, it can significantly intensify. At the same time, blood clotting decreases. Therefore, bleeding, in particular menstrual bleeding, becomes a risk factor.
  2. Thrombophlebitis is the presence of blood clots in the lumen of a vessel. Acceleration of blood flow can lead to its separation and blockage of the lumen.
  3. No less negatively does the acceleration of blood flow affect the functioning of the heart muscle. With arrhythmia, the frequency of contractions may increase, and this can lead to heart failure and organ failure.
  4. Contraindications to the use of Darsonval include expansion of the capillary network. A rush of blood to the surface of the skin will lead to even greater dilation of blood vessels. Stretched capillary walls may not withstand the pressure and rupture. As a result, the treated area will be decorated with a bruise, and the vascular network will visually become more noticeable.
  5. Epilepsy is a disease associated with brain activity. There are many nerve endings on the surface of the skin. When they are stimulated, an epileptic attack is likely.
  6. People with an electronic pacemaker are strictly prohibited from treatment with Darsonval. The electrical impulse will cause the pacemaker to stop and cause death.
  7. It is contraindicated to use Darsonvat during pregnancy, even for cleansing the face. The body of a pregnant woman is extremely finely tuned. An electrical impulse can lead to an increase in uterine tone, which can lead to miscarriage or early birth.
  8. It is also contraindicated to use Darsonval on the face and other parts of the body during lactation. High frequency pulses can negatively affect the quality of milk and reduce its volume.
  9. With active tuberculosis, a person may experience back pain. But in this case, using Darsonval to eliminate painful back syndrome is contraindicated. Tuberculosis of this type is accompanied by pulmonary hemorrhages. The influence of the current will make them much more intense.
  10. Darsonval is also contraindicated for people suffering from hirsutism and excess facial hair growth. The reason is simple - increased blood flow will accelerate hair growth, as the follicles will receive more oxygen and nutrients.
  11. Any physical procedures and folk remedies are dangerous for oncology if not approved by the attending physician. Instead of healing, it is easy to encounter tumor growth.


Surely, many people have heard about the darsonval method of treatment, but probably not everyone knows what it is, what it is for and what it treats. Darsonval is a device that treats the body using electric current. A similar procedure is called darsonvalization in honor of the French physiologist Arsene Darsonval, who invented it at the end of the 18th century and subsequently studied it. Since that time, this method of treatment has become firmly established in the arsenal of doctors.

Description of the procedure

How does this procedure take place? Darsonval generates high-frequency alternating pulse current with high voltage, the value of which is in the range of 2-15 kV. Current frequency is approximately 100 KHz.

Exposure to high-frequency current is a type of physiotherapy and is used in the treatment of many diseases. Among them:

  1. phlebeurysm,
  2. arthritis,
  3. ischemic disease,
  4. early stage of Raynaud's disease,
  5. neurasthenia,
  6. insomnia,
  7. osteochondrosis,
  8. arthrosis,
  9. migraine,
  10. neuralgia,
  11. amenorrhea,
  12. dyskinesia of the stomach and intestines,
  13. gastritis,
  14. sinusitis,
  15. otitis,
  16. pharyngitis,

and many others.

But the method is most widespread in dermatology. This is quite natural, because electric current has the greatest impact on the skin.

When treating the skin surface with Darsonval, special electrodes are used. They can either touch the surface of the skin or be located at a distance of several millimeters from it. In the latter case, a small electrical discharge passes between the Darsonval electrode and the skin, and the patient only feels a slight tingling sensation.

The device consists of three main parts - a generator, a transformer and electrodes. Interestingly, the mechanism of action of darsonval has not yet been precisely established from a scientific point of view. However, practice shows that darsonval has a beneficial effect on the skin. Therefore, the darsonvalization procedure has become very popular among the fairer sex. Many women believe that using darsonval on the face is very effective, and the effect of electric current on the skin is comparable to the effect of medical procedures and massage in a beauty salon. In addition, the procedure is often used to accelerate hair growth.

Is it useful to use darsonval for the treatment of various diseases and for cosmetic purposes? Let's try to figure out what pros and cons darsonvalization has.

Darsonvalization of the face - indications and contraindications for use

The procedure has many advantages - efficiency, speed, accessibility and convenience. However, before you start using the device, you should find out in what cases it is contraindicated.

Darsonval for face: benefits

The benefits of the procedure are undoubted. It improves metabolic processes in the epidermis, increases blood flow, accelerates biochemical reactions, reduces sensitivity to pain, saturates tissues with oxygen, eliminates swelling and inflammatory processes, and increases skin elasticity. Electric discharge also has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect.

Darsonval is indicated for such skin problems as lethargy and sagging, porosity and fatness, cellulite, wrinkles, acne, infiltration and blackheads. The use of darsonval helps restore blood circulation, improves metabolism, increases skin tone and permeability. The device is used to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, remove pimples, blackheads and acne.

Darsonval for the face: contraindications

However, the procedure has a number of contraindications. This:

  1. pregnancy (regardless of duration)
  2. age up to 6 years
  3. benign and malignant neoplasms, especially on the skin
  4. allergy to electric current
  5. cardiovascular diseases, primarily arrhythmia and heart failure
  6. presence of pacemakers
  7. mental disorders
  8. rosacea (vessels running close to the surface of the skin)
  9. hirsutism (facial hair growth)
  10. severe hypertension
  11. bleeding disorders
  12. heat
  13. thrombophlebitis
  14. epilepsy
  15. tuberculosis

It should be remembered that electric current is electric current, and in any form it is dangerous to the body and can cause harm. When using darsonval, the current penetrates not only into superficial tissues, but also affects other organs, in particular the heart, muscles and nerves, and can affect their functioning. If you have cancer problems, electric current can aggravate them. As for pregnancy, electric current can increase the tone of the uterus, which can lead to premature birth.

If there are pigment spots and moles on the skin, you should consult a dermatologist before darsonvalization.

What you need to remember if you decide to use Darsonval

The darsonvalization procedure can be done both in a medical office and at home. There are devices for home use that are available to the general consumer. They are produced by several companies, both foreign and domestic. As a rule, these are broad-spectrum devices. They can treat not only the skin, but also diseases of other organs.

The most famous are French devices produced under the Gezatone brand. Among these products are the Gezanne, Family Doctor and VT-101 models. The Portable High Frequency LZ-006A has proven itself well. Ukrainian-made “Crown” devices are also known. There is also a Russian darsonval - the Elad device, manufactured by Medteco. It comes with three attachments, and if desired, you can purchase additional ones, including for rectal, vaginal, ear, nasal and gum use.

However, before purchasing Darsonval for home use, you should check how the procedure affects you. To do this, it is necessary to carry out darsonvalization in a medical office. If you feel any discomfort during the procedure, or your body or skin reacts to it in an unusual way, this means that it is not suitable for you. And after you have bought homemade Darsonval, you can ask the doctor in the treatment room for advice so that he can tell you how best to use it.

As a rule, Darsonval is equipped with several attachments that allow you to carry out various types of procedures. Nozzles can have different shapes - mushroom-shaped, T-shaped, stick-shaped, comb-shaped, elongated, curved, etc. Also, high-quality devices allow you to change some parameters of the current, for example, its voltage. This is a very useful feature since the treatment of different skin conditions may require different voltages.

Physical factors that affect the body include not only the electric current itself, but also side effects - heat generated in tissues, weak UV radiation, ozone and nitrogen oxides that occur during an electrical discharge.

It is worth considering that a single procedure performed with Darsonval will not affect the condition of your skin in any way. In order for the effect to manifest itself fully, it is necessary to carry out a series of procedures. As a rule, the course consists of 10-20 procedures and can be repeated several times a year. It is not advisable to do darsonvalization every day; it is recommended to carry out the procedure every other day or two.

How to use the device

The time of one procedure depends on the condition of the skin and the disease being treated with the help of the device. It should not exceed 20 minutes, the optimal session duration is 10-15 minutes.

Before the session, you need to properly prepare your scalp. Its surface must be clean, so it is recommended to wash off makeup, wash the skin with lotion or clean it with a scrub. If you have oily skin, you can apply special talc to your face, but in some cases it can lead to clogged pores, so it is best to consult a specialist about this. After the procedure, you can apply nutritional compositions to the surface of the skin, since darsonval improves the absorbent properties of the skin.

To treat the face in order to improve the condition of the skin, it is recommended to use the contact method and a mushroom nozzle. The treatment procedure is carried out by passing an electrode over the surface of the skin. Movements should be smooth and gradually cover different areas - nose, forehead, neck, cheeks. It is recommended to gradually increase the current intensity until a feeling of warmth appears.

Treatment of acne and acne with Darsonval is a more complex procedure, so it is recommended to perform it in the treatment room. But if this is not possible, then you can do it at home, sitting in front of a mirror.

Darsonval treatment of acne and pimples is carried out according to the following method. Preparing the facial skin for the procedure is the same as when using a device to improve skin condition. Blackheads and pimples are cauterized using a special nozzle using a non-contact method and with increased voltage. It takes approximately 10-15 seconds to process each object. This is followed by general treatment of the leather using a flat attachment in the traditional manner. The duration of the procedure is 2-10 minutes. It can be repeated every day. The course of treatment is 10-15 sessions.

To prevent acne, you can use the following technique. To combat disease-causing microorganisms, a mushroom-shaped nozzle is applied over the skin in a non-contact manner at a distance of 3-5 mm. During discharges, ozone is formed, which has a disinfecting effect.

It should be borne in mind that after the first sessions, the skin condition may temporarily worsen. However, this process may be associated with a restructuring of the regenerative abilities of the dermis and does not indicate the harm of the procedure. In order to evaluate its effect, you must complete the full course.

Safety precautions when using darsonval

It is important to ensure that the electrodes of the device do not touch the skin of the eyelids. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to touch other electrical devices or grounded metal objects during the session, as this can lead to electric shock. You should also not touch other people during the procedure.

Also, before the session, it is necessary to remove all metal objects from the body - rings, earrings, piercings, etc. The surface of the skin should be completely dry and free of traces of other liquids, such as alcohol. As you know, moisture significantly reduces the resistance of the skin, and therefore, in this case, the impact of the current will be stronger, which can lead to negative consequences for the deep tissues of the body. In addition, it is unacceptable to use the device on skin surfaces that have damage or open wounds.

Before turning on the device, you should carefully read the instructions. Failure to follow the recommendations for using darsonval may not lead to the cure of diseases and the elimination of skin problems, but to burns and other unpleasant health consequences.

Probably every person today has one or another health problem. There is no panacea for all diseases. However, there are devices that can help get rid of some pathologies quickly and painlessly. Such a device is Darsonval. There are also contraindications to this device, but let’s look at everything in order.

What is the product?


The presented device is a high-frequency unit, the operation of which is based on alternating currents of low strength but high voltage. It was developed not long ago by French scientists. Mostly positive results are observed when treated with this device.

Darsonval (we will look at contraindications later) is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Moreover, you can use it not only in a specialist’s office, but also at home. Naturally, you need to know exactly how the procedure is carried out. Darsonval cannot always be used.

Advantages of the device


This device has the following advantages:

— Helps improve metabolic processes and blood circulation.

— The effectiveness of some local preparations (ointments) increases after additional treatment of the skin with this device.

— Using the device you can get rid of pathogenic bacteria.

— General strengthening and healing effect on the body.

— Rapid regeneration of the skin, which helps eliminate scars and scars that remain after acne.

Operating principle

Darsonval, whose price ranges from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles, works very simply. Electrical impulses exert their influence through a special glass electrode (vacuum). Thanks to this, blood vessels dilate and blood circulation improves.

The device can operate in several positions. For example, oxygen and ozone necessary for the body are released in the “spark discharge” mode. The device's attachments can contact the skin, or they can operate at a distance (0.5 cm). Naturally, the angle of inclination of the nozzle is very important, on which the penetration of impulses inside depends.

If you need to touch the skin with the device, apply a small amount of talcum powder to the treated area.



"Darsonval", the price of which is not too high compared to the benefits that the device brings, has the following operating parameters:

1. Pulse frequency – 100 Hz.

2. The weight of the device with the electrode is no more than 850 g.

3. Output voltage ranges from 8 to 25 kV.

4. The device should be connected to a regular AC mains voltage of 220 V and frequency of 50 Hz.

The dimensions of this device are small, so it does not take up much space and does not require any special storage conditions.

Indications for use


Now you need to understand in what cases the procedure is carried out. Darsonval can be used to eliminate the following problems:

— Acne, purulent formations or inflammatory processes on the face (other parts of the body).

— Sluggish and problematic skin, diathesis, allergic manifestations, dermatitis.

— Cellulite (all forms and stages).

— Varicose veins in the legs, as well as trophic ulcers and wounds that do not heal for a long time.

- Headaches, migraines. Painful excessive hair loss, seborrhea.

— Menopause in women, neuroses caused by changes in the endocrine system.

— Pathologies of the peripheral nervous system.

If you want to find out what else Darsonval can fix, you can additionally read the indications in the instructions for use of the device.

Contraindications for use


Despite all the good reviews and proven effectiveness of the device, it also has certain disadvantages. If you want to use Darsonval, you should definitely remember the contraindications:

- Problems with blood clotting, frequent and heavy bleeding.

— Installed artificial cardiac stimulator (the device that supports the work of your heart may short-circuit and break down).

— Arrhythmia or other cardiac diseases that may be aggravated by the use of electric current.

— Infectious or inflammatory pathologies in the acute stage.

— Too pronounced vascular network.

- Excessive and rapid growth of facial hair.

As you can see, treatment with Darsonval cannot always be carried out. This is the main disadvantage of the device. For example, Darsonval should not be used during pregnancy, as it can not only lead to premature birth, but also harm the baby.

Equipment and features of choosing a device


The device can vary not only in appearance, but also in current strength. In addition, each model has its own number of attachments. You should choose a unit taking into account what exactly you will use it for. For example, if you need to seriously treat acne or varicose veins, then a product with a high degree of tension should be preferred.

You also need to pay attention to the number of attachments and additional functions. These include the possibility of infrared heating. There are models that can be used by all family members.

As for the nozzles, there are several of them:

1. Spot. It is necessary if the rash affects a small area of ​​skin.

2. Mushroom-shaped. It is best suited if large areas of the body need to be treated.

4. Comb. It is suitable for treating the scalp and restoring hair growth.

Terms of use

In order not to harm yourself, you need to figure out how to use the device at home, without the supervision of specialists. First of all, you will have to prepare for the procedure. The electrode should be disinfected with alcohol and dried before use. Only after this can the device be turned on.

All jewelry and metal objects must be removed from the body. If you decide to use Darsonval (we have already discussed contraindications), try to follow the instructions for carrying out the necessary manipulations.

The surface to be treated must be thoroughly washed and wiped. However, do not use cosmetics that contain alcohol or any acids. Otherwise, you risk getting burned. In addition, you should not smear your skin with creams that are not compatible with ultraviolet radiation or that repel it. If they are necessary for your treatment, then apply the medications only a few hours after using the device.

You should not touch other people during the procedure. They may suffer from electric shock. It is better not to exceed the established permitted time for using the device. Exposure should not exceed 5 minutes.

If the skin has pronounced damage or inflammation, it is better to use a non-contact treatment method. In this case, it is better to use the nozzle along the massage lines. You should linger on problem areas.

It is better if while using the device you sometimes change its frequency. Sometimes it is necessary to switch the current strength. This will prevent your skin from drying out. Movements should be soft and careful.

That's all. As you can see, the presented device is very effective and multifunctional. However, do not forget about the safety rules. Good luck!