Dry massage brush for cellulite reviews

There are so many topics about cellulite, I decided to write, maybe I can help someone.
I’m 29 years old, 165/50, as you understand, not fat, but suddenly about 2 years ago cellulite began to appear. Just like that, out of nowhere. At first I didn’t pay attention, but this winter I look at myself in the mirror - my mother, he’s already blossomed, he’s gone from his butt to his hips and all that, it became visible not only when he squeezed with his hand, but just like that.

Scrubs and anti-cellulite creams didn’t help, the honey massage gave me a lot of pain and that’s all. So I waited until dry rubbing with a soft brush, but it was of even less use.
Then I thought - but my skin is not sensitive at all! I can shave dry, with a razor on dry skin - there won’t even be any irritation left, I leave depilatory creams on not for 20 minutes, but for two hours and then I barely melt the hair, and the skin generally needs henna.
And I bought myself a cheek for my heels, you know, bristles made from fishing line.
And every evening, while watching a movie, I rubbed dry, clean thighs and butt with it for 2 hours, as it should be, the direction is only from bottom to top, along the outflow of lymph. Only then did the skin begin to turn red at least a little! After the film, I smeared it all with Yantar cream, cheap but very effective, or Solcoseryl ointment or other regenerating cream, sometimes olive oil with some essential.
And lo and behold, even after a week the difference was visible. Now, after 4 months, there is no cellulite at all, only if you really squeeze the thigh, and the skin has noticeably smoothed out, goose bumps have gone away from the lower part of the butt..
Well, I will continue in the same spirit and I advise you!


Cellulite is a natural condition for the female body. This phenomenon is considered as a pathology in the later stages. That is why it is important to engage in timely prevention, for example, do a dry massage with a cellulite brush, use special cosmetics, monitor your weight, and exercise.


Is it possible to remove cellulite with a brush?

Cellulite is a consequence of the growth of fat cells. The hypodermis or adipose tissue is located deeper than the fibrous dense tissue. It is formed through adipocyte cells that form fat lobules. As they grow, collagen fibers gradually lose their elasticity. Thus, cords are formed that separate the fat cells. In these areas, there is a violation of blood supply, metabolic processes and the removal of toxins.

Clusters of fat cells contain metabolic products. Progressive cellulite leads to compression of nerve endings, decreased skin sensitivity, loss of vascular tone, and the appearance of edema.

Attention! The enzyme lipoprotein lipase is responsible for fat distribution. Its maximum concentration is observed in the area of ​​the buttocks and thighs, which explains the occurrence of cellulite in these areas.

To eliminate cellulite, use a massage with a dry brush, which may include bristles and wooden, silicone or plastic attachments. This device is useful for cellulite by heating tissues, increasing blood flow, and removing dead cellular elements.

To treat cellulite, massage with a dry brush should be done every day. In order to prevent the appearance of cellulite, you need to massage with a dry brush at least 3 times a week.

Massage with a dry brush against cellulite is advisable to use in the early stages of pathology, which are characterized by minor changes in the tissue structure. As a rule, there are no pronounced changes. You can suspect the development of cellulite if you intensively compress the skin on the buttocks, thighs or abdomen.

It is known that during the first stage of cellulite, fluid accumulates inside the tissues, and swelling appears due to deterioration of microcirculation. Cellulite is indicated by slow healing of scratches and the appearance of bruises.

During the second stage, the developed edema compresses the lymphatic and blood vessels. This causes obstruction of blood flow, increased swelling, and accumulation of toxins in the tissues. Inflammation in the middle layer of the skin is possible. Typically, bumps can be seen when an area of ​​skin is grabbed to form a fold.

Massage with a dry brush for cellulite helps:

  1. exfoliation of the top layer of skin;
  2. accelerating the renewal of cellular elements;
  3. restoration of smoothness, elasticity and tone of the skin;
  4. stimulation of blood circulation;
  5. vasodilation;
  6. blood flow to the thighs and buttocks;
  7. normalization of the functioning of the lymphatic system;
  8. stabilization of metabolic processes;
  9. removal of toxins.

Massage with a dry brush against cellulite is recommended to be performed in the morning as it gives vigor and lifts the mood. If you massage with a dry cellulite brush in the evening, you can provoke insomnia.

Massage procedures are performed daily for a month, then the number of sessions is reduced. For preventative purposes, massage should be performed at least once a week to consolidate the results.

Pros and cons of massage with a brush against cellulite

The procedure is beneficial for the body. The following positive aspects of the sessions are highlighted:

  1. restoration of normal lymph and blood circulation processes;
  2. strengthening blood vessels;
  3. normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  4. elimination of fat deposits;
  5. stabilization of metabolic processes;
  6. removal of toxins from the body;
  7. improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  8. giving skin elasticity;
  9. elimination of signs of aging and age-related changes;
  10. strengthening the immune system;
  11. tonic effect.

The procedure not only eliminates cellulite, but also contributes to the overall health of the body. The disadvantages of sessions include the need for regular performance and compliance with the technique, if violated, a deterioration in well-being may be observed. Massaging may be contraindicated in some chronic pathologies, ARVI.

How to choose a massage brush for cellulite

Anti-cellulite brushes, photos of which are presented below, have different reviews. There are several options for anti-cellulite devices on the market, varying according to the main criteria:

  1. Material. The brush can be made of silicone or wood. Cosmetologists emphasize that wooden products are more durable.
  2. Working surface. It can be either natural or unnatural bristles or teeth.
  3. Pen. There are devices that seem to sink into the palm of your hand. Brushes with a long handle are convenient for treating hard-to-reach places.


The choice of anti-cellulite brush for massage is essential, on which the effectiveness of the procedure depends. Experts give general recommendations to help you choose the right tools:

  1. when buying a brush, you should give preference to a product made of wood, which is more durable;
  2. the bristles should not prick or scratch;
  3. The length of the pile normally does not exceed 2 cm, and the tufts have a thickness of 0.5 mm;
  4. Rotating rollers are suitable for massaging deep tissues.

A wooden brush for anti-cellulite massage with a long handle is considered the best option. This item will allow you to massage hard-to-reach areas. A cellulite brush that is too hard can scratch the skin. However, a soft brush will not produce the necessary healing effect. A product with teeth is recommended for sensitive skin.

How to do anti-cellulite massage with a dry brush

The basic rule of massage with a dry brush is the absence of discomfort when treating cellulite. You should not skimp on the quality of the brush. It should, if possible, be made from natural materials and have a long handle for hard-to-reach places.

Massage is done regularly, mainly in the morning. You need to massage problem areas with cellulite until you feel warmth and slight redness. It is not recommended to massage the most sensitive areas, for example, the area under the knees, armpits. You should not make movements from top to bottom and in both directions.

Anti-cellulite massage is not performed on fresh injuries, rashes or inflammation. After the procedures, you should rinse the brush with clean hot water in order to prevent the occurrence of pathogenic flora.

Women note that dry massage is often accompanied by minor discomfort, but has the greatest benefits. Massage is performed with a dry brush. Cosmetics should not be applied to the skin.

The procedure is considered tough. It is important not to overdo it during the dry massage process for cellulite. Otherwise, you may injure the skin. The first session lasts up to 10 minutes. Movements are performed from bottom to top. Using sliding movements, massage the skin from the feet, reaching the legs. The area from the hips to the chest is treated in the same way. At the same time, massage with a dry brush should not be intense. Gradually, the time of exposure to the cellulite area is increased to 15 minutes.


Massage with a dry brush against cellulite is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Smooth and gliding massage of the skin using circular movements, strokes from bottom to top, rising from the feet to the ankles and knees.
  2. Light massage on the back of the knees and thighs. As the skin warms up, the pressure on the thighs is increased. The right and left legs are massaged using circular movements counterclockwise, strokes from bottom to top.
  3. Massage the abdominal area without pressure in a circular motion (clockwise).
  4. Rubbing the sides from bottom to top.
  5. Back massage is carried out in the lower part, moving upward. When rubbing the upper back area, move downwards.
  6. Massaging your hands begins with the backs of your hands and wrists. Then you should move to the shoulders.

During sessions, you can use 2 body massage brushes for cellulite or one with a long handle. After the procedure, redness or tingling may be observed in the cellulite area, which is normal. Failure to follow the rules of massage is indicated by a feeling of heat and pain. Massaging the cellulite area this way is not beneficial.

The duration of massaging cellulite areas with a dry brush should not exceed 30 minutes. During the first 2 months, it is advisable to perform the procedure every day, then the massage can be done 3 times a week.

How to enhance the effect of anti-cellulite massage with a brush

It is useful to combine the procedures with a contrast shower, which enhances their effect. A contrast shower also has a tonic effect. After massaging the areas with cellulite, you can take a bath and further treat the skin with your hands. The procedure is complemented by the application of anti-cellulite cream, which helps eliminate fat deposits.

Skin care after massage

After performing a massage with a dry brush, you need to take a shower using the gel, dry the skin thoroughly, and then apply a cream with an anti-cellulite effect. It is also useful to drink clean water.

A massage procedure with a dry brush against cellulite can cause discomfort and tightness of the skin. That is why after the session it is important to moisturize the skin that has been exposed. Instead of an anti-cellulite product, you can apply cosmetic cream or olive oil. A good effect is produced by oil from wheat germ, grape seeds, and cocoa.

When will the effect be visible?

The appearance of the result depends on the stage of cellulite. A good effect is observed in the early stages of the process. With advanced forms of cellulite, the tubercles may not disappear completely.



Massaging the cellulite area with a dry brush also helps in advanced stages. The procedure is contraindicated if you have sensitive skin. Anti-cellulite massage with a brush at home cannot be performed in case of inflammatory processes, cuts and rashes in the affected area. Do not massage areas affected by eczema or psoriasis. Contraindications include varicose veins, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases and acute infections.


You can do a dry massage with a cellulite brush at any stage of the pathological process. The procedure helps not only eliminate fat deposits, but also increase skin elasticity. Massaging heals the body. The effectiveness of sessions depends on adherence to the technique and adequate choice of equipment.

Reviews of massage with a cellulite brush

Numerous reviews from patients testify to the effectiveness of the procedure.


Greetings, dear girls. Just recently I read an article in a magazine about the famous former model Cindy Crawford. For many years of my youth, she was for me the standard of female beauty. At 53 years old, her figure remains impeccable.

According to her, drybrushing helps her deal with orange peel. In simple words, this is a massage with a dry brush against cellulite. This method is also used by such film stars as Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz.

Well, if celebrities do such a massage against cellulite, I think we should also start this procedure.

Is drybrushing effective?

This method of fighting for healthy and beautiful skin is known to our grandmothers. But we are lucky that we have no problems choosing a massage brush. On AliExpress you can purchase a tool suitable for your dermis.

The advantages of this procedure are as follows:

  1. dead cells are exfoliated and the regeneration process of the dermis is activated;
  2. excess fluid is removed from the body, swelling is reduced;
  3. muscle tone increases;
  4. the amount of cellulite decreases;
  5. stretch marks and acne disappear;
  6. Ingrown hairs are prevented.

The advantages of such a massage are significant. But there are still some contraindications. It is prohibited to do it: with severe varicose veins, high blood pressure, with a fungal infection on the skin, with wounds and cuts, in the groin area, in the chest and heart area.

Abdominal massage should not be done during pregnancy. Girls expecting a baby are better off using essential oils. Their use in home cosmetics will help avoid the appearance of stretch marks and orange peel.

Choosing a tool

Massage on a dry body should be done with a high-quality brush made from natural materials. Wood is used to make the handle. The bristles can also be artificial. The thickness of the bristly tufts should be at least 4 mm, and the length of the pile should be from 20 mm.

Choose a brush of medium hardness. A soft one will have no effect, but a hard one will injure the skin. There should be no scratches left after the procedure is completed.

If the brush is correctly selected, then a rush of blood to the dermis occurs after 6 - 7 massage movements. Buy a quality tool. There should be no uneven seams or glue leaks.

You can buy a good dry brush for cellulite massage in an online store, for example, AliExpress. Their selection is quite large: with a small and long handle (for hard-to-reach areas of the body), with an elastic band for the palm. Cost from 200 to 1,200 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

The following types of brushes are distinguished:

  1. With natural bristles. Cactus spines or boar bristles are used to make it. This tool has the highest rigidity and is excellent for anti-cellulite rubbing.
  2. Brushes with wooden teeth. They are used for wet and dry massages. Natural material ensures their durability and efficiency.
  3. Silicone brush – ideal for girls with thin, sensitive skin.
  4. Rubber with rounded teeth. Suitable for all types of massage.

No matter what brush you purchase, there will be no bruises left after using it. But after an anti-cellulite massage they can be. Personally, I prefer this wooden brush with natural bristles. What do you think about this?

Execution technique

The result obtained depends on how correctly you carry out the procedure. The following rules must be adhered to:

  1. Massage dry skin in the morning or evening (maximum 3 hours before bedtime).
  2. We focus on the hips and buttocks. The movements of the brush are in the direction of the lymph, that is, from the foot to the heart. No sudden movements, only smooth and warming ones.
  3. The duration of the first session is 5 minutes. Gradually increase the massage time to 20 minutes. It needs to be done daily. Avoid areas with moles, groin and armpits.
  4. We carry out the procedure in the following order: legs–hips–buttocks–back–arms and shoulders–abdomen. There is, of course, no cellulite on the shoulders and arms, but removing dead cells and increasing blood circulation will not be superfluous. Massage the thighs, buttocks and abdomen in a counterclockwise circular motion.
  5. We take a contrast shower.
  6. Apply moisturizer.

After the end of the session, the dermis should not be too red and irritated.

The following diagram demonstrates the rules of massage more clearly.


Massage can be wet or dry. But it is the latter that is considered more effective. The first results will be noticeable within two weeks. Dry rubbing uses muscle and connective tissue, which is why cellulite disappears.

Adjust the pressure applied to the brush based on your feelings. Don't be too gentle with yourself, but masochism is not welcome either.

Ideally, purchase several types of brushes for massage. If you massage only problem areas, then one tool is enough.

You can watch how to properly massage the whole body in this video.

Reviews from girls

I just started doing a dry massage course. I haven’t seen any results in three days, so I can’t judge whether this method helps. Let’s better study the reviews of girls who regularly perform this procedure.

Tamara, 27 years old

I love taking care of my body at home. I don’t go to salons not because of finances. I don't trust the sterility of the instruments used. In reality, you can catch some kind of infection here.

Therefore, I struggle with all problems at home. I’m not overweight, but cellulite has started to appear. Before it got old, I started massaging it with a dry brush. I bought it in the bath accessories department for 300 rubles.

After two weeks of daily massages, I noticed the first results. The skin has become smoother, the amount of cellulite has decreased.

I really like this option for dealing with orange peel. No pain or significant financial costs. And it’s pleasant to do it, you really relax.

Galina, 35 years old

I have been actively struggling with cellulite for the last ten years. My problem areas are thighs and buttocks. I did massage with a dry brush for two months. What can I say about the result obtained?

Of course, my skin condition has improved. But the number of unfortunate tubercles decreased slightly. Overall, I'm disappointed. Maybe I did it wrong, felt sorry for myself and didn’t put too much pressure on the brush...

In general, we have what we have. From my own experience, I can judge that clay wraps are much more effective. They really give excellent results.

Natalya, 32 years old

For the last two years I have been doing massage with a dry brush. Not every day, but 2-3 times a week for sure. Thanks to this procedure, I can safely show off in a bikini on the beach. There is not a drop of cellulite on my butt and thighs. So I recommend this method to you too.

There are no significant financial costs, and the result is excellent. Work on your body and you will have a flawless look. But at the same time, we must not forget about proper nutrition. I eat only healthy and low-fat foods.


Dear readers, let's summarize. Getting rid of cellulite is not so easy. Initially, you need to tune in to hard and long-term work on your body. Several sessions of massage or wraps will not achieve any results.

In my opinion, massage with a dry brush can be included in the list of anti-cellulite methods. It takes a minimum of time to complete. I do it in the morning in the bathroom before taking a shower. I get a boost of energy for the whole day and get rid of the orange peel. So buy yourself a brush and improve yourself.

Of course, there will be no immediate effect. But this procedure is absolutely harmless and has no serious contraindications. And this is a big plus.

What do you think? It is very interesting to know your opinion and feedback, what results were achieved. Write in the comments.