Is it possible to smear levomekol ointment on your face?

"Levomekol" is a drug used for external use. The ointment has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is easy to use and effective for treating purulent skin inflammation. Its qualities have proven useful not only in the treatment of wounds, but also for cosmetic purposes.

Active ingredients

Any medication should not be used uncontrolled; the consequences may not be predictable. This warning is especially relevant for products that contain a loading dose of antibiotics, such as Levomekol ointment. For the face, it is used for the same purposes as in the treatment of purulent wounds or abscesses - elimination of pathogenic microflora, disinfection, regeneration.

Active ingredients in the drug:

  1. Methyluracil - stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, increases immunity at the local level, helps normalize metabolism, eliminates tissue swelling.
  2. Levomycetin (chloramphenicol) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that effectively eliminates pathogenic bacteria, which are the main causative agents of suppuration. It has regenerating properties that promote rapid wound healing and restoration of the integrity of the epidermis.

The active use of Levomekol ointment in facial cosmetology is due to the following properties of the drug:

  1. Antibacterial action.
  2. Tissue regeneration.
  3. Drying.
  4. Anti-inflammatory.
  5. Decongestant.


In addition to the main active ingredients, the ointment contains auxiliary substances that ensure rapid penetration of the active components into the tissue. Levomekol ointment is made on a fatty base, which tends to spread when in contact with heat, so it works best as a compress using a bandage.


The ointment is prescribed for the treatment of purulent wounds and other lesions complicated by the development of pathological microflora and an increase in purulent-necrotic formations. In dermatology, the remedy copes well with furunculosis; it is practiced to place the ointment in the cavity of the abscess for better penetration into the lesion. The active ingredients of the ointment eliminate inflammation both on the surface of the skin and in the deep layers of tissue, penetrating through the intact layers of the epidermis.

The same effect, destruction of pathogenic microflora and healing of wounds, is provided by Levomekol ointment for the face. A positive cosmetic effect is achieved - the infection is destroyed by antibiotics, due to which the inflammatory process completely resolves, the skin surface is restored, and its relief is evened out.

Indications in cosmetology

Not all rashes on the face can be cured with Levomekol ointment; the list of indications is quite limited:

  1. Painful red pimples.
  2. Purulent inflammations with a white tip.
  3. Subcutaneous inflamed comedones.
  4. Small pustular rash.


For these types of skin pathologies, it is worth using Levomekol ointment. Is it possible to apply this product to the face to get rid of acne and clogged pores? No, with such skin lesions, the ointment does not help.


The advantage of the product is its active effect on a wide range of pathogenic microflora. The ointment seems to “pull” the purulent contents to the surface of the skin, where the process of destroying pathogenic bacteria occurs. The product also normalizes tissue trophism, which promotes the resorption of dead cells and pus, stimulating local cellular immunity, in this case a pimple will not appear on the face, and the emerging tubercle will disappear without ever festering.

An additional and significant advantage is the anti-edematous effect - pain and swelling of tissues are eliminated after the first application, and with repeated use the symptoms disappear completely. The effectiveness of the product has been proven in the treatment of spots and small post-acne scars.


Mode of application

Levomekol ointment for the face (and when used on different parts of the body) has an effective targeted effect directly on the foci of inflammation. The drug is an emergency medicine. To obtain the effect, you must follow the sequence of actions in use:

  1. The first stage is cleansing. It is necessary to cleanse your facial skin with your usual cosmetic products, completely removing decorative cosmetics and skin waste products. If you use cosmetic milk, facial washes and lotions, you must wash your face with water. It is recommended to tone the skin with an alcohol-free toner to prevent skin dehydration.
  2. The second stage is the treatment of foci of inflammation. A small portion of ointment is applied to a pimple or subcutaneous formation using a cotton swab. Upon contact with the skin, the product may spread, so apply a gauze bandage to the application site, securing its position with a bandage. In the presence of large subcutaneous inflammations, the procedure is carried out before bedtime, leaving the bandage on the face throughout the entire period of night's rest.
  3. The third stage is the final one. The night bandage is carefully removed, the remaining ointment is removed with a napkin and washed. If the ointment is used during the day, then it is recommended to apply it to inflammation 2-3 times. In this case, evening skin care may consist of using a night bandage or follow the usual algorithm.


You can find out whether Levomekol helps with acne on the face after the first use. As a rule, for most people, redness goes away, pain disappears, bumps and inflamed pimples significantly decrease in size, and the process of suppuration stops. There is no need to open and additionally treat pimples; the skin will gradually acquire a healthy appearance, and imperfections will be eliminated during daily care.


Local therapy for inflammation is carried out as needed, applying the ointment only to the sites of inflammation. In cases where a large part of the skin is affected by suppuration, the product is applied in a thin layer to the entire area. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day, after 3 hours the mask is washed off or its remains are wiped off with a napkin. Using a night bandage will also be effective.

The use of Levomekol ointment for the treatment of extensive skin lesions is permissible for 2 weeks with a break of 30 days or more. This is due to the pathogens becoming accustomed to the action of the antibiotic; after 14 days of constant use, the pathogenic microflora becomes immune and treatment makes no sense.

Precautionary measures

The product is available in pharmacies without a prescription. Before use, it is recommended to study the indications for use. The ointment is effective only for a limited number of diseases; it is impossible to cure herpes, lighten age spots, and eliminate allergic rashes with its help.

The insert describes in detail the types of pathogenic flora and diseases for which Levomekol ointment is used. Can the product be applied to the face? This question worries many acne sufferers. If there are any doubts about the nature of the rashes on the body and face, you should consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist.


Complications and contraindications

In case of uncontrolled use of antibiotics, complications may arise or side effects may appear, such as:

  1. Itching, redness, irritation at the site of application.
  2. Hives.
  3. Swelling of the treated skin area.

Direct contraindications to the use of Levomekol ointment for the face and other parts of the body are:

  1. Allergic reaction to ointment components.
  2. Pregnancy, lactation.

To reduce the risk of allergies, it is worth conducting a daily sensitivity test - a small amount of ointment is applied to the skin on the inside of the wrist and elbow. If after 24 hours there is no skin reaction, then the drug can be used. It should be remembered that reactivity can develop with prolonged use of the product; the longer it is used, the more likely an allergy will occur.

Women after childbirth are often recommended to use Levomekol ointment to speed up the healing of sutures, while experts do not insist on interrupting breastfeeding of the baby. This is due to the fact that a small amount of product is required to process seams and its effect is negligible.

The ointment is sensitive to storage conditions; the antibiotic included in its composition loses activity over time. It is recommended to store the drug in the refrigerator; after the expiration date, use is unacceptable.



Many users used Levomekol ointment for acne on the face. Reviews of the results of use tell about the positive effect obtained. Most people who suffered from rashes and acne applied the ointment pointwise, directly to the source of inflammation. Almost all reviewers who left reviews claim that acne disappeared or significantly decreased in size after using the ointment at night. Those who managed to achieve the desired result recommend applying the ointment and covering it with a bandage of gauze or a cotton pad, securing the structure with an adhesive plaster.

Many women got rid of long-standing problems using Levomekol ointment for acne on the face. Reviews written after a series of uses indicate the high effectiveness of the drug. Some people believe that this remedy should be in every family’s first aid kit; with its help, it is possible to quickly heal minor cuts, scratches and other injuries. Due to its effectiveness, the ointment has a large audience of regular users who believe that it helps against all skin diseases.

Warnings and Recommendations

Doctors warn that the constant use of drugs with antibiotics harms the skin and causes a negative reaction. Some reviews talk about bad experiences using Levomekol ointment for the face. Reviews describe a common problem - painful purulent and subcutaneous rashes on the face that occupy a large area.

Some users regularly applied the ointment as a mask for a month, which damaged the skin - the lipid layer was destroyed, the epidermis became loose, and the reaction to the antibiotic became negative. After stopping the Levomekol ointment, the rashes returned and covered the skin of the face with a vengeance. Most of the victims of their rash actions admitted that it took a lot of work to cure the suppuration.


In this regard, people who decide to undergo a course of treatment with Levomekol are strongly recommended to consult a doctor, use the product for no more than 2 weeks, limit themselves to spot use, adhere to the rules of hygiene and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Rashes often occur due to poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle; in other cases, a thorough examination under the supervision of a doctor is required.


In fact, Levomekol ointment contains no substances that help smooth out wrinkles. The skin is rejuvenated by eliminating inflammation and rapid cell regeneration - age-related wrinkles disappear as a result of skin renewal, which can be accelerated by properly performed home peeling (we will talk about it at the end of the article).

When can you use Levomekol for the face?

The drug is successfully used in dermatology and cosmetology due to its wide spectrum of action, namely:

  1. Suppression of inflammatory processes, destruction of infection, elimination of purulent pimples and acne on the surface of the skin.
  2. Activation of epidermal cell division, which, in turn, accelerates the process of skin regeneration and promotes rapid tissue restoration, including rejuvenation of the upper layer of the dermis.
  3. Beneficial effect on problem areas of the skin that require long-term drug treatment.

Who is contraindicated for using Levomekol?

The drug should not be used by people with individual intolerance to one of the components included in the ointment. It is also not recommended to treat the skin with Levomekol for pregnant and lactating women. Side effects most often manifest themselves in the form of minor redness or rash on the surface of the skin. In most cases, the side effect is caused by the antibiotic chloramphenicol, which is part of the ointment.

Rules for using Levomekol to combat wrinkles

To obtain quick and effective results from skin treatment with Levomekol, the following rules must be strictly followed:

  1. Before starting treatment procedures, you need to thoroughly clean the dermis of dirt and makeup. Cosmetologists recommend treating the skin with an antiseptic, for example, calendula tincture, salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide or Romazulan solution, before applying the ointment to the face.
  2. The ointment is applied to the inflamed areas pointwise using a cotton swab.
  3. In case of pronounced inflammatory processes, you can make compresses: apply a thick layer of ointment to the problem area, then cover it with a gauze cloth and fix the bandage with an adhesive plaster. The duration of the procedure depends on the degree of inflammation, usually the compress is left for a period of half an hour to five or six hours. You can also leave the compress on overnight.

The course of treatment with Levomekol ointment should not exceed 14 days with regular procedures from two to three times a day. Then you need to take a break from treatment to avoid addiction and eliminate the possibility of side effects.


Additional means to enhance the effectiveness of Levomekol

You can slow down the aging process of the skin with constant cell renewal and continuous collagen production. Simple cosmetic procedures that can be performed at home will help launch these processes. These include peeling and treating the surface of the epidermis with natural oils (peach or almond), which are applied completely to the entire skin of the face, even to the areas around the eyes.

Peeling with calcium chloride will quickly remove dead skin particles and speed up the renewal process - such procedures are ideal for the fair sex over the age of 30. Peeling is performed as follows:

  1. The skin, cleansed of makeup, is rinsed with soapy water. To prepare the solution, it is best to use fragrance-free baby soap or regular laundry soap 72%.
  2. The contents of one ampoule of calcium chloride (10 ml) are applied to the face, previously treated with a soap solution.
  3. Fingers lightly lather and with light movements “roll” chloride from the surface of the skin, paying special attention to the areas around the eyes - here peeling is performed very gently so as not to stretch the skin.
  4. The correctness of the procedure is indicated by small lumps of a gray tint - these are removed contaminants and dead particles of the skin.
  5. After peeling, wash with warm water and apply nourishing cream to the skin.

If there are purulent pimples and other inflammations on the face, the use of calcium chloride is prohibited. First you need to cure the skin with Levomekol, and then do peeling.

Peeling with calcium chloride can be done no more than twice a week. On other days, nourishing, moisturizing anti-aging masks are applied to the face.

Very often, female beauty and youth depend on genetic predisposition, but proper facial skin care also plays an equally important role. In order to correctly choose the most suitable method for eliminating age-related wrinkles, you need to take into account contraindications and possible side effects, as well as take advantage of the reviews of those who have already used Levomekol to combat wrinkles.

Levomekol is an antibacterial drug that simultaneously has an antiseptic and regenerative effect. Due to the latter property, Levomekol for the face is used as an effective drug that helps rejuvenate the skin, suppress inflammation, and cure purulent formations. At the same time, the ointment has practically no contraindications and side effects on the body.

Is it possible to use Levomekol for the face?

It all depends on what kind of dermatological or cosmetological problem a particular person is facing. Levomekol can really help with most pathologies of the facial skin. In order for the use of a medication to be justified from a therapeutic point of view, it should be remembered that Levomekol has the following properties:

  1. stimulation of faster division of epithelial cells, which ensures replacement of the upper layer of the dermis (a natural process of facial rejuvenation occurs);
  2. antiseptic effect, suppression of the activity of most known bacterial infections, minimizing the formation of purulent pimples, abscesses, acne;
  3. anti-inflammatory effect on those areas of the facial skin that are problematic and require drug treatment.


Levomekol facial ointment must be used correctly, following the recommendations of the attending dermatologist or cosmetologist. Unauthorized therapy is unacceptable and can lead to undesirable consequences.

How to use Levomekol for the face

The method of using Levomekol for the face depends on what specific therapeutic effect needs to be achieved. Let's look at several methods of facial rejuvenation using Levomekol, which make the skin healthy.

Levomekol for spots and acne

The consequences of acne on the face are not a direct indication for using Levomekol as an independent medicine. However, the drug promotes the active restoration of epithelial cells, which ensures a reduction in the volume of spots and scars formed after acne.

In this case, Levomekol must be applied directly to the stain. The ointment is squeezed out of the tube onto the top of your finger, and then spread in an even layer over the scar that remains after the acne has healed. The drug is used 1-2 times a day for 10 days. Levomekol in facial cosmetology allows you to get rid of the deepest and most voluminous spots. If necessary, the course of therapy is repeated after 20 days.

For wrinkles on the face

For the face, Levomekol ointment is useful not only as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. The drug perfectly fights age-related skin changes. Levomekol is applied in an even layer to the entire surface of the facial skin, or to its individual areas that are problematic and covered with a large number of facial wrinkles. It is recommended to use Levomekol no more than 1-2 times a day.


Duration of treatment is from 7 to 10 days. The first positive result is noticeable after 12-15 days, when the cells of the upper layer of the epithelium are completely replaced.

Repeated use of Levomekol to get rid of wrinkles is possible no earlier than after 1 month. Neglecting this rule threatens that the skin of the face will become dry, dehydrated, and the process of peeling will begin. This aspect must be taken into account by men and women who initially have too dry skin types. In addition, Levomekol is an antibiotic, so it can temporarily reduce the protective function of the local immune system.

To fight acne

Levomekol helps against acne on the face, but only if their nature of origin is not related to hormonal imbalance in the human body. Levomekol is indicated for application to problem areas of the facial skin in the presence of a bacterial infection. In this case, spread the ointment in a thin layer over the problem area of ​​the face so that all pimples are covered with the drug. For extensive skin lesions with acne, Levomekol can be used as a cream, generously lubricating the inflamed areas.

The optimal number of uses of Levomekol is 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment varies from person to person, but in general it should not exceed 15 days. Longer treatment of acne with Levomekol can lead to bacterial microflora becoming accustomed to the active component of the drug. This means that Levomekol will no longer be effective against the bacteria that caused acne, and there may be even more acne on the face.

Antiallergic agent

For allergies on the face, Levomekol is used as a medicine that helps relieve inflammation. Therefore, the active component of the drug does not directly fight the allergic reaction itself, does not block allergens and other irritants. Levomekol can only relieve the inflammatory process on the skin of the face that arose after an allergy (urticaria, red rash, irritation).

To quickly relieve these symptoms, it is necessary to treat the area of ​​the face that has undergone an allergic reaction with an even layer of Levomekol. The optimal number of ointment applications is 1-2 times a day. It is important to use antihistamines, which are intended for the systemic treatment of allergies. Otherwise, therapy with Levomekol will be only symptomatic.

Treatment mask

The drug can be used not only as an element of drug therapy to relieve the inflammatory process in the epithelium and suppress bacterial infection. In order to improve the health of the skin and keep the epidermis clean, preventing the appearance of acne, rashes, and facial wrinkles, it is recommended to periodically use a therapeutic ointment-based mask.


The recipe for its preparation is as follows:

  1. Squeeze a quarter of the medicine tube into a clean container.
  2. Add to the ointment a similar amount of baby or night cream, which is designed to nourish the skin and saturate it with moisture.
  3. Mix the mask components until smooth.
  4. Apply a mixture of antibacterial agent and cream to the surface of the face, avoiding contact of the medicine with the mucous membrane of the eyes and mouth.
  5. Leave the mask on the skin surface for 40-60 minutes.

After the specified time has passed, the mask is washed off with warm water and the face is dried with a clean towel. It is recommended not to abuse the cosmetic procedure, using it no more than once a week.


Like any other medicine, the ointment has its contraindications for use.

They consist of the following medical restrictions:

  1. allergic reaction and individual intolerance to the active substance of the drug;
  2. too dry and dehydrated skin, which requires constant moisturizing with creams and other cosmetic products;
  3. the period of breastfeeding, or the state of pregnancy (in the latter case, the drug can be used if there is an emergency);
  4. acute or chronic form of psoriasis.

In fact, this is an exhaustive list of contraindications for the use of ointment to achieve cosmetological, therapeutic and rejuvenating effects on facial skin.



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