Is it possible to apply cream after the scrub?

Girls, tell me whether I need to apply cream after the scrub. Or is the scrub on its own enough?? And if you need to apply cream, which one is better? experts

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I use the Oriflame spa series. The smell is very pleasant and does not dry out the skin. Otherwise, from the same pressure, for example, it was itching and I had to moisturize with milk. If necessary, I’ll tell you how you can buy the entire spa series at a discount. Write to me on Skype enmurashko33

My skin is oily in summer and dry in winter, so in the summer after a scrub or any procedures I apply a mattifying cream or wipe it with salicylic, and in the winter I apply a moisturizing cream. And what kind of cream, depending on how much you are expecting (I can advise you for both 8000 and 300). And it also depends on what kind of skin you have.

Personally, my skin is dry after the scrub, so I apply a moisturizer. In the morning, skin like a child's

After the scrub, be sure to apply the cream to both the face and body, otherwise the skin will have nothing to produce new cells from and recover from aggressive influences.

You can apply tonic, thermal water, then cream. It happens that the cream begins to sting strongly if you apply it immediately after the scrub.

I exfoliate at night and apply coconut oil.

Related topics

Cleansing (your washbasin), scrub, lotion and mask (if you don’t want to make a mask, then cream).


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Even though our skin develops and repairs itself, it is not able to get rid of dead cells. They continue to clog pores until they are removed from the surface of the skin using special products. This is where a scrub comes to the rescue, which is necessary for proper skin care.

How does the scrub work?

The procedure for cleansing the skin with a scrub is called peeling. The mechanism of action is not only to exfoliate dead cells, but also to saturate the skin with oxygen. A correctly performed procedure is indicated by a healthy skin color, as well as smoothness when touched. The scrub consists of two main parts: a base - cream or gel, as well as abrasive particles, which can be synthetic or natural products. For example, natural particles can be the seeds of apricots, grapes, olives, sugar, salt, coffee and much more. Once on the skin, abrasive particles exfoliate dead cells, prepare the skin for the application of other care products and remove residual makeup and dirt. The soft base of the scrub protects the skin from external adverse effects, inflammation and injury.

Which scrub should you choose?

There are so many scrubs on sale today that it’s dizzying. It is clear that making a choice is not so easy. Moreover, most of the packaging does not contain any information about what skin types this product is suitable for. But we are not interested in such “secret” scrubs. We women must know everything about the products we use. At the same time, it doesn’t matter what question we are asking: “how to maintain youthful skin or how to grow hair quickly,” a self-respecting manufacturer will definitely indicate on the packaging the composition of the product and the skin types for which it is suitable. And those who hide this information should not be trusted.

People with sensitive skin should not use scrubs that are intended for oily skin. In general, with sensitive skin you will have to be most careful so as not to disturb the already weakened skin. And, of course, you can’t use scrubs that are intended for the body on your face. It should be noted that the peeling product can not only be purchased. You can always make a scrub at home, which, although it will take time to prepare, you can be sure of its safety and natural composition.

Some universal tips for using a scrub

  1. It is best to apply the scrub after a bath or shower: the skin is well steamed and ready for further care.
  2. After applying the scrub, you need to massage the skin in a circular motion for 2-4 minutes on the face and up to 5 minutes on the body.
  3. The scrub is washed off with regular warm water.
  4. Do not apply the scrub to the area around the eyes: the skin there is delicate, so there is a high probability of stretching and irritation.
  5. It is not advisable to use the scrub for those whose face is covered with acne and pimples, as the condition of the skin can significantly worsen.
  6. After the scrub, it is very good to apply nourishing creams and masks: the skin is cleansed, which means it will absorb all the substances and vitamins very well.

All scrubs, depending on the place of impact, can be divided into two groups: scrubs designed to cleanse the face and scrubs that cleanse the body. Let's look at them separately.

Homemade face scrub

You can use a variety of foods to make a homemade facial scrub. The basis can be honey, sour cream, fruit pulp, cream and much more. Fruit seeds, salt, sugar, etc. can be used as abrasive particles. The scrub recipes below are selected separately for each skin type.

So, for oily skin you can prepare the following scrub: mix 15 grams of baker's yeast with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, put the mixture in hot water for 2-3 minutes, then add salt, mix everything and apply it to the skin with a cosmetic disc. Massage the skin for a couple of minutes and rinse with warm water.

For sensitive skin, you should try a scrub recipe with oatmeal. Here, for example, is this: mix 2-3 tablespoons of heated vegetable oil with finely ground oatmeal. Apply the finished mixture to the skin, massage, and then rinse with warm water. This scrub is also suitable for dry skin.

For normal skin, you can prepare the following scrub: mix 1 tablespoon of chopped dry orange zest with 1 teaspoon of ground almonds. Add a couple of tablespoons of warm water to the mixture and mix again. Apply the prepared mixture to the skin of the face, massage for 2-4 minutes and rinse.

Homemade body scrub

It should be noted that homemade body scrubs are prepared from the same products as facial scrubs. The only thing is that you can add more large abrasive particles to them, since the skin of the body is rougher.

Here are some body scrub recipes:

The simplest scrub is this: add ground coffee to the shower gel and rub into various parts of the body with massaging movements for 5 minutes: stomach, thighs, buttocks, arms. After this, rinse off the gel as usual, and apply nourishing cream to the skin. By the way, this scrub helps get rid of cellulite.

This scrub is also effective: mix coarsely ground pepper, cinnamon, salt and a little olive oil. Massage the body skin for 2-4 minutes, and then rinse off the scrub in the shower.

Another recipe for a “delicious” body scrub: mash 3-4 strawberries in a plate, add 4 tablespoons of almond oil and 2 tablespoons of honey. Gently rub the mixture into different areas of the body for 5 minutes. After this, take a warm shower.


It is quite possible that at some point you decided that your skin was too sensitive for a scrub. However, the truth is that exfoliation (whether it's gentle or with harder abrasives is another matter) benefits every skin type, regardless of its thickness or tendency to allergic reactions.

“Exfoliation removes dead skin cells and tightens pores, so your face instantly looks fresher,” says Stalina Glot, an esthetician at Haven Spa in New York City. “Plus, exfoliation makes skin more receptive to the active ingredients in creams.” acne, anti-aging serums and other multi-directional products."

Here are the top ten questions you need to know about exfoliation and their answers.

1. Is it true that peeling dries the skin?

Not necessary. However, abrasive particles can actually prevent moisturizers from completely penetrating the skin, and, in addition, natural oils can become trapped and cause small pimples to appear. So if you have dry skin, not only in winter, but at any time of the year, use products with gentle formulas containing finely ground flakes and vitamin B5. At the same time, exfoliate no more than twice a week, and be sure to treat your face with a moisturizing lotion afterwards.

2. Does peeling really cause acne?

If you have oily skin prone to breakouts, stay away from scrubs with large abrasive particles, which can not only slow down the healing of pimples, but also cause them to spread throughout your face. Your peel should contain glycolic or salicylic acid, which gently but effectively removes dead cells.

3. What about sensitive skin?

Forget about scrubs in the usual sense of the word and stock up on products containing fruit acids. At the same time, using the products once a week is enough to get a noticeable result without damaging the skin. Dermatologists recommend relying not only on an exfoliator with fruit acids, but also a cream from the same series to speed up the process of cell renewal.

4. What should I do if I have normal skin?

First, let's understand the concepts: normal means combination, oily in the T-zone and dry on the cheeks. You can choose the scrub that you like best, but there is one rule: try to use less intense movements when treating dry areas and, on the contrary, increase the pressure when moving on to oily ones. As a budget-friendly alternative to a bi-weekly scrub, you are allowed to use baking soda mixed with a small amount of a gentle cleanser or coffee beans.

5. When should you exfoliate your skin: morning or evening?

“At any time convenient for you,” comments dermatologist Dandy Engelman. “However, if you are applying a night cream or mask with retinol, it is better to use an exfoliator in the evening so that the active ingredients work even better.”

6. What to do if the skin reacts poorly to the scrub?

"Use a soothing instant cream (such as hydrocortisone) to reduce inflammation," says Heidi Waldorf, a dermatologist at a Manhattan clinic. After this, the expert advises treating the skin with a cleanser, applying a light moisturizer and contacting a specialist who can choose the right care option for you.

7. Can I use body scrub on my face?

No. Body scrubs are always harsher and, as a result, more “traumatic”. Large granules mean that the product should work on those areas where the skin is rougher.

8. Should I avoid scrubbing the eye area?

Some modern formulas allow the product to be used on the delicate skin around the eyes, but this must be indicated on the packaging. However, you should know that these products do not work hard enough, and if you are looking for noticeable exfoliation, they may not live up to your expectations.

9. Is it true that microspheres have a detrimental effect on the environment?

The plastic beads (microspheres) often found in exfoliator products can actually be harmful to the environment. Last December, Barack Obama signed a bill that prohibits the production of cosmetics with microbeads in the United States from July 2017. However, companies such as Unilever, Procter and Gamble, Johnson and Johnson and L'Oreal have been in the process of eliminating pellets for some time, choosing biodegradable natural alternatives (rice, wax, bamboo extracts).

10. Is it possible to do deep peeling at home?

Deep exfoliation products have aggressive formulas that require medical supervision of the procedure. But if you purchase a product at a pharmacy or cosmetic store, you can be sure that the “deep peeling” stated on the label will be completely safe, albeit more effective than some other options.