Can you die if you pick off a mole?

What happens if you rip off a mole? The answer to this question interests many people. Birthmarks are often subject to various types of damage. Any person worries about what to do in a given situation.

First consequences

A mole is a pigmented formation on the skin. It is benign and does not cause discomfort to a person. But certain moles are located in places where they are often subject to injury. What happens if you accidentally pick off a mole?

In most cases, a person experiences pain and bleeding.

After treating the wound, it heals quite quickly. This happens in most situations. However, there is always a risk of degeneration of a scraped birthmark into an oncological formation. Malignant nevi, if they are torn off, can transform into melanoma - skin cancer.

During the healing process of a torn mole, it is necessary to monitor, note suspicious signs and changes. If, after an injury, the lump begins to quickly increase in size, itch, or hurt, it is better to contact a medical facility.

In the absence of unpleasant symptoms, healing proceeds quickly and does not cause much trouble. The crust that appears on the damaged area cannot be torn off so that the wound disappears faster.

What moles turn out to be torn off? Pezhins located in inconvenient places are more often susceptible to this phenomenon.


  1. Feet,
  2. axillary area,
  3. Area on the neck (collar),
  4. Face,
  5. Waist.

Caution must be exercised if snowflakes are present in these areas.

Help with already consequences

If a person rips off a mole, it is worth quickly providing first aid to avoid adverse consequences and inflammation. How to treat the wound?

First aid:

  1. It is necessary to stop the bleeding. A sterile gauze swab is applied to the wound, pre-moistened in hydrogen peroxide. Keep for up to twenty minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, you should seek specialized help.
  2. After the bleeding has stopped, a bandage with an antiseptic is applied to the area of ​​the torn nevus. How can you cauterize a wound? It is allowed to treat the area around the damage with chlorhexidine, iodine or brilliant green.
  3. The severed lesion or part of it is sent for diagnosis to a medical center.

After the procedures, you must visit a doctor to exclude the possible occurrence of oncology.

Advice from some doctors

Doctors' advice is described below:

If you accidentally pick off a mole, try to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. The damaged area is treated with an antiseptic, then a bandage should be applied. It is imperative to show the site of damage to a dermatologist to avoid the development of inflammation.

  1. Elena Dmitrievna, dermatologist:

People often injure nevi, but do not always monitor their healing; this fact needs to be given sufficient attention. Not every mole degenerates, but there are many factors that can lead to cancer. The formation must be shown to a doctor to rule out malignancy.

  1. Ivan Mikhailovich, oncologist:

Skin cancer is the most common and serious disease. Often the cause is torn nevi, poorly treated and inflamed. You should treat moles quite carefully and note every change.

As you can see, all experts agree that stripped pejins need to be given close attention.

Why you can’t rip off moles

Is it possible to remove moles? Under no circumstances should you remove birthmarks yourself. In most cases, moles are benign.

Damage to these nevi does not pose a particular danger if they are treated in a timely manner and the condition is monitored. However, a person does not always know which mole he has torn off. In certain cases, a birthmark can be cancerous.

But remain at peace for a long time. Certain factors, including trauma, can trigger the process of degeneration. What signs should alert a person after the wound has healed?

Signs of degeneration:

  1. Itching appears, the mole is constantly itching,
  2. The border becomes uneven
  3. Asymmetry appears
  4. Color changes, becomes uneven,
  5. The growth of education is accelerating,
  6. Presence of bleeding from the nevus,
  7. Painful sensations occur.

These symptoms indicate the possible transformation of a mole into a malignant tumor. All stripped nevi are subject to mandatory examination.

Benign condylomas do not degenerate, but the risk of inflammation and suppuration cannot be excluded. This is why you should not rip off a mole.

A child tore off a mole - what to do?

A child can tear a mole completely accidentally while sleeping or playing. What to do if your baby accidentally damages a nevus? In this case, it is worth calming him down and providing first aid by treating the injury site. The procedure is carried out similarly to adults.

After treatment, parents need to visit the hospital, submit the education for examination and consult a doctor.

When the wound heals, you need to explain to the baby that you need to treat such growths carefully, try not to touch or rip them off. It is necessary to tell the child about the possible consequences in an accessible form, without frightening him, but warning him of the danger. For clarity, you can show him what the disease looks like in photographs from a specialist.

If there is blood

Blood appears if you tear off any growth. A large amount is noted if you rip off a red mole. In this case, damage to blood vessels occurs, the bleeding is long, and sometimes difficult to stop. You need to use a swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

Facial moles in women are often damaged due to the use of various cosmetics. Often formations on the head are torn to the point of bleeding when combing, or in the armpits when shaving. In such cases, it is better to remove the growth in a specialized institution.

How to properly remove

Independent removal of nevi is prohibited due to possible adverse consequences. Getting rid of moles is only possible through medical means.


  1. Surgical excision. The surgeon uses a scalpel to remove the formation, suturing the wound, and applying a bandage. The disadvantage of this method is the possible formation of scars at the site of the mole.
  2. Laser removal. Treatment with this method is considered the safest and fastest. Removal is carried out using a laser, the wound is immediately cauterized, which eliminates the possibility of infection getting into it. There are practically no traces left on the skin after the operation.
  3. Cryodestruction. The method involves removing a birthmark using cold. Fast method, infection is minimized.
  4. A specialist may suggest using electric current or radio wave removal.

The choice of removal method remains with the doctor. He selects the most appropriate technique based on the patient’s condition.

Who to contact and prevention

If a person has ripped off a mole, he should visit a dermatologist. He will conduct an examination and, if necessary, give a referral to an oncologist. There is no need to engage in self-therapy, it can be dangerous. Preventative measures are quite simple.

  1. Maintain hygiene if a mole is scraped off. You need to wash your hands more often, avoid getting dirt into the wound, and do not touch it with unclean hands.
  2. In order not to constantly pick off nevi, you need to choose comfortable clothes, shaving should be careful, and comb your hair with care.
  3. When bathing, you should not use scrubs that are too large to avoid traumatizing the skin on your body.

What happens if you accidentally tear off a growth on the skin? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. Rapid healing or an inflammatory process with degeneration into a malignant formation is possible. In any case, a torn mole is a reason to consult a doctor.

What happens if you rip off a mole - video

When I was in college, one classmate said that if you pick off a mole, you can die. And now I’m afraid to rip off a mole and die, although all my moles are flat (non-convex, don’t stick out), and it’s difficult to rip them off


And this death will be long and painful. boooo.

If you rip off a mole, then nothing bad will happen (except that it will hurt a little and bleed), but this mole may not turn out to be a mole at all, but a melanoma (this is a malignant tumor, but has not yet developed), then you should be wary, but even then this does not cause cancer to appear, it just speeds it up a little, and the chance that cancer will continue to develop due to damage to melanoma is very low, less than one percent.

In general, dying from damage to a mole is zero, and from damage to melanoma it is 0.2 -0.4%. If people died from this, there would be much fewer people in the world.


As a survivor, I say no. In my youth, I used a seam from a synthetic sweater to cut off a mole on my collarbone. There was a lot of blood. I got scared and made people worry. But fortunately everything worked out fine. A small brown spot remains from a large mole (about 1cm).


Having torn off a mole on his back at the age of 75, my father-in-law died five years after its removal. His torn and inflamed mole was removed; analysis showed the presence of cancer cells. Four and a half years later, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. When I talked with the oncologist, I asked why after the operation he was not prescribed treatment, chemotherapy, or radiation. The doctor replied that this type of oncology is practically untreatable; young people die within a year or two. So, it’s probably not worth taking such things very lightly; a fatal disease can develop; everything probably depends on your state of health, age, and genetic predisposition.

If you pick it off, you can die; many moles mean a predisposition to cancer. and other beliefs of the townspeople.

Now they say that the more moles a person has, the happier he is. And in the 15th century, moles were considered devilish marks. In the 18th century, the belief spread that a mole above the lip was a sign of a particularly passionate nature. Women deprived of the “sign of passion” had to put on artificial spots for themselves in order to please men.

The topic of moles has always been shrouded in many secrets and fiction. Natalya Nikitina, a dermatovenerologist, deputy chief physician for medical work at the Medical Center for Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery, and parapsychologist Svetlana Ross helped us understand the question of what is true and what is a myth, explaining the appearance and special significance of moles as something mystical and supernatural .

No. 1. If you pick off a mole, you can die.

Indeed, if injured, a mole can degenerate into a malignant tumor and lead to death. I don’t want to scare you, because this doesn’t happen to everyone and not with every injury, but you need to remain vigilant and at the first suspicion of external changes in a mole, you need to see a doctor.

No. 2. Moles indicate diseased organs

They supposedly appear in those places of the skin under which there are diseased internal organs.

Natalya Nikitina: There is no place on the human body where a mole cannot appear. Birthmarks are not uncommon even on the mucous membranes (in the mouth, tongue, genitals). More often, patients indicate the appearance of moles at the site of pre-existing skin lesions, for example, during puberty at the site of a pimple. A complete examination does not reveal a connection between the location of the mole and the diseased organ.

If moles are located above a certain organ, it is not necessarily diseased. Before he gets sick, he will first lose or accumulate his characteristic energy. A mole symbolizes a lack of love from loved ones and an excess of self-pity. If this psychological problem is not solved, the body can react very violently - a large birthmark will appear, and in extreme cases, a cancerous tumor will develop.

No. 3. The most effective methods of removing moles are folk ones

For this, garlic, vinegar, celandine, iodine, concentrated vitamin C, castor oil, petroleum jelly, sea salt are used. Juices of pineapple, dandelion, and onion are also used.

There are more interesting ways to get rid of moles at home.

• Bandage the mole at the base with your own hair; after a while it will dry out and fall off.

• Take a large and ripe apple, cut it in half and simply rub the halves of the apples together over the mole. Then close the halves at the cut site, tie them together and bury them in the ground. When the apple in the ground disappears, the mole will also disappear.

Natalya Nikitina: The removal methods described above are offered by traditional medicine for other neoplasms (warts, papillomas) and age spots that are very similar in appearance to moles. A mole is a congenital malformation of the skin or a benign tumor acquired during life, which, if you try to remove it at home, can degenerate into a malignant one, and this threatens to fall into myth No. 1.

Svetlana Ross, editor of Without special indications, you shouldn’t just remove moles. We cannot predict in advance how this will further affect our subtle body, and therefore our physical one. After all, it has been noticed that moles are most often located on meridians and biologically active points of our body. Therefore, a mole can block the energy output of organs located on this meridian. Figuratively speaking, like a cork in a bottle. By removing the plug, we risk losing something important for our body and thus causing harm to ourselves.

No. 4. A large number of moles on the body indicates a predisposition to cancer

Natalya Nikitina: I repeat that every mole, being a benign tumor, in some cases can degenerate into malignant. Therefore, a large number of moles increases the risk of developing skin cancer. The very large number of moles is not a manifestation of cancer and does not indicate a mandatory predisposition to cancer. Therefore, if you have a lot of moles and don’t try to remove them yourself, you don’t have to think about it.

No. 5. After 24 years, moles do not appear

By 6 months, the first spots begin to appear on the skin, and this process can continue until about 24 years. After this, the appearance of moles occurs very rarely, and in old age they completely begin to fade (fade) and even completely disappear from the surface of the skin.

Natalya Nikitina: Indeed, such cases occur when in old age there are fewer moles (for example, Setton's nevus - a mole surrounded by discolored skin that is capable of spontaneous disappearance), but this does not mean that this should be the case for everyone. On the contrary, patients more often note an increase in the size of moles that appeared in youth.

No. 6. Moles appear due to liver problems

Natalya Nikitina: Liver diseases are more often the cause of the appearance of angiomas - the so-called “liver stars” (a benign tumor consisting of blood or lymphatic vessels). Angiomas, often called red moles, can be congenital or caused by trauma. Angioma can also appear due to cirrhosis of the liver. By themselves, they can rarely develop into a tumor. The danger is that it is a clot of blood vessels, and mechanical trauma to it can cause severe bleeding.

Svetlana Ross: The liver is a very important energy organ; energy from it spreads throughout the body. Considering that emotions such as anger, rage and rejection of life accumulate in the liver, then when there is an excess of them, spilling and distributing throughout all organs through the blood, the entire body can be damaged and moles can appear as a “splash” of energy outward.

No. 7. A person who has many moles is lucky!

Since ancient times, the appearance of moles on human skin has been associated with something mystical and was considered a sign from above. The owner of a large number of moles was called “kissed by God”, lucky.

The owner of a large number of moles was called “kissed by God”

Svetlana Ross: There is a certain blessing in a kiss, and we associate it with something good. And moles do not always carry only positive energy. For example, in the place where a person has a large birthmark, in a previous incarnation on Earth there could have been death from a knife wound. Agree that it is difficult to call this a kiss from God.

No. 8. Moles are inherited

Once upon a time, even lost children (during war, for example) were found by the location and shape of the birthmark, “like mom’s” or “dad’s.”

Natalya Nikitina: We can partially agree with this argument. And nowadays, many people point to the hereditary transmission of moles. And we, doctors, often see the same moles in children and parents in the same places. This is surprising, but true! Although this is not necessary.

Svetlana Ross: It is in such cases that we can say that a mole is a kiss from God. After all, when our soul comes to Earth in the form of a certain body, then its Fate is partially already predetermined, and the loss of a parent and a happy family reunion is embedded in the ancestral energy. And in this case, God puts the same mark on the body of the child and the parent.

No. 9. To prevent moles from appearing, you need to eat apricot kernels and almonds

Natalya Nikitina: Moles appear on the human body regardless of our desire and diet.

No. 10. Moles appear on the body due to radiation.

Svetlana Ross: All information of the genus is transmitted through DNA cells. It manifests itself very clearly up to the 4th generation, a little weaker until the 7th generation. And since all the feelings, problems, sins that we have not experienced or have not been processed are inherited by the next generation, then accordingly, moles, injuries, and diseases are inherited.

No. 11. Moles cannot be removed

Natalya Nikitina: Can. And recently, people are increasingly turning to a dermatologist-cosmetologist to remove moles they don’t like. For example, when a mole increases in size on open areas of the body, or for aesthetic purposes, or on closed areas of the body, for fear of tearing it off with clothes, during a massage or in a bath. People who often go on vacation to hot countries, or who like solariums, also seek mole removal, since tanning is a skin burn that can cause inflammation of moles and their possible degeneration.

No. 12. Moles are traces of a person’s previous incarnations.

They appear on the body to indicate negative aspects that occurred in a person’s previous lives: illness, family problems, death. According to this theory, you should be especially wary of red moles. The redder the mole, the stronger the negative influence of past lives on the present.

Svetlana Ross: It’s difficult to say this with confidence now, but it may well be. Humanity cannot yet think on such a large scale. It is possible that one day moles will be used to make diagnoses, identify psychological problems, prescribe treatment and predict the future. To achieve this, modern medicine, folk healing and spiritual practices must be united into one, and every doctor must have the necessary knowledge and skills. So far, all this is disconnected, and in very rare cases a modern doctor recognizes the importance of esotericism and parapsychology.

What do moles on different parts of the body mean?

Since ancient times, beliefs have emerged that moles on certain areas of the skin have a certain mysticism and have a special purpose.

Moles on the palms - they are very rare. A person who has a mole on the palm of his hand can, through an effort of will or his aspirations, change his life, direct his natural abilities towards self-improvement and overcoming circumstances.

The symmetrical arrangement of moles on both palms, like our heroine Ksenia, suggests that she will have a long and happy married life, excellent relationships with relatives, wealth and prosperity, many friends and connections.

Mole on lips - sign of the goddess Venus. It personifies sensuality, love of luxury, but also some frivolity and dislike of responsibility.

Mole on the nose - a very good sign. Whatever you undertake, you are guaranteed success everywhere.

Mole on the right side of the chest: You often go from one extreme to another. Your life is a swing: sometimes ups, sometimes downs. A spot on the chest on the left side indicates the generous and slightly frivolous nature of its owner.

Mole on shoulder accompanies lucky people.

Mole on forehead means that its owner can become, under certain circumstances, a great man and control crowds of people.

Mole under the eyes speaks of the inherent tenderness and kindness of the owner. This is a mark of noble birth and a penchant for self-sacrifice.

Mole on the head has the meaning of innate theorists, perhaps great thinkers or scientists. This also speaks of the hidden nature.

Moles on the ears. Their owners are usually extremely boastful.

Mole on eyelids means a very receptive and sensitive person whose feelings almost always rule the mind.

Mole on thighs. The owner of such a mole, while doing something important, is often distracted by unimportant details.

Moles on knees happen to extremely impatient people.

Moles on the feet. Moles in these places, and in particular on the heel, indicate a person’s vitality.

Mole on the wrist. A mole on any of the wrists promises a person an interesting job, in which he will certainly succeed thanks to his talents and abilities.

In Izhevsk, removing a mole with a laser will cost from 600 to 1200 rubles.