Is it possible to pull hair out of a mole?

Many people, especially women, are concerned when a mole appears with facial hair. And some even believe that this is a mystical sign. In addition, most of us do not know why such formations appear and how to get rid of them. Previously, it was generally believed that people with such marks were messengers from hell. Therefore they were executed at the stake. But after some time, women began to believe that such formations could be considered jewelry, and they even painted them on their faces. But it’s one thing for a mole to be beautiful and neat, and another thing for it to be when vegetation begins to appear on it. Then the question arises: is it possible to pull out hair from a mole? Let's figure it out now.


Should you worry if hair starts to grow on a mole? As it has become known recently, moles are neoplasms that, under the influence of certain factors, can develop into a malignant tumor.


And if you really touch this formation often, you can get an infection and only harm yourself. There are many cases where an ordinary mole developed into a tumor. Mostly people are concerned that such moles may be large, convex, hurt, or hair will grow on them.

Not dangerous

What to do if hair grows from a mole? What does it mean? This is actually not a problem and there is no need to worry. You need to know that moles that develop into tumors do not grow hairs.


And, according to scientists, such formations on the body are not dangerous. Their only drawback is their lack of aesthetics. The reason why hair grows on a mole is that there are more hair follicles in this area.


So is it possible to pull hair out of a mole? People who have hair growing on a mole try not to touch or remove it. After all, they are afraid of harming themselves in this way. But no need to worry. There are ways in which such hairs can be removed. If you do this at home, it is best not to pull it out with tweezers, but to carefully cut it off so that it is not visible. And this will not harm, but will help get rid of annoying vegetation for a while. However, one should not assume that the presence of hairs is a sign of serious pathologies in the body or on the skin. But according to the latest data, it is possible to have surgery to remove hair from a mole.

Exploratory survey

Before you begin to remove hairs from a mole, you need to undergo an examination, with which you can tell whether it is possible to influence the bulbs of unwanted vegetation.


If, when removing hairs, a mole begins to change, hurt, or ooze, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Therefore, as mentioned above, you need to consult a doctor before you begin hair removal. This way you can avoid unpleasant consequences.

Reasons for appearance

How does it appear? And why does hair grow from a mole?

  1. A mole may appear due to hereditary predisposition.
  2. When a woman's hormonal levels change. This usually goes away during pregnancy. But in addition to the fact that moles appear during pregnancy, this tendency has also been noticed in adolescents. And all because rapid puberty occurs during this period. In addition, even during menopause, hairs on the mole may grow.
  3. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, moles - nevi - also develop on the skin. With prolonged exposure to sunlight on the human body, the skin begins to experience stress. This leads to intensive production of melanin, and as a result, the growth of moles.

Examine the stain before removing hair

If a person discovers a new spot on his body on which vegetation appears, the thought immediately arises: is it possible to pull out hair from a mole?


Before you begin removal, you need to pay attention to the newly formed stain.

  1. hairs can be removed from moles that are flat and small in size, and also if the edges are smooth. These formations are the safest.
  2. If the mole is large in size and has uneven edges, protruding, then hair pulling can be resorted to only after the doctor looks at the formation and conducts a full examination.

When a person with a problem turns to a doctor and asks whether it is possible to pull out hair from a mole, he answers that you can only resort to cutting or special removal methods.

Prohibited Methods

What not to do to get rid of unwanted hair on a mole?

  1. Some people get rid of hair by shaving it, which is strictly forbidden, because the blade can damage the surface of the mole. As a result, an infection will get there, blood poisoning may occur, and a tumor may develop.
  2. Another method used to get rid of hair is waxing. But if hair grows on a mole, it cannot be removed in this way. This can damage this area of ​​the body.
  3. Removing hairs using chemical hair removal is also prohibited due to the fact that the integrity of the problem area of ​​the skin is again compromised.


  1. You should not pluck with tweezers (especially if facial hair grows from a mole) without a doctor’s permission. This procedure is very dangerous if done carelessly. Then a malignant tumor may develop. Vegetation can be removed only after the stain has been fully examined and the doctor has confirmed that it is benign.

What to do if a birthmark appears on your head?

When a mole appears on the head, its development is determined by where it is located and what color it is. In this case, you need to be very careful with this formation on your head, especially when combing and going to the hairdresser. If you are careful, such a mole will not pose a danger.

But such formations are not always small and do not interfere with their owner. If a cosmetic problem arises, it is best to remove the formation immediately so as not to provoke the development of cancer cells.


Adults can cope with difficulties on their own. But special attention should be paid to the problem when a mole appears on a child’s head. Again, you need to look at what shape the baby has. If the mole is flat, this is not a cause for concern. But at the same time, it is best to teach your baby how to properly handle this stain - do not comb or scratch. And if the mole has a convex shape, it is best to remove it immediately.

A little conclusion

Now you know why hair grows from a mole. We also talked about removing vegetation on it. We looked at both permitted and prohibited methods. In any case, it is worth consulting with a qualified specialist before any procedures.

Birthmarks are brown, black or red pigmented formations on the skin. They occur when dermal cells fill with pigment and become melanocytes or when blood vessels grow. Almost every person over 10 years old has nevi. Often such formations are located on the face. They can also appear throughout the body, including mucous membranes.

Sometimes hair grows on the black or brown patches. This often causes physical and psychological discomfort to their owner. Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to pull out hair from a mole and what to do with an unaesthetic skin defect?

Why do they appear?

Nevus forms for several reasons:

  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  3. hormonal disorders;
  4. damage to existing formations;
  5. diseases (viruses).


In the absence of unfavorable factors, the spot does not increase in size and does not become inflamed. But why does hair grow on a mole? The skin has a three-layer structure (epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat).

Many people mistakenly believe that nevi have long roots that grow deeply into the thickness of the body. But benign formations penetrate into the upper layers and only one millimeter.

There are hair follicles across the entire surface of the skin, including those places where there are black, red and brown spots and hair does not grow from the mole, but through it. Moreover, in terms of structure and other parameters, they are no different from hair in other parts of the body; they can fall out and grow. But often the hair in a nevus is black and denser. Experts suggest that this is due to the proximity of the follicles to the spots, which is why the hair absorbs more pigment.

If hair grows from a mole - is it good or bad? Such formations are not dangerous, they are benign. But if the hairline grew and then stopped, it is better to consult a dermatologist or oncologist. After all, spontaneous loss is a sign of malignant neoplasms, cancer or melanoma. With tumors, nevi constantly divide, and the cells lose their natural functions and normal structure.

Is it safe to remove hair?


Doctors' opinions vary on whether it is possible to pull hair out of moles. Pulling out vegetation with tweezers is permitted. But some dermatologists say that it is absolutely forbidden to remove hair on your own, especially in a child. After all, inflammation can develop in the injured area, which often leads to skin cancer.

To prevent a hairy birthmark from becoming a malignant formation, it is prohibited to remove vegetation in the following ways:

  1. Waxing. If you use this method, the treated area of ​​skin will be burned, which may change its structure.
  2. Shaving. If you remove black hair from a mole with a razor, its blade will damage the epidermis and cause a severe inflammatory process.
  3. Plucking. It is undesirable to pull out hair with eyebrow tweezers, because this will not only cause pain, but also disrupt the structure of the formation and provoke inflammation. Also, if you pull out hair with dirty fingers or tools, you can introduce an infection into the micro-wound that appears.
  4. Chemical hair removal. This method of hair removal is contraindicated. It will cause severe skin irritation.

If a hairy nevus does not cause psychological and physical discomfort, then it is better not to pull out the vegetation from it and leave everything in the same state. But what should you do if hair from a mole grows on your face? What are the safest ways to eliminate them?

Allowed removal methods


There are several options to safely remove hair from a mole:

  1. Laser correction. A doctor gives a referral for the procedure when the spots grow rapidly, change structure, or are located in an inconvenient place (on the head, under the arm).
  2. Electrolysis. A good way to solve the problem when a mole with hair is completely removed. The disadvantage of this technique is redness and irritation of the skin, but after 7 days the unpleasant symptoms disappear.
  3. Cryodestruction. Hairy wart is removed with liquid nitrogen. The treatment session is not carried out if the spots are on the face.
  4. Surgery. It does not apply when hair grows from a mole and it is located on the face and neck. After surgery, scars and cicatrices remain.

Such methods are used in medical institutions. How to remove vegetation from a birthmark at home? Another option is cutting the hair with nail scissors. But first you need to make sure that the nevus is flat, has smooth edges and is small in size. If it is located above the surface of the skin, and its shape is unclear, then it is prohibited to cut or rip out the hair from the mole. For those who prefer to pluck the hair from birthmarks with scissors, the hair will grow again, becoming darker and coarser, and the frequency of the procedure will increase.


It is better not to do anything at all with growing hair in nevi in ​​children. Even when a child has vegetation on a black-brown formation, you should not cut it off or pull it out. It is recommended to visit a doctor and monitor the condition of the spots.

But what happens if your son or daughter accidentally pulls out a hair? In such a situation, it is important to examine the nevus for damage and inflammation. If the formation bleeds, itches, has increased in size and hurts, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Has hair fallen out of a mole that previously had vegetation? What to do? If in the future it still does not grow, you should contact a dermato-oncologist. Timely diagnosis and correct treatment will prevent the appearance and growth of malignant neoplasms and cancerous tumors. When only one hair has fallen out of a mole or the hair has grown back after a while, there is no cause for concern.

Thus, pulling out and plucking hair in birthmarks is prohibited. Those who want to get rid of such a cosmetic defect are recommended to use modern medical techniques. And at home, the only available option is to carefully cut off the vegetation with scissors.

When hair grows from a mole, it usually does not cause any inconvenience, but it often causes negative emotions due to its appearance. For this reason, many seek to remove unwanted hair and wonder whether it is possible to pull out hair from a mole. At the same time, some are afraid to touch a mole, believing that the formation will eventually develop into melanoma. In fact, the appearance of a birthmark with hair in a child or adult is a sign of its benign nature.

Safe ways to remove hair from a mole

In general, the growth of hairs on moles is explained by a good blood supply due to the accumulation of capillaries in the places of their formation. Solar radiation can increase the intensity of hair growth. Due to this, hairy birthmarks can most often be found on the face of both adults and children: approximately one for every 100 square centimeters of skin.

There is no clear opinion as to whether it is possible to pull out hair from birthmarks. Some experts are confident that it is completely safe to remove hair from a healthy mole.

Other scientists consider it unacceptable to pluck hair from a nevus using a household method. In their opinion, this could lead to serious consequences. We are talking about the possibility of developing inflammation, which can later develop into skin cancer.

If, despite all the warnings, the desire to get rid of vegetation has not disappeared, you must first consult with a doctor and find out what methods you can resort to.

So, the list of allowed methods includes:

  1. Laser correction, with the help of which the entire birthmark is removed. To carry out the procedure, permission from a specialist is required due to the presence of certain indications (changes in the size or structure of the mole). This method is also preferred when the nevus is located on the head.
  2. Carefully cutting hairs using nail scissors. The obvious disadvantage of the method under consideration is their inevitable regrowth in the near future. In addition, over time, the hair becomes coarser, and immediately after its elimination, unsightly stubble remains. Also, with this option, growth becomes more intense, so the procedure has to be repeated more and more often over time.
  3. Electrolysis. With its help, not only unwanted vegetation is eliminated, but also the nevus itself. A feature of this method is the possible appearance of irritation and redness on the skin, which, however, disappears without a trace after 4-5 days.

If hair grows on a birthmark, which is categorically not suitable for its owner, and he is determined to eliminate it, first of all you need to carefully consider the formation. You can resort to one of the above methods only if the mole has a flat shape, small size and smooth edges. Nevi of this type are considered the safest.

If the mole is convex and does not have clear boundaries, pulling the hair out of it yourself is not the most reasonable decision. To avoid negative consequences in the future, it is better to obtain permission to perform the procedure from a doctor and carry it out under supervision.

Prohibited methods for removing hair from a mole

Researchers include the following on the list of unsafe methods for getting rid of hairy moles:

  1. Shaving. When hair begins to grow on a mole, shaving can damage the surface of the mole. The result of such manipulations may be the development of an inflammatory process.
  2. Waxing. Hot wax is often used to remove hair from moles on the arms and legs. At the same time, few people think that this operation can cause a burn to the formation and, as a result, a violation of its structure.
  3. Epilation with chemical means. The presented method is a contraindication, as it can cause irritation.
  4. Plucking hair with eyebrow tweezers. Most dermatologists are categorically against this method, since it can damage the nevus and cause the development of malignant tumors. In addition, it is not recommended to pull hair out of a mole, as this can cause bleeding..

Hair on moles is a common occurrence and, for many, quite unpleasant. Removing them or leaving them is everyone’s personal choice. Those who decide to get rid of unwanted vegetation must obtain professional advice from a doctor and perform the procedure only in approved ways.