You can apply olive oil to your face


Olive oil is a substance that is actively used in cosmetology. It is very rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, which is why its use for healing the epidermis of the face is very effective. Before using olive squeeze, you need to know how and on what areas of the skin it can be applied.


Use in its pure form

Many women doubt the possibility of using olive facial treatment. Some of them believe that this substance can clog pores and disrupt the sweat-oil balance of facial skin. Cosmetologists believe that this product can be safely used to care for the dermis of the face without the use of other impurities and additives. They claim that this product is able to affect the skin from the inside, penetrating and absorbing deeply into it.

Learn more about the benefits of olive oil in the next video.

It is believed that pure olive oil does not allow the skin to dry out; on the contrary, it nourishes and moisturizes it.

It has also been scientifically proven that this substance can make the complexion more even, beautiful and healthy. It does not clog into the pores, but penetrates deep inside and cleanses them.


Some researchers note that olives are a natural antioxidant. They can slow down the aging process of the skin, and also perfectly help in the fight against expression wrinkles. Representatives of the fair sex claim that daily application of olive oil to the skin of the face can reduce the first signs of aging. It can also make deep wrinkles less noticeable.

Can olive oil be used instead of cream? More on this in the next video.

How to apply

This product can be applied to the skin of the face either in its pure form or mixed with other beneficial natural substances. It can be used for any type of skin, it will perfectly moisturize skin prone to dryness, eliminate oily skin from sebaceous sheen, and also cleanse problematic dermis.

How to apply olive oil on your face is in the next video.

The skin of the face can be wiped with olive oil. To carry out this procedure, you need to apply a small amount of this substance to a cotton swab and blot the skin with it. This way you can remove makeup from your face and also cleanse your skin. These procedures can be performed at any time of the day. The most effective way is to use olive oil to cleanse your face twice a day.


Rubbing your face with olive oil can be a good alternative to applying moisturizers.

Regularly rubbing the skin with this product can lead to the elimination of age spots. Its daily use significantly improves the condition of the entire skin as a whole.



Rubbing the skin with olive oil helps very well in the fight against wrinkles. To improve the effect, mix it with lemon juice in equal proportions. This mixture will accelerate the regeneration processes of the skin and will also help smooth out the skin of the face. If you increase the amount of lemon juice in this mixture, you can get an excellent whitening and moisturizing agent for the face. It perfectly evens out the skin and gives it radiance.



Benefits and harms

Properly selected and 100% natural olive oil will not cause any harm to the skin. But there is also low-quality olive oil, which contains less beneficial impurities, which should not be used to avoid negative consequences. There are several varieties of this remedy. These include natural, purified, pomace and blended olive oils.


The very first variety is the most preferable. It does not contain any components other than naturally obtained olive oil. The second variety goes through several stages of purification, which can lead to the loss of a number of beneficial properties by this substance. Less preferred are blended olive oils; even if the substance is mixed with other natural oils, it may lose a lot of its properties. That is why it is necessary to purchase natural olive oil, which does not contain other ingredients.



If the substance is 100% natural, it will not cause itching or irritation.

The main feature of olive oil is that this substance is completely hypoallergenic. That is why it can be suitable even for the care of sensitive skin. Olive oil will make the skin softer and silkier. That is why many women actively use it to combat age-related changes in facial skin.



Olive oil will benefit any type of skin if you make a special cream from it. To do this, you need to mix five tablespoons of this substance, heated, with the large yolk of one egg. This mixture must be brought to a homogeneous consistency and applied to the face as a mask. After 15 minutes, it must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water. It will perfectly moisturize the skin of the face and help get rid of irritation and redness.



Many women use olive oil very often. This product is especially popular among the fair sex who have dry skin. They write that this natural product very intensively nourishes the skin and at the same time allows you to get rid of dryness and flaking. Women use this product to massage, which provides hydration. They also recommend lubricating areas with very dry and rough skin with this product.

You will learn how to make a mask with olive oil in the following video.

Some women who have oily skin indicate that this product in its pure form is not suitable for them.

They write that it is poorly absorbed and does not eliminate oily shine. Therefore, they use this product in combination with other oils, primarily essential oils. They mix olive and one of the essential oils of citrus, lavender, jojoba, sandalwood and others in a ratio of 8 to 2.


Those with oily skin indicate that they use olive oil no more than once a month. They write that with such infrequent use, this product brings them the desired result in the form of cleansing the skin.


All women are unanimous that using olive oil on the skin of the face is not only possible, but also necessary, since its spectrum of action is very wide.


Since olive oil is hydrophilic, meaning it has the ability to partially absorb moisture, it is ideal for human skin. The ancient Greeks used it the way we use regular shower gel, that is, they cleansed their bodies with it. In those days, they had not yet learned how to make soap, so olive oil was a very necessary and popular product.

Nowadays, it is actively used in many cosmetic products. Thanks to its excellent balanced composition, it is excellent for the care of aging, aging and dry skin with wrinkles and pigmentation.

For external use, only oil of the “Extra Virgin” class, that is, first cold pressed, is used. The substance that is not subjected to heat treatment retains the maximum amount of useful components.

Useful properties of “liquid gold”

"Raw" olive oil contains the following substances:

  1. Oleic, linoleic and stearic acid.
  2. Vitamins A, E, D, K and group B.
  3. Minerals.
  4. Squalane and much more.

Thanks to the presence of a large number of useful components, olive oil actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, protects it from drying out and negative environmental influences, and prevents premature aging. The nutritional component of the product allows you to restore elasticity and softness to the skin, prevents the formation of wrinkles and dryness. The presence of vitamins A and E, which are important for the skin, helps the oil fight free radicals and eliminate the risk of pigmentation due to photoaging.

Squalane is a unique component that is very important for normal skin function. It helps fight various negative environmental influences, protects against the influence of solar radiation and microorganisms, promotes cell regeneration and takes part in the functioning of the water-lipid mantle.

Olive oil contains little squalane, but if you use it regularly in your skin care routine, you can achieve very good results.

The use of high-quality oil in the form of a separate care product or as part of cosmetics makes it possible to significantly improve the condition of the skin, make it smoother, denser, more elastic, and prevent it from drying out and forming wrinkles.

It can be used not only on the face, but also on the whole body. It has an excellent effect on the condition of dehydrated, dry and flaky skin, helps after sunbathing and swimming in the sea, in a pool with chlorinated water. The oil is used to care for thin and fragile skin of the neck and décolleté, helps improve the condition of nails and can even be used to care for such sensitive and delicate areas as the skin of the eyelids.

Just don’t count on the wonderful properties of olive oil and completely replace your skin care routine with it, especially anti-aging care. This is an excellent additional remedy, but for aging skin it is necessary to have more effective preparations with deep action.


Selecting quality oil

Everyone already knows that the product must be cold-pressed. Refined oil is great for cooking, but it contains too few beneficial components for cosmetic use.

Olive oil is produced in a large number of Mediterranean countries, mainly Greece, Turkey, Italy, Spain and France. Since Greece is considered the birthplace of such production and there are many large and small enterprises that produce virgin oil of excellent quality, it is better to purchase it. But Spain and Italy are also considered good producers, so you shouldn’t discount them. French oil is often more expensive because it is produced in smaller quantities and is more difficult to obtain. The quality of Turkish products largely depends on the manufacturer. You can buy excellent oil from small private companies.

Olive oil must be stored in a dark (green) glass bottle in a place inaccessible to direct sunlight.

Application of the product in different forms

In home cosmetology, olive oil is used both in pure form and as part of various skin and hair care products. It is added to face and body creams, scrubs and makeup removers, face and hair masks, applications, and compresses are made from it.

This wonderful substance harmonizes perfectly with various additives:

  1. Chicken egg yolk.
  2. Other beneficial oils.
  3. Yeast.
  4. Bran or oat flakes.
  5. Honey.
  6. Aloe juice.
  7. Extracts and decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  8. Cottage cheese and other fermented milk products.
  9. Starch and flour.
  10. Cosmetic clay.

It is recommended to use the oil in courses, especially in its pure form, as it can “clog” pores, especially if the skin is naturally combination or prone to oiliness. In this case, the period of use is 14 days; for dry and aging skin, the time of use can be extended to 30 days. Then you need to take a break, after which you can return to your previous mode of use. Course treatment of skin and hair has the maximum effect.


Using pure oil

You can use oil as a separate product in the following cases:

  1. For compresses.
  2. For removing makeup.
  3. As a hair mask before washing.

Compresses are an excellent means of preventing skin aging and restoring elasticity, especially for delicate and thin dry skin of the neck and décolleté. They use cotton wool wrapped in gauze. The compress is soaked in heated olive oil and applied to thoroughly cleansed and moisturized skin. You can pre-apply active serum. Under the influence of heat, the pores will open and the components will be deeply absorbed, producing a beneficial effect.

The oil does not need to be washed off. The remains are gently beaten into the skin and the excess is blotted with napkins. A course of 10–15 compresses will help restore the density and elasticity of even very dry skin with flaking.

As a makeup remover, olive oil proves to be an excellent way to remove heavy makeup or waterproof cosmetics. It perfectly dissolves foundation and powder components, removes mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow without drying out the skin and keeping it soft and moisturized. This is the best way to remove makeup for people with very thin and dry, aging skin.

If your hair begins to dry out from the sun or sea, the ends become split and dull, applying heated olive oil half an hour before washing will help restore it to its former shine, movement and lively appearance.

It is impossible to heat oil on fire, because it will lose its healing properties. It is best to use a water bath or steam. A small container of oil can be heated in a cup of hot water.

Masks for skin rejuvenation based on olive oil

A course of the following masks will help you get a good long-term effect:

For this mask, mix equal amounts of all ingredients, first dissolving the yeast in the yogurt. After dissolution, add oil, carrot and lemon juice. After mixing, apply in layers on the face, thicker - under the eyes and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcrow's feet. Leave for half an hour and wash off with plenty of water.

  1. With added vitamin E

Take one capsule of vitamin E oil solution per tablespoon of raw oil. After mixing, apply to eyelids and entire face. The product is not washed off, but blotted with a napkin. Can be used daily.

  1. With cosmetic clay

This is an excellent home remedy with a cleansing and lifting effect. For the mask, take equal proportions of blue cosmetic clay and olive oil. You should get a mixture similar to good sour cream. Apply a thick layer and leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse with cool water, lubricate the skin with moisturizer. Do not use more than 2 times every 7 days.

  1. Based on egg white and banana

The mask will contain half a ripe peeled banana, an egg white, olive oil and fresh carrot juice - a tablespoon each. Combine all components and turn into a homogeneous paste. Apply for 10 minutes, remove with a napkin, and rinse. Excellent for maintaining clear facial contours.

Oatmeal flour is mixed with warm olive oil to form a thick mass. It is applied to skin heated with a hot compress or steam, kept for 15 minutes, softened and washed off.

The kiwi fruit contains fruit acids that help effectively remove dead cells, improve complexion and cleanse pores, and fight pigmentation. The fruit is turned into puree, to which the same volume of sour cream and a tablespoon of olive oil are added. If the mixture turns out to be liquid, you can add a little starch or oatmeal to it. Apply for 10 minutes.

  1. On sauerkraut

For the mask you will need cabbage juice and the same amount of olive oil. To keep the mixture on the skin, add starch. Apply the mask for 30 minutes at complete rest. After rinsing, the skin should be lubricated with cream.

Mix a teaspoon of fresh honey with a tablespoon of oil, apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse. To enhance the effect of the product, you can add good homemade cottage cheese.

The mask includes a tablespoon of boiled potatoes, mashed, a teaspoon of butter, heavy cream and glycerin. The mixture is kneaded and applied warm for 20 minutes. Remove the mass with a napkin and wash. It is better to do the mask in the morning, since if done at night, it can cause swelling.

  1. With turmeric

This product is great for stimulating blood circulation, but can cause a strong reaction, especially with sensitive, dry skin. For it, take a tablespoon of starch and dilute it with water to a thick mass. Then add a teaspoon each of turmeric powder and oil. Stir and apply, avoiding the eye and mouth area. Leave for no more than 10 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

Homemade masks are very useful, but they will give a good effect only if used regularly in courses.

Olive oil scrubs

Using olive oil, you can make excellent homemade scrubs that will not only “polish” the skin, but also effectively nourish it. In this case, the main scrubbing component can be:

  1. Sea salt. This is an excellent product for cleansing and toning skin, especially oily and inflammatory skin.
  2. Sugar, preferably cane sugar. It is a universal mild product suitable for any skin.
  3. Oatmeal, ground in a blender or coffee grinder. They are perfect for delicate and thin dry skin, even on the face.

It is very simple to prepare a scrub composition at home; just mix the base product with olive oil. If desired, you can add a couple of drops of essential oils to the mixture. This will enhance the effectiveness of the product and give it a pleasant aroma.

Facial compresses

You can use compresses with olive oil not only for the skin of the neck and décolleté. The face also responds well to such influence. It is very good to make warm applications on the forehead as a remedy for expression lines and apply oil to the eyelids, especially to the crow's feet areas.

It can be used either as a pure product or with the addition of an oil solution of vitamin E (for dry skin), rosemary essential oil or any citrus fruit for oily skin. It is necessary to first check the reaction to essential oils. They cannot be added to the main composition more than 2 - 3 drops.

When applying the compress, it is recommended to lie in a relaxed position and not talk. The duration of the procedure is 20 – 30 minutes, frequency – 1 – 2 times a week. The course consists of 10 – 20 compresses depending on the needs of the skin.


Olive oil rarely causes allergic reactions, but, like any herbal remedy, it cannot be considered absolutely safe. Even if ingestion did not cause any negative effects, before using the product as a cosmetic product, it is worth doing a basic skin test. This will save you from many unpleasant moments.

Cosmetologists recommend introducing oil into your care from the age of 25. It is during this period that the invisible process of skin aging “starts,” and olive oil will help delay it as long as possible.


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Tuesday, May 02, 2017 10:51 + to quote book

The use of olive oil as a cosmetic goes back several centuries.


The miraculous properties of this product allow it to remain one of the main components in the cosmetic industry.

Olive oil for the face has gained such popularity as a cosmetic product for a reason. It contains a large amount of vitamins essential for the skin such as E and A.
According to biological studies, vitamin E significantly prolongs youthfulness of the skin, and vitamin E provides elasticity and hydration to the skin.
That is why regular use of olive oil in various masks provides the skin with youth, beauty and a smooth, delicate structure. Olive oil also contains healthy monounsaturated fats, which are necessary to keep the skin in good condition, and vitamins D, K, B.
See more details Olive oil in home cosmetics


Today we’ll talk about the currently popular topic of using olive oil for skin in its PURE FORM.

What are the benefits of olive oil for the face? One spoon contains a large amount of essential vitamins, monounsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients for the body. Their combined impact

  1. has a unique moisturizing effect,
  2. has a softening and calming effect,
  3. promotes active regeneration of epidermal cells,
  4. protects the skin from the effects of aggressive external factors (ultraviolet rays, dry air, etc.).

French scientists have found that the fats in olive oil are identical to those that form sebum. This is why olive oil helps so well with inflammatory skin redness, irritation, and prevents peeling and aging. The oil quickly penetrates the capillaries, which allows it to be used as a conductor for other active components - essential compositions.



Olive oil for nourishing and moisturizing facial skin

Olive oil is not an allergenic substance, so it can even be used for sensitive skin. This product will be no less useful and for aging and dry skin. Its ability to moisturize the skin and significantly slow down the aging process is sure to provide positive results. In middle-aged women, the body's production of collagen and elastin constantly decreases, so olive oil, thanks to its natural elastins, can easily restore its deficiency in the skin. In addition, the oil accelerates the process of cell regeneration, which causes its rejuvenation.

Dry skin After using olive oil, the face becomes moisturized and radiant. Peeling, inflammation and itching disappear.

Many women have appreciated the beneficial effects of olive oil for aging skinwith the first signs of aging, since in adulthood it requires intensive hydration and nutrition. The main effect of olive oil on the skin: moisturizing, stimulating metabolism.

It is useful to wipe your face, neck and décolleté with it in the morning and evening, moistening a cotton swab in a small amount.
Remove excess with a napkin.

The moisturizing effect of the oil is formed due to its ability to retain the required amount of liquid in the skin cells without closing the pores, which is important. The use of olive oil can not only prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but also smooth out those small wrinkles that have already appeared.
To moisturize your skin, you can simply lubricate your face with slightly warmed olive oil and leave for 20-30 minutes. For very dry and flaky skin, this will help soften it and eliminate flaking.
If you have combination skin, but some areas are constantly flaking, it is recommended to apply olive oil to them several times a day. Normal skin should be lubricated with olive oil for 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week.

Effect of olive oil for oily skin. In this case, it should not be used in its pure form, since the drug does not reduce the excessive production of sebaceous secretions, but, on the contrary, can lead to clogging of pores and an oily sheen on the face.
For the same reason, olive oil for problem skin, prone to acne, should only be used in combination with other ingredients.



Olive oil for skin cleansing

Oil dissolves fat and dirt, so there is no need to be afraid that it will clog pores or cause the formation of pimples, blackheads and comedones. All these skin problems arise due to exposure to pathogenic bacteria, hormonal imbalances, the buildup of dead cells and many other negative factors, and cleansing with olive oil reduces these effects.

To do this, apply a few drops of oil to a cotton swab pre-soaked in warm water and squeezed out and walk over the skin in the direction of the main massage lines, carefully removing impurities. This method allows you to not only effectively cleanse your face, but also do it as carefully as possible, without destroying the natural water-lipid layer.
Next, it is recommended to rinse your face with warm water 5-10 minutes after the procedure.
If the procedure is carried out in the evening, then the oil does not even need to be washed off (especially if the skin is dry or aging), its remnants will be absorbed overnight and the next morning your face will glow.

The second option is to heat the container with oil by placing it in hot water. Then moisten a cotton swab in hot water, dip it in warm oil and wipe the swab over the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. After 2-3 minutes, blot off the remaining oil with a napkin or rinse with warm water.

You can remove makeup in the same way: warm olive oil is also great for removing makeup from the face, and it can even be used instead of milk to remove eye makeup.

However, if after using it the skin becomes dry and tight, or, conversely, begins to become oily, you should start combining it with your usual creams, or use it as one of the components of homemade masks, and then olive oil will bring the desired result.



Olive oil for skin care around the eyes and lips

Olive oil is no less widely used in caring for the skin around the eyes. It allows you to well moisturize the thin skin under the eyes and smooth out the small wrinkles on it.
Simply lubricate the skin area around the eyes with lukewarm olive oil, gently pressing it into the skin with your fingertips, and leave it either overnight or for 30-40 minutes, then remove excess oil with a paper napkin.

Olive oil can also be used to care for the skin of the lips, because this is one of the most sensitive areas on our face and it needs special attention. To soften, moisturize and nourish your lips, apply a small amount of oil and let absorb.


The topic of using oils instead of cream is still relevant. Experts with many years of experience helped us understand this issue.

So, the undeniable beneficial properties of olive oil as opposed to the effectiveness of your cream. Expert opinions on this matter.

  1. Irina Melnik, cosmetologist and esthetician at Bella Potemkina Beauty salon

Olive oil can replace cream only if you do not have the necessary usual and suitable care at hand. In this case, after you have applied it to your face, you should remove the excess with a paper napkin.
It is best to use olive oil as a body treatment: Apply it after a shower, paying special attention to drier areas - elbows, heels. Olive oil is contraindicated for those with oily skin. Even just one time can provoke the appearance of inflammatory elements. For example, if you apply it to the area around the eyes, swelling may occur.

  1. Kristina Kakhktsyan, cosmetologist, Anne Semonin brand expert

Oil is great for facial skin care, but the formulation “oil instead of cream” is not entirely correct. I don’t recommend replacing cream with oil, but this tandem for working with skin is very compatible. Each product has its own mission, and in this case it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​what the oil does and what the cream does.
Olive oil restores well, nourishes and saturates with vitamins, but it is better to use it at night and on damp skin. Before using the oil, you need to understand what type of skin you have and whether this oil can be used specifically for you in order to avoid clogging of pores and the appearance of inflammatory elements.
The oil is preferably used for dry, aging and damaged skin. Do not forget that constant use of olive oil alone can cause the opposite reaction of the skin - dryness.

But cream is a more familiar and convenient product for care, especially in the morning. The cream is also necessary during the day, as it not only moisturizes the skin, but also protects it from the negative effects of the environment and dehydration. It is rich in more active ingredients and has a more powerful effect compared to oil.

  1. Alexey Savostin, beauty director of Buro 24/7

I have nothing against oils, including olive oil. Especially when the oil is rich in saturated fatty acids, it is generally wonderful. But long-term use of only oils in your beauty diet instead of cream can lead to disastrous consequences. The skin will simply lose its natural protective barrier and become susceptible to negative environmental factors. Lipids in the upper layer of the epidermis will suffer, and the skin may become even drier. I would also remind those who like to drench themselves in oil from head to toe that oils create a film on the surface of the skin. It prevents the release of toxins, sebum and promotes the formation of comedones. That is, metabolic processes are disrupted, which can also lead to dehydration.

For complete care, I would still recommend using a cream that contains both an aqueous and an oil phase. The “oil in cream” category will perfectly nourish the skin, saturate it with fat-soluble vitamins, and the water phase will moisturize, saturate it with water-soluble vitamins and other useful ingredients that are introduced into this “part” of the cream. If you cannot live without oil on your body, then at least do not forget to exfoliate regularly (2 times a week).
Based on materials from


PS. Cosmetologists have not reached a consensus on whether olive oil can be used instead of face cream. For young women who have not crossed the 30-year mark - it is permissible, especially in the eye contour area.
For older ladies, moisturizing alone is not enough; their skin requires proper nutrition and lifting, so in this case it can be considered exclusively as an additional component of an anti-aging beauty program.
But when olive oil really demonstrates a pronounced effect, it is as part of various masks: nourishing, moisturizing, anti-wrinkle.

Well, on the eve of the beach season, the following information will be useful: according to recent research, thanks to the high content of active ingredients, nutrition and deep hydration, olive oil perfectly restores and protects the body’s skin from aging, and reduces the risk of melanoma.
That's why doctors recommend applying olive oil before and after tanningto remove the negative effects of harmful UV rays.