How to get rid of white stretch marks on thighs

As we age, our body inevitably gains weight, but when this happens too sharply or the skin does not have the proper elasticity, characteristic marks appear on it. Striae can appear all over the body and for various reasons, but getting rid of stretch marks on the thighs is the most difficult, since the skin in this area is quite rough and the connective tissue is located close. But difficult does not mean impossible! Below we will consider effective methods of combating and preventing such cosmetic defects.

Definition and Features

Striae, as doctors call them, are stripes on the body of white, blue or purple. They are not considered a disease and do not affect the body’s performance at all; they are only a cosmetic drawback. Stretch marks on the hips, and indeed any part of the body, appear as a result of rupture of epidermal fibers, which the body “patches” with the help of connective tissue.

That is, these are a kind of scars that just appeared without visible wounds. The causes of this defect are hormonal disorders in the body or sudden changes in body shape. Interestingly, it has already been proven that in the first case the striae are directed horizontally, and in the second - vertically or diagonally to the floor.

Reasons for appearance

If we analyze in detail the causes of stretch marks on the hips, then it all comes down to a sharp change in the structure of the body. Even changes in hormonal levels due to illness or adolescence are always associated with weight gain and changes in body shape, especially in girls. So, stretch marks can occur when:

  1. sudden weight gain when the skin does not have time to stretch (this also includes muscle gain during intense training);
  2. sudden weight loss, when the epidermis tears and breaks, forming folds;
  3. changes in body shape associated with pregnancy and childbirth.

In addition to such natural causes, stretch marks on the butt and thighs can appear after taking hormonal medications or due to a genetic predisposition. This happens rarely and is characterized by insufficient collagen levels in the skin initially.

Basic rules of wrestling

Before getting rid of stretch marks on your thighs, you need to be patient because this process takes months and you need to be prepared for it.

It is possible to completely remove stretch marks that have just appeared, and the connective tissue in them has not yet become coarsened. These stripes are distinguished by their characteristic red, blue or purple color. Pink stretch marks already indicate the death of capillaries, which means that it will be more difficult to fight the defect. It is generally impossible to remove white stripes, you can only make them as invisible as possible. This is due to the fact that the scars are already fully formed.

Important rules in the fight against stretch marks are regularity and complexity. Only by constantly performing the required exercises can you get visible results from your efforts.

External means

To get rid of stretch marks on the thighs and other parts of the body or to make them less noticeable, specialized cosmetics are often used. You can buy them in pharmacies or official points of sale, the main thing is to always follow the instructions when using them. As a rule, application is based on applying the product to damaged areas of the skin after taking a shower. To do this, the skin must be dry, and the creams themselves do not require rinsing. The frequency of use depends on the product, but is typically twice daily.

If desired, such products can be made independently.

So, for homemade cream you will need to mix 1 part aloe juice (50 ml), 2 parts olive oil, 6 capsules of vitamin A and 4 capsules of tocopherol.

To prepare massage oil, you need to combine 10 ml of shea, cocoa and coconut butters in a water bath. After this, add 5 ml of wheat germ oil and a few drops of lavender oil. This composition will require rinsing off half an hour after application and should be used no more than twice a week.

Once a week, you can use a scrub to make other products more effective. To prepare it, mix 2 parts of ground coffee and cane sugar, 1 part each of olive and almond oils, and 0.5 parts of wheat germ oil.

It is very important, before removing stretch marks on the thighs using one of the listed methods, to do an allergy test to its components. To do this, a little product is applied to the wrist, and a reaction is observed for a day. If no unpleasant sensations are detected, you can begin direct use.

Commonly used methods

Wraps are very good for removing stretch marks on thighs. To do this, you need to apply the composition to clean skin, wrap the treated areas with film, get dressed and lie under a blanket for 30-60 minutes. After this, wash off the composition.

For this you can use warm, cold-pressed vegetable oil, its mixture with essential oils, diluted apple cider vinegar and cosmetic clay paste.

The duration of the course is 12 procedures, performed every other day. To be effective, you will need to repeat several courses.

It is important to remember that mixtures with essential oils should be washed off 15 minutes after application, and the procedure itself may be contraindicated if:

  1. varicose veins;
  2. skin diseases;
  3. elevated temperature;
  4. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  5. pregnancy and lactation;
  6. diseases of the thyroid gland;
  7. pathologies of the genital organs;
  8. infections.

Fragrant baths

Very rarely, stretch marks appear on the back of the thigh, and to get rid of them, you can simply take water treatments. Aromatic baths with the addition of essential oils, honey, milk or sea salt are suitable for this. Salt baths with the addition of aromatic herbs improve skin tone.

It is important to carry out the procedures every other day and devote 15-20 minutes of time to them. The chest should always be above the water.

Contrast showers and massages perfectly tone the epidermis; the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to aggravate tissue rupture.

Medical methods

How to get rid of stretch marks on thighs if the methods listed above do not work? In particularly difficult situations, aesthetic medicine can help, but it has a number of contraindications and can be traumatic, so first it is better to consult a specialist. Such radical measures include:

  1. Chemical peeling. It is a treatment of the skin with acid, which triggers the natural regeneration process and stimulates the production of its own collagen.
  2. Mesotherapy – subcutaneous injections.
  3. Ozone therapy – subcutaneous injections.
  4. Laser resurfacing. Burning of skin areas with a laser, as a result of which the natural processes of skin restoration are also launched.

According to reviews, the most effective method is the latter.

Prevention of stretch marks with cosmetic products

In order not to think about methods of getting rid of stretch marks on the back thigh, buttocks, legs and abdomen, it is enough to simply regularly perform the following cosmetic procedures, especially if weight loss or gain is expected in the near future. They can be performed individually, but in combination they will have a better effect on the skin, increasing its tone.

So, during water procedures you should take a contrast shower every day. This improves blood circulation in the epidermis and speeds up metabolism. You should start with a warm stream and end with a cool stream. At the same time, this procedure will harden the body.

After a shower, moisturizers should be applied to skin prone to stretching. These can be creams, lotions or oils. By rubbing them, you can simultaneously massage problem areas with light stimulating movements, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Natural skin tone thanks to sports

In adolescents, the process of body changes is uncontrollable, so the appearance of stretch marks can be a real surprise, and since strong psychological changes occur at this age, any cosmetic defect can cause depression. The best way to prevent the formation of stretch marks on the hips in adolescents is physical activity. If sports are not a child’s hobby, then the following exercises can be used for prevention:

  1. jumping rope;
  2. squats;
  3. lunges;
  4. swing your legs;
  5. leg lifts.

The technique for performing all tasks must be followed, otherwise the necessary muscles will not receive the proper load and the skin tone on the thighs will not be improved.

During squats, you should lower yourself until your legs are bent at a right angle, and then stand up again. You cannot lift your heels off the floor, and you need to make sure that your back is straight. The exercise should be repeated at least 10 times in three approaches daily.

Lunges are more difficult because you also need to maintain balance. To perform this, you need to stand straight and take a big step forward, then bend your back leg at the knee, lowering it to the floor. Then you should stand, leaning on your front leg, take the IP and repeat with the other leg.

Swings are also performed while standing, alternately raising both legs to the sides and back and forth.

For the last exercise, you need to get on all fours and alternately lift each leg parallel to the floor or slightly higher, the main thing is that the knee is level at this time.

You can set the sequence of tasks yourself, the main thing is to complete each one several times.

Today, stretch marks on the thighs are a common problem among both women and men.

Stretching (stria) is a scarring change in the skin that occurs due to a violation of the elasticity of the skin. The reason for their appearance is not always mechanical impact.

They appear due to biochemical changes in a woman’s body. Striae can be located on the abdomen, chest, buttocks, and back of the leg. They have different colors and sizes.

The stretch marks can be either dark purple or white. It depends on how long the problem has existed. Fresh stretch marks are red with a purple tint. Later they lighten up. There are photos on the Internet that will help you recognize stretch marks on the body, as well as determine the severity of the problem. Striae are not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. This means that they are not exposed to tanning. Therefore, in the summer, stretch marks located on the hips are especially visible.

The main reasons for the appearance

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the problem.

Most often, stretch marks on the thighs appear as a result of:

  1. Powerlifting and other types of weightlifting.
  2. Sudden weight gain. (This reason is the most common. The skin stretches sharply and stretch marks appear).
  3. Hormonal changes. During puberty, a strong hormonal imbalance occurs, so stretch marks can often be observed in adolescents.
  4. Taking certain medications. Especially those that belong to the group of glucocorticoids. They can provoke severe obesity.
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system. Because of this problem, many others arise, including striae. Therefore, it is important to start treatment on time so as not to worsen the situation.

The causes of stretch marks can be judged by their location. Vertical striae are most often the cause of pregnancy or weight changes. And horizontal ones signal problems of the endocrine system.

To get rid of stretch marks, one or several folk methods are often used. You can also make a homemade scrub with almond essential oil. In addition to self-treatment of stretch marks, you can resort to salon treatment. For example, for a body wrap or massage.

What causes stretch marks on the thighs: ways to get rid of them, prevention

The thinner the outer film of the epidermis, the more visible the blood vessels are. Damaged blood vessels are visible through the upper layer of the epidermis, which atrophies.

Over time, the subcutaneous tissue fills with connective scar tissue and the stretch marks fade and eventually turn white.

This explains the appearance of stretch marks on the thighs, chest and abdomen. Not only women, but also men suffer from stretch marks.

How to remove

While stretch marks are purple, blue or red, they are much easier to get rid of. This means that the process of skin atrophy has just begun and it can still be saved. The paler the stretch mark, the more difficult it is to get rid of it. Therefore, white stripes of skin that no longer contain melanin are very difficult to treat.


You can get rid of stretch marks by making your skin more elastic. There are many methods and means for this. One of the options for using vegetable oils. This method is suitable for removing fresh stretch marks. Mix 1 part neroli oil with 1 part limeta oil. 2 parts each of lavender, petitgrain and mandarin oil. The resulting liquid is rubbed into problem areas for 10 minutes with massage movements. After the procedure, rub in wheat germ oil.

Another recipe will also help cope with stretch marks on the hips. 30 ml of jojoba oil should be combined with clove, mint and lavender oils. You only need 2 drops each. 4 drops of geranium oil are also added there. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin daily for 10 minutes. Excess oils are removed with a napkin at the end of the procedures.

Cosmetical tools

There are a number of cosmetic products. If the rhythm of life does not allow you to spend time preparing masks yourself, then you can use ready-made products.

When purchasing such ready-made products, first of all you need to pay attention to the composition. It should include the following components: hyaluronic acid, essential oils, plant extracts, vitamins, elastin, amino acids and peptides, collagen. Effective products are not cheap, but the results are worth the money spent.


If you don’t want to wait and point your finger at the sky, then you should trust a specialist. Nowadays, cosmetologists' offices are always open to their clients. Here they will talk in detail about why unsightly and unnecessary stretch marks appear on the hips and will help eliminate them using modern procedures.

In the salons you can do the following manipulations: balneotherapy, thalassotherapy, Spa, mesotherapy course, ozone-oxygen method of accelerating metabolism in the epidermis, chemical peeling and laser resurfacing. Experts will advise which procedure to choose after the first examination. Such methods of dealing with stretch marks can be called the fastest and most effective.


Preventing the appearance of stretch marks, which spoil the appearance, especially of a girl, is much easier than treating them later. In order to avoid the problem of unsightly stripes on the thigh, buttock and stomach, you need to follow some simple rules. First, avoid sudden stretching of the skin. This applies most of all to girls trying to lose weight. There is no need to rejoice at the sudden weight loss. After all, instead of one problem, there is a risk of getting another.

Losing weight is necessary per month, but no more. You need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of drinking water per day. After all, a lack of water in the body is one of the reasons why stretch marks on the thighs appear, and later increase. Thirdly, watch your diet. It should include more vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils and lean meats and fish. These products are beneficial not only for the skin, but also for the entire body.

Fourth, play sports. But this should be done in moderation, since excessive and sudden load will only worsen the problem. Therefore, the load should be increased gradually. It’s better to start with light running or gymnastics. It is better to avoid exercise equipment. Fifth, take a shower regularly. A sharp jet of water creates a massage effect, which is good for the skin and its external and internal condition. Sixth, monitor your hormonal levels.

After all, its change can also provoke the formation of stretch marks. This is especially true for women during pregnancy and those who have infants. During this period, a woman’s body is unpredictable. The main condition for effective and quick removal of stretch marks is timely intervention.

Until stretch marks are fully formed, they are much easier to eliminate than those that exist on the body for a long time. But even in this case, do not despair. Everything can be fixed if you use several methods at once. But you should prepare for the fact that treatment will take a lot of time and effort.

Striae or stretch marks often appear in women due to hormonal imbalance during intense exercise. This skin defect can cause psychological discomfort, so it is important to get rid of it in time by starting treatment. There is a whole range of measures to combat stretch marks: massage, home remedies, salon treatments, etc.

What causes stretch marks on the thighs

Striae on the thighs are not considered a disease. Being a cosmetic defect, they do not affect the performance of the body. As a rule, stretch marks on the inner thigh appear as a result of micro-tears in the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue, which are then filled with scar connective tissue. At first, stretch marks are red and dark blue in color, and after a few months they become white. Among the main reasons for the formation of stretch marks, regardless of their location, are:

  1. active sports, accompanied by an increase in muscle mass (the skin simply does not have time to stretch);
  2. hereditary predisposition (insufficient collagen levels from birth);
  3. intense weight gain;
  4. growth of the abdomen and breasts (in pregnant women);
  5. changes in hormonal levels, diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis);
  6. blood flow disturbance;
  7. taking hormonal medications;
  8. adolescence in girls (12–16 years), when the shape of the figure changes;
  9. lack of hydration.

Ways to get rid of stretch marks

Treatment for stretch marks should begin immediately after they appear. Getting rid of fresh stretch marks is easier than old ones.

If they have been present on the body for a long time, then they cannot be completely removed; you can only reduce the manifestations of microtraumas and improve the condition of the epidermis using various home and salon procedures. The most effective methods to combat stretch marks:

  1. Sport. Moderate physical activity has a positive effect on skin condition. Stretching (stretching) helps make muscles elastic. It is better to limit cardio loads, as they often cause stretch marks.
  2. Proper nutrition. It is necessary to include beef, pork, fresh vegetables, fish, cheese, herbs, and fruits in the diet. You need to drink at least two liters of fluid per day. It is necessary to include in the menu dishes with a high content of zinc, as it increases the elasticity and density of the skin. For example, oysters contain a lot of trace elements. Sweets should be limited.
  3. Scrubs, masks for wraps. The most effective are coffee and salt mixtures. They help quickly get rid of stretch marks by exfoliating the dead top layer of cells and stimulating collagen production. The wrap helps remove excess water, increases the elasticity of the epidermis, and prevents the formation of new stretch marks.
  4. Proper body care. Contrast shower, rubbing, dry massage with a brush with natural bristles - these procedures have a positive effect on the elasticity of the epidermis, stimulate blood circulation, have a tightening and anti-cellulite effect, and increase tone.
  5. Massage and self-massage. The procedures improve blood supply to problem areas. To perform a massage, you can use coffee, honey, wheat germ oil. The most popular are: cupping or vacuum massage, which can be performed at home or in a beauty salon; honey – draws out impurities and toxins, cleansing the skin; hydromassage – has a strong softening effect on the affected areas.
  6. Cosmetical tools. The use of special medications will help get rid of microtraumas faster. The products enhance the effect of massage and wraps. Serums, creams, emulsions keep the skin toned.
  7. Taking vitamins and omega acids. Tocopherol (vitamin E) smoothes the skin. To restore the epidermis, ascorbic acid is used, which takes part in the production of collagen. Retinol maintains water balance in cells. B vitamins help restore damaged areas of the epidermis. Calciferols prevent premature aging. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids nourish and moisturize the skin.
  8. Professional methods of dealing with stretch marks. Chemical peeling, mesotherapy, laser, dermabrasion - these procedures help get rid of stretch marks, but only a qualified specialist can carry them out.