Red pimples appeared on the body and itched


A rash on the body always causes great concern among people. Most often, such a rash is accompanied by peeling and itching, causing discomfort to the person. Under no circumstances should such symptoms be ignored, as they can often signal some kind of malfunction in the body. These include both minor disorders and the development of serious diseases that require timely and competent treatment.

Possible reasons

Clean and smooth skin is not only beautiful, but also evidence that a person is healthy. But anyone can experience disruptions in the body, which often affect the condition of the epidermis.

There are a number of different diseases that can cause itchy rashes all over the body. Therefore, the use of only local drugs for treatment is inappropriate, especially in the absence of consultation with a specialist. Self-medication cannot give good results; it can also worsen the skin condition. Formation of small red pimples on the body can provoke the following dermatological lesions of the body:

  1. Allergy to some internal or external irritants.
  2. Prickly heat.
  3. Hives.

  4. na-tele-poyavilis-krasnye-esEfN.webp

    Nervous system disorder.
  5. Herpes virus infection.
  6. Shingles.
  7. A lesion caused by scabies mites.
  8. Reaction of the epidermis to ultraviolet rays.
  9. Alcohol abuse.
  10. Infectious diseases.
  11. Hormonal imbalance.
  12. Demodecosis.
  13. Psoriasis.
  14. Impaired metabolism.
  15. Atopic dermatitis and so on.

Each of the above factors can cause the formation of red pimples on the body, which itch and itch. In such cases, it may be appropriate to consider each factor separately.

Allergic reaction

Itchy pimples on the body often appear due to an allergic reaction of the body to both internal and external factors. The most common allergens are the following:

  1. na-tele-poyavilis-krasnye-bFwPsM.webp

    Animal fur.
  2. Ordinary dust.
  3. Clothing and underwear made of synthetic fabrics.
  4. Some food items.
  5. Medications.
  6. Cosmetics.
  7. Flower pollen.

Allergies are often accompanied by symptoms such as small rashes in the form of pimples that itch and also cause discomfort. These rashes can be localized on absolutely any part of the body, including the face. One type of allergy is atopic dermatitis, which is accompanied not only by the formation of small pimples on the body, but also by dryness, itching, and irritation of the affected areas of the epidermis.

Allergies should be treated with antihistamines, both for oral and topical use.

It is also necessary to identify the main allergen, and then exclude contact with him. Effective medications against allergic reactions are the following:

  1. na-tele-poyavilis-krasnye-ZFSmAf.webp

  2. Zyrtec.
  3. Allertek.
  4. Solcoseryl.
  5. Fenistil.

Sometimes hormonal ointments are prescribed to treat allergies.

Miliaria - a heat problem


Due to increased sweating, a person may prickly heat appears. Most often this phenomenon occurs during the hot season. It is also worth noting that children suffer from heat rash much more often than adults. It appears in the form of red pimples on the body, which are localized on the back, under the arms, chest, on the bends of the knees and elbows.

Treatment of prickly heat involves maintaining careful hygiene and taking local antiseptics.

Eczema: causes and treatment

Eczema is chronic dermatological damage to the body, which occurs due to an allergic reaction, hereditary predisposition, hormonal imbalance, damage to the digestive system, and psycho-emotional unfavorable state.


The symptoms of this disease include small itchy pimples, ulcers and other unpleasant signs that are characteristic of inflammatory processes on the skin.

As therapy, drugs are used whose action is aimed at combating the causes of its occurrence. These medications include antidepressants, hormonal drugs, allergy medications, immune system boosters, vitamin complexes and antibiotics. Local therapy involves the use of special medicinal ointments, gels, lotions, talkers and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Herpes virus infection

Sometimes small bumps on the body may be caused by the herpes virus. The symptoms will be as follows:

  1. Unpleasant sensations on the skin and itching several hours before the rash appears.
  2. Hyperemia of the affected area of ​​the epidermis, the occurrence of edema.
  3. Weeping small inflammatory elements that merge with each other.
  4. Opening the bubbles and covering them with a crust.


The affected areas of the skin are very itchy and a burning sensation may occur. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a specialist, as ignoring them can have serious consequences for human health.

As a rule, antiviral ointments and oral tablets are used for therapy. It would also be a good idea to use antiseptics to prevent the development of secondary infections. It is also recommended to strengthen your immunity with special medications.

Nervous disorders


Nervous system disorder They can also cause rashes on the body and itchy skin. This phenomenon is more thoroughly expressed at nightfall in combination with insomnia. Nervous urticaria is characterized by the appearance of blisters and blisters on the body that are itchy and painful.

To eliminate these signs of the disease, antiallergic drugs are used, for example, Suprastin, Tavegil, Fenistil, Zyrtec, Diazolin. You can also use ointments: zinc ointment, Desitin, Skin-Cap.

Ways to combat hives


Red pimples on the body that itch and itch
, and also similar to insect bites, indicate the development of dermatitis, which is called urticaria. Most often, this disease is provoked by insect bites, as well as an allergic reaction to certain foods or medications.

Before starting treatment for urticaria, it is necessary to identify the underlying cause of its development. Most often, medications are used for treatment in the form of tablets, injection solutions, and ointments. It is also necessary to follow a special diet, carry out physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as measures to strengthen the immune system.

Photodermatitis - sun disease

During hypersensitivity to ultraviolet rays, a disease develops that called photodermatitis. It is characterized by the appearance of red bumps and bumps on the body, which are sometimes accompanied by pain. Dryness and swelling of the affected areas of the skin on the surface of the epidermis may also be observed.


The development of this disease is caused by reduced immunity, metabolic disorders, as well as some external factors, for example, cosmetics with ultraviolet radiation. People with fair skin are most susceptible to the disease, as well as children whose immune systems have not yet strengthened.

In this case, photodermatitis may not appear immediately, but only after some time after exposure to the sun. The patient feels weakness, nausea, and deterioration in general health. The following medications are used as therapy:

  1. A nicotinic acid.
  2. Panthenol, Methyluracil, zinc paste.
  3. Vitamin complexes.
  4. Medicinal herbs, for example, calendula, string, chamomile.

If photodermatitis was caused by some kind of internal disease, then in this case it is necessary to cure the underlying ailment.

How to overcome psoriasis


Symptoms of this disease can appear on any part of the body, including even the scalp. More often psoriasis occurs in a chronic form, begins with the formation of small pimples and nodules. The main causes of this disease are: metabolic disorders, weakened immune system, genetic predisposition, infectious diseases and much more.

Since this disease refers to systemic lesions of the body, which affect internal organs along with the dermis, competent and timely treatment is necessary.

Red pimples on the body with psoriasis tend to merge and form plaques characteristic of dermatosis. The following medications are used to treat psoriasis:

  1. na-tele-poyavilis-krasnye-QtZbeEO.webp

    Antiallergic drugs.
  2. A nicotinic acid.
  3. Medicines to normalize liver function.
  4. Sulfuric ointment.
  5. Calcium gluconate.
  6. Naftalan ointment.
  7. Salicylic ointment.
  8. Zinc paste.

Traditional medicine methods, which involve the use of decoctions and infusions based on medicinal herbs, are also considered quite effective.

Parasitic diseases: scabies and demodicosis

There are a number of diseases, the symptoms of which are red pimples, which are classified as parasitic. This demodicosis and scabies. Their pathogens are ticks


The first symptoms of scabies are observed immediately after the larva hits the skin. The scabies rash is localized between the toes and hands, on the stomach, chest, limbs and butt.

The main signs of this disease are a feeling of severe itching and the formation of small pimples on the skin. Quite often, scabies is confused with dermatitis, manifestations of food allergies, so if such symptoms appear, it is better to immediately contact a qualified specialist.

It is worth noting that scabies is a contagious disease and can be transmitted through household contact, so therapy must be carried out simultaneously for all family members. For treatment, topical agents are usually used:

  1. Benzyl benzoate.
  2. Sulfuric ointment.
  3. Medifox.
  4. Spray Spregal.


When using any of the above products, it is not recommended to perform water procedures. Swimming is allowed only on the fifth day. It is worth paying attention to the fact that during therapy, the affected areas of the skin may itch more than usual. With proper treatment, the first symptoms should subside within a few days.

Demodectic mange is also called subcutaneous mite. It is a fairly serious dermatological disease, most often localized on the face. But characteristic signs of demodicosis can also appear in different parts of the body. The main symptoms of the disease are the following:

  1. The appearance of a red rash that is very itchy and itchy.
  2. Peeling and hyperemia of the affected areas.
  3. The formation of small pustules, through which re-infection with harmful bacteria often occurs.


Most often, therapy for demodicosis is very long, especially if the recommendations of the attending physician are not followed. Local therapy involves the use of the following drugs:

  1. Benzyl benzoate.
  2. Sulfur-tar ointment.
  3. Tetracycline ointment.
  4. Zinc ointment.

Also prescribed for treatment medications for oral administration:

  1. Antibacterial and antimycotic agents.
  2. Zodak, Zyrtec, Diazolin and other anti-allergy medications.
  3. Trichopolum.
  4. Vitamin complexes.

It is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene and proper nutrition.


If red pimples appear on the body and itch, then this cannot be ignored, even if there is no suspicion of a serious illness. Sometimes severe itching can provoke insomnia, increased irritability, and nervousness, which, in turn, can lead to the development of serious pathologies in the body.

As a preventive measure Experts recommend maintaining careful body hygiene, eating right and doing physical exercise, avoiding stress and conflict situations, getting proper rest and sleep.

Red pimples on the body cause a lot of inconvenience to their “owner”. Rashes can appear at any time, especially annoying when it happens before an important meeting or event. Many pimples are accompanied by an acute inflammatory process and pain, others disappear on their own, without causing any inconvenience to the person, except for aesthetic unattractiveness. What could it be and what to do if red rashes appear?

Unfavorable factors affecting the formation of acne

Red pimples on the body occur due to certain reasons.

The most common provoking factors are:

  1. Deficiency of useful components . Small pimples on the body of an adult are often caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals. This process leads to disruption of the functioning of organs and systems, which is accompanied by damage to the upper layer of the skin.
  2. Digestive system disorders . Often small pimples on the body, in particular on the face, indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Rashes can be triggered by poor diet, consumption of junk food and constant overeating.
  3. Allergic reaction to cosmetics . Itchy pimples after applying your favorite cream indicate its intolerance by the body, that is, the development of an allergy. In this case, the components of the product clog the pores, causing profuse rashes in the form of red dots on the body and inflammation.
  4. Hormonal imbalances provoke the formationacne on the back and other parts of the body. Peak hormone activity occurs during adolescence. Small pimples on the body of women are associated with the phase of the menstrual cycle; pimples often appear before menstruation.
  5. Systematic nervous tension . Stress and nervousness negatively affect the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Disturbances in coordinated functioning contribute to the appearance of acne throughout the body.
  6. Periodically occurring rashes are a consequence exposure to external stimuli on the body . These include temperature changes, fabrics and allergens.
  7. Insufficient hygiene . Lack of proper skin care increases the risk of developing inflammatory processes. Small pimples on the body act as a natural reaction of the body to non-compliance with hygiene procedures.

It is important to remember that only a doctor can determine the true reason why pimples appear. All of the above factors are harmless. Serious diseases of both the skin and internal organs can lead to the formation of pimples on the body of an adult.

Allergic dermatitis

Red pimples on the body are often the result of an allergic reaction. Excessive rashes can appear if you choose the wrong cosmetic and care product. Often their development is due to the negative impact of biological and physical factors.

Allergic type dermatitis provokes small red pimples on the skin. Medicinal and chemical substances act as potentially dangerous allergens. People often experience an allergic reaction in the form of red dots on their legs and arms to the components contained in washing powder. Pimples on the scalp in the hair of men and women can be a consequence of individual intolerance to the components of the shampoo.

Allergic type dermatitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. small red rashes ;
  2. itching ;
  3. the appearance of crusts on the skin .

Acne on the skin is eliminated by eliminating the allergen. A person needs to reduce or completely eliminate contact with a potentially dangerous substance. For a speedy recovery, it is advisable to use topical ointments, in particular Fenistil and Akriderm. In acute cases of the disease, it is necessary to use systemic anti-allergy medications - Claritin and Cetrin.

Prurigo: purulent papules

Pimples on the body itch due to the development of prurigo; this disease is characterized by the formation of papules. As the pathology progresses, pus forms in their cavity. Prurigo, or prurigo (the medical name of the disease) is recorded in both children and adults. In babies it is a reaction to complementary foods.

Rashes appear on the body due to the negative effects of infectious agents, chronic diseases and helminthic infestations. Pink pimples indicate the development of pathology; it is possible that pimples may form, which eventually become covered with a thin crust. They can be very itchy, which forces a person to scratch the skin until red spots appear.

Systematic mechanical damage leads to the appearance of dense nodules, the diameter of which reaches 5 mm. Pimples itch, causing general discomfort. The child may experience loss of appetite, increased irritability and sleep disturbances. Adults tolerate prurigo more easily; they experience only intense itching. It is not recommended to scratch the rash; there remains a high risk of infection, which is accompanied by suppuration.

Skin treatment involves following a diet. Potentially dangerous allergens must be removed from the diet. Additionally, it is recommended to avoid spicy, smoked and fatty foods. A person needs to normalize the functioning of the digestive system and prevent constipation. To speed up the recovery of the body, antihistamines are used: Loratadine, Diazolin and Clemastine. The rash becomes smaller on the second day after the start of treatment.

Scabies and demodicosis

Pimples on the body itch due to damage to the skin by potentially dangerous microorganisms. Parasitic diseases caused by their exposure are accompanied by red pimples and pimples on the body and unbearable itching. The most common pathologies are scabies and demodicosis.

The rashes that appear are caused by the penetration of the female scabies mite under the skin. They lay larvae in the upper layers of the epidermis, causing the formation of small papules and blisters. Treatment consists of constantly changing bed linen, following a diet and using medications. The most popular medical products are Lindane, Ivermectin, Spregal and sulfur ointment. The preparations are applied to the skin in a thin layer, several times a day.

Treatment of scabies and demodicosis is carried out in the evening, this is due to the nocturnal activity of pathogens. The optimal treatment regimen is prescribed by a doctor based on laboratory tests.


Do small pimples itch on your body, but general discomfort affects your quality of life? The development of folliculitis cannot be ruled out. This disease is accompanied by the formation of papules, pimples and blackheads on the scalp. Small rashes appear throughout the body. Red pustules often appear on the trunk and limbs. Their development is caused by damage to the skin by staphylococci and streptococci.

Itchy rashes are a consequence of weakened protective functions of the body, unbalanced nutrition, excessive sweating and disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system. This disease can be eliminated through diet and topical medications. Small rashes disappear 3-5 days after the start of intensive therapy.

To treat fungal folliculitis, antifungal drugs are used, in particular Nizoral and Exoderil. If the pathology is caused by a viral infection of the body, Acyclovir is used.

Viral diseases

The body itches in different places due to a viral infection of the skin. Pathogenic agents cause the development of herpes zoster and lichen. Large pimples and blisters appear on the body; they itch intensely, causing a lot of inconvenience to the person. They appear on any part of the skin and are accompanied by the formation of crusts. When blisters develop, a person becomes dangerous to the people around him.

The development of viral-type pathologies is provoked by a decrease in the body’s protective functions, stressful situations, long-term use of antibiotics and the development of oncology. A distinctive feature of shingles is the rapid progression and appearance of acne in pairs.

Treatment of herpes and other viral pathologies involves the use of antiviral drugs - Acyclovir, Pentalgin and Diclofenac. The use of these remedies eliminates rashes, pain and inflammation. The skin is constantly cleansed with ordinary water; skin care products are prohibited. Bed linen is changed daily, a person uses an individual towel and household items.

Hormonal disorders

In adolescence, a rash appears under the influence of hormonal imbalances. There are not so few rashes; they are localized mainly on the face, neck and chest area. Dense acne on the body does not cause discomfort. The bluish-red hue of the rash attracts attention. However, apart from being aesthetically unattractive, the rashes do not pose any danger. Read more about acne treatment →

The rash can also appear in women, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and the general condition of the body. If there are rashes caused by hormonal imbalances, no special treatment is required. It is enough to normalize your diet and monitor the skincare products you use. If painful and profuse rashes appear, and this process is systematic, it is advisable to check the level of hormones.

There are many provoking factors that cause the development of formations. If one pimple pops up, and a similar phenomenon occurs periodically, there should be no reason to worry. If itchy blisters form, accompanied by pain and burning, it is advisable to visit a doctor.

The greatest concern is a rash on the body in the form of tubercles and pimples, which itch and itch, causing discomfort. Such symptoms cannot be ignored, since they often signal some kind of malfunction in the body. These can be both minor disorders and serious diseases that require timely and competent treatment.

Possible causes of rash all over the body

Skin that is smooth and clean usually indicates good health. But even the healthiest people experience disruptions in the body, which often affect the condition of the epidermis. There are a large number of diseases that could cause an itchy rash all over the body. Therefore, using only local drugs for treatment is inappropriate, especially without consulting a specialist. Self-medication will not only not give lasting positive results, but will also worsen the condition of the epidermis.

The following dermatological lesions of the body often provoke the formation of small pimples on the body that itch:

  1. allergic reaction to any external or internal irritants;
  2. hives;
  3. prickly heat;
  4. eczema;
  5. herpes virus infection;
  6. nervous system disorders;
  7. shingles;
  8. reaction of the epidermis to ultraviolet radiation;
  9. lesions caused by scabies mites;
  10. alcohol abuse;
  11. hormonal imbalance;
  12. infectious diseases;
  13. psoriasis;
  14. demodicosis;
  15. atopic dermatitis;
  16. metabolic disorders, etc.


Each of these factors can act as a cause for the formation of pimples on the body that itch and itch. It is advisable to consider each of them separately.


Pimples on the body often appear as a result of an allergic reaction of the body, both to external and internal factors. The most common allergens:

  1. ordinary dust;
  2. animal hair;
  3. underwear and clothing made from non-natural materials;
  4. some food products;
  5. medicines;
  6. cosmetical tools;
  7. flowers.

An allergic rash is often accompanied by symptoms such as small rashes in the form of pimples that itch and cause discomfort. The rash can appear on any part of the body, including the face.

One of the types of allergies is atopic dermatitis, which is accompanied not only by the appearance of pimples on the body, but also by dryness, irritation and itching of the affected areas of the epidermis.

Treatment of allergic manifestations is carried out with antihistamines, both for local use and for oral administration.

It is also very important to identify the allergen and exclude all contact with it. Effective anti-allergy drugs:

  1. Zyrtec;
  2. Diphenhydramine;
  3. Allertek;
  4. Fenistil;
  5. Solcoseryl.

In some cases, hormonal ointments are prescribed.

Prickly heat


With excessive sweating, a person may develop prickly heat. This phenomenon is especially common in the hot season, and children suffer from prickly heat more often than adults. It appears in the form of red pimples on the body, appearing on the back, chest, armpits, on the bends of the elbows and knees.

Treatment involves maintaining careful hygiene and using local antiseptics.


Chronic dermatological damage to the body is eczema, the occurrence of which is caused by allergic reactions, hereditary predisposition, hormonal imbalance, damage to the digestive system, psycho-emotional unfavorable state, etc.

Symptoms of eczema include itchy small pimples, ulcers and other unpleasant signs characteristic of an inflammatory process on the skin.

To treat eczema, drugs are used whose action is aimed at eliminating the cause of its development.

For example, antidepressants, anti-allergy medications, hormonal drugs, immune system boosters, antibiotics, vitamin complexes. Local therapy involves the use of special medicinal ointments, lotions, gels, talkers, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures.

Herpes virus infection

Sometimes pimples and pimples on the body that itch indicate the manifestation of one of the forms of diseases caused by the herpes virus.

  1. na-tele-poyavilis-krasnye-leSVqRw.webp

    itching, discomfort on the skin several hours before the rash occurs;
  2. hyperemia of the affected areas of the epidermis, swelling;
  3. the appearance of weeping small inflammatory elements merging with each other;
  4. opening of bubbles and formation of crusts.

In this case, the affected areas of the epidermis are very itchy, and a burning sensation may be observed. When infected by airborne droplets, the symptoms of herpes are localized in the upper part of the body, and sexual transmission provokes the development of genital herpes.

The occurrence of such signs requires immediate medical attention, since neglecting them is fraught with serious health consequences.

Treatment of rashes on the body is carried out using antiviral ointments and tablets for oral administration. It would be a good idea to use antiseptics to prevent secondary infections. It is also necessary to strengthen the immune system with special medications.

You should not use hormonal medications that only relieve a symptom on the skin, but do not treat a disease that subsequently becomes chronic.


Along with any serious dermatological diseases, disorders of the nervous system cause itchy skin and rashes on the body. This phenomenon is especially pronounced at night in combination with insomnia.

Nervous urticaria is characterized by the formation of blisters and blisters that are itchy and painful. To eliminate signs of the disease on the body, antiallergic drugs are used, for example, Tavegil, Suprastin, Zyrtec, Fenistil and Diazolin. And also such ointments as Desitin, zinc ointment, Skin-Cap, etc.



The appearance of a rash on the skin of the body, similar to insect bites, indicates the development of a dermatitis called urticaria, which is provoked by insect bites, allergies to certain foods or medications.

Before you begin treatment for urticaria, you need to determine the cause of its occurrence. Medicines are usually used in the form of tablets, ointments, and injection solutions. It is necessary to follow a special diet, carry out physiotherapeutic procedures, and take measures to strengthen the immune system.


With increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, a disease called photodermatitis appears, which is characterized by the formation of pimples and bumps on the body that are itchy and sometimes painful. There is also dryness and swelling of the affected areas on the surface of the epidermis.

The development of the disease is caused by a decrease in the body's defenses, metabolic disorders, and external factors, such as the interaction of creams and cosmetics with ultraviolet radiation. People most susceptible to photodermatitis are people with fair skin types, as well as young children whose immune systems are imperfect.

Photodermatitis may not appear immediately, but some time after exposure to the sun.

In this case, the patient experiences weakness, deterioration of health, and nausea. Sunlight allergy therapy involves the use of the following:

  1. na-tele-poyavilis-krasnye-Hmlui.webp

    zinc paste, Panthenol, Methyluracil;
  2. a nicotinic acid;
  3. vitamin complexes;
  4. medicinal herbs – string, calendula, chamomile.

If dermatitis is caused by an internal disease, then first a course of treatment is required for the underlying disease.


This skin lesion is caused by a scabies mite bite. Symptoms of the lesion appear immediately after the larvae come into contact with the skin. The locations of the scabies rash are the areas of the epidermis between the fingers and toes, the stomach, chest, butt, and limbs.

The main signs are a feeling of severe itching and the appearance of small pimples on the skin of the body. Signs of scabies can easily be confused with other dermatitis, for example, with manifestations of food allergies, so if such symptoms occur, it is better to immediately contact a competent specialist.

This disease is very contagious and is transmitted through household contact, so treatment must be carried out on all family members at the same time. Topical products used:

  1. Sulfuric ointment;
  2. benzyl benzoate;
  3. Spregal spray;
  4. Medifox.


When using any of these products, water procedures are not recommended; you will be able to swim only on the fifth day. During treatment, the affected skin may itch even more than usual. But with proper treatment, the symptoms of scabies mite bites subside within a few days.


Symptoms of psoriasis can occur on any part of the body, including the scalp. This disease usually occurs in a chronic form, and it begins with the appearance of small pimples and nodules on the body.

The causes of the disease include metabolic disorders, genetic predisposition, weakened immune defense, infectious diseases, etc.

Since psoriasis is a systemic lesion of the body, affecting internal organs and systems along with the dermis, it requires timely and well-chosen treatment.

Psoriatic rash has a tendency to merge inflammatory elements and form plaques characteristic of this dermatosis. The following drugs are used for treatment:

  1. a nicotinic acid;
  2. antiallergic drugs;
  3. medications to normalize liver function;
  4. calcium gluconate;
  5. Sulfuric ointment;
  6. naphthalan ointment;
  7. zinc paste;
  8. salicylic ointment.

No less effective is the use of methods from traditional medicine, which involves making decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants.


Subcutaneous mite or demodicosis is a fairly serious dermatological disease, the favorite place of which is the human face. But it is possible that its characteristic signs may appear in various parts of the human body.

  1. hyperemia and peeling of the affected areas;
  2. red rash that is very itchy and itchy;
  3. the formation of small abscesses, through which re-infection with pathogenic microorganisms often occurs.

Treatment of demodicosis usually takes a very long time, especially if the recommendations of the attending physician are not followed. Local therapy:

  1. sulfur-tar ointment;
  2. benzyl benzoate;
  3. zinc paste;
  4. tetracycline ointment.

Oral medications:

  1. Trichopolum;
  2. Diazolin, Zyrtec, Zodak and other anti-allergy medications;
  3. antimycotic and antibacterial drugs;
  4. vitamin complexes, etc.

It is very important to maintain personal hygiene and eat right.


The appearance of an itchy rash on the body should not be ignored, even if there is no suspicion of a serious illness. After all, severe itching can cause increased irritability, insomnia, and nervousness, which, in turn, often provoke the development of serious pathologies in the body.

As preventive measures, it is recommended, first of all, to maintain careful body hygiene, proper diet, as well as exercise, avoidance of stressful and conflict situations, frequent exposure to fresh air, proper rest and sleep.