Facial massage for wrinkles before and after photos reviews

Greetings to all readers of my blog. The mood today, to be honest, is not very good. And all because I noticed wrinkles on my face. It is clear that the process is inevitable, but is there really nothing to be done? But there is a way out. This is a facial massage with spoons, the reviews and results on the Internet are very positive. Let's find out how to make it at home and which devices are best suited.

There are 57 muscles under the skin of our face. Not all of them are involved. Those who are unemployed become weaker over time.

This is how the corners of our lips droop, our cheeks and eyelids sag. Facial massage with spoons tones our muscles. This means it tightens the contour of the face and smoothes out wrinkles.

The German cosmetologist Rene Koch was the first to suggest using spoons for facial massage. The cosmetic procedure is carried out using two spoons. And also two glasses - with hot and cold water. Use spoons at different temperatures to warm up the facial muscles. This leads to improved skin nutrition and drainage of excess lymph.

Features of the technique

It is optimal to carry out the procedure daily, immediately after washing. You can heat and cool spoons under running water. The manipulation techniques are different: tapping, stroking, pressing. The main thing is without fanaticism.

Puffiness, dark circles under the eyes, and soothe irritated skin will help cold spoons

Get rid of facial wrinkles, tighten the contour, skin on the neck - heated spoons

They can be heated up to 50˚C. Cutlery should not burn your face. The massage should be comfortable.

Before you begin the procedure itself, you need to do the following:

  1. Cutlery for massage should be disinfected before each session. It is better to store them separately from other dishes.
  2. Before the session, you need to clean your face and wash your hands.
  3. Apply cream or oil so that the spoons glide smoothly over the skin. During a cosmetic procedure, the skin should not be stretched.
  4. Cutlery should only slide along the massage lines of the face.
  5. You need to press lightly on the skin, you don’t need to press hard. This will avoid bruising and vascular injury.

As for the frequency of sessions, it all depends on the goals. If there is swelling, you can do it daily, in the morning, for 5 minutes. If the goal is to tighten the contour and remove fine wrinkles, a course of 10-15 sessions. In this case, the procedure will be longer

It is good to use different lifting gels and creams during manipulations. After the procedure, apply nourishing cream. Along the way, the vitamin complex will not harm. After the course they take a break. Its duration depends on the condition of the skin. If you are not satisfied with something, the course is repeated.

This type of cosmetic procedure has contraindications. It should not be done if there are rashes and inflammations on the skin. If you don't feel well. Inflamed lymph nodes are also a contraindication. Avoid places with spider veins; you cannot massage them. If you have diseases of the nasopharynx, it is also better not to do the procedure.

What tools are best to use?

Many people are interested in what spoons can be used for manipulation? Silver cutlery is preferable. Silver is an antiseptic and antioxidant. It helps nutrients penetrate deep into the skin. This improves her nutrition. If you don’t have such spoons, stainless steel or plastic will do. Appliances can be cold, warm or room temperature. It is advisable to put ice in a cup of cold water. The second should have hot water.

The sizes of cutlery are selected individually. Start with a teaspoon, try a dessert spoon, then a tablespoon. You yourself will understand which of them is more convenient to use.

In terms of time, it’s better in the morning. This will relieve puffiness and tone the skin. If you don’t have time in the morning, you can do it before bed. But no later than 2 hours before you go to bed. Otherwise you may get swelling.

I subscribed to her video lessons and do the exercises in the morning. Just 15 minutes a day. It's worth a lot. Now I began to understand the blood flow through the lymph nodes. How to do it better and more correctly.

I’m 37 years old, I recently met a classmate, she does facial massage professionally and I was amazed at how wonderful, elastic, good-colored her skin is! I think this is due to the massage, I found how to do it on the Internet and started it too, after that the feeling is good, the skin seems to become denser and smoother. Who gives themselves a massage, tell us your feelings?

Woman.ru experts

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Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

helps. for an hour somewhere

I’m 37 years old, I recently met a classmate, she does facial massage professionally and I was amazed at how wonderful, elastic, good-colored her skin is! I think this is due to the massage, I found how to do it on the Internet and started it too, after that the feeling is good, the skin seems to become denser and smoother. Who gives themselves a massage, tell us your feelings?

It will be useful to massage biological points on the body

no wrinkles, helps with ptosis - drooping of the face, in fact - a non-surgical alternative to a facelift

It will be useful to massage biological points on the body

Related topics

I did Asahi for 10 days in the morning and evening. Within three days there was a result, my mother noticed and began asking questions), but she didn’t like the fact that my face was losing weight and I seemed to have become haggard or something. And I myself like such faces, “thin” and clear.
By the way, the wrinkle between the eyebrows smoothed out well and, most importantly, the muscles relaxed, after the massage I stopped waking up in the morning with my eyebrows drawn together.

I did Asahi for 10 days in the morning and evening. Within three days there was a result, my mother noticed and began asking questions), but she didn’t like the fact that my face was losing weight and I seemed to have become haggard or something. And I myself like such faces, “thin” and clear. By the way, the wrinkle between the eyebrows smoothed out well and, most importantly, the muscles relaxed, after the massage I stopped waking up in the morning with my eyebrows drawn together.

I do Asahi for prevention. I'm 27. They ask for documents when buying wine)))

I do Asahi for prevention. I'm 27. They ask for documents when buying wine)))

I do Asahi for prevention. I'm 27. They ask for documents when buying wine)))

I don’t do anything and they sell me wine without any problems.

I don’t do anything and they sell me wine without any
washed the dreamers)))

I do Asahi for prevention. I'm 27. They ask for documents when buying wine)))

I’m also 27 and I also don’t do anything and without a passport I can’t buy a cigarette or alcohol for my husband.

I did Asahi, but I didn’t see any results at all. Some write that in as many as 3 days. I don’t know, I did it for about a month - nothing. Then I gave up and it seemed that it became worse than it was before the massage. Somehow the nasolabial veins became visible and the upper right eyelid seemed to be drooping slightly, I don’t know what to do. True, these nasty changes for me coincided with the fact that I got a very stressful job and in six months, it seems to me, outwardly aged 10 years. I was afraid that at the New Year's party my friends would decide that I put on the masquerade face of an elderly woman and quit . A month has passed, I seem to look fresher, I don’t know, I’m not sure. I'm 34. They sell wine, they don't ask for documents :)). When I was 30, they asked me once, but that was because I was after a run, with my hair in a ponytail and a pink T-shirt. So all this is bullshit, tortured women work in supermarkets, there is such a flow of people there that they can automatically ask for documents.

I don’t do anything and they sell me wine without any problems.

I really liked your comment. Bravo. ))))

I tried this massage. The skin is very stretchy. It's alarming.
In facial massage there should be no horizontal movements, only vertical ones.

I did Asahi for 10 days in the morning and evening. Within three days there was a result, my mother noticed and began asking questions), but she didn’t like the fact that my face was losing weight and I seemed to have become haggard or something. And I myself like such faces, “thin” and clear. By the way, the wrinkle between the eyebrows smoothed out well and, most importantly, the muscles relaxed, after the massage I stopped waking up in the morning with my eyebrows drawn together.

Facebook building helps, but I gave up Asahi - my face becomes gaunt!

It’s ptosis that interests me, but on the Internet it’s listed as anti-wrinkle. You did?

At the age of 45, my mother went to massage courses for 10 days, some kind of standard one, but after it she was transformed, like women today after fillers. She had some kind of masseuse, to whom she went from the other end of the city. I'm 30 now. I think that in a couple of years I will also look for a massage therapist. The main thing is to find a professional.

my mom does massage and moisturizer with a probiotic - her skin looks good in her forties

You know, it helps if the specialist is good. I signed up for a deep facial massage, the sensations and results were the most positive. If you want to preserve your youth, then you can safely do it. For anyone interested, I can give you the website of a trusted massage therapist in Samara whom I visited spina63.ru.

I’m also 27 and I also don’t do anything and without a passport I can’t buy a cigarette or alcohol for my husband.

“become” is written without a soft sign.

I do Asahi for prevention. I'm 27. They ask for documents when buying wine)))

I recently underwent myoplasty. plastic facial massage with Natalia Kron, I want to say that this is a very pleasant and useful procedure, the master’s hands are simply golden. This massage is very effective, I stopped using foundation because the skin is rejuvenated and all the wrinkles are smoothed out.
Natalya has several massage techniques: lipoplasty, myoplasty, anti-cellulite based on lipoplasty. She has her own salon and training center, I also recommend training with her. Excellent artist, excellent effect
Link to Instagram @nat_kron

Just recently I took a course of facial myoplasty with Natalya Kron and I want to say that this is a very useful procedure. So painless and very effective. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. She also has a training center where we can learn massage techniques such as lipoplasty, myoplasty and anti-cellulite massage based on lipoplasty. A wonderful artist, I recommend him to everyone! Her inst- nata_kron

I don’t do anything and they sell me wine without any problems.


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Tips on how to tighten your facial skin at home: interesting nuances, recipes, useful recommendations

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
Read more here...

There comes a time when women think about anti-aging procedures. A double chin, wrinkles, jowls, and unclear contours require correction, but for many, salon procedures are not available due to the high cost.

What to do? How to make facial skin elastic and toned? Try to correct some shortcomings yourself. You may have thought more than once: “How to tighten your facial skin at home?” Check out the advice of cosmetologists. You will learn how to restore elasticity to the skin and become even more attractive.

  1. Who needs a facelift
  2. Nuances of the procedure at home
  3. Proven Home Methods
  4. Firming face masks
  5. The best recipes for oily skin
  6. Compositions of masks for dry and aging skin
  7. Herbs for elasticity of the epidermis
  8. Herbal ice
  9. Contrasting washes
  10. Do-it-yourself facial massage
  11. Original exercises
  12. Modern methods of lifting
  13. Reviews of home methods

Who needs a facelift

Lifting procedures should not be done before the age of 30. The skin is still quite fresh, the tone is at a good level. But there are exceptions. Sometimes young women have to resort to a facelift:

  1. after sudden weight loss;
  2. with a noticeable loss of elasticity of the epidermis.

What is the purpose of lifting? The result of the impact is clearly visible:

  1. getting rid of double chin, jowls;
  2. smoothing wrinkles and folds;
  3. giving clarity to the contours of the face.

What happens at the cellular level during anti-aging procedures:

  1. in tissues, the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis, increases;
  2. metabolism improves.

Indications for a facelift:

  1. expression lines, age wrinkles;
  2. unclear facial contour;
  3. loose, sagging skin;
  4. age-related changes;
  5. shaved;
  6. double chin.

Effective lifting methods:

  1. self-tightening using special masks, self-massage, and other methods;
  2. salon procedures in cosmetology clinics and beauty salons.

Find out interesting details about the use of castor oil against cellulite and for weight loss.

How to treat psoriasis at home? Read the answer on this page.

Nuances of the procedure at home

Why pay a lot of money, waste time visiting cosmetology centers and expensive salons? Of course, the effect of procedures performed using special equipment by an experienced cosmetologist will appear faster.

  1. the lift is performed by non-professionals;
  2. the cost of the procedures is too high;
  3. The clinic does not guarantee the absence of side effects after deep exposure to the skin.

Why take the risk? If things are not so bad that plastic surgery is required, carry out a course of lifting procedures yourself. You will save a lot of money and nerves. Home methods restore elasticity, smoothness, and excellent tone to the skin.

Before starting therapy, remember three conditions that ensure success:

  1. persistence;
  2. regularity of procedures;
  3. Follow the instructions for each method exactly.

Be sure to study the contraindications. In each case they are individual. Among them:

  1. rosacea;
  2. severe inflammation on the face;
  3. tumors;
  4. allergy to certain components.

You can learn the best recipes for anti-aging face masks at home from this article.

Proven Home Methods for a Face Lift

There are several methods that allow you to restore elasticity to the epidermis and clarity to the oval of the face:

  1. lifting masks;
  2. self-massage of the face;
  3. special exercises.

Read each method in more detail and choose the one that suits you. Cosmetologists recommend an integrated approach. You will see the results - tightened skin - within a month of regular procedures. But perhaps earlier?

Firming face masks

Masks that tighten the skin of the face are an active, multifaceted effect on the skin. To achieve the effect, do anti-aging procedures 3 times a week for a month.
Then place more emphasis on nourishing or moisturizing masks. Be sure to alternate exposure to the epidermis.

The best recipes for oily skin

  1. lemon mask. Beat the egg whites, add a dessert spoon of bran, freshly squeezed juice from half a lemon, grated zest;
  2. tomato Chop the ripe tomato, pour in 1 tsp. olive oil, 3 drops of lemon juice;
  3. protein. Beat 2 egg whites, apply the first layer, let dry. After the second, also let it dry well. Remove the mask, wash with cool water;
  4. honey Combine 2 dessert spoons of oatmeal with whipped egg white. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. warmed honey, stir thoroughly;
  5. grape Crush white grapes and squeeze out the juice. Combine a tablespoon with white clay. Take twice as much powder. Pour in 1 tsp. wheat germ oils or add crushed sprouted grains yourself;
  6. from algae. Buy dried seaweed at the pharmacy. Laminaria is an excellent product for rejuvenating and tightening masks. Pour cold water over the dried brown seaweed and let it swell. Combine in equal proportions with honey.

Compositions of masks for dry and aging skin

Anti-aging products with a lifting effect must include natural oils, honey, oatmeal, and vegetables. Do not use irritating ingredients. Be patient and your face will definitely become fresher.

  1. oatmeal mask. Pour hot milk over finely ground flakes. Take the products in equal quantities. Add the egg white, whipped into a fluffy foam, a teaspoon of light honey;
  2. cucumber Grate a small cucumber, pour in a dessert spoon of olive oil, combine with the mashed yolk;
    clay. Dilute the white clay with milk until it becomes mushy. Add a dessert spoon of buckwheat honey;
  3. potato Grind a medium young potato in a blender or grate it on a fine grater. Take 2 tbsp. l. mass, combine with 1 tsp. olive or peach oil;
  4. from rice flour with essential oils. Grind the rice in a coffee grinder until it becomes dusty. Take 2 tbsp. l. rice flour, add 1 tsp. linseed oil, 3 drops of cedar or ylang-ylang oil.

Herbs for skin elasticity

Remember: some herbs have a lifting effect. Prepare decoctions for daily washing.

For 500 ml of boiling water, take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials. Before going to bed, wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in a healing decoction.

Herbal ice

One of the most effective ways to tone the epidermis, restore elasticity, and activate cellular metabolism. In the morning after water treatments, treat your face with herbal ice cubes.

It's easy to prepare:

  1. the decoction requires the same ingredients as for daily washes;
  2. the cooking method is the same;
  3. Pour the cooled, strained liquid into ice trays;
  4. freeze, use every day.

How to do anti-cellulite massage at home? We have the answer!

Read this article for interesting details about using lavender essential oil for the face.

Follow the link and find out everything about the use of ichthyol ointment for furunculosis.

Contrasting washes

An excellent product that restores elasticity and necessary tone to the skin. The double chin goes away, the oval of the face improves.

  1. pour water into two bowls: warm into one, salted cold into the other;
  2. Wet a terry towel with cold water;
  3. lightly tap your chin;
  4. squeeze, place in a bowl of warm water;
  5. do the same procedure;
  6. alternate warm and cold water 5-7 times.

Do-it-yourself facial massage

An effective method in combination with tightening masks and herbal rubdowns significantly improves the condition of the epidermis. Many cosmetologists believe that a non-surgical facelift is performed in this way.

  1. wash your hands and face;
  2. apply nourishing cream;
  3. warm up your cheeks. Swipe several times from the wings of the nose to the temples. Do not press on the skin, massage your face with your fingertips;
  4. smooth the epidermis in the forehead area. Direction of movements: from the eyebrows – vertically to the hairline;
  5. the next stage is stroking with all fingers from the central part of the chin towards the earlobes;
  6. the final stage is treatment of the area under the jaw;
  7. Gently massage the skin with the back of your hand.

Original exercises

Complement other lifting methods with unusual gymnastics for the facial muscles. The technique will not take much time. In just 3-4 weeks you will see the first results.

  1. Perform the entire exercise with tension;
  2. stand in front of a mirror - it’s easier to understand what works for you and what doesn’t;
  3. don't be afraid to seem funny;
  4. do original gymnastics alone. This way you will feel free.
  1. for the lazy. Just pronounce the sounds “I”, “U”, tensing the muscles involved well;
  2. for lifting cheekbones. Inhale through your nose, hold your breath. Close your lips and puff out your cheeks well. After 5 seconds, exhale forcefully through your mouth;
  3. how to get a chin? Try to solve this problem by reaching the tip of your tongue to your chin. During the exercise, the muscles tense well.

Modern methods of lifting

Have you decided to go to a salon or cosmetology clinic? They will offer you effective methods for improving the shape of your face, helping you get rid of fine wrinkles, and putting your skin in order.

  1. photorejuvenation;
  2. laser resurfacing;
  3. mesotherapy;
  4. deep peeling;
  5. biorevitalization;
  6. various types of facial massage;
  7. procedures with ultrasound;
  8. Thermage

In advanced cases, plastic surgery may be necessary. Resort to radical methods only as a last resort.

Reviews of home methods

Many girls and women used home methods for a facelift. And what are the results?

  1. Irina, 44 years old. My sagging skin needs constant care. After a dramatic weight loss, my cheeks and chin sagged, and small wrinkles appeared. A friend recommended her own method. For a whole month I carried out self-massage on my face, used herbal ice for rubbing, and made contrast compresses. The skin is tightened and refreshed. I will continue to take care of myself;
  2. Anna, 37 years old. Due to my constant busyness at work, I paid little attention to facial care. I was horrified when they gave me 7 years more than I actually have. I read the Internet and decided to try tightening masks. I positively evaluate recipes with seaweed, oatmeal and protein, white clay. I made herbal ice, but haven’t used it yet. I think home methods “work”;
  3. Ekaterina Petrovna, 54 years old. I have been using natural products for a long time. I learned about tightening masks from the Internet and decided to try it. For my aging skin, I made mixtures with white clay, oatmeal, and honey. In the mornings and evenings I washed my face with chamomile decoction. A month later, the condition of the epidermis improved, the face became fresher. I started a course of self-massage. I think I’ll look even better soon;
  4. Svetlana, 30 years old. Looking at the condition of the skin of some women at 50 years old, I do not want to allow the same condition. To prevent sagging skin, I’ve been doing simple, slightly ridiculous exercises for six months now. At first I laughed at myself, but then I got used to it. This is not just grimacing, but a good exercise for the muscles. And, most importantly, you prevent facial aging completely free of charge. Try it, you won't regret it.

From the following video you can learn another very effective recipe for a tightening face mask: