Abscesses on female breasts

If a tumor forms on the chest, accumulating pus, then the following medicines help its maturation well: take flaxseed, sesame, “orris root”, maya, sheep feces, pigeon feces, soda and pine resin in equal parts or as much as requires observation, and is used in the form of a thick ointment with sesame oil: wallflower oil and cow leg bone marrow; if you want, put maybukhtaj there too. And if you need to pierce an abscess, do it in accordance with what you know.

Ulcers on the female breast and corroding it

They take twenty rittles of tart nabeez and put in them sumac dyers ritl, unripe galls polritl, Ceylon cinnamon polritl and cypress nuts ritl. All this is soaked in wine and left in it for twenty days, then boiled, stirring with a cypress sliver, until half of the liquid is gone, shaken vigorously, filtered and put back on the fire so that it thickens, and the fire should be very low. This composition is kept in a bottle, and it is good for all kinds of ulcers that form on loose organs, such as the mouth, tongue and others. It prevents corrosion and corrects the damage caused by it.