Low temperatures will help preserve youth.

Every day new products appear in the field of cosmetology. Almost all of them are aimed at preserving the beauty of beautiful ladies, although men today do not disdain visiting a cosmetologist. Each type of procedure has its own indications and contraindications. Some of them are effective in the field of rejuvenation, while others only help normalize the condition of the skin. A new feature today is a huge machine, which during the procedure sprays the body with streams of icy air, the temperature of which remains between 120-180 degrees below zero.

This procedure can “freeze” fat deposits, thereby accelerating the process of their destruction and elimination. As a result of one visit to such a chamber, more than eight hundred calories are burned in the body.

Everyone knows perfectly well that to improve metabolic processes in the body, some kind of push is required. In this case, low temperatures are used. Cryotherapy itself has been used for a very long time. In the field of cosmetology, it is most often prescribed for skin defects, such as moles, warts or papillomas. In one visit, you can easily remove these growths without leaving a single scar on the skin. You can read about exactly how freezing is used by cosmetologists on the website. But scientists do not stop there and are looking for new areas of application of cryotherapy.

Low temperature treatment was first used back in 1979 in Japan. Initially, the indications for the procedure were joint pathologies occurring in professional athletes. Freezing has also shown excellent results in the treatment of arthritis. Originally it was just a bath of water with some ice cubes added. Due to this, the pain caused by spasm and tension decreased. Only with the advent of new technologies did liquid nitrogen replace pieces of ice. It is this that is the main component in cryotherapy aimed at reducing fat deposits.

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