Scientists: Apples Destroy Teeth

The damage that an apple causes to our teeth is four times higher than that caused by carbonated drinks. This conclusion was reached at the Dental Institute of King's College London after conducting research.

According to Professor David Bartlett (he heads the department of prosthetic dentistry at the above-mentioned institute), if a person eats an apple slowly, the high level of acid has time to harm the teeth. Well, eating an apple, like other foods, is quickly harmful to the digestive organs. Of course, this observation does not apply to those who have implants inserted. But people with their own, living teeth should think about it.

Dentists conducted their observations on more than a thousand people aged 18 to 30 years. The experts were interested in the connection between people's diet and the degree of wear of their enamel and dentin. As a result, it turned out that people who ate apples frequently had a 3.7 times greater risk of developing dentin damage.

Some apples contain as much as four teaspoons of sugar, causing acidity in the mouth. Therefore, doctors recommend eating apples with other products, such as dairy. The calcium they contain neutralizes the acid. Rinsing after eating with plain water or a special elixir, or brushing your teeth before eating will also help save your teeth. By the way, it is better not to brush your teeth after eating, so as not to damage the enamel softened by acid.

But it's not just apples that harm your teeth. An acidic environment is caused by many fruits and vegetables - pineapples, bananas, dates, grapes, green peas. Also harmful are cakes, jelly, mousses, cereals, cutlets and other dishes, as a result of eating which sticky food residues accumulate in the mouth.

But cucumbers, zucchini, white and cauliflower, pumpkin, radishes, carrots, and eggplants do not harm your teeth. So you can eat them without fear.
