Ice: soft landing. How to walk without falling

Ice: soft landing. How to walk without falling.

Winter is in full swing. Snow, frost and ice are the scourge of traumatologists. To avoid falling in icy conditions, you need the right shoes:

  1. The sole can be studded in the workshop. A home option is to cover the sole with sandpaper or adhesive tape.

  2. Avoid high heels. Step on the entire sole, relax your knees and look at your feet.

When falling, group yourself:

  1. Falling on your side, pull your head in and press your elbows. Don't land with your arms straight!

  2. Falling back, chin to chest, arms to the sides.

  3. When falling from the stairs, protect your head with your hands and do not spread your limbs.

After the fall:

  1. If there is a bruise, apply cold and ointment for bruises.

  2. In case of concussion - rest and coldness on the head.

  3. In case of a fracture - immobilization, cold, pain relief and go to the hospital.

Don't ignore injuries - the consequences can be dangerous. Be careful and stay on your feet!