How to buy sports nutrition cheaply without falling for scammers?

Well, well... On our agenda is the eternal question of any new bodybuilder: where to buy sports nutrition cheaply, but with confidence in its originality, quality and effectiveness? Today I will tell you one instructive real story from life, which I myself became an involuntary witness...

So one guy got into the habit of coming to our gym, his name was Andrey. In appearance, there was nothing unusual - a classic normosthenic, of average height, with anthropometric indicators typical for a beginner... He also went to the gym according to the classic pattern: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, pumped mostly only the top - in general, he did everything that they do ordinary average beginners, in fact no different from them...

But after about a year of continuous work in the gym, he began to show some results. Some semblance of muscles appeared, the shoulders increased slightly, and the chest expanded, in some places the tubercles so desired by any beginner began to be visible... Along with this came some awareness and understanding of the physical processes and principles of athletic training: the guy took a different look at his training process, planning and other important points. I began to devote much more time to the “bottom”, started a self-control diary, in a word, radically changed my lifestyle, habits and attitude towards weight training...

Feeling tangible progress, Andrei decided that it was time to move on to a new approach to his diet. Regular everyday food was no longer enough for him, so he decided to supplement it with sports nutrition. After consulting with the regular luminaries of our club, our hero received quite clear recommendations for purchasing sports nutrition in official serious online stores, where the price is not very stressful, and the quality of the product is beyond any doubt...

As you probably already guessed, our student decided to save as much as possible on sports nutrition and did not listen to the advice of the experienced athletes of our club. In fact, he met one huckster who occasionally visited our gym, had nice “cans” and toned shoulders, and according to eyewitnesses, periodically traded in our gym, luring newly minted and still uncouth jocks...

As Andrei himself later told me, he bought from him protein powder, and, according to the buyer himself, it was very cheap, and therefore profitable - consider that it was possible to buy for a third of the price compared to local official specialized stores for bodybuilders...

So the story continued for about a year. Andrey bought this protein from a local dealer month after month, pumped intensely with increased enthusiasm, without missing a single workout...

What's the bottom line? Well, what can you say? Of course there was a result. Andrey gained good muscle mass, became stronger, more defined and more muscular, but in his own words, not as quickly and effectively as he expected. He thought that this protein would in the shortest possible time lead him to dramatic changes in appearance, what kind of the year will become like Mike Francois... This, alas, did not happen... And his indicators grew about the same as those of other newcomers who did not take anything additional...

Our indignation knew no bounds. Of course, we opened the eyes of our comrade to the truth, but it was actually impossible to prove something and punish the fraudster according to his deserts - just prove that it is a milk formula and not a high-protein protein - this is a chemical analysis of the product that needs to be done, but it costs many times more ten packs of this protein!

As a result, the huckster’s dubious reputation was completely undermined, and he stopped meddling in our gym... But I don’t think that he stopped doing his dirty business, I suppose, as before, he’s swindling yellow-mouthed people in other clubs in our city, we have them there's so much...

And our Andrey, it turns out, has reached his small peaks this year, only thanks to intense training, everyday normal nutrition, and, probably, placebo effectI hope you know what it is. Well, for those who don’t know, I’ll explain: a placebo is when a patient is given ordinary ascarbine, but at the same time they are told that this is a cutting-edge drug that will definitely help him recover... And sometimes this “belief in a miracle” really helps , and the patient actually recovers. This blind faith is called the placebo effect.

  1. Good things don't come cheap.
  2. Miser pays twice.
  3. It is better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own.

Therefore, the next time you buy sports nutrition “from hand”, remember this instructive story and think: “Do you need it?” You can only buy cheese in a mousetrap cheaply! It may be better to pay more, but be sure that you are getting a real high-quality product, and not some local bottle, which is still unclear how it will affect your precious and only health...

Stay with us! We still have a lot of interesting tips and instructive stories...

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