What yoga exercises will remove belly fat?

Many of us have stomach problems, especially if we love to eat and don't like to exercise. However, with a few yoga exercises, you can reduce your belly fat and get the flat figure you want. In this article, we will look at some simple and effective yoga exercises that will help you lose belly fat at home.

  1. Downward facing dog for abs

This exercise helps stretch your calf muscle and strengthen your abs. To perform this exercise, get on all fours with your palms shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart. Then bend your body halfway and slowly move forward, reaching your arms forward until your body is in a straight line with the floor. Then rise up onto your toes and return back to your heels. Repeat the exercise 5 times, doing a bicycle exercise to further strengthen your abs.

  1. Dog face up

This exercise will help stretch your abs and stretch the skin on your neck. To perform this exercise, start in a downward-facing dog position, then lift your pelvis up, extending your arms and legs, and try to reach the ceiling. Take 5 deep breaths in this position.

  1. Warrior

This exercise will help strengthen your abs and improve your balance. To perform this exercise, lunge forward deeply and hold your knees with your hands, then release them and pull them up so that they do not touch each other. Hold the position for 5 breaths, then switch to the other leg and repeat.

  1. Star

This exercise will help improve your balance and strengthen your abs. To perform this exercise, rest your right arm and leg on the floor, straighten your left arm up, and press your left leg into your groin. Balance, try to keep your balance as long as possible. Then slowly straighten your leg, try to grab your toes with your hand - continue to balance. Then move your leg back and stand in star pose for 5 breaths. Repeat the same on your left arm and leg.

  1. Plank

This exercise is one of the most effective for pumping the press. To perform a plank, assume a position as if you were about to do a push-up, but instead keep your body in a straight line from head to heels, resting on your palms and toes. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then rest and repeat 2-3 more times.

In conclusion, these yoga exercises will help strengthen your abs, improve your balance, and stretch your muscles. However, remember that to achieve results, you also need to watch your diet and do cardio exercises to burn fat and improve your overall health. Good luck in your quest for a flat stomach!