Medicines you should always carry with you

Every girl should have a box of medicine in her purse along with her cosmetic bag. A sudden attack of nausea or a sharp headache can take you by surprise, so it is better to be prepared for any eventuality. I WANT to tell you what medications you should always carry with you.

Don’t think that if you have the necessary set of medications in your purse, you will resemble an old lady with a bag full of medicines. Today you can find very beautiful and original pill bottles that not only will not give away their contents, but will also hide the characteristic smell of medicine.

Now let's move directly to the drugs.

Paracetamol is one of the most common and most popular medicines all over the world, which has antipyretic, analgesic and minor anti-inflammatory effects. Using paracetamol, you can relieve headaches and toothaches, as well as lower your temperature. Price – from 2 UAH.

Loperamide is an inexpensive but effective treatment for diarrhea. It should be taken according to the following regimen: first 4 mg, then 2 mg after each episode of diarrhea, but not more than 16 mg (8 capsules or tablets) in 24 hours. Loperamide can be taken with food or on an empty stomach. Each dose of the medicine should be taken with a full glass of water. Price – from 3 UAH.

Diazolin will help with allergic manifestations to quickly eliminate skin rashes and itching, relieve swelling of the mucous membranes and insect bites. Price – from 2 UAH.

Valerian is the most affordable antidepressant. This tincture will calm your nerves and help cope with insomnia. True, the sedative effect occurs slowly, but it is quite stable. Price – from 2 UAH.

Activated carbon is the most popular and inexpensive sorbent used for poisoning. It can also be used for flatulence and diarrhea. Price – from 80 kopecks.

Nitroglycerin relieves an attack of heart pain (angina). A nitroglycerin tablet is placed under the tongue and held there for 40-60 seconds until completely dissolved. Price – from 2.50 UAH.

Papazole is taken once for a slight increase in blood pressure. In addition, this drug has a symptomatic effect, so when your blood pressure returns to normal, be sure to go to the doctor. Price – from 2.50 UAH.

Drotaverine is the same no-spa, but without the twists. Drotaverine relieves spasms. Take 1-2 tablets if, for example, you have severe abdominal cramps. Price – from 6 UAH.

This small but important set of medications will help you in any unpleasant situation. Most importantly, do not forget to replenish your home medicine cabinet and always have these medications on hand!