General treatment of all types of eye inflammation and catarrh

The general rule in the treatment of inflammation and other diseases of the eye caused by matter is to reduce and lighten the intake of food, to select that which produces praiseworthy juice, to eliminate that which produces steam, and to generally avoid everything that is difficult to digest. then in abstinence from copulation, sudden movements, anointing the head, drinking wine and, finally, in abstinence from everything sour, salty and spicy, as well as in constant care to soften the nature. In all cases of inflammation of the eye, bloodletting from mullet is especially useful. Then you need to pay attention to ensuring that the patient’s gaze does not fall on white and radiant bodies, but on the contrary, that everything that is spread out in front of him and surrounds him is black or green. A black rag should be attached above the face, which would hang in front of his eyes; It should be black during the illness and blue when the patient begins to recover. Then it is necessary that the room in which such a patient lives should be dark. Putting him to sleep is also a good remedy. Hair should not grow long, because it is very harmful in case of inflammation of the eye, unless the patient had long hair from the very beginning, then this is useful, because the hair dries out moisture, attracting it for its nutrition. If the body is clean and the juice that causes inflammation of the eye arises from the blood vessels and it appears in the form of thick blood, especially in the final stage of inflammation of the eye, then a bath is useful to liquefy the matter, as well as drinking undiluted wine to drive away and remove the matter . A bath after bowel movement is the best remedy for inflammation of the eye, especially if a lotion has been given to soothe the pain.

One of the remedies to treat inflammation of the eye and other diseases of the eye that arise from matter is a high pillow and care that the head does not lie low. It is also necessary to refrain from anointing the patient’s head with any kind of oil, for this is very harmful. Dropping oil into the ear, even rose oil, is very harmful to the patient; this often increases inflammation of the eye and even tightens its membranes.

If bad juice comes from some organ, then you will have to empty this organ and pull the juice in the opposite direction through bloodletting, an enema, and the like. Sometimes bloodletting from the mullet is not enough, and it may be necessary to open the temporal or auricular artery in order to block the path along which the matter flows, precisely when the matter reaches the eye through the external arteries. If they intend to open these arteries, then they must first shave off the hair on the head and then determine which of those small arteries is the largest, the strongest and the hottest, and it is cut. Sometimes they resort to removing it completely if it belongs to the vessels that are usually removed, and these are small arteries, not large ones.

Sometimes one of the arteries located on the temple is removed. Then it is necessary to first tie it up from below and cut it when, as mentioned, the choice finally fell on it, that this is exactly the blood vessel that is to be cut, that is, the largest among the small ones and the hottest among them. Before cutting, the lower part should be tied tightly and firmly with silk thread, this tourniquet should be left and then an incision should be made above it. When it comes to rotting, the tourniquet is removed. This is necessary for a larger vessel, but for a small one it is enough to make a deep incision until all the blood in it flows out. The benefits of this method are equivalent to the benefits of blood-sucking cups on the back of the head and placing leeches on the forehead. When all this done does not help, they resort to bloodletting from the inner corner of the eye and from the frontal vein. Blood sucking cups on the back of the head are very useful.

When the disease drags on, you should use eye ointments to which burnt copper and burnt vitriol are added. Lubrication with sabur alone is often sufficient. If the inflammation of the eye continues and does not go away due to all this, then know that in the membranes of the eye there is a bad juice that spoils the nutrition supplied to the eye. Then resort to such remedies as washed tutia mixed with emollients, for example, white lead, washed gold potassium, starch and a small amount of gum. Sometimes it is necessary to cauterize the crown of the head in order to delay the catarrh, because sometimes the duration of inflammation of the eye depends on the duration of the catarrh. When the starting point of inflammation is the internal membranes, then cure is difficult, except in the case when it is achieved with the help of strong laxatives with the simultaneous use of medicinal bandages that strengthen the head, which are known for this. This includes a medicinal dressing prepared from sumbul, roses and acacia with the juice of fresh coriander or from coriander itself, either fresh or dry, with a little saffron. The bandage is left in place for one to two hours and then removed.

Often they use agents that glue and moderate the sharpness of matter. This includes various types of milk, and it is not advisable for something dripped into the eye to remain there for a long time; on the contrary, it needs to be removed soon and updated all the time. This also includes egg white, which, however, does not need to be washed off; at least it does not harm if left in the eye for an hour. It is more worthy of praise than milk, although milk purifies better. Egg white combines with its softening and smoothing properties the fact that it does not stick tightly and does not clog pores. Fenugreek decoction combines the property of dissolving and ripening with the property of smoothing and quenching pain. The same goes for rose oil.

In general, it is necessary that the remedy used for the eye, especially in the remedy for its inflammation, should not have roughness and the properties of bitter, sour and pungent taste. It should be rubbed well until the roughness disappears. As far as possible, be satisfied with warming agents that have no taste, for this is good.

Sometimes they use decoctions administered through the nose and similar ones, which remove part of the matter through the nose. They should be used when there is no danger that these agents will bring other matter to the eye. Rinses are often used for eye inflammation. Treatment also includes soaking with warm water using a sponge or wool. Often a single or double application is sufficient. Sometimes it is necessary to apply the lotion several times, depending on the strength or weakness of the eye inflammation. If the liquid used to make the lotion is a decoction of sweet clover and fenugreek, then this is extremely useful.

Sometimes the forehead is smeared with distracting agents, especially if the outpouring of matter is the outer shell, the eyes. These diversions include melon peel, horned poppy ointment, liqiy, sabur, rose seeds, saffron, anzarut and the juices of plants such as nightshade, shepherd's staff, as well as buckthorn and barley porridge, nightshade and quince. If the excess is very sharp and liquid, then strongly astringent ointments are used, such as those prepared from galls, pomegranate and Tribulus. A medicinal bandage made from them, applied to the path of catarrh, has a strong effect, especially if the matter is hot. If it is cold, a medicinal bandage is prepared from such agents that dry, tighten and strengthen the organ through warming, such as ointments made from mercury, sulfur and bavrac. The eye itself must be constantly cleared of pus by dripping into it and rinsing it with milk or egg white. If you need to touch the eye, it should be done carefully. If the inflammation of the eye is very severe, you should bleed and not stop it until there is a danger of fainting, because copious bleeding cures inflammation of the eye. The use of ointments should be delayed, if possible, for up to three days. Until then, one must confine oneself to the indicated treatment through bowel movements, diverting matter to the limbs, and constantly observe what we have said about localities and circumstances. If you use some other remedy after this, it will not hurt. Often eye inflammation goes away without other treatments.

As for softening the nature, be sure to follow it, and after bloodletting you need to remove the juice that suppresses the blood by post-bleaching. Before cleansing, lotions and baths are useless. Often they become the reason for attracting even such an abundance of matter that it damages the membranes of the eye. At the beginning of inflammation of the eye, you should not use strongly compacting and strongly astringent agents, because they compact the membranes, prevent the resorption of matter and increase the pain, especially if it was already severe. Weak astringents at the beginning of the disease are not sufficient to prevent matter from entering the eye, and they are also harmful because they thicken the outer membrane and lock the matter in it.

If anything like this happens, you should always apply a lotion with warm water. Limiting yourself to white eye ointment diluted with the juice of sweet clover has a beneficial effect, since a remedy stronger than this often turns out to be harmful in the presence of congestion in the head. As for dissolving agents, you should avoid them in every possible way at the beginning of inflammation. Sometimes after using astringents, especially if they are mixed with drugs that cause numbness, you need to drop water sweetened with sugar or honey into the eye. If these remedies make the disease worse, then as a measure, cool the eye with a remedy that does not harden. As we said above, you need to cleanse the eye of pus carefully, in such a way as not to damage it, because with the removal of pus, pain often subsides, the eye is cleansed, and the medicine can influence it.

Often severe pain requires the use of painkillers; these include the juice of mandrake fruit, lettuce, poppy and a small amount of sumac. However, avoid these remedies as much as possible. If you use them out of necessity, do so with great caution. As long as you can limit yourself to egg whites beaten with the water in which the poppy seeds were boiled, then do so. It may be necessary to add fenugreek here to help relieve pain through absorption and eliminate the harmful effects of numbing agents.

If the matter is liquid and caustic, I do not consider it wrong to use opium and numbing agents. This promotes treatment and does not leave behind pain, although there is a belief that such means are undesirable due to their harmfulness to the power of vision. However, the use of opium in cases where the pain comes from a caustic, but not bursting matter, leads to a quick cure.

The burning sensation is treated with adhesive, cooling and thinning agents. Treatment of tension is achieved by relaxing the eye and by resorption using the means that we separately mentioned above, as well as by moving the matter.

If the disease drags on, then you need to bleed from both inner corners of the eye and from the arteries passing behind the ears. Anyone suffering from inflammation of the eye, as well as anyone suffering from catarrh of the eye, should abstain, as we have repeatedly said, from anointing the head and from putting oil in the ears.

The main thing in the treatment of eye inflammation and inflammation in general is, firstly, distraction and, secondly, dissolution.

The organ itself requires extreme tenderness in handling it, which consists in ensuring that the means used for the complete destruction of matter, distraction, liquefaction, resorption and cleansing do not cause a sensation of pain and rough touch. This is achieved only when the astringent force of the distracting agent is moderate and the burning sensation of the absorbent agent is not clearly visible. Rather, one should even prefer that the drying occurs without burning and that its strong effect is softened by the addition of, for example, egg white or human milk, which is strained from the breast when rubbing the ointment to lubricate the eye.

When the matter has already been removed and the pain does not cause an excruciating sensation, use the so-called one-day ointment, mixed, for example, with egg yolk, and the patient will immediately recover on the same day and can go to the bathhouse in the evening. It remains to dissolve the remainder of the matter - this is achieved, for example, with sumbul eye ointment.

Sometimes time requires the use of a small amount of istiftikan ointment on the first day. The next day the amount is increased slightly, and healing is achieved.

If, in case of old inflammation of the eye, the matter does not lend itself to resorption, then it may become necessary to apply something like the squeezed juice of a mad cucumber

Treatment of bile and blood hot inflammation of the eye and erysipelas. The general treatment for inflammation of the eye caused by bile or blood matter is bleeding and evacuation, for if the cause is hot bile blood or bile alone, then it is useful, along with bloodletting, to perform evacuation using a decoction of myrobalans, to which turbite is sometimes added.

If at the same time there is some density in the secretion, then you will understand that the membranes of the brain are saturated with matter. Then strengthen them with the help of Iyaraj Fikra. Sometimes in such cases you can limit yourself to sabur infusion. If there is a fever, then chicory and rain water are useful liquids.

In all these cases, it is necessary from the very beginning to apply a cooling medicinal bandage to the eye with such agents as squeezed juices, for example, plantain and willow leaves, or with mucus, and also drop these agents into the eye; then they also eat egg white on its own or with donkey milk; then white ointment and other ointments, which we will mention among the distracting means. In this case, extreme measures should not be taken, from which the shells may become denser, the matter may be locked up and the pain may increase.

If you have removed matter by evacuation or by stretching and distraction, then gradually turn to drugs that promote ripening. First, these medicines must be mixed with distractors, and then used in their pure form, and at first they should be gentle, diluted with something like rose water. Various types of milk also contain a force that causes ripening, and in the mucus of the flea plantain, along with the force of distraction, there is also a certain force that causes ripening. The mucilage of quince seeds has an even greater ripening power than the previous one. Fenugreek juice is good for ripening and pain relief and is the preferred starting point for ripening agents. He lacks the ability to stretch.

If it is necessary to thicken any of these agents, this is done with the help of mucus. If cooling is required, it is carried out using squeezed juices. At the beginning of hot inflammation of the eye and at the end of it, the squeezed juice of a tree called atata in Greek, and ashak in Persian, has already been tested, and it turned out to be useful due to its inherent strong effect. These squeezed juices are sometimes allowed to congeal and are stored in this form. Then you should move from such remedies to a decoction of sweet clover, in which white anzarut is dissolved, flavored with human milk or donkey milk. When the disease begins to subside, then using absorbable remedies, stronger remedies are added to them, such as anzarut in the juice of fenugreek and fennel and lotions with water in which saffron and myrrh were boiled.

If you are convinced that the brain has already been cleansed, then prescribe a bath, and after the bath, let the patient drink a little pure, strong old wine. If after this he takes another bath in a hot bath or gets a lotion, it will be even more beneficial. Also use ointments used for the reduction and cessation of eye inflammation, which are reported in the Pharmacopoeia.

If the matter is of blood origin, then after bloodletting you should use cupping and longer rubbing of the limbs and bandaging them than for other diseases. At the beginning of the disease, drink the above-mentioned squeezed juices, then add bread crumbs, dip this bread in maybukhtaj and mix with it. Sometimes it may be necessary to add a little opium if there is severe pain. If the matter is of bile origin, then after bloodletting, perform an emptying with a means that removes bile, and prescribe a bath of fresh water. It can be useful to pour cold water over the patient’s head and eyes; sometimes they wash their face with cold water to which a little vinegar has been added, and this helps. In case of bilious inflammation of the eye, great courage should be exercised in the use of astringents at first, but without excess. In this case, you should use astringent ointments dissolved in squeezed plant juices.

In case of erysipelas, which is generally related to this disease, after bowel movements with the help of laxatives and enemas, it is also necessary to use medicinal dressings made from pomegranate peel, boiled over burning coals and ground with maybukhtaj or honey. Apply a lotion with a hot sponge for a long time; Medicinal dressings made from vetch flour or wheat boiled with honey drink, or from crushed orris root are also useful for the patient. It is also necessary to constantly rinse the eye with milk, cool and moisturize it. However, cooling alone slows down and causes lethargy. When the disease comes to an end and only redness remains, a medicinal bandage is made from egg yolk, fried and mashed with saffron, honey and other remedies that are prescribed against redness in the Pharmacopoeia.

Treatment of cold inflammation of the eye. In case of cold inflammation of the eye arising from cold materials, it is necessary to remove the cold juice. Sometimes you have to repeat the procedure, be it drinking, enema or rinsing. Treatment should begin with such distracting remedies as myrrh and anzarut, which are not too cooling, but rather contain some diluting properties. If you use sumbul ointment with some balanced liquids, then it will be correct. When there is no damage to the membranes of the eye, then make an ointment from the water in which saffron was boiled, calcadis and honey. First you need to wash your forehead with kalkadis, especially if the path of matter lies through the outer shell. It is also not bad if the patient washes his face with water in which calcadis is dissolved. If you first lubricate your eyelids with teriyak, sulfur and arsenic, then this is good. It’s good to drink teryak. For this purpose, castor bean leaves have long been tested, ground and mixed with dill and marshmallow leaves boiled in wine. In the Pharmacopoeia we indicate lozenges suitable for lubricating the eyelids. Fenugreek juice and flaxseed mucilage are among those remedies that provide benefits for cold sore eyes when dropped into the eye. Then a red emollient ointment, the famous red ointment Anzarut, soaked in the squeezed juice of caper leaves, as well as a medicinal bandage made from just caper leaves. For all such patients, a relaxed regime, a bath and pure white wine are useful.

Treatment of chemosis. For inflammation of the eye that has progressed to chemosis, treatment consists of emptying, bloodletting and applying blood-sucking cups. Sometimes it becomes necessary to open the artery. If the inflammation of the eye is hot and you have already performed all types of bowel movements, bleeding from the vessels of the head and placing cups, then you need to use, for example, a white ointment from distracting agents and from cooling and softening squeezed juices. External medicinal dressings are made, for example, from saffron and coriander leaves, sweet clover with egg yolk and bread soaked in thickly brewed grape syrup. Sometimes you need to add a little numbing agent. Ointments should consist of the same products, as well as horned mach, khudad and sabur.

Tested remedies against this disease also include egg yolk and bear fat. From both they prepare something like a plaster: spread it on a rag and apply it to the eye. Rose in condensed grape juice is also useful; it is heated with egg yolk and applied to the eye. If the pain intensifies, then saffron, ground in milk, and squeezed coriander juice, which are dripped into the eye, help. Some doctors like to use only external treatment for chemosis - they limit themselves to dripping milk into the eye for three days, if the patient’s condition and time allow it. Eye doctors have already experienced that in case of chemosis against pain, ulceration should be lubricated with a mixture of anzarut, saffron and ointment from horned poppy and opium. If chemosis occurs after a dense cold inflammation of the eye, then you must definitely perform a bowel movement with the help of iyarajas and use emollient mucous agents, which are obtained from squeezed cabbage juice or from its decoction. Sometimes it is necessary to mix these remedies with nightshade juice, and sometimes with myrrh and saffron.

Treatment of eye inflammation caused by winds. Inflammation of the eye caused by winds is treated with ointments, lotions or poultices and bathing. Millet poultice is the most useful of poultices. Some risk-taking doctors sometimes dare to resort to numbing agents when the pain is severe. Even if the pain goes away immediately, then after an hour it reappears with greater force, because such treatment prevents the resorption of the winds.

Indication of medications used for inflammation of the eye.

As for white ointments, they have the property of gluing, cooling, quenching pain and correcting burning juice. Sometimes opium is added to them, then they soothe the pain more, but perhaps they then harm the power of vision and prolong the disease due to the numbness and immaturity they cause. Among the remedies that belong here are rose cakes; they come in large and small and are very useful for fever and pain. You will find lozenges and ointments of this kind in the Pharmacopoeia, and among simple medicines in the headings of the Eye you will find diversionary remedies, such as: litharge, tragacanth, khudad, rose, Isfahan sulfurous antimony, acacia, horned poppy, sandalwood, galls, printed clay, various squeezed juices, gums and the like. Simple medicines, especially for thick bad juices, include myrrh, saffron, frankincense, sumbul, beaver stream, a little red copper, sabur, especially amom, and burnt deer antler.

As for determining the amount of medicines and mixing them with what is colder or hotter, this is a matter of speculation and the doctor’s skill in treating particular diseases. We will mention other tested complex drugs in the Pharmacopoeia. Proven distractions for severe pain and thick matter include cobbler's ink with pure honey and fenugreek juice, applied on a needle to the inner corners of the eyes.

As for complex medicines, these include istiftikan ointment, soft red and the famous bloodstone ointment; Of this kind of remedy, rose cakes are the most excellent.