Rejuvenating anti-wrinkle facial massage

Every woman wants to remain young and beautiful at any age. Experts advise taking care to keep your face looking young as long as possible, starting at the age of 25. Often, it is at this age that traces of the first facial wrinkles begin to appear.

Most often, the first expression wrinkles can be observed in the area around the eyes and in the corners of the lips. And this is a natural process. When you smile, it is in these places that you can notice the folds. And since the skin loses its elasticity and firmness over time, wrinkles become more and more noticeable. Anti-wrinkle facial massage is one of the most effective ways to combat expression wrinkles.

Facial massage for wrinkles

You can cope with the first signs of aging

25 years is a fairly early date for the appearance of wrinkles. Just some 50 years ago, a 25-year-old girl did not even think about such a problem. Modern cosmetologists have come to the conclusion that premature aging of the skin is influenced by 2 groups of factors.

External factors

The first group includes external factors. External factors include the poor ecology that surrounds us, the accelerated pace of life, in which there is practically no time for rest. Lack of rest has a very negative effect on the condition of facial skin. The use of low-quality cosmetics is also included in this risk group.

Internal factors

Internal factors belong to the second group. This group includes unhealthy diet, which contains a lot of different preservatives and dyes. The lack of natural vitamins also affects the condition of the skin.

Anti-wrinkle facial massage is one of the ancient ways to eliminate this unpleasant flaw, like expression wrinkles. Naturally, a professional massage performed by an experienced specialist is much more effective and efficient than a home massage. Efficiency lies not only in the professionalism of the massage therapist, but also in the use of the necessary professional cosmetics, and in some cases, the use of professional tools.

Naturally, not every girl can afford such a cosmetic procedure. Our article will tell you how to properly perform facial massage against wrinkles, the rules and secrets of proper anti-aging facial massage.

Rules for facial massage against wrinkles

Facial massage for wrinkles is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. By following certain rules and requirements, you will ultimately achieve the desired result. When performing the procedure, every detail should be taken into account: place, time and even mood. If you conscientiously follow all the recommendations, taking into account every little detail, you can increase the effect of the procedure several times.

massage lines

Massage should be carried out only along massage lines. This applies to any type of facial massage. We remind you that massage movements should be performed as follows: from the middle of the chin up along the contour of the face to the earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the auricle, from the wings of the nose to the top of the auricle, from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

All movements are performed very carefully, softly, gently. During the massage, you can use a special massage oil or nourishing cream that suits your face type.

Such a thing as a positive attitude is an important component of a good massage. The environment should be in a favorable mood: turn on pleasant music, take a comfortable position, make sure that your back remains level. You can use an aroma lamp to maintain the accompanying atmosphere.

There should be systematicity in everything. Spend 20 minutes a day on the procedure, 2-3 times a week, and a positive result will not be long in coming. Systematic and consistent actions will lead you to success in the fight against wrinkles.

Anti-wrinkle massage effect

Today there are a large number of types of facial massage against wrinkles. But the main task is still to give the skin freshness by relaxing the facial muscles and normalizing blood circulation in the upper layer of the skin.

Plastic facial massage for wrinkles

Skin will look fresh and rested

With the help of a rejuvenating facial massage, you can get rid of dead skin cells. Metabolic processes are activated and facial muscles are strengthened. By performing the anti-aging technique, you not only fight wrinkles, but also give your skin a velvety, fresh, soft-to-touch appearance.

Technique for performing facial massage for wrinkles

As a rule, specialists use three types of facial massage for wrinkles: classic, plastic and pinch.

Classic massage

Classic massage includes techniques such as stroking and rubbing. With their help, the skin gains tone and a fresh look. Most often, during a classic massage, special oils or nourishing cream are used.

Plastic facial massage

The plastic method involves the use of stronger pressing, circular, and rubbing movements. With this type of massage you can get rid of swelling, age spots, and sagging. It is performed using cream, oil or talcum powder for the skin.

Pinch massage

Pinch massage is considered to be a therapeutic type. It is considered the most energetic and intense type. It is performed by vigorous kneading, vibration and strong pinching. In this form, you should know when to stop, since stretching too much can have the opposite effect. Therefore, it is better to entrust this type of massage to a professional.

As a rule, you can easily perform a classic facial massage at home. Let's consider the technique of classic facial massage.

Facial relaxation

First you need to relax your face. To do this, you need to close your eyes and stroke your face with soft circular movements: from the center of the forehead to the temples, then from the middle of the nose to the chin and from the corners of the mouth to the auricle along the edge of the face. Then you need to squeeze your index, middle and ring fingers and, with moderate pressure, move from the chin to the center of the forehead.

Massaging the forehead

Let's move on to the forehead massage. We perform circular movements, as if smoothing the forehead: from the middle of the forehead to the temples, then from temple to temple. We place our fingers at the base of the eyebrows and move the eyebrows, while holding with our fingers.

Massage the nose and cheek area

We move on to massage the next area. We massage the nose as follows: from the bridge of the nose to the tip and back. Afterwards, we massage the cheeks: with soft circular movements we move from the corners of the mouth to the earlobes and back.

Mouth and chin area

Let's pay attention to the next area. We also perform soft circular movements around the mouth with our fingers. Then we put our fingers on the chin and move them to the lower lip and back.

Eye area

The area around the eyes and eyelids is the most sensitive and delicate. As a rule, it is in this area that the first expression lines appear. Massage in this area will look like this: first we perform soft tapping with the pads of our fingers. Then, with light sliding movements, we move from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. Finally, gently press on the outer corners of the eyes.

A properly performed anti-wrinkle massage will give your face youth, elasticity and a fresh look. Your youth will remain for many years.