Basic methods of human protection when preventing worms.

In this article, we will once again touch on hygiene issues, and talk about the main ways to protect a person from worms, as well as methods for preventing infection with them. Someone will say: “Why do we need this?” - in fact, everyone should know this information, because hygiene is the key to our health and longevity! It will be informative and interesting...

Prevention of worms is one of the most pressing problems today. There are no methods that completely protect against parasites. An effective way is to treat with medications or folk remedies. Of course, do not forget about maintaining hygiene rules.

  1. When to carry out prevention
  2. Basic prevention
  3. Anthelmintic drugs
  4. Folk remedies

When to carry out prevention

There is no exact answer to the question of when prevention should be carried out. There are 3 following opinions:

  1. For prevention purposes, it is not recommended to take tablets, since anthelmintics are harmful to the body. It is recommended to initially do an analysis, and then treat the parasitic infestation with medications or folk remedies.
  2. Prevention of helminths is carried out 2 times a year. For this purpose, medications are used that have minimal side effects for the human body.
  3. An alternative option: take anthelmintic medications without testing if there are signs of worms. People with worms experience symptoms such as anal itching, low body weight, constipation, morning sickness and others.

Options in which regular measures to prevent helminthiasis are appropriate:

  1. presence of pets or constant contact with them;
  2. working with animal products, including cutting meat or fish;
  3. frequent play of children in the sandbox, contact with the ground;
  4. after fishing, hunting;
  5. after trips to exotic countries.

It is also appropriate to prevent helminthiasis in all family members if one of them has parasites. It is recommended to take preventive measures if worms are found in some children in your child’s class or kindergarten.

  1. If you adhere to the opinion that medications cause harm to the body, then prevention of helminthiasis without their use consists of the following:
  2. Be sure to wash your hands after using the toilet and other crowded places, public transport, walking outside, or contact with animals. Don't forget to wash your hands before eating.
  3. Trim and clean your nails regularly. Make sure your baby doesn't put his hands in his mouth.
  4. Be sure to wash vegetables and fruits before eating.
  5. Buy only high-quality meat and fish products, you can even have them analyzed.
  6. It is recommended to drink water only from equipped sources after heat treatment.
  7. Minimize the presence of insects in your home.
  8. Choose only proven bodies of water for swimming, while excluding those that are close to a pasture or watering hole.

To prevent helminthic diseases, it is recommended to follow all the above rules for maximum protection of the body from worms.

Anthelmintic drugs

All remedies for parasites are divided into specific and nonspecific. It should be noted right away that medications for worms in adults and children differ. Therefore, you need to carefully select them.

Let's analyze the pills that have the minimum number of side effects:

  1. Albendazole. A good effect is observed against nematodes and cestodes. The medicine is taken both for poly- and monoinfestations.
  2. Levamisole. It is an excellent remedy for helminths such as roundworms and toxoplasma.
  3. Pyrvinia embonate. Tablets are prescribed when roundworms, in particular pinworms, are detected.
  4. Pyrantel: effective in the presence of pinworms, roundworms, hookworms, etc.

If the patient's condition is critical, then examination in the clinic is recommended.

Folk remedies

Prevention of worms in humans in folk medicine involves the use of various natural ingredients. Such components can be herbs, plants, spices, etc. Let us highlight the most popular means for destroying helminths in humans:

  1. Garlic. Take once a day, before bed, to eliminate bad breath during the day.
  2. Pumpkin seeds. Grind the ingredient in a mortar or coffee grinder to a powder. Take 1 tsp. in a day.
  3. Various plants: tansy, wormwood, etc. It is necessary to take into account that most of them cannot be used for a long period of time.
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