Exercises on the block

Exercises on the block have a comprehensive effect on almost all areas of the pectoral muscles. The main emphasis is on the lower, inner and outer parts of the chest. The standing block pull is an excellent exercise that also focuses on separating all muscle bundles. Try to maintain tension in your pectoral muscles throughout the entire approach. Use a pause of a couple of seconds at the peak of the compression. Eliminate the effect of cheating in the form of: body swaying, squatting, inertial movements, and others...

The exercise can be performed:

  1. with one hand,
  2. two at the same time,
  3. alternately two.

From the position:

  1. standing,
  2. sitting,
  3. on the knees.

Starting the approach, grab the handles of the block, as if “hanging” on them, while the chest muscles will be in the most stretched state. You should not select maximum weights for this exercise and do less than ten repetitions per set. It is much more important to perform cleanly, correctly, smoothly, concentrating and using all possible amplitude. Learn how to do standing block pulls correctly, and the “Gashpu” pose will look amazing in your performance.

Typically, the above exercise is performed on a block frame machine. But as an alternative, beginners can use spring expanders, as well as rubber shock absorbers.

For a more effective increase in chest muscle volume, do not forget about sports nutrition. In addition to the good old protein, it will never be superfluous to also buy peptides - a very effective and efficient remedy that has proven itself with thousands of positive reviews from bodybuilders around the world. Remember: Your muscles do not grow during training, but during rest and recovery! And for their effective growth, high-quality “building materials” are vitally important, without which a durable “house” simply cannot be built!

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