The first two weeks of the third month of weightlifting training.

We continue to study the weekly training of a weightlifter, and in this article we will dwell in detail on the first two weeks... Having studied all the previous material, you can now outline the exercises that will be performed in training (their total number and the number of lifts of the barbell with high intensity), and plan each session . When determining the proportion of classic lifts, you should adhere to the recommendations given in the table of the previous article.

In the 3rd (last) preparatory month, 1650 lifts are planned, which are distributed over weekly cycles according to option 3-1 (27, 18, 32 and 23%), or 446, 297, 528 and 379 lifts of the barbell, respectively. Such a monthly volume of load in the preparatory period should precede the competitive month in preparation for the most important competitions. The volume and intensity of the load in the main exercises (for a given period) for athletes of the 1st category and kms of various weight categories are presented in our previously published tables.

In the 3rd month, the intensity of the load is distributed over weekly cycles in the same way as the volume. Therefore, the load presented in these tables in the main exercises and snatch rows, as well as the load planned for the month in other exercises (press presses, bending over with a barbell, etc.), which account for 297 (18%) lifts, are distributed in such a way that in 1 In the 2nd week it is 27%, in the 2nd - 18%, in the 3rd - 32% and in the 4th - 23% of the total volume. Then the weekly load is distributed among classes.

Once again I remind you that great attention should be paid to both proper rest and the quality of your nutrition. Supplement your daily diet with vitamins and minerals, as well as proven sports nutrition only from branded manufacturers. My students personally purchase high-quality proteins, creatines, gainers, fat burners, and other sports nutrition in a well-established online store for professionals - an excellent choice for real weightlifters. But let's get back to training...

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