Papilloma on the ear of a newborn: what to do and how to treat?

Papilloma on the ear

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. What do papillomas look like on the ears of a newborn?
  3. Treatment methods
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
    3. Removal of papillomas

Papillomas on the ears of a baby are small benign growths on or inside the ear that arise as a result of the child being infected with HPV and the activity of the pathogen inside the small organism. Modern medicine offers many effective and safe methods of treating this disease without harm to the baby’s health.

Causes of papillomas on the ear of a newborn

HPV 3d model

The main reason for the appearance of papillomas on the skin, including on the ears of a baby, is the activity of the human papillomavirus. HPV can be transmitted from a patient or virus carrier to a healthy person through household contact, transmission, or sexual contact.

Newborn babies most often become infected in the womb, during pregnancy. It is also possible that a child may become infected through the genital tract during childbirth.

Papilloma on the ear of a newborn can also appear as a result of visiting a swimming pool, kindergarten, or medical institutions. When a virus carrier comes into contact with a baby’s skin, a virus is transmitted, which, at the slightest disruption in the immune system, will manifest itself with clinical manifestations.

In rare cases, papillomas on or inside the ear can occur when the earlobe is pierced or when examining a newborn with hands infected with a dangerous pathogen.

From the moment of infection with HPV until the appearance of clinical symptoms, including the appearance of papillomas on the ear of a newborn, it takes about 6 months, and sometimes more. The cause of clinical signs is most often stress, a malfunction of the immune or digestive system.
  1. See also routes of infection and causes of papillomas in children

What do papillomas look like on the ears of a newborn?

What do papillomas look like on the ears of a newborn?

Photo of papillomas on the ears of a newborn

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm that is localized on the skin or mucous membrane. On the body of a newborn, papillomas can appear on the neck, nose or ear. These growths can be single or group. Most often they have a round shape, light color, and a slightly compacted top layer. Their appearance also largely depends on the strains of the virus, of which there are several dozen.

Congenital papilloma on the ear of a newborn is a common reason for visiting a pediatrician or dermatologist, because children's skin is delicate and clean, and any growths on it cause special concern on the part of parents. Its appearance depends on the type of virus the child is infected with. The baby’s immune system is not yet able to resist HPV, and growths may appear in the most vulnerable areas of the body.

If a papilloma is found on the ears of a baby, then you should first consult a doctor and not try to get rid of it yourself. The fact is that some strains of the virus can cause cancer, and before starting treatment, it is necessary to make sure that the growths are of benign origin.

In newborns and young children, in most cases, benign papillomas are detected on the ear, which sometimes go away on their own. But you shouldn’t risk the baby’s health and it’s better to check everything again. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe gentle and safe treatment.

Papillomas in a newborn near the ear require observation and strengthening of natural immunity. Alarming symptoms may include:

  1. change in the shape and size of the growth;
  2. change in skin color over the tumor;
  3. the appearance of pain and discomfort;
  4. hearing loss due to blockage of the ear canal.

According to some experts, it is better to immediately remove the growth after it appears in order to avoid the development of possible complications. Quite often, warts can go away on their own, with changes in hormonal levels or strengthening of the body's immune defense. To counter the virus, it is necessary to take care of the baby’s adequate nutrition, giving preference to breastfeeding. You should take your child for a walk outside every day, not forgetting the basic principles of hardening. Personal hygiene and a friendly atmosphere in the family will also help improve the baby’s health.

Methods for treating papillomas on the ear of a newborn

In most clinical cases, papillomas on the ears of a baby do not require urgent surgical intervention. The standard treatment regimen consists of the use of medications that strengthen the child’s immunity and traditional recipes in consultation with the attending physician. In particularly advanced cases, they may resort to removing the growth near the child’s ear.

Medicines for papillomas on the ears of a newborn child

Preparations for papillomas on the ears of a newborn child

In the photo there are preparations for papillomas on the ears of a newborn

When infected with HPV and papillomas on the ears, a newborn needs to be prescribed the following groups of medications:

  1. Antiviral agents, suppressing the reproduction and activity of the virus. Such drugs include Anaferon (price for 20 tablets - 240 rubles, 90 UAH), Kagocel (490 rubles for 20 tablets, 200 UAH), Lykopid. The name of the drug, its dosage and duration of treatment will be determined by the doctor individually for each patient, taking into account his age and weight category.
  2. To activate the immune system for papillomas on the baby’s ears, they resort to using immunostimulating drugs. The drug Arbidol has proven itself well (No. 10, 50 mg, 160 rubles or 65 UAH), which is available in several dosage forms (tablets, capsules, powders). For the same purpose, you can prescribe Cytovir-3 syrup, Immunal. For children over 6 years old, you can use echinacea tincture, Lymphomyosot.
  3. To activate metabolic processes and take care of the child’s health from the inside, it is advisable to use vitamin and mineral complexes, which also contribute to the formation of nonspecific immunity. For this purpose, the dietary supplements Vitrum-baby (630 rubles or 250 UAH), Malysh, Complevit, Multitabs-baby (360 rubles, 140 UAH) are prescribed.
Please note that all of the above products are dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. But their use should be carried out under strict medical supervision, especially when it comes to infants.

Locally, papillomas on the ear can be lubricated with alcohol, but not with a 96% solution, but salicylic alcohol, for a newborn. It is commercially available as an alcoholic solution of salicylic acid, which is an effective antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and keratolytic agent. In addition to the local effect, a local immune reaction is launched in the body, which is aimed at suppressing the virus. For children, it is best to use a 1% or 2% solution. The product is packaged in dark glass bottles of 25 or 40 ml. Age restrictions: up to 2 years. The product can irritate healthy tissue, so it should be applied very carefully, after evening hygiene procedures, at night. The duration of treatment depends on the size of the growth and ranges from 1.5 to 2 months. The price is approximately 12.5-22.5 rubles. (5-9 UAH). If this solution is not available in the pharmacy, you can replace it with an ointment, which has a more gentle effect and can be used to remove papilloma on the ear of even a newborn baby.

There are also many chemicals on sale for local cauterization of growths, but only a doctor can use them, since there is a high risk of chemical burns to healthy tissue around the wart.

Folk remedies against papillomas on the ears of a baby

Lemon oil for papillomas on the ears of a newborn

Many parents practice removing papillomas from a newborn near the ear using folk remedies. For this purpose, solutions of sea salt or sodium bicarbonate (soda) can be used in the form of applications. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of soda or salt per 50 ml of chilled digested water. Use a cotton pad soaked in the solution to treat the growth and leave for 10 minutes. If there are abrasions or cracks in the skin, these products may cause tingling and discomfort in the child.

Natural essential oils have proven themselves well in the fight against papillomas on the ear and other parts of the newborn’s body, having anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. For this purpose, lavender, fir, lemon oil or tea tree oil extract are used to lubricate the growths. Using a cotton swab soaked in oil, treat the growth from all sides, being careful not to get it on healthy tissue.

You can use garlic or onion paste to remove papilloma on a baby’s ear, but it is worth remembering that long-term exposure (more than 15 minutes) can cause tissue burns and further aggravate the child’s health.

Aloe juice is an effective and at the same time gentle remedy for warts. It can be used for lubrication in its pure form or mixed with 1/2 tsp. honey To be used for medicinal purposes, the plant must be at least 2 years old.

The use of traditional recipes must necessarily be agreed with the leading physician. To avoid the negative side effects of such drugs on the child’s body, it is advisable to use available natural remedies exclusively externally.

Procedures for removing papillomas on the ears of newborns

Cryodestruction of papillomas on the ears of a newborn

Removal of papillomas on the ear of a child or newborn is practically not carried out, provided that these growths do not interfere with the development and health of the baby. Up to 10 years of age, warts on the child’s body are monitored, and if they do not disappear during puberty, then their radical removal is possible using one of the modern methods:

  1. Cryodestruction — destruction of growth tissue using liquid nitrogen vapor. The applied product causes immediate necrosis of the wart tissue, penetrating deep into the tissue to completely remove the root. The cost of the procedure is approximately 400 rubles. (160 UAH).
  2. Electrocoagulation - destruction of the epithelium using electric current. Using a low frequency current, a burn occurs and destruction of papilloma tissue on the baby’s ear occurs. A small trace of the burn may remain in place, which will go away on its own without medication. Prices for this procedure may vary in different clinics, but the approximate cost does not exceed 600 rubles. (240 UAH)
  3. Laser therapy - a modern surgical method that uses the power of a laser beam. Excision of wart tissue is carried out under local anesthesia. The entire rehabilitation period takes about 7 days. The disadvantage of this treatment method is its high cost (about 2500 rubles or 1000 UAH).
  4. Radiosurgery is the removal of pathologically altered tissue using non-contact surgery. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia to eliminate pain during the session. After this type of surgical intervention, not a single scar or keloid will remain on the patient’s body. The price of this manipulation is 3000 rubles. (1200 UAH).
  5. Surgery - a classic surgical operation in which pathogenic papillomas and warts on the ears of a newborn are completely excised using a scalpel. In a public hospital, removal of growths using a scalpel will be free, while in a private clinic it will cost about 400 rubles. (150-160 UAH).

Papillomas on the ear of a newborn baby can be treated with various conservative and surgical methods. The choice of treatment method is made by the attending physician, taking into account the individual developmental characteristics of each patient, his age and weight category. It is also worth remembering that removal of papilloma is a symptomatic treatment, and a real therapeutic effect can only be achieved by combining all methods of therapy. The functioning of the immune system is directly influenced by a healthy gastrointestinal tract, balanced hormonal levels, and the absence of helminths in the body. Only an integrated approach to the treatment of any illness gives a high chance of a complete recovery. Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

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