Papillomas on the neck during pregnancy: causes and treatment

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. How to treat papillomas on the neck during pregnancy
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
  3. How to remove papilloma on the neck in pregnant women

If papillomas appear on the neck during pregnancy, this is a sign that the woman is infected with a virus and that it is currently actively operating in the body. If there is no discomfort or problems associated with these tumors, they can be removed after childbirth. Otherwise, you can resort to cosmetic procedures, folk remedies and conservative treatment. In any case, creams, ointments, and sprays will definitely not interfere and will not harm either the expectant mother or the baby.

Causes of papillomas on the neck during pregnancy

The main reason for the appearance of papillomas, including on the neck, is infection of a pregnant woman with a virus of the same name. An unpleasant situation arises when it is activated and the immune system is weakened, which in this state makes it more difficult to cope with attacks from infectious agents. First, neoplasms can grow on other parts of the body, and when scratched, they often spread to the neck itself.

The fact that papillomas appeared on the neck during pregnancy may be associated with the following problems:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. Such neoplasms may be the result of abnormal levels of prolactin, progesterone and estrogen. Most often, failure occurs in the second or third trimester and is accompanied by numerous skin rashes, sudden weight gain, and increased fatigue.
  2. Skin friction. It can occur both on clothing and between the skin of the neck and chin if there is excess weight in this area. Their constant contact irritates the tissues and creates favorable conditions for the appearance of papillomas on the neck in pregnant women.
  3. Diabetes. When papillomas are scratched in people with high glucose levels, the resulting wounds heal very slowly. Because of this, the likelihood of a virus entering them increases. Moreover, the body in this case is less protected than that of a healthy person, and it cannot properly resist infectious agents. This is the main cause of papillomas on the neck during pregnancy in women.
Important! To exclude a pregnant woman from being infected with the virus, when registering with a gynecologist, she is required to take an HPV test.

How to treat papillomas on the neck during pregnancy?

The principle of treatment does not depend on where the papillomas on the neck come from in pregnant women. Therefore, the task of paramount importance is to suppress the virus with safe drugs. If the formation creates severe discomfort, then it may be necessary to remove them through the use of special creams, ointments, sprays, and solutions. In extreme cases, when none of the proposed methods helps as needed, cosmetic procedures or surgery become relevant.

Treatment of papillomas on the neck with medications

The basis of conservative treatment are immunomodulatory drugs with antiviral properties, the purpose of which is to strengthen the body's defenses. Their combination with medications and dietary supplements that increase hemoglobin levels helps make therapy effective. For the best effect, all this should be supplemented with vitamin and mineral complexes.

External means

In the list of the most important remedies for the treatment of papillomas on the neck during pregnancy, one of the first places is occupied by special ointments with antiviral effect. It is recommended to apply them in a thin layer to problem areas and leave until absorbed. This procedure is carried out quite often - 2-3 times a day, the optimal course duration is from 2 to 3 weeks. Special mention should be made here of the ointment Viferon, a good analogue of which is Oksolin. They can also be replaced with Panavir cream.

If papillomas appear on the neck during pregnancy, all ointments can and even need to be supplemented solutions and sprays for their processing. A cotton pad should be soaked in them and wiped over the skin for several minutes. The optimal number of procedures per day is from 1 to 3, the duration of the course of treatment is about 2 weeks, after which a break of a month is required. Among the most effective such means are Cryopharma, the list of analogues of which includes Ferezol and Verrukatsid.

Of the products that were not created for the treatment of papillomas in humans, but despite this, are effectively used for this purpose, Miramistin can be especially highlighted. Its successful analogues are Gorosten and Decamethoxin S.

Of the specialized solutions, it has good reviews Epigen Intim spray based on glycyrrhizic acid. It is designed to dry out tumors in the genital area, but is also effective for treating them on the neck.

After drying papillomas on the neck in pregnant women, you can think about using special plasters, which should be fixed directly over the formation, left for a day under a bandage and carefully removed after 12 hours. Immediately after this they must be changed to another, and this must be done 3-4 times. You will need a patch for this. Ultra Pro from Dr. House or Salipod.

Important! Do not use a patch to remove fresh, not steamed or dried papilloma. Otherwise, it may cause discomfort and leave a small scar.

Oral medications

To prevent formations from spreading further throughout the body from the neck area, as well as to “prepare the ground” for their removal, the activity of the papilloma virus should be reduced. For this purpose, it is recommended to take a two- or four-week course drugs that increase hemoglobin. The most effective of them include Hemopher, Totema, Tonsilotren. Among their natural analogues, they are quite popular Lymphomyosot, Echinacea Forte and Immunal.

Also, for the successful treatment of papillomas on the neck during pregnancy, it is important to adjust the immune system, and this can be achieved by taking syrup "Immuno-Ton", tablets "Liasten" and "Lavomax". They have equally effective alternatives - Galavit and Immunoplus. To feel improvement, you need to be treated for 15 days. But often this cannot be done in order to avoid the body’s addiction.

If papillomas appear on the neck during pregnancy, one should not underestimate the huge role of various vitamin-mineral complexes. The Alphabet, which contains both vitamins and micro- and macroelements, will come to the rescue from inexpensive drugs. If necessary, it can be replaced with Vitrum or Complivit. Centrum tablets and Merz dragees are very good at increasing the body's resistance to papillomavirus.

Folk remedies against papillomas on the neck in pregnant women

During pregnancy, the safest remedy for a person is potato juice. They need to wipe the skin of the neck 3-5 times a day, if possible, then a compress should be made with it for 15-20 minutes under the bandage. To remove papillomas on the neck during pregnancy, you will need to take a course of at least 10 days.

Here are a few other equally popular recipes:

  1. With walnuts. Grind the unripe nuts together with the green shells in a meat grinder and pour them into a 3-liter jar. Pour purified kerosene on top of this component and tightly close the container with a lid. Place it in a dark place for 21 days and strain after this time. With the prepared product, use cotton wool to wipe the skin areas with papillomas in the neck area up to 3 times a day. A woman needs to carry out this procedure for 10 days.
  2. With egg. It will help dry out the papilloma on the neck of a pregnant woman and remove it without consequences for the skin. To do this, break it into a bowl, soak a cotton swab in it and walk it along your neck, liberally lubricating the growths. Repeat this action for a week or more if necessary.
  3. With dandelions. You need to prepare a tincture from them; to do this, fill them (the third part of a 1-liter jar) with vodka to the very top. Then tightly close the container with a lid, wrap it in a towel and put it in the basement for a week. Lubricate the growths with the prepared product 2-3 times a day until the papillomas completely disappear.
Note! You can also use apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and earwax to treat papillomas on the neck during pregnancy. The product should be lubricated with the product 1 to 3 times a day for about a week. After this time, they will dry out and come off on their own.

How to remove papilloma on the neck in pregnant women?

Pregnant women should immediately exclude surgical intervention, since it requires anesthesia, which is harmful to the mother and child. Therefore, there remain such ways to solve the problem as the use of a laser, radio wave knife, electric current and liquid nitrogen.

Here are the exact procedures that can help if papillomas appear on the neck during pregnancy:

  1. Cryodestruction. Its implementation involves freezing the tumors with liquid nitrogen, which they are treated with for several minutes using a special roller. After this, small traces remain in this place, which soon disappear. This papillomas removal procedure is painless and inexpensive. The price of cryodestruction in Russia is 360 rubles, the cost in Ukraine is 150 hryvnia.
  2. Electrocoagulation. This method received this name due to the need to use a special knife under the influence of electric current. Usually, through it, problematic formations in a person are excised in just one session. The price of electrocoagulation in Russia is 590 rubles, in Ukraine - 250 hryvnia.
  3. Laser therapy. It is designed to destroy the papilloma on the neck during pregnancy from the inside and make sure that the tumor is removed on its own. To do this, it is exposed to a weak beam of light, with infrared radiation considered the most effective. One session lasts about 15 minutes. The price of laser therapy in Russia is 2900 rubles, the cost in Ukraine is 1300 hryvnia.

Watch a video about papillomas on the neck during pregnancy:

Before starting treatment, it is not at all necessary to determine the cause of the appearance of papillomas on the neck during pregnancy, since it is obvious - the active activity of the virus. But you should also not prescribe medications to yourself; the treatment regimen must be agreed upon with your doctor, and only then can you start using medications.