Why is it beneficial to wipe your face with ice cubes?

The benefits and harms of ice for the face are of interest to many women who care about the freshness and beauty of their skin using home remedies. To understand what effect ice has on the face, it is necessary to study the essence and properties of cold rubbing.


How does ice affect the skin?

You can notice the benefits of rubbing your face with ice instantly - after the first procedure. First of all, the pores become smaller, the skin becomes smoother and more uniform, and the complexion becomes healthier. Due to the fact that slight swelling goes away, the oval of the face is tightened, and this makes it appear younger.

Useful ice eliminates severe dark circles under the eyes and reduces the visibility of wrinkles. If you regularly wipe your face with ice, it will remain dry and matte throughout the day; even with an oily type of epidermis, an unpleasant greasy sheen will not arise.

What are the benefits of ice for the face?

Among the valuable properties of ice, several main beneficial effects can be identified:

  1. blood circulation and lymph movement accelerate, so the face stops swelling and swelling;
  2. pores are narrowed, and due to this, the production of subcutaneous fat is regulated;
  3. the blood vessels located under the skin are strengthened and bruises under the eyes go away;
  4. The skin tone improves, it acquires pleasant smoothness and elasticity.

The beneficial properties of cold rubbing make the skin more resistant to various influences. Therefore, pimples and acne appear less often on the face, the skin better tolerates temperature changes and stops cracking and peeling during the cold season.

Rules for making ice

At first glance, it seems that preparing ice cubes is a completely elementary procedure. But here too it is necessary to follow certain rules.

  1. Only purified water is suitable for freezing - tap water is not suitable, you need to use filtered or bottled liquid.
  2. Additional components for preparing cubes, berries, fruits and other ingredients, must also be completely clean and fresh.
  3. The cubes should be medium in size, not too large and not small, so that it is convenient to wipe your face with them. It is not recommended to make ice in the form of balls; they will slip out of your fingers.
  4. For high-quality freezing, water in special molds must be placed in the freezer for 10-12 hours. Accordingly, the cubes for rubbing need to be prepared in advance, and not just before the procedure.

How to properly wipe your face with ice

If the procedure is carried out carelessly, the benefits of ice on the face in the morning can be harmful. Therefore, it is important to follow some recommendations.

  1. Before wiping, you need to wash your face with cool water to prepare your face for the cold and not cause harm to your skin due to temperature changes.
  2. You need to move the cube across the face not randomly, but along special lines - from the central point of the forehead towards the temples, from the corners of the lips to the tops of the cheekbones, from the center of the chin to the ears, from the tip of the nose to the temples.
  3. The impact should not be too intense. The cube should not be pressed tightly against your face, and you should not hold it in one place for more than 3 seconds - this will cause harm.
  4. During the procedure, you need to use only 1 cube to avoid hypothermia - this will cause harm, your face may turn red and begin to peel.


The first useful wiping is best done in the evening, so that any initial redness has time to disappear before the morning. In the future, it is best to wipe your face in the morning or twice a day - in the morning and before bed.

Popular ice recipes

The benefits and harms of wiping your face with ice will appear even if you use ordinary clean water. But to enhance the beneficial properties, it is recommended to add additional ingredients - greens, berries, fruits, herbs and other components.

Ice cubes with parsley

Frozen parsley decoction has a toning and refreshing effect on the face. Ice is made like this: fresh herbs are thoroughly crushed, then 100 g of the raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water.

When the useful product has been infused for half an hour, it will need to be poured into special molds and sent for freezing. The properties of parsley will be especially beneficial if the face often swells after sleep, and noticeable bruises appear under the eyes.

Green or red tea facial ice

Ice with the addition of green or red tea will have a beneficial effect on any skin type. Add 2 large spoons of strongly brewed tea to half a glass of good still mineral water. When the mixture has cooled a little, it can be poured into molds and put in the freezer.

The beneficial properties of green or red tea effectively rejuvenate the face, promote cell renewal, and deeply cleanse pores. Using such cubes is especially useful for oily epidermis; rubbing will also help smooth out the first wrinkles.

Ice with lemon

Ice cubes with lemon added to your face will be beneficial. They make them like this: squeeze all the juice out of a fresh lemon, and then dilute it with twice as much clean water. After this, the product is immediately poured into molds and frozen.

Lemon cubes qualitatively tone the skin and cleanse pores, and also have a whitening effect. If you use them regularly, your skin tone will become lighter and more even.

Ice for face with aloe

To prepare useful aloe cubes, you need to squeeze 30 ml of juice from the juicy leaves of homemade agave through cheesecloth. Aloe juice is diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 2; if desired, you can also add 2 drops of jasmine essential oil to the mixture.

Rubbing with such cubes quickly soothes inflammation on the skin, softens the face and eliminates acne and blackheads.

Ice cubes with cucumber

Cucumber cubes are one of the best refreshing and moisturizing home remedies. To prepare, you need to peel and properly chop 2 medium cucumbers, and then mix them with 10 ml of kefir or the same amount of clean water.

The benefit of ice with cucumber is not only that it tones the face. The properties of the procedure help get rid of skin flaking and also return a healthy complexion to the face.

Milk ice

Cubes made from milk have good softening properties and great benefits. Making them is very simple - you can freeze regular milk of medium fat content without even diluting it with water. There is another recipe with beneficial properties:

  1. 40 ml of milk is mixed with a pinch of ginger powder;
  2. add 20 drops of calendula oil;
  3. frozen.

The benefits of such cubes will be even greater, since rubbing will start the process of cell renewal, have a whitening effect, and improve lymph flow.


Herbal ice with chamomile

An interesting and useful option is chamomile cubes. To prepare them, they do not use water, but a decoction of chamomile or strongly brewed chamomile tea. The benefit of rubbing your face with ice and chamomile will be that the cubes will not only narrow the pores and tighten the skin, but also cleanse the face of blackheads and regulate the production of subcutaneous fat. The antibacterial properties of the medicinal plant will help cope with pimples and acne.

Fruit and berry ice

Rubbing your face with ice cubes with the addition of a variety of fruits and berries, or rather, juices squeezed from them, is of great benefit. Any citrus fruit, apples, strawberries and grapes, watermelon and melon are suitable for creating such cubes. For example, strawberry cubes are good for fine wrinkles, and grape cubes have powerful antioxidant properties and are good at fighting the aging process.

Fruit and berry cubes are prepared according to the same principle - pure water and juices are mixed in approximately equal quantities.

Store-bought nectars with flavors, dyes and other additives cannot be used; their properties will harm the skin.

coffee ice

The elasticity of the face and its color are well improved by coffee cubes. To create them, you just need to brew high-quality bean coffee, wait until it cools slightly, and freeze it.

Birch sap ice

Unusual cubes can be prepared from fresh birch sap collected in early spring. This juice contains a huge amount of vitamins and antioxidants, so it perfectly refreshes and cleanses the skin, evening out its texture and eliminating any inflammation. You can freeze it without diluting it with water; concentrated ice has the most beneficial properties.

Ice with oatmeal and rice

Washing with ice cubes made from rice and oatmeal broth will be beneficial. The cubes are made like this: pour 2 large spoons of cereal with boiling water and wait until the cereal gets wet and swells. After this, the broth is filtered, the remaining liquid is poured into molds and frozen.

Oatmeal and rice effectively nourish the skin with vitamins and minerals, and also help regulate its oil level. The use of such cubes is good for dry face types and skin prone to flaking.

Mineral water cubes

A very simple but extremely useful remedy is mineral water cubes. To prepare, you need to take non-carbonated, as natural as possible mineral water. The liquid contains high amounts of magnesium, calcium, fluorine and potassium. Therefore, the properties of ice cubes increase elasticity, make the skin softer and more resistant to irritation, and smooth out not only wrinkles, but also scars.

Ice with mumiyo

To prepare useful cubes, you need to dissolve one tablet of the healing agent in 100 ml of purified water - it is better to crush the tablet to a powder. The benefit of cubes with the addition of mumiyo is that they have strong anti-aging properties, accelerate subcutaneous blood circulation and fight inflammation.

Which ice is suitable for different skin types

When rubbing your face with cosmetic cubes, you need to take into account your own skin type. Different supplements have different effects on the face and can sometimes even cause harm if you choose the wrong ingredients.


For dry skin

Dry epidermis needs nutrition and hydration, but additional drying in this case can cause harm to the face. Ideal for dry face types would be cubes with the addition of oatmeal and rice water, milk, strawberry or raspberry juice.

Herbal infusions should not be abused. The properties of most of them reduce the production of subcutaneous fat, which means they can cause harm.

For oily skin

Oily epidermis needs to be dried and pores narrowed. Cubes with frozen decoction of chamomile or calendula, lemon ice and ice with the addition of aloe juice are good for rubbing. Cubes with a decoction of oak bark or cucumber juice will have a good effect.

For normal skin

Almost any type of ice cubes are suitable for caring for combination skin types. But preference should be given to cubes with the addition of coffee, birch sap and cucumber juice - such procedures will definitely not harm the face.

For the skin around the eyes

Ice with green tea, cucumber cubes and ice with parsley are ideal for gentle care of sensitive skin around the eyes. All of the listed useful components quickly eliminate puffiness, remove bruises and bags under the eyes, and smooth out small wrinkles in the corners.

Do I need to wash off the ice?

The answer to this question depends on the composition of the cubes. If the ice consists only of frozen mineral water or birch sap, then additional washing after wiping is not necessary. It's enough to just let your face dry, it won't do any harm.

But if the cubes contain fruit or berry juices, herbal infusions and other ingredients, then 5-10 minutes after the procedure it is advisable to rinse your face with cool water.

How often should you wash your face with ice?

In order for the benefits of ice for facial skin to be fully realized, wiping must be done regularly. It is best to wash your face with ice cubes every day, morning and evening, but after a week of procedures, take a break for another week.

How long does facial ice last?

Since ice cubes contain additional components, the beneficial properties do not last forever. In particular, ice with milk should be kept in the freezer for no more than 1.5 months, cubes with added fruit juices - no longer than 1 month. Ice from ordinary mineral or purified water takes the longest to cut; it can be used for 5-7 months.

Harm of ice to the face and contraindications to procedures

The benefits and harms of wiping your face with ice are closely related to each other. If there are some contraindications, the procedure should not be used in principle - its properties can cause serious harm to the skin and worsen the condition of the face. It is better to avoid ice:

  1. for damage to the skin - scratches, cracks, abscesses and ulcers;
  2. with blood vessels located too close to the surface of the skin;
  3. during a cold - exposure to cold can cause harm and cause complications.

Wiping is prohibited for children under 13-15 years of age. When making ice cubes, you must take into account your own allergic reactions and not use components that may cause a negative reaction.



The benefits and harms of ice for the face depend on the caution of the procedure. If you follow the established rules, then washing with ice cubes will only have a positive effect on your face and will allow you to prolong your youth.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Reviews from people

The further we move from nature, the more health problems we experience. All the benefits of civilization are not reflected in the most rosy way on the body, and especially on the face. Premature wrinkles, dull, uneven skin color, sagging – this is what we get along with a carefree lifestyle. This is why simple ways to tone yourself, such as ice cubes for your face, become valuable. Is it possible to wipe your face with an ice cube – benefits and harms.

The benefits and harms of rubbing your face with an ice cube in the morning

The folk remedy gained its recognition due to its ease of use and practicality. Who doesn't have a freezer with ice at home, or who can't spend an extra couple of minutes scrubbing their face? But the meaning of the procedure lies much deeper than simply waking up from sleep.

Constant training of skin vessels with cold teaches the epidermis to respond more adequately to temperature changes, which will be especially useful in winter. This is precisely the essence of hardening, which can be extended to the entire body.

When an ice cube comes into contact with the face, a sharp contraction of the vessels of the upper layers occurs. As soon as the exposure is interrupted, the capillaries expand, trying to return the epidermis to its previous temperature.

In practice, such a rapid change in condition is a real test for the skin and muscles and leads to several results at once:

  1. blood circulation and cell nutrition are activated;
  2. swelling decreases, tone returns;
  3. small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  4. color is normalized, a healthy blush appears;
  5. pores are narrowed, excess fat is reduced;
  6. the skin receives additional moisture;
  7. there is a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

It turns out that this simple procedure is useful for any skin type. A particularly strong effect may be noticed by those with skin prone to greasiness, swelling or fine wrinkles. After the procedure, a special cream can be applied to the scars to reduce their appearance. Zeraderm receives good reviews in this aspect.

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Secrets of use - how to do wiping correctly and how often

Using frozen face wash couldn't be easier. The procedure does not require additional preparation; on the contrary, preliminary steaming can lead to microdamage to blood vessels.

Is it beneficial to wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning? – It is better to carry out ice manipulations every morning, since evening procedures can worsen the quality of sleep. The cube should be taken out of the freezer and allowed to thaw a little to avoid scratches.

You should not completely rub a piece of ice over your face; in one go, it is enough to treat the entire epidermis 2-3 times. The positive effect is achieved due to the regularity of the procedures, and not their duration.

A piece of ice is gently and quickly rubbed from the center to the edges (or even better, along special massage lines). There is no need to linger, as contact with the skin for more than 5 seconds can lead to hypothermia.

Any remaining liquid on your face can be blotted to avoid drying out when the moisture evaporates. After 10 minutes, apply a light day cream.

This article will help you appreciate the richness of the Maybelline Color Sensation lipstick color palette. A premium product with a rich history – Mary Kay lipstick.

An innovative product for a flawless look – liquid matte lipstick Pup. Find out why gel polish on nails cracks here.

Precautions - is it possible to wipe your face every morning with rosacea?

Is it possible to wipe your face with ice every day? Is it possible to wipe your face with ice if you have rosacea? What creams are there for rosacea? Why wipe your face with chamomile ice cubes? How to properly wipe your face with ice cubes? – these and many questions deserve close attention, since the procedure can become both a salvation and a punishment for the health of the dermis.

And yet, no matter how tempting the ice massage procedure is, unlike a face mask with mumiyo, it will not help every woman. Where the best aspects of cold exposure appear, its contraindications also lie:

  1. exposure to such types of skin as thin, sensitive or with capillaries located close to the surface can lead to the development of rosacea;
  2. there is a possibility of growth of existing spider veins;
  3. the reason to postpone any procedures is a violation of general health with an increase in temperature, such as ARVI or a cold;
  4. there is no need to risk aggravating a runny nose or sinusitis;
  5. Before starting ice manipulations, you need to wait for the open wounds to heal;
  6. migraines and herpes require prior consultation with a doctor;
  7. Allergy to cold is a reason to find other skin care methods.

Since the skin remains moisturized after the procedure, it is better to avoid the negative effects of the street for an hour. This includes both wind and frosty air or scorching rays of the sun.

Why nail polish bubbles after drying read here. Should you run to a dermatologist-cosmetologist or simply throw away the jar – why does the cream roll off on your face after application?

Why the corners of the lips crack and how to treat them is described in detail here.

Recipes for creating cosmetic ice instead of washing your face in the morning, can you use chamomile?

You can get creative with freezing cubes for washing and wiping your skin in the morning and experimenting with the composition. Which ice cubes are best to wipe your face with? – Herbs, vegetable juices, essential oils, and fruits are used. The main rule to follow is that the substances must be suitable for your skin type and meet its needs.

For ice, use any clean water (precisely purified, mineral water without gas or distilled, and not straight from the tap), but by adding herbs or fruits, you can get additional results.

In order not to get confused in the variety of ways to prepare a cosmetic product, we will give examples of some popular recipes. They do not have complex components in their composition, but have a wide range of effects:

  1. Lemon solution. Mix citrus juice with water in equal proportions, pour into molds and put in the freezer. These cubes are best for wiping a face prone to age spots and freckles.
  2. Chamomile decoction (the proportions are suitable for any other plant). A tablespoon of the prepared mixture from the pharmacy should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for half an hour, then frozen. The solution has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect and is suitable even for dry skin.
  3. Milk. Ice made from pasteurized product has nutritional and rejuvenating qualities.
    Green or mint tea. You can pour boiling water over both the sheet and bagged varieties. Cool tea leaves are suitable for problematic and dry epidermis.
  4. Fruit and berry pleasure. Dilute crushed fruits or juice from them in half with water and make ice from the mixture. Grapes help dry skin, currants are good for normal skin, and strawberries are good for oily skin.

There is no need to prepare ingredients for washing every morning. Ice made from water can be stored in the freezer for a very, very long time. However, it is better to change the pieces supplemented with decoctions every week.

In addition to these examples, you can also use slightly unusual substances, for example, mummy in the form of a solution, rose water, aloe juice (especially for treating acne), infusions of hibiscus, rowan and many more amazing ingredients.


The effectiveness of ice measures has been tested for centuries, because even Catherine the Second and Marilyn Monroe did not neglect the benefits of frozen water. Knowing the dangers of cold procedures and following moderation, you can achieve visible benefits without any serious effort. The opinions of our contemporaries only confirm this truth:

  1. Ink_: “In one month, my pores became smaller, my skin smoothed out, my complexion evened out, a natural glow appeared, and I stopped being scared of myself in the morning.”
  2. AlexanderRina_: “...it’s not for nothing that this method is so popular, especially among our mothers and grandmothers. Cosmetic ice is a universal way to maintain the beauty and health of your skin... And for me it is simply an irreplaceable product.”

The tonic effect of ice is beneficial not only for the face, but also for the neck and décolleté (but not the chest itself). True, these areas are especially sensitive and will not tolerate too vigorous rubbing.


Useful video with recipes and recommendations for making and using ice cubes for the face

A good day begins with a pleasant morning, and this, in turn, is impossible without the pleasure of reflection in the mirror. Simply rubbing with ice cubes helps you wake up and watch yourself with pleasure. A little additional knowledge will turn this procedure into a real therapeutic event.

Rubbing your face with ice cubes has been practiced for a very long time. The procedure is believed to help maintain skin tone. And frozen herbal infusions can generally prolong youth. Cosmetologists and dermatologists have different opinions on this matter. Cold activates subcutaneous processes, but not all of them are favorable. So in what cases is ice for the face beneficial or harmful?

Benefits of ice cubes for skin


After wiping your face with a cube of frozen water, there is an immediate effect - the skin looks tightened and fresh. This happens due to the fact that cold dilates blood vessels.

As a result of wiping the facial skin with ice, blood flow improves, just like after a lymphatic drainage massage.

The benefits of ice cubes for the face are that the following changes occur:

Due to good microcirculation of fluids, swelling of the face decreases and swelling of the eyelids disappears;

  1. Pores become narrower;
  2. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, deep wrinkles look less pronounced;
  3. The skin receives additional hydration;
  4. The complexion improves, a healthy glow appears;
  5. Sebum production is reduced and the skin remains matte throughout the day.

The procedure is universal and suitable for any skin type. The effect is enhanced if you freeze herbal infusions rather than water. Properly selected components have a healing effect. Using ice cubes you can eliminate inflammation, irritation and acne.

Possible harm of ice cubes to the skin

Despite all the positive aspects of the procedure, not everything is so clear when answering the question: “is it useful to wipe your face with ice cubes?” In dermatology, there are specific contraindications for its implementation:

  1. Dilated and close to the surface capillaries, vascular mesh (rosacea) and other similar diseases;
  2. Serious inflammatory processes, ulcers;
  3. Dermatological diseases (eczema, dermatitis);
  4. Herpes and predisposition to its appearance;
  5. Individual intolerance to cold;
  6. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure at elevated temperatures or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How to properly wipe your face with ice cubes


To get the maximum effect from the procedure, you need to know the nuances of its implementation. In the case of ice cubes, not everything is simple.

Hardened skin is less stressed by low temperatures and cold winds

In most cases, the benefits of wiping your face with ice are obvious and justified. All that remains is to learn the correct freezing of cubes and the massage technique with their help:

  1. Do not use tap water as a basis; it does not have any benefits for the skin. Distilled or mineral water is suitable instead. As a last resort, you can take filtered one.
  2. To improve skin health, use herbal infusions in the proportion of 1 tbsp. strained broth into a glass of water.
  3. To care for problem skin, ice with fruit and vegetable juice (for example, lemon or cucumber) is suitable. The components are mixed in a 1:1 ratio.
  4. Pour the mixture or clean water into ice molds or special bags with separate cells. Place them in the freezer. They must stay there for at least two hours.
  5. Before using ice, the skin must be cleansed. Rubbing is performed along massage lines in circular or straight movements. Move the ice cubes evenly over your face, without stopping in one place. Hypothermia of tissues is extremely undesirable.
  6. After completing the procedure, do not rush to wipe the skin. Allow the infusion to absorb, then pat your face with a soft cloth to remove excess moisture.

You can perform wiping in the morning and evening. In the first case, the skin receives a charge of vigor and a lifting effect. In the second - relieving fatigue and increasing tone.

Herbal Recipes for Ice Cubes

Now that you have assessed the benefits and harms of wiping your face with ice, you can begin preparing the cosmetic product. Its main advantage is its low cost compared to ready-made tonics and serums.


Each skin type requires specific ingredients to combat related problems. For oily skin, these are wide pores and increased sebum secretion. For dry skin – peeling and a feeling of tightness. Let's look at some useful recipes for herbal ice cubes for the face:

For oily skin:

  1. Take one part of calendula and oak bark and brew them. After the mixture has cooled, add a pinch of soda and stir well. Dilute the decoction with water (1 tablespoon of infusion per 250 ml of water) and freeze ice with herbs for the face in molds. Calendula and oak bark relieve inflammation, tighten pores and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and soda will serve as an excellent antiseptic.
  2. Brew 2 tbsp. St. John's wort and 3 tbsp. sage in 100 ml. boiling water Dilute the cooled, strained composition with water, as in the previous case. St. John's wort is good at preventing the appearance of oily shine, and sage is good at removing harmful substances.

For dry skin:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. chamomile and brew in a glass of hot water. To make chamomile ice cubes for your face, you can use filter bags from the pharmacy. Strain the infusion (you won’t have to do this with bags) and freeze. Chamomile ice for the face provides gentle care for dry skin. It prevents allergic reactions and perfectly moisturizes.
  2. Pour one tablespoon of linden flowers into 100 ml. cold water. Bring to a boil, let it brew. After the broth has cooled, pour it into ice molds. Linden perfectly softens the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

For rejuvenation

  1. Take equal parts of dandelion, mint or lemon balm and linden flowers. Brew a glass of hot water and let it brew. Ice cubes for the face against wrinkles with this composition tone and smooth the skin well.
  2. One or two teaspoons of flax seeds are brewed with boiling water. The composition is kept for several hours and poured into forms for freezing. You will receive an excellent product to nourish and protect your skin from premature aging.

You can use not only decoctions for the face for ice. The composition can be supplemented with olive or peach oil for facial skin care. To give it a smooth and radiant appearance, use a drop of essential oil (for example, rose). But be sure to make sure that you are not allergic to it.

Other effective ice cube recipes for the face

Ice cubes with herbs for the face are a useful and very effective remedy. But not only herbal decoctions are suitable for rubbing. For example, frozen pieces of fruit and vegetables retain their properties even at low temperatures.


You can use the following recipes:

For normal skin

  1. For gentle cleansing, you can prepare an ice scrub. Add dry oatmeal or coffee grounds to any mixture. It is recommended to use this ice in the evening.
  2. Finely chop the peach, grapes or watermelon. Pour the pulp with non-carbonated mineral water and put it in the freezer. This ice is a real vitamin cocktail for the skin.

For oily and combination skin

Prepare ice cubes with lemon for your face. You will need citrus juice; instead of lemon, you can take grapefruit or orange. It is mixed with purified water in a 1:1 ratio and frozen. Lemon strengthens blood vessels and dries the skin, eliminating oily shine.

For skin whitening

Parsley ice for the face will help remove pigmentation and freckles. 1 tbsp. 250 ml of chopped greens is poured. hot water. You can use fresh parsley juice. This frozen ice will not only whiten the skin, but also eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

For problem skin

Aloe juice will help cope with acne rashes. It can be frozen pure or diluted with water. Promotes rapid healing of damaged soft tissues.

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