How to cleanse your face of age spots

Well, who doesn’t dream of clean, uniform, smooth and elastic facial skin? In pursuit of perfect skin, women are actively fighting on all fronts. They have been fighting acne, blackheads and inflammation since adolescence. They apply tightening masks when they are not even 30. All this is accompanied by regular healing, moisturizing, restoration and peeling. But the worst enemy is age spots on the face. Getting rid of them is not so easy, but it is still possible. In this article you will learn what age spots are, how and why they appear, and also get acquainted with popular and effective methods for removing them.

Why do age spots appear?

Any changes in the color and structure of the skin are a consequence of various processes within the body and external influences. Age spots are areas of the skin with a darker shade. Age spots may be light or dark brown. Such spots are not dangerous to health, but they represent a serious cosmetic defect. Here are some factors that may cause age spots to appear on the face.

  1. Age spots, as well as freckles, most often appear due to a large amount of ultraviolet radiation. The pigment may intensify if the sun's rays hit the skin after peeling, etc.
  2. Age spots often appear during pregnancy and after childbirth. This is due to hormonal changes that every female body is subject to during this period. The appearance of age spots can occur due to long-term use of oral contraceptives.
  3. Very often, age spots appear on mature skin; this is due to the processes of aging and fading of the epidermis.
  4. Inappropriate, namely very aggressive cosmetics can also cause the appearance of age spots. Most often, spots appear only on light skin, which is usually quite thin and sensitive. You cannot use powerful formulations for this skin type.

These are the main reasons why pigmentation occurs. If you find such spots on your body, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

How to cleanse your face of age spots

There are many proven cosmetic ways to get rid of unpleasant dark patches on the skin, for example, peeling. The skin scrubbing procedure must be carried out correctly, otherwise you will not only not get the desired effect, but will also worsen the situation. In general, dark pigment on the skin is mostly localized on its surface. Soft abrasive particles of the scrub allow you to delicately remove the top layer of the epidermis along with most of the dark spot. As a result, after the procedure, soft, lightened skin remains. You can't get rid of stains completely, but you can lighten them by half a tone, which makes the pigment less noticeable.

For peeling, you can buy a scrub; fortunately, the choice in cosmetic stores is quite wide. But it’s better to prepare a natural homemade scrub, the freshness of which you will not doubt. Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with a teaspoon of almond or olive oil and a tablespoon of kefir. Mix everything and add sugar. After adding sugar, you need to start massaging the skin immediately until the crystals dissolve. Lemon juice gently eats away dead skin, sugar, like a brush, cleanses out dead epidermis, oil moisturizes, and kefir nourishes the skin. Gently massage this mixture onto your skin for at least 10 minutes. Avoid the area around the eyes. After this, leave the composition on the skin for about 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. After peeling, under no circumstances expose your face to ultraviolet light for a few more days, otherwise pigmentation will begin with even greater force!

Cosmetologists use cryotherapy as one of the most effective procedures against age spots. Its principle is to apply liquid nitrogen to the skin, which lightens the skin by several tones. It is very important to choose an experienced specialist so that there are no scars left after the procedure. You can also get rid of age spots using a laser. This method has no side effects, but this procedure costs a lot. You can remove the top layer of the epidermis using peeling, but a more powerful and professional one, a procedure called dermabrasion. Essentially, this is skin polishing, which is performed using a large brush rotating at a very high speed. In addition to these cosmetic procedures, women with facial pigment are recommended to use various whitening creams, masks and lotions daily. An effective remedy for caring for pigmented skin can be prepared at home.

Folk remedies in the fight against age spots

We have collected for you only the most effective and efficient recipes that will help you get rid of age spots and lighten your skin once and for all.

  1. Kefir, parsley and cucumber. This is a unique combination of products that perfectly lightens age spots and freckles. In a blender you need to chop a bunch of parsley and a medium-sized cucumber. Add a spoonful of kefir to the green mass. If your skin is dry, you can use sour cream instead of kefir. Mix all ingredients and apply to cleansed skin with age spots. The effect of the mask will be much more noticeable if you apply it to the skin after peeling. Keep the mask on for no more than 10 minutes, then rinse with water.
  2. Lemon ice. Lemon has whitening properties and should be added to all lightening masks. And ice tightens the pores and helps consolidate the result. In general, ice is very beneficial for the skin, it tones and gives it elasticity. Prepare lemon water to freeze. To do this, the juice of two medium-sized fruits must be diluted with a glass of water. Freeze this liquid and rub ice cubes on your face every morning.
  3. Serum. Dairy products are great for whitening the face, but serum is the best way to deal with the problem of age spots. You need homemade whey, which is prepared from natural milk. The milk should be boiled and a little kefir should be added to it (about 3 tablespoons per liter). Then put the mixture on the fire and wait until the milk begins to curdle. After this, the contents need to be thrown onto cheesecloth - you will get very tasty and healthy homemade cottage cheese and the whey we need. Take a cosmetic tissue or cut one from a clean cloth. Soak a napkin in the serum and apply to your face. As it dries, you can repeat the procedure several times. This compress will not only lighten the skin, but also make it very soft and moisturized.
  4. White clay and lemon. The mask whitens the skin well, the effect is noticeable after the first procedure. White clay must be kneaded with lemon juice, and it should not be diluted with water. The resulting mixture greatly discolors the skin, so it must be applied strictly to age spots. Keep the mask on for no more than 10 minutes; if the lightening is not strong enough, repeat the procedure.
  5. Chamomile. This plant has excellent whitening properties - you probably know about lightening hair with chamomile decoction. If you want to make your face uniform, you need to rinse it with chamomile decoction every day. And in order not to prepare a decoction every day, you can make a lotion with alcohol, which is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for at least a month. To do this, fresh chamomile flowers need to be poured with alcohol and left for 3 weeks, shaking the bottle periodically. After this, the composition is filtered. Wipe your face with chamomile lotion morning and evening.
  6. Hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide also perfectly whitens any surfaces it comes into contact with. To make the mask more effective, peroxide is mixed with pure lemon juice. For consistency, you can add a little oatmeal to the liquid. This is a good component; it makes the mask viscous and easy to apply. The prepared composition should be applied only to age spots, pointwise, otherwise the rest of the skin will also become significantly lighter. Keep the mask on for 5-10 minutes, no more. After washing off the mask, apply a nourishing cream to the skin, since peroxide not only brightens, but also dries out the skin.

These are the main ingredients and recipes that have powerful whitening properties.

How to protect your face from age spots

It is very important to recognize the nature of age spots, because sometimes darkening can form due to various dermatological diseases. If all of the above methods did not help you clear your face of age spots, consult a doctor. You may need completely different treatment to eliminate them. Take care of the health of your skin, and it will respond to you with beauty and youth!

Video: home procedure for age spots on the face

Hyperpigmentation is a problem for many people who experience it at different points in their lives. There are a large number of effective methods to combat this deficiency. You can use both popular pharmaceutical drugs and traditional recipes. An effective home-made whitening face mask for age spots, contains natural ingredients, which makes it absolutely safe.

Reasons for appearance

Every person has melanonocytes in their skin - special cells that perform the function of producing skin pigment. When exposed to certain internal or external factors, they increase their activity, which leads to the appearance of age spots.

The following reasons for the development of a defect on the skin surface are identified:

  1. excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the body;
  2. hormonal pathologies;
  3. avitaminosis;
  4. disruption of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder;
  5. negative effects of certain medications;
  6. natural age-related changes.

Very often, hyperpigmentation is observed during pregnancy, which is associated with hormonal changes.


There are many effective masks for facial pigmentation. To prepare them you need to use simple products that can be found in almost anyone’s refrigerator.


You can quickly get rid of excess pigmentation with kefir. It is best to take a medium fat product.

You can prepare several options for masks for the body and face:

  1. Kefir with bran. This recipe is ideal for those with sensitive skin. Kefir is mixed with crushed bran in a 2:1 ratio and left in a warm place for 12 minutes. The resulting mixture is applied to the face. After 15-16 minutes you can wash your face, after which it is recommended to apply a moisturizer.
  2. Kefir with parsley. The product whitens the skin and tones it. Parsley contains many beneficial essential oils that help smooth out fine wrinkles. To prepare the product, you need to squeeze the juice from the plant and mix it with the same volume of fermented milk product. It is necessary to moisten gauze or other soft cloth in the mixture. It is applied to problem areas of the body and left for 20 minutes. Remains of the bleaching composition are removed with a cotton swab soaked in apple cider vinegar.
  3. Kefir with olive oil and lemon. This mask nourishes the epidermis well and can lighten it by several tones. To prepare the product, take two tablespoons of fermented milk drink, a teaspoon of juice and a little olive oil. The composition is applied to the skin and kept for 15-17 minutes.
  4. To combat hyperpigmentation, it is possible to use pure kefir, which should be used to treat the skin several times a day.


Many of the homemade face whitening masks contain cucumber. This vegetable helps lighten the skin, tones and nourishes it..

  1. Cucumber with egg white. The recipe is ideal for those with oily skin. To prepare a bleaching agent, chopped cucumber is mixed with raw egg white. The composition is kept on the face for about a quarter of an hour.
  2. Cucumber with sour cream. To prepare the product, combine finely chopped vegetables with a teaspoon of rich sour cream. The mixture is left on the skin for 15 minutes.
  3. Cucumber, lemon and honey. Using this composition you can whiten the skin. The mask additionally nourishes and restores the structure of the epidermis. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and honey to two tablespoons of cucumber pulp. Keep the product on the body for at least 15 minutes.
  4. Cucumber with clay. Use 1.5 teaspoons of freshly squeezed juice. Instead of cucumber, you can take strawberries or parsley. Add a teaspoon of white cosmetic clay to the juice. The mixture is applied to problem areas for 15-17 minutes. After the procedure, the skin is moisturized using any cream.


Citrus fruits are ideal for preparing whitening masks.

Popular recipes using lemon juice or pulp:

  1. Lemon tincture. Fresh citrus is cut into small pieces, the seeds are removed and poured with vodka. It should cover the lemon completely. The mixture is infused for 10 days, after which it is filtered and used for lotions. Cotton pads or gauze soaked in tincture are applied to problem areas of the body. They are left for 20 minutes, preventing the fabric from drying out. After the procedure, it is recommended not to wash your face for some time to enhance the effect of the tincture.
  2. Lemon with egg. Only use protein, which must be beaten well until a thick foam forms. Gradually add a teaspoon of lemon juice into the mixture. Gently lubricate the face with the liquid. After one layer has cooled, apply the next one and do this several times. After the procedure, wash your face and use any moisturizer.
  3. Lemon with honey. Juice from one fruit is mixed with 100 g of liquid honey. The finished mixture is used as a daily care mask, leaving it on for at least 15 minutes.
  4. Lemon mask for mature skin. You can improve the appearance of your face and get rid of pigmentation, which often appears due to age-related changes, using this product. To prepare it, two teaspoons of honey are mixed with the same amount of sugar. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and juice from half a lemon to them. The mixture is applied to the face and neck, kept for five minutes, then washed off. The body is additionally moisturized with any nourishing cream.
  5. Lemon with starch. The powder is diluted with freshly squeezed juice to obtain a paste-like mixture. It is applied to all problem areas and left for 20 minutes.
  6. Lemon with turmeric. The components are mixed in a 2:1 ratio. The product is applied to all problem areas of the body and kept for 15 minutes.
  7. Lemon with cinnamon and honey. This aromatic mask is suitable for any skin type if you are not allergic to bee products. To prepare it, combine two tablespoons of honey with the juice of one lemon and a teaspoon of cinnamon. The composition is applied to problem areas and left for 10 minutes.
  8. Lemon with soda. Baking soda in the amount of 3 tablespoons is combined with one tablespoon of water. After this, five tablespoons of lemon juice are added to the mixture. The paste is applied to age spots and kept for 10 minutes.

Herbal lotions

In addition to whitening masks, people with increased skin pigmentation are advised to regularly use special lotions. They increase the effectiveness of such products and reduce the production of melanin.

The most popular whitening herbal lotions are:

  1. Dandelion decoction. A tablespoon of young inflorescences is poured with 210 ml of boiling water. The mixture is boiled over low heat for half an hour. Wipe the face with the strained decoction twice a day.
  2. Parsley infusion. Finely chopped greens are poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10. Wash your face with the infusion or use it to treat your face in the morning and evening.
  3. Herbal infusion. Nettle, linden, willow bark and cornflower are combined in equal proportions. A tablespoon of herbal mixture is poured into 220 ml of boiling water. Wipe the skin and body with the cooled infusion several times a day.

Other recipes

Skin whitening is carried out using the following means:

  1. Using hydrogen peroxide. A tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese is thoroughly mixed with the same amount of sour cream. Add a teaspoon of peroxide to the milk mixture. The mask is applied to all problem areas and kept for 15 minutes.
  2. Using baker's yeast. The mask helps improve complexion and nourishes the skin. For treatment, you need to mix 25 g of yeast with 1 tablespoon of milk, add a tablespoon of lemon juice. The duration of the procedure is 16 minutes.
  3. Using starch and flour. The recipe is suitable for especially sensitive skin. To prepare an effective product, starch, flour and milk are mixed in equal proportions, and the paste is applied to all problem areas of the skin.
  4. Viburnum juice. Use fresh or frozen berries. In concentrated viburnum juice, gauze is moistened and applied to problem areas as a compress.
  5. With horseradish. The recipe is suitable for those with aging skin. To prepare the medicinal composition, mix sour cream and horseradish juice in equal proportions. The product is applied to the skin for 7 minutes and washed off with cool water. The mask increases blood flow to problem areas of the body, tones the skin and brightens it.
  6. With sauerkraut. The product is thoroughly crushed, a little brine is added and applied to problem areas. The mask is kept for about 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.
  7. With seasonal berries. To improve the condition of the face and to combat pigmentation, you can use strawberries, currants, and cranberries. The juice from these berries is applied to the face in concentrated form and kept for 13 minutes.
  8. With a badyaga. The product must be used with extreme caution, as it provokes severe pain. But if a person does not have very sensitive skin, badyaga will help to quickly and effectively cope with hyperpigmentation, fine wrinkles, and increase the tone and elasticity of the epidermis. To achieve a positive result, a teaspoon of white clay is mixed with a pinch of burning powder. Add a little water to the dry ingredients, wait 2 minutes, then carefully apply the paste to the body. The mask is washed off after 4 minutes.

It will take at least a month to get rid of age spots. After achieving the desired result, it is recommended to carry out additional preventive procedures once every two to three weeks.

Every woman wants to have beautiful and healthy facial skin. But some skin defects (including age spots) sometimes cause a lot of trouble and disappointment. Their appearance is based on the body’s excessive tendency to increase the level of melanin, a pigment that manifests itself under the influence of sunlight. This leads to hyperpigmentation, darkening of certain areas of the skin.


In addition to sunlight, other reasons can influence this process. Some of them are associated with hormonal changes in the body of pregnant or nursing mothers and women over 35 years of age. During the use of contraceptive drugs, the risk of triggering the mechanism of increased pigmentation increases.

Age spots on the face

Pigmentation can also be caused by:

  1. deficiency of folic acid and vitamins C, PP;
  2. heredity;
  3. diseases of internal organs;
  4. the use of substances that irritate the skin;
  5. received injuries, burns and frostbite;
  6. Excessively frequent peelings.

Before you whiten age spots on your face, you should understand the reasons for their occurrence. If this is pregnancy or lactation, then after a certain time the spots disappear and the skin returns to normal.

The manifestation of melanin is associated with the activity of the hormonal system. If there is increased pigmentation, you can consult an endocrinologist. A cosmetologist will help you get rid of external signs. He will recommend how and with what to whiten pigmentation on the face. The salon will select creams and special products. In addition, some procedures can be performed at home.

Types of whitening

You can cleanse your face in different ways. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Laser pigmentation removal

The modern newest method in the field of cosmetology is facial cleansing using a laser. It is based on treatment with light pulses. After 5-7 days, the face becomes significantly lighter, the spots gradually disappear. The procedure has to be repeated, which is its disadvantage.

note! Before cleaning your face with a laser, you should definitely consult with a cosmetologist and refuse to carry out the procedure if it involves risks.

Contraindications include the presence of:

  1. Recently tanned.
  2. Inflammation in the body.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  5. Oncological diseases.

Cosmetologists insist on cleansing only in winter or autumn. If the operation is performed, your face will have to be hidden from the sun for about a month. Otherwise, the effect will be zero, the manifestation of melanin will resume again. In these cases, it is better to use masks and creams for whitening.

Facial cleansing with laser

Whitening products

You can lighten your facial skin with a store-bought bleaching product. A busy woman at work and at home prefers to buy a ready-made cream or whitening mask and try it right away. But this method of cleansing has both advantages and disadvantages.

Substances purchased in pharmacies and stores can have a quick effect and produce noticeable results. To the disadvantages, you can add the presence of toxic elements in them. Some are addictive. In addition, high-quality and expensive cosmetics from world-famous companies require financial investments.

Pros and cons of home peeling

You can cleanse and brighten your face without leaving home. Masks applied at home are natural and harmless. In addition, the components for them are not so expensive. Preparing home remedies takes time and effort (albeit minimal). They act gradually and slowly. The result will not appear immediately.

Preparing the face for cleansing of age spots

Before cleansing the skin of the face from age spots, remove makeup, and then begin to cleanse it using professional care products. They prepare the conditions for obtaining a good result from the action of the drugs. Next, the keratinized layer of the skin is removed.

The next stage is steaming, during which it is advisable to use softening agents. These include antibacterial lotions containing isopropyl alcohol. Cleaning is carried out mechanically (manually) or using napkins and a cleaning spatula.

Effect of facial skin cleansers

There are several ways to whiten age spots on the face. Lotions, washes and masks are used for this. They are effective, but they cannot bring the skin to an ideal state. In addition to treating the skin with cosmetics, you can use the services of beauty salons.

Popular home remedies and natural cleansers include lemon and cucumber juice and parsley root. But the cleaning process is labor-intensive. The cleansing effect is also created by using acetic, lactic or citric acids. This group includes inexpensive and effective hydrogen peroxide. By oxidizing and destroying the layer of dead skin cells, sweat, and fat, it cleanses the face. It also has a destructive effect on melanin. The result is obvious: the skin becomes light, cleansed and rejuvenated. Using peroxide, you can hide freckles and discolor age spots.

Note! Very often a lightening agent

cannot be used - being a strong oxidizing agent, it can cause burns. It must be handled with care.

Lotions, washes and masks are used

Skin care after lightening

Cosmetologists insist on cleansing and lightening the skin on the face only in winter or autumn. If a laser was used for cleansing, your face will have to be hidden from the sun for 2 weeks. Otherwise, the effect will be zero, and the manifestation of melanin will resume again. In these cases, it is better to use masks and creams for whitening. You will also need sun protection creams.

Immediately after bleaching, the skin is not moisturized and water procedures are not performed for 24 hours. It should be kept clean. You will also have to give up cosmetics. Recovery after laser exposure involves the use of exclusively soft, gentle scrubs.

If the skin is dry, moisturize it with nourishing products and creams or lotions. Avoid touching your face with a rough washcloth or hands. You will have to do without visiting baths, saunas and jacuzzi for a period of 2 months. If the recommendations are ignored, then there is a possibility of new plaques forming in place of the removed spots. Although the percentage is very small, in the majority (90% of cases) no adverse reactions are observed.

Tips from cosmetologists

They are increasingly talking about complex treatment and prevention of the pigmentation process. The main focus is on eliminating the causes that lead to the recurrence of spots and explains that using a one-sided approach, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin and its health.

Reduce the number of cups of coffee you drink

Interesting. In order to avoid the reappearance of spots, in addition to lightening and evening out the shade of the skin surface, cosmetologists offer the preparation of individual programs for patients.

Prevention plays an important role. It consists of correcting the diet. A set of products will help you avoid the appearance of unpleasant signs, which include:

  1. sauerkraut;
  2. citrus;
  3. bell pepper (sweet);
  4. black and red currants;
  5. grapes, raspberries, strawberries.

Their consumption should be increased, since in winter and spring the body requires more vitamins. Experts also advise reducing the number of cups of coffee you drink.

Skin needs daily care. For this, there are a great many recipes that use useful products and substances. The healing elements in their composition will help restore and heal the dermis.