Wrinkles appear under my eyes when I smile

girls, who removed crow's feet and in what ways? I recently turned 30 years old. I have been very sick for the last 2 years and have problems sleeping because of this. I noticed that when I smile, bags under my eyes appear and strong wrinkles appear around my eyes (they just roll up in a bunch!). Without a smile, they are not yet visible. I have never had any injections before. Recommend what is better.

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What is better, only a cosmetologist can say. Preparations based on hyaluronic acid, but only a professional will understand what concentration, where and how much

The best thing to do is take care of your health.

2. Come on :)) i.e. healthy people don't have wrinkles??

The best thing to do is take care of your health.

well, I also discovered a bunch of wrinkles at 30) now I’m looking at those photos - it’s just a peach

All women at 30 have a lot of wrinkles

Related topics

All women at 30 have a lot of wrinkles

I have never been to a solarium in my life. I also do medicine, but medicine for your information, unfortunately, does not cure everything
not a lot of wrinkles, but only when you smile at the eyes

I have never been to a solarium in my life. I also do medicine, but medicine for your information, unfortunately, doesn’t cure everything, not a lot of wrinkles, but only with a smile near the eyes

9 It was me, the author, who answered. :))) and if you don’t smile, there are no wrinkles.
but now I'm walking around like a zombie.

This is usually either due to dry skin or excessive thinness. moisturize, get fat =)

undergo a free facial rejuvenation procedure (salons are currently running promotions for new clients), I signed up here: all-free.rf

undergo a free facial rejuvenation procedure (salons are currently running promotions for new clients), I signed up here: all-free.rf

A good hydrating cream is your salvation. The skin is clearly overdried and under-groomed. At 30 years old and some really crazy wrinkles. What it is? Use a hydrating cream twice a day and choose a foundation for dry skin, not a drying powder. Spray a spray of micellar water on your face. Otherwise, now you’ll run to insert threads and inject mesotherapy - it’s painful, impractical, binding, and expensive.

The author complains that I have been very sick for the last 2 years and have problems sleeping because of this. I noticed that when I smile, bags under my eyes appear and strong wrinkles appear around my eyes (they just roll up in a bunch!). So you need to start with this - a long sleep, including a “beauty sleep”, when the girl goes to bed before midnight. In addition, positive emotions and skin hydration, micellar water, a humidifier in the room, and a trip to the sea can help you with this. As for cosmetic products, try the Beauty Line anti-wrinkle cream, which contains plant and algae extracts: It will help the body activate the process of rejuvenating skin cells and speed up the disappearance of wrinkles.

I liked the lundenilona eye mask, it smoothes the skin well

This is just a cool thing
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http://701010886.shop.faberlic.com/component/catalog/?view=goods& >

girls, who removed crow's feet and in what ways? I recently turned 30 years old. I have been very sick for the last 2 years and have problems sleeping because of this. I noticed that when I smile, bags under my eyes appear and strong wrinkles appear around my eyes (they just roll up in a bunch!). Without a smile, they are not yet visible. I have never had any injections before. Recommend what is better.

I get wrinkles if I don't drink enough water

Contact a specialist! Otherwise they will advise you here now.

I had the same problem - nasolabial wrinkles and a little crow's feet under the eyes. I also struggled, tried creams, but the cosmetologist made me look like crabs. Well, what will she do, I’m 30 years old, maybe it’s time, genetics, all sorts of other factors... well, for now I’m saving myself with serum creams. It seems that new ones no longer appear, and I mask the ones that exist with Maxilift serum, it hides everything for the whole day in 2 minutes. and of course daily thorough care, makeup removal and all other procedures (moisturizing, nutrition)


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How to properly perform exercises for facial wrinkles

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
Read more here...

Every woman wants to preserve her youth and prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles by any means. Often, without thinking about these methods, you spend a lot of money, visit salons and buy various cosmetics. Some take desperate steps, such as plastic surgery and Botox injections.

But is it worth torturing yourself like that? Spending huge sums on miracle drugs, beauty salons and realizing that it costs a lot of money? There is a simple way that you don’t need to spend money on. This is an anti-wrinkle facial exercise.

The first thing you need to accustom yourself to is to stop wrinkling your forehead, frowning your eyebrows, smiling from ear to ear, and squinting your eyes. From such actions, the skin of the face stretches over time, thereby forming small wrinkles near the eyes, lips and forehead area.

Video about exercises for facial wrinkles

Classification of wrinkles

It is not uncommon for wrinkles to appear at an early age, but there is no need to panic as this does not mean that you are getting old. It’s just that, most likely, you have very dry skin, and in addition to facial gymnastics, you need to use good creams to nourish the skin. Of course, it is better to contact cosmetologists and they will select the component based on which you will use cosmetic products.

Also, the early appearance of wrinkles can arise due to the specifics of your work, if you often use your face as a tool (smile, talk, strain your eyes, perform some kind of facial actions).

The appearance of wrinkles, in general, can occur for several reasons, in different areas of the face and at different ages. Accordingly, the types of wrinkles on the lyceum have a certain classification.

Superficial wrinkles.

Often such wrinkles appear at an early age, the cause is dry skin. With timely intervention, they are quite easy to deal with. The first thing you need to start doing is, of course, gymnastics. Plus, use good cosmetic masks and creams.

Deep wrinkles.

They appear at a more mature age. And if you don’t pay attention to them in time, they only become more noticeable. For deep wrinkles, you also need to use potent creams, serums and masks. Use only quality products. Be sure to perform the following facial exercises for wrinkles every day.

Expression wrinkles.

Cosmetic masks, creams, lotions, and special exercises help combat them. Try to do less facial actions and watch it. Squint your eyes less, stretch your smile, try to avoid direct sunlight. And most importantly, don’t forget about facial exercises.

Gravity wrinkles.

They appear as a result of natural causes: a sharp change in hormonal levels in the body, rapid weight loss, etc. Because of this, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes less elastic. The fight against gravitational wrinkles is carried out with creams, taking certain vitamins, and gymnastics.

Dynamic and static wrinkles.

This is the name for wrinkles that are visible constantly or when performing some facial actions. In principle, these are the same facial wrinkles. Limiting your activities with the facial muscles will also help to avoid their appearance. Less facial expressions, emotions, don’t overexert your face, etc. Try to protect your skin from exposure to external factors.

Removing nasolabial wrinkles

We present to your attention exercises for nasolabial wrinkles that you will have to do regularly. The skin in the area of ​​the nose and lips will smooth out, become more elastic, the tips of the mouth will rise, and the lips themselves will become a little larger in volume. We do the following: we strain our lips with all our might, while trying not to clench our teeth, and we begin to raise and lower the corners of our lips. If you can’t do it yourself, you can use your index fingers. You need to perform this exercise 10-15 times. Daily.

Next: we stretch our lips into a tube, while straining them with all our might, count to three and, without relaxing our lips, open our mouth completely. Do this exercise ten times in a row and increase it by 1-2 times daily.

Wrinkles around the eyes can be removed!

By doing exercises for wrinkles around the eyes, you will smooth out the skin around your eyes. Remove puffiness under the eyes and avoid the formation of bags. The skin will tighten and become more elastic. First, close your eyes and start rotating the eyeballs themselves. First clockwise. Then counterclockwise. Do this movement 10 times in each direction. When performing the exercise, the head should be motionless. Then, using the index and middle fingers of both hands, press your hands to your face under the eyebrows. We raise our eyebrows with our fingers and begin to close our eyelids, counting to five. Perform the exercise 10-15 times.

Wrinkles on the face are not a death sentence

These exercises for facial wrinkles help you avoid the appearance of wrinkles all over your face. They strengthen muscles, making facial skin toned and elastic.

  1. Using your index and middle fingers, we press the skin above the eyebrows and, pressing, we begin to lower the skin down, in turn, the eyelids need to be lifted up, creating resistance to the fingers, counting to five. Perform the exercise 10 times.
  2. Using your index and middle fingers, we press the skin in the area of ​​the middle of the forehead, and vice versa, we begin to pull it up, while we lower the eyelids and eyes down, also offering resistance, and count to five. Perform 10-15 times.
  3. With our palms we press the skin of the forehead, at the very roots of the hair, while lowering our eyes down and closing them. The head should be motionless. With our eyes closed, we begin to rotate our eyeballs, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Five times in each direction. Such exercises against wrinkles on the face should be performed daily, 10-15 times.

Stay beautiful and young for many, many years. Take care of your skin and take care of it.

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How to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes?

  1. Wrinkles under the eyes - why do they appear first?
  2. Folk remedies in the fight against wrinkles
  3. Masks
  4. Cream
  5. Compresses
  6. Gymnastics for the eyes
  7. Anti-wrinkle hardware

Every woman inevitably faces the appearance of telltale folds on her face. The first wrinkles on the eyes, as is commonly believed, appear in most cases after 30 years. However, it happens that facial wrinkles appear by the age of 18, causing a lot of inconvenience to their owner. Unfortunately, many women, knowing how to hide unpleasant folds, are in no hurry to take any action to get rid of them. In fact, it is very important to take timely measures and decide how to remove wrinkles under the eyes, and not just disguise them for a while, since with age the number of wrinkles increases significantly and it becomes much more difficult to fight them.

Wrinkles under the eyes - why do they appear first?

Before moving on to ways to solve the problem, it is worth understanding why wrinkles appear in the eye area earlier than in any other area of ​​the face.

  1. The skin here, compared to all other areas of the face, is many times thinner;
  2. In the eye area there is a huge number of tiny muscles that are used by a person constantly: when he smiles, squints, watches TV, etc.;
  3. With age, the skin in the eye area becomes less saturated with elastin and collagen - components that maintain its smoothness and youth.

It is for these reasons that wrinkles under the eyes appear first. But what to do, how to eliminate them? We will learn all about this further.

Folk remedies in the fight against wrinkles

Folk remedies against unsightly folds in the eye area will help you cope with this skin defect right at home. Natural remedies available to every girl will help significantly rejuvenate the skin under the eyes and smooth out wrinkles. So, what can be useful?


Masks will help hide small folds and smooth out deep wrinkles, as well as visibly refresh the skin under the eyes. If you do them daily (best in the evening after water procedures), the effect will become visually noticeable after a couple of weeks. The following masks are quite simple, but at the same time very effective:

  1. Potato mask. Grate raw peeled potatoes (50g) on ​​a fine grater, add heavy cream (70ml) to this paste and mix everything well. Apply the mask to the skin under the eyes for 15 minutes, after the allotted time for the procedure, wash your face with warm water. Make a mask daily, three times a day;
  2. Honey mask. Mix warm melted honey (1 tbsp) with well-beaten egg white (1 piece), add flour (1 tsp) and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the skin under the eyes while warm and leave until it cools down (usually 20-25 minutes). Finally, rinse off the mask with warm water. Make a mask every evening for at least 10 days;
  3. Strawberry mask. You need to mash 3 strawberries, mix them with honey (1 tsp) and mix well. Place the resulting mass in gauze and apply it to the skin of the eyelids. You need to keep the strawberry mask for 20 minutes, and then wipe the area under the eyes with a swab dipped in milk. Apply the mask twice a day;
  4. Mask with asparagus juice. From freshly grated asparagus, squeeze out the juice (2 tsp) and mix it with fatty oil (2 tsp) - almond, peach or olive - to choose from. Soak cotton pads in the resulting mixture and apply them to the eye area. It is recommended to keep the mask on for 30 minutes, after which rinse it off with water. Do this cosmetic procedure twice a day;
  5. Egg mask. Mix the yolk (1 piece) with lemon juice (30 ml), chopped lemon zest (from half a lemon) and olive oil (1 tsp). Apply the mixture to the skin under the eyes for 30 minutes, then remove it using cosmetic pads soaked in cool milk.

An excellent remedy such as a homemade cream made with butter will also help get rid of wrinkles. Thanks to its regular use, fine wrinkles will disappear, and deep wrinkles will be significantly reduced.

First you need to prepare a decoction of herbs. To do this, you need to pour dried linden and chamomile flowers (half a tablespoon of each component) with boiling water (125 ml), let it brew (usually 10-15 minutes is enough for this), and strain. Next mix with 2 tbsp. the resulting decoction, 1 tbsp. butter and castor oil and grind everything. Homemade cream is ready. It is recommended to apply it to the wrinkled eye area daily at night. This product should be stored for no more than 5 days and must be stored in the refrigerator.


You can reduce wrinkles under the eyes using compresses. How to do them correctly? Very simple. You just need to pour vegetable oil (40-50 ml) into a container and soak a gauze cloth in it well. Place this napkin over your eyes, cover with a towel and hold for about 20 minutes. After the specified time, wash your face with water. To make the procedure more effective, it is recommended to finish it by wiping your face with a small piece of ice. This compress should be performed in the morning and evening.

By removing wrinkles in this way, you will enjoy the first results in just a few weeks.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Special eye exercises are an excellent way to help get rid of unsightly folds under the eyes and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.

Gymnastics will be especially useful for elderly and middle-aged people, as their muscles lose tone. To achieve the expected result, it is very important to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Gymnastics should be performed in a ventilated area;
  2. Before you start doing the exercises, you need to make sure that the skin is clean;
  3. From simple exercises you should gradually move on to slightly more complex ones, while increasing the load.

Let's look at some exercises that include eye gymnastics for wrinkles.

  1. Close your eyes tightly and stay in this position for 5-7 seconds. At the same time, it is important to ensure that other parts of the face are not tense.
  2. Using your index fingers, lightly press the muscles under your eyebrows. In this position, it is necessary, overcoming resistance, to try to close your eyes tightly and hold them in this position for 5 seconds.
  3. Close your eyes, then open them wide and look into the distance for 5 seconds. Close your eyelids again and relax.

Gymnastics is an excellent way to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes, accessible to every woman, because it does not take much time and requires absolutely no material costs. And in combination with applying masks or using good creams, you will achieve excellent results.

Anti-wrinkle hardware

All folk remedies have been tried, but the question of how to remove wrinkles under the eyes is still not resolved? What to do in this case, how to get rid of ugly folds? Of course, seek help from professionals.

  1. Everyone has probably heard about such a drug as Botox. It is injected into the wrinkled area. The essence of the drug’s action is that it blocks the supply of nerve impulses to facial muscles, as a result of which they stop contracting and the skin naturally smoothes out;
  2. One of the most popular methods for removing wrinkles in the eye area is photorejuvenation. It is based on the use of light radiation, which is produced in special equipment. This radiation helps restore the skin and is involved in the production of collagen.
  3. You can also get rid of wrinkles with the help of such a wonderful remedy as mesotherapy. Thanks to the introduction of preparations rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients into the surface layers of the skin, toxins are removed and the processes of hyaluronic acid synthesis are launched;
  4. Another great removal method is contour plastic surgery. This is a mini-facial plastic surgery method based on the introduction of a natural filler – hyaluronic acid – into the skin. This substance, as is known, is produced by the body itself, but with age its quantity decreases significantly, and therefore it is necessary to compensate for this deficiency artificially.

Sooner or later, every woman begins to worry about the question of how to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes. All representatives of the fair sex know how to disguise these treacherous folds, but only a few know how to properly fight them, what means are truly effective. Cosmetological methods and folk remedies come to the rescue, which can serve as an excellent remedy for wrinkles under the eyes.

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest and most delicate, which means it needs special care. But often we forget to pay due attention to this area. And as a result, the premature appearance of wrinkles. Well, who will like it?

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Of course, with age, facial wrinkles cannot be avoided, especially since one of the reasons for their appearance is a smile. We are in no way suggesting that you turn into Victoria Beckham and stop smiling in pursuit of beauty! But still, there are very common mistakes in caring for the skin around the eyes that will help wrinkles “show up” to you ahead of time.

Washing your face with too cold or too hot water

This is the number one mistake that most even the most “literate” girls make. The water temperature for daily washing should be room temperature, 23-24 degrees, but not icy or hot. Sometimes you can rub a cosmetic ice cube under your eyes, but the “freezing” method is not suitable for everyday care - the skin suffers from it. The same goes for hot water - it damages and dries, causing wrinkles to appear.

Do not use special eye makeup remover

On most gels and foams intended exclusively for washing the face, it is written: “Avoid the area around the eyes.” This information is really useful and should not be ignored! The skin of the entire face and the delicate skin around the eyes require different care, so remove any remaining makeup on the eyelids either with a special foam or with two-phase oil-based products.

Sleeping against wrinkles: 10 simple rules

Apply regular face cream under your eyes

The same story as with makeup remover - your beautiful eyes should have their own cosmetics. They deserve it! Face cream, no matter how high-quality and expensive it is, must be applied avoiding the notorious “area around the eyes.”

You forget about hydration

One of the reasons why wrinkles appear is dryness. Well-moisturized skin remains smooth longer, and this is most important for the skin around the eyes - there is practically no muscle or subcutaneous fat in this area, which is why it is prone to dryness. Care should occur twice a day - in the morning, before applying makeup, and in the evening - after washing.

You apply the cream with the wrong movements

Remember that the cream around the eyes should be applied with light, never stretching movements, “along the bone” - you can easily feel it with your fingertips. Every evening, do a micromassage with small taps - from the inner corner to the outer along the upper zone around the eye, from outer to inner - along the lower. These simple steps will increase blood circulation and make your skin firmer.

Don't wear sunglasses

Did you leave the house without sunglasses and squint all day because of the bright rays? Congratulations! When you close your eyes, your skin is constantly in a “crumpled” state - hence all the problems with wrinkles. Always have sunglasses with you, and it is advisable that their lenses have a UV filter.

Don't wear prescription glasses

If your vision has decreased, it is very important to choose glasses or contact lenses in which you will not involuntarily squint to see something. Often, facial wrinkles appear precisely because of incorrectly selected diopters, so visit an ophthalmologist once a year and, if necessary, correct them.

Going to bed wearing makeup

Well, there are no comments here at all. We thought for a long time whether to add this obvious item to our list of mistakes: after all, every girl has heard that you should never sleep in makeup. And yet, we decided to remind you once again - crumbling eye shadow, smeared mascara and remnants of eyeliner, in which you spent the night, have a detrimental effect on the skin around the eyes. This is the surest way to start dreaming of blepharoplasty by the age of 35. Therefore, always wash your face, even if you can barely stand from fatigue or champagne!