Anti-wrinkle drug Dysport reviews

Dysport is an innovative product that is actively used to combat wrinkles. It occupies a leader position among all anti-aging drugs containing botulinum toxin.

Allows you to relax facial muscles and due to this, wrinkles on the skin are smoothed out.

general information

The procedure for administering Dysport is considered one of the safest and most effective in the fight against age-related changes. For those who decide to undergo anti-aging procedures, Dysport injections are an excellent alternative to surgical plastic surgery.

What kind of procedure is this - Dysport injections, what cannot be done after injections and what complications may arise, what are the reviews about the drug and the average prices per unit, read in our article (see before and after photos below).

Action after administration, when the effect occurs and how long it lasts

The main active ingredient of the drug Dysport is botulinum toxin type A of high purity. The component has a slight paralyzing effect on the muscles, due to which their mobility is temporarily blocked. It is thanks to the relaxing effect of Dysport that facial wrinkles are corrected in a short period of time.

The drug is used in the beauty industry to rejuvenate the neck, décolleté, and face. Unlike its American counterpart (Botox), a different type of purification of toxin A is used in the production of Dysport.

Due to this, the difference between the two drugs is determined, which lies in the number of active units. Only a cosmetologist can determine the required dosage for each area.

However, it is known that Dysport injections use 2-4 times more active units than Botox. This indicator does not mean that the effect of injections on the body is more toxic. The main component of Dysport (botulinum toxin) is used for cosmetic purposes in tiny doses, so there is no point in talking about harm in this case.

This property gives the drug another advantage over other analogues used for rejuvenation. This feature of injections has a positive effect on skin with a large number of fine wrinkles.

Due to this, the dermis is smoothed not only on the treated area, but also on nearby areas. When does Dysport start to work, on what day after the injections will the effect be visible and how long will it last, and how often can the procedure be done?

As a rule, the effect of the drug occurs within 1-3 days. The final result will be visible in 2 weeks. The duration of action is 3-4 months, depending on the characteristics of the body. The next procedure should be carried out no earlier than after 3-4 months.

Effect of Dysport after injections in the eye area:

How is the procedure carried out?

After the doctor asks the patient about the presence of diseases and allergic reactions, the procedure can begin. The cosmetologist sits the patient in a comfortable chair, applies an alcohol-based solution of chlorhexidine (0.5%) to the face and marks the lines necessary for treatment.

A dermatocosmetologist will tell you what Dysport is in cosmetology, how often it can be injected and a lot of other useful information about this drug:


Many people are interested in the question: where do they inject Dysport? Dysport is designed to remove wrinkles:

  1. occurring around the eyes;

in the forehead area, the upper part of the bridge of the nose, having a horizontal orientation;

between the eyebrows (“wrinkles of anger”);

on the neck, in the décolleté area.

Injections also effectively combat sweating of the hands and feet.

And Amaline fillers are considered one of the most effective products intended for contouring and mesotherapy.

Here you will find detailed information about Dermahil injections.


Dysport injections, like any other medicine, have contraindications. Among them:

  1. presence of infectious diseases;
  2. age up to 12 years;
  3. individual intolerance to the components included in the drug;
  4. respiratory tract diseases in the chronic stage;
  5. blood diseases;
  6. neuromuscular diseases (nyasthenia);
  7. endocrine diseases;
  8. somatic diseases in acute form.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to warn the cosmetologist about the presence of allergic reactions.

Number of units for each site

The effectiveness of the procedure will depend on the correct dosage selection. Unlike Botox, which is available in bottles of 50 or 100 units, Dysport is placed in containers containing 300 units.

The dosage mainly depends on:

The optimal number of units should be selected by the doctor performing the injection procedures.

How many units of Dysport are needed on the face:

  1. to correct vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows (interbrow), from 42 to 100 units are required (8-10 units per 2-4 points, including the proud muscle);

to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead you will need from 30 to 90 units (5-15 units per 4-6 points);

to correct the area in the corners of the eyes, up to 120 units are needed (5-15 units per 2-4 points for each eye).

The maximum value for a single administration should not exceed 200 units.

Photos before and after using Dysport to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead:

Side effects, complications and possible consequences

Is there any harm from using Dysport? Rarely, after administration of Dysport, facial stiffness may be observed, reminiscent of a mask effect.

Side effects after injections include:

allergic reactions in the form of redness, itching, burning;

pain in the treated area;

double vision;

malaise (fever, chills);

In most cases, this occurs due to the fault of a doctor who does not have sufficient experience and competence. Such signs accompany the patient for no longer than 3 days.

To avoid such unpleasant situations, you should visit specialized clinics with cosmetologists with higher medical education. Next, we will talk about restrictions and recommendations after the Dysport injection procedure.

Is it allowed to use medications after beauty injections?

It is unacceptable to take antibiotics during injections and during the recovery period, since their components can block the action of Dysport.

The ban also applies to muscle relaxants (drugs that reduce muscle activity).

Alcohol ban

At the time of injections and during recovery, drinking alcohol is not allowed, since alcoholic beverages have a relaxing effect.

How long should you drink alcohol after Dysport? Many doctors insist that the taboo on alcohol be imposed for the entire rehabilitation period, that is, for 7-14 days.

Sports in the post-procedure period

Is it possible to exercise after Dysport? The ban on physical activity lasts for 2 weeks.

It is also not recommended to lie down for 4 hours after the administration of Dysport.

Saunas, steam baths, hot baths

Dysport and taking hot baths, visiting baths and saunas are also incompatible concepts.

The ban is imposed for the first 10 days.

If you decide to resort to facial plasma lifting, then find out here how often this procedure should be done.

Read about how to use a mesoscooter for the skin of the abdomen here.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, it is prohibited to use all drugs containing botulinum toxin. The use of Dysport is also contraindicated when breastfeeding a baby.

It has been proven that this component can cause irreparable harm to the child.

Average prices

The price of the drug varies depending on the number of units of the drug used. So how much does a unit of Dysport cost? The cost for one unit of Dysport ranges from 80 to 400 rubles.

It is worth noting that the product is only available with a doctor's prescription.

Customers' opinions

We invite you to read reviews about the drug (Dysport on the forehead and between the eyebrows):

  1. Marina, 34 years old, Nizhny Novgorod:

“I decided to undergo the procedure of introducing Dysport at the age of 32, when wrinkles began to appear on the forehead and at the base of the bridge of the nose.

The effect after the injections occurred on the 5th day and lasted about six months.

I go for procedures 2 times a year. I recommend".
Inna, 38 years old, Sevastopol:

“At the age of 30, I noticed a vertical fold in the bridge of my nose. On the advice of a friend, I decided to get Dysport injections. There was no effect in the first 3 days. I already thought that the drug did not work for me and the money was thrown away (the procedure is quite expensive).

The effect occurred on the 4th day. The crease has practically disappeared. My colleagues at work also noted its partial elimination. On the 6th day there was no trace left of the fold. Now I give injections regularly - 2-3 times a year.”
Olga, 33 years old, Moscow:

“My problem is the folds on the forehead and between the eyebrows. That's why I decided to have anti-aging injections. On the 5th day, the hated flaw left me, which made me incredibly happy. But after 2 weeks everything began to return to normal. The lower fold came out first, and then within 1.5 months and all subsequent ones. It's a pity for the money spent."
Anna, 24 years old, Stavropol:

“I noticed folds on my forehead at the age of 22. My friend recommended going through the Dysport injection procedure. I doubted it for a long time and decided only after 2 years. Now I can't live without it. The first time 65 units of the drug were used, now this figure has increased and reaches 85. I go for the procedure 3 times a year. I'm satisfied with the effect."

The procedure for administering Dysport is effective and safe. However, it should only be trusted to a qualified cosmetologist.

You should visit a cosmetologist 2-3 times a year, depending on the characteristics of the body. After Dysport injections, it is not allowed to play sports, drink alcohol, take antibiotics, or visit baths, saunas, or solariums.

What is Dysport for the face, how the procedure works, how long it lasts and on what day the result will be visible, you will learn from this video:

Girls, who had Dysport injections around the eyes, did the wrinkles under your eyes go away? I don’t have crow’s feet, but I have wrinkles under my eyes when I smile, can Dysport or Botox help in this case? Or is there no point in doing it? experts

Find out the opinion of an expert on your topic

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Don’t do it - it helps with crow’s feet, and even due to changes in facial expressions after injections, it can even deepen compensatoryly under the eyes.

Don’t do it - it helps with crow’s feet, and even due to changes in facial expressions after injections, it can even deepen compensatoryly under the eyes.

Don’t do it - it helps with crow’s feet, and even due to changes in facial expressions after injections, it can even deepen compensatoryly under the eyes.

I’ve already done it several times, I’m 44, in 6-8 months. The result is very pleasing. The crow's feet go away completely, under the eyes it's a little worse, but you can't inject too much under the eyes, no Dysport, no Botox (they're essentially the same thing, different manufacturers), there may be swelling. My tactics - first Ial-system under the eyes, first a simple, then a prolonged form, after a month - Dysport. I look 10 years younger, there are practically no wrinkles.

I would first pierce the hyaluronic acid 3 times (biorevitalization, i.e., and you need to choose a long-lasting drug and a good cosmetologist), and then polish everything with Dysport
will explain
If you have the first wrinkles, creases and facial expressions, your skin needs to be moisturized
As we age, the layer of cells responsible for elasticity and youth becomes thinner, so biorevitalization restores it
Well, Dysport will block the muscle that creates these wrinkles

I’ve already done it several times, I’m 44, in 6-8 months. The result is very pleasing. The crow's feet go away completely, under the eyes it's a little worse, but you can't inject too much under the eyes, no Dysport, no Botox (they're essentially the same thing, different manufacturers), there may be swelling. My tactics - first Ial-system under the eyes, first a simple, then a prolonged form, after a month - Dysport. I look 10 years younger, there are practically no wrinkles.

Related topics

Don’t do it - it helps with crow’s feet, and even due to changes in facial expressions after injections, it can even deepen compensatoryly under the eyes.

Girls, who had Dysport injections around the eyes, did the wrinkles under your eyes go away? I don’t have crow’s feet, but I have wrinkles under my eyes when I smile, can Dysport or Botox help in this case? Or is there no point in doing it?

I did it, I didn’t like it at all, I was waiting for it all to go away completely. I was like a plastic doll, although the specialist did a good one, in general, I decided that well, screw it, especially since it’s poison ((now I’m trying collost - collagen. I did the third procedure - I like it very much. And the face is alive, and the effect is more than I'm happy with - the skin has become much smoother, wrinkles are disappearing, an even, pleasant color. Let's look at the result after everything is completed. But Dysport is gone, I will never do it again. It's not worth it.

Ottimo - is this by any chance where Bely works? A surgeon whose license was revoked? Aren't you afraid to go to such a clinic?

I would first pierce the hyaluronic acid 3 times (biorevitalization, i.e., and you need to choose a long-lasting drug and a good cosmetologist), and then polish everything with Dysport
will explain
If you have the first wrinkles, creases and facial expressions, your skin needs to be moisturized
As we age, the layer of cells responsible for elasticity and youth becomes thinner, so biorevitalization restores it
Well, Dysport will block the muscle that creates these wrinkles

Girls, hello)
I've never done anything like this. I think you need to be natural and not joke with your health. I respect people who look great without such procedures. Girls, how do you like the singer Valeria? I really like her. She doesn’t smoke, she’s a mother of many children and has a career. I think she’s great, she looks natural and without any plastic surgery! From her latest video, “My Beloved,” you can see what wonderful shape she is in; at her age she is natural and beautiful. I wish everyone to maintain their natural beauty!

I have been injecting near my eyes for a year now, after 5 months the effect goes away and I need to repeat it, I inject with Dysport, there is an effect - the crow's feet disappear and while the drug is working they do not appear, after 4-6 months the nerve endings sprout (new ones), the muscle begins to contract, and wrinkles appear again near the eyes. Dysport does not remove anything under the eyes, on the contrary, due to the fact that the cheeks have to go somewhere when smiling, the cheeks rise up towards the eyes and there are even more small wrinkles under the eyes. but it’s better just under the eyes than on the forehead and crow’s feet. the overall impression of Dysport injections is very positive - minus 10 years is stable, as a result, excellent appearance, guys get to know each other all the time, pay attention, give compliments, and no one except “girl” ever calls or addresses me. My mother’s friends recently saw her and asked – is she 24 years old? I'm ok over 30.

I did it, but my problem was a developing wrinkle between my eyebrows. I couldn’t help but frown at all, and that’s where it deepened. And Dysport solved this problem.

I did it, but my problem was a developing wrinkle between my eyebrows. I couldn’t help but frown at all, and that’s where it deepened. And Dysport solved this problem.

How many units of Dysport are needed for facial wrinkles on the forehead? More precisely for correction)

40-45 units somewhere. But I could be wrong, this needs to be clarified, everything is individual

I see, where did they do it? I have read both positive and negative reviews. Some are very happy, some are not happy at all...

In Moscow, in Ottimo, they have already written about her here. Yes, I also read a lot, in fact, it is important to find a good clinic, even better with before and after results. They gave me simple advice. The effect was already on day 2, in general I really like the result.

Above is a proposal for a weight loss laboratory..
everything is very doubtful. don’t be fooled

Otozh. Well, thank you, we will read and search =)

oh, I still don’t understand the difference between Botox and Dysport

The difference between Botox and Dysport is only in price and country of origin. Botox is in the USA and it costs more, and Dysport is in France. The main active ingredient is the same. This is how I understood it. But it’s still better to ask the experts!!

Dysport 8000 forehead eyes entry 89261808469

I have already done Dysport 2 times in the nasolabial folds and each time it goes away within a month. action what to do?

You need a competent specialist, I do facial correction procedures, I have a doctor with 20 years of experience, in contour plastic surgery, without surgery. I am very pleased, because I have a lot, it always suits my face very specially. Once upon a time I only had Dysport and a little Restylane done by her. But time is running out, now I’ve done mesothreads, it’s great, I’m living again. I work, I sing, my voice and my face, that's all. My doctor Irina Anatolyevna. This is the Bratislava salon You and Me. I won’t tell you the address. I was traveling by car. But the doctor’s phone number is 903 6708644. She is sweet and attractive. I was happy to help.

Sorry about the prices, but this is the most important thing for us. Prices for Dysport were 90 per unit. For Restylane, one syringe without my discount of 14,000. I don’t know now. Mesothreads 400 rub. One. How much you need, you need to count, but not expensive, just in case, I called the salons in my area, they offered me 500, and that’s if I do the whole face. My doctor said that we will insert threads where they are needed, but not the entire face. This made me respect her even more.

The difference between Botox and Dysport is only in price and country of origin. Botox is in the USA and it costs more, and Dysport is in France. The main active ingredient is the same. This is how I understood it. But it’s still better to ask the experts!!

As a specialist, I will say that their main difference is the concentration of the active substance, hence the difference in price and number of units per zone.

I had Dysport done six months ago on my forehead and in the corners of my eyes. The effect is what I expected: the skin on the forehead smoothed out, those crow’s feet around the eyes disappeared, but under the eyes the effect is not the same, it just became a little better. It’s still not possible to do it under the eyes, maybe in a couple of years I’ll decide to do an alter of systems, then everything around the eyes will improve, but in extreme cases, blepharopelastics can be done. I can’t even believe that now I live in an age when you can still choose how to improve something for yourself, such a huge range of services. I did Dysport at the Balance clinic in Moscow, I heard a lot about it, so I just went there. The procedure itself is not really the most pleasant. Still, everything associated with injections and needles brings a certain discomfort. It hurt me a little, but all this can be tolerated. For this occasion, I took my friend with me so that she would support me. She definitely helped me enormously, holding my hand throughout the entire procedure. Now the effect is the same as after the procedure. True, I then came out of the office blushing, all stabbed, but not without it. Then by the evening of the next day I was walking around satisfied, happy and without any redness. The drug began to act somewhere on the 5th day, but in fact there were no sensations. I discovered this by accident: I go up to the mirror, my forehead begins to frown, but wrinkles do not appear. But somehow it seemed to me that the device did not grip well above the right eyebrow. Therefore, I decided to go to my cosmetologist. By the way, I did it with Natalia Ivanova. She said that I need to pin my right eyebrow while I can. It turns out that if something hasn’t taken off within a week, you can inject it, but not later, because then nothing will work. She teased me a little and after a couple of days my eyebrow stopped frowning. Generally excellent. I was very pleased with the result. I think that when the whole effect disappears, I will do it again. Once a year you can pamper yourself with such things that will restore your youth.

Girls, who had Dysport injections around the eyes, did the wrinkles under your eyes go away? I don’t have crow’s feet, but I have wrinkles under my eyes when I smile, can Dysport or Botox help in this case? Or is there no point in doing it?

I would first pierce the hyaluronic acid 3 times (biorevitalization, that is, and you need to choose a long-lasting drug and a good cosmetologist), and then polish it off with Dysport. I will explain everything to you if the first wrinkles, creases and facial expressions appear - the skin needs to be moisturized; with age, the layer of cells becomes thinner, responsible for elasticity and youth, so biorevitalization restores it, and Dysport will block the muscle that creates these wrinkles

If necessary, I can recommend my doctor - Tagaeva S.R. I'm pleased with her work. I’ve been going to her for several years)) This is my personal experience!))

If necessary, I can recommend my doctor - Tagaeva S.R. I'm pleased with her work. I’ve been going to her for several years)) This is my personal experience!))

And how long does the result of biorevitalization last?

Tell me, how often should biorevitalization be done and how painful? My skin has become a little dry, I would like to moisturize it with something. Where does your doctor work?

And how long does the result of biorevitalization last?

Tell me, how often should biorevitalization be done and how painful? My skin has become a little dry, I would like to moisturize it with something. Where does your doctor work?

I had vertical wrinkles on my forehead and “crow’s feet” and nasolabial folds really stood out. The doctor gave me Botox injections in the forehead and Belotero Soft filler in the area of ​​crow's feet and small wrinkles, and Juvederm Voluma in the nasolabial folds. The procedures are not as painful as I thought. It feels like I was just bitten by a mosquito, like an ordinary prick. But now I’m a beauty, no wrinkles.

Girls, who had Dysport injections around the eyes, did the wrinkles under your eyes go away? I don’t have crow’s feet, but I have wrinkles under my eyes when I smile, can Dysport or Botox help in this case? Or is there no point in doing it?

I personally took Dysport injections. Yes, the wrinkles under my eyes have gone away, my eyes have become more open and even luminous, it seems. A lot depends on the master. I did it at the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology, which is located on the street. Olkhovskaya, 27. The most competent cosmetologists work there.

I did it! It's my turn!
Previously, I only did biorevitalization, I really liked it, but my cosmetologist told me that it was time to do Dysport, because my face begins to “float” as the years go by. If it is necessary, then it is necessary)))) Her name is Leshchinskaya Liliya Mikhailovna. I found her, so to speak, from reviews on the Internet, everyone spoke very highly of her. And it’s true, she became my regular cosmetologist.
Previously, when I went for “beauty injections,” I always tried to come on Friday evening so that I could rehabilitate before the beginning of the next week. Two days were not enough. And here there is no time off, no holiday on Monday. Working ladies will understand me. But more on that later.
The procedure took 10-15 minutes. Together with the signing of a service agreement. The face is not frozen, the injections are completely painless, the mosquito bites are more painful. Several injections in the forehead, bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows, and the area around the eyes. Literally 3-4 in each area. No marks, no papules, no bruises, nothing. Go home beautiful. At home, no one understood that I went to a cosmetologist)))), Liliya Mikhailovna has a very light hand.
After the procedure, it is recommended to remain in an upright position for 4 hours so that the drug will rise, but I really wanted to sleep or, at least, lie down. in fact, these are all his shortcomings. The drug comes on quickly. The effect is visible after three days)))) My effect: my wrinkles (they are thin and shallow) smoothed out. And I'm very happy about it. Thanks again to my talented Lilia Mikhailovna Leshchinskaya - SHE’S JUST A MAGIC. Good luck to all)

December 20, 2014

Dysport is the main competitor of Botox, the drug is used to reduce the number of wrinkles caused or made more pronounced due to weakening of the facial muscles (injections into the forehead and around the eyes).

The content of the article

How Dysport works

Whenever there is any movement on the face (for example, you smile, squint your eyes or frown), the facial muscles contract and the skin around them wrinkles. These are called dynamic wrinkles because they disappear when facial movement stops. As your skin ages and loses its elasticity, these folds deepen and become permanent wrinkles. Dysport injection is made directly into the muscles that cause wrinkles on the face, fixing them temporarily.

Dysport can also be injected into other areas, for example, between the eyebrows (the muscles above the bridge of the nose are responsible for the formation of folds on the forehead when you frown), crow's feet, bunny lines, etc.




Dysport or Botox?

Botox and Dysport are versions of the same botulinum toxin, as are Coke and Pepsi. By 2015, there were practically no differences between these two drugs in all main areas of their use.

Based on clinical studies, Dysport is likely to start working within 1-3 days, unlike Botox, which typically takes 5-14 days to start working. Some of the patients stated that the effects of Dysport lasted a little longer (up to 10%) compared to previous Botox injections. This is based entirely on anecdotal evidence and has not been proven in a properly conducted study.

Although it is true that one unit of Dysport costs less than Botox, the total cost is about the same because you will need more Dysport for the same result that you would get with less Botox. 1 unit of Botox is 2 to 2.5 units of Dysport, so the dosage is not a one-to-one ratio.

For example, if you usually use about 20 units of Botox to smooth out frown lines, then you will need about 40-50 units of Dysport. Therefore, if you pay 350 rubles per unit of Botox, then if you pay 150 rubles per unit of Dysport, you will end up spending about the same.

So, both of these products are excellent and equally effective treatments for fine lines, especially between the eyes, on the outside of the eyes, and on the forehead.

How many units do you need?

Unlike Botox (available in bottles of 50 or 100 units), Dysport is packaged in bottles of 300 units. Most people will need around 100-125 units (or at least this amount may work well), depending on the depth of the wrinkles, the thickness of the muscles (the more muscle, the more units you need) and what kind of results you want. Typically, about 40–60 units may be needed to correct the area between the eyes, 10–30 units on the sides of the eyes, and 20–80 units on the forehead. Some will need 100 units; for larger people and large muscles or strong corrections, up to 200–250 units may be needed.

Level of discomfort

No, getting a Dysport injection does not hurt. Most people find the injections almost painless, so local anesthesia is not usually required, but if you are worried, you can ask for an anesthetic to be applied to the area before the procedure begins. Finally, using ice or cold packs can further reduce moderate pain. They should be used before and immediately after injections.

When does the effect occur and how long does the result last?

Typically, Dysport begins to work within 1-3 days, with full effects usually achieved in about 14 days. The effect of the drug can last on average 3–4 months, depending on the human body. You can go for another procedure before the effect of the drug wears off completely, that is, in about 2–3 months.

Complications and side effects

Some patients have had botulinum toxin injections for over 20 years without any significant problems, so it is safe even at high dosages.

As with Botox, possible side effects are usually minor. In the place where the injection is given, there may be pain, bleeding, bruising, swelling, and redness. But this is temporary. Some people experience heaviness, stiffness and headaches during the first few days while the product is shrinking.

Rarely, patients may experience ptosis (drooping) of the eyelids or eyebrows. Although this is also a temporary side effect, it usually lasts for 4-6 weeks rather than the 3-4 months that Dysport usually lasts.

How is recovery going?

After injections, virtually no recovery time is required, and no dressings or bandages are required. Typically, after the procedure, you may experience some redness or swelling at the injection site - similar to bee stings. Minor bruising may occasionally occur - affecting up to 1 in 40 patients - but this is usually fairly easy to cover up with cosmetics.

  1. Avoid aspirin, NSAIDs (ibuprofen, etc.), fish oil and vitamins 7-10 days before your procedure.
  2. Smoking, alcohol and spicy foods will not affect the results of injections, but smoking and drinking alcohol in particular can prolong the recovery process by increasing bruising. Therefore, we recommend not drinking alcohol on the day of the procedure to minimize the likelihood of bruising.
  3. Intense exercise. Minor bruising is inevitable after any injection, so surgeons encourage patients to take time to rest. If there is slight bleeding in the muscle area and your exercise increases your heart rate and blood pressure, this may make the bruising worse. This is the general recommendation: rest for about 24 hours after the injection.
  4. Sleep face down. You should be careful not to bend over for the first four hours or sleep face down for the first 24 hours after the injection. This is to ensure that Dysport does not move into unwanted areas. If the substance moves to the wrong muscle, it can cause ptosis (which can cause the lower eyelid to droop). Although the reality is that these side effects are unlikely to occur, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Tip: over time, if you sleep on your face, this can lead to the appearance of wrinkles that Dysport will not be able to remove, because their cause is not muscle contraction, but repeated creasing of the skin in this position.


Have you tried Dysport? Tell us what areas the drug was injected into, how quickly the rehabilitation was, and whether you liked the results.