Acne preparation with zinc

An element such as zinc is very important for skin health. It is a valuable mineral for supporting almost every process that takes place in the human body. It maintains the skin in normal condition, promotes rapid healing of wounds, and treats problematic epidermis.

Where is it?

This beneficial microelement is found in seafood, eggs, meat, dairy and whole grain products. Zinc helps the body synthesize collagen, a very important substance that gives the skin elasticity and the ability to regenerate. Thanks to the astringent property of zinc oxide, it not only quickly heals wounds and damage, but also dries out the skin. The antiseptic properties of zinc will help cope with inflammation in a relatively short time and prevent their occurrence in the future. Relieves itching, irritation and skin rashes, and it actively protects from the sun.


Why is it so necessary for the body?

Zinc deficiency in the body is fraught with depression, slow healing of wounds, the appearance of acne and the formation of other skin diseases. Typically, zinc is included in nutritional supplements, ointments and creams because it has a remarkable anti-aging effect on the skin. Zinc contains twenty percent of all enzymes that are necessary to maintain water balance and the formation of new dermal cells. The substance also brings hormones to the correct balance so that sebum production occurs evenly. Zinc in supplements and creams is suitable for people of all ages.



Oral intake of zinc salts is much more effective than its external use. Once in the body, zinc helps vitamin A to quickly and effectively distribute throughout all the most important organs and systems. In turn, vitamin A directly reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. Zinc successfully fights against bacteria that cause acne. If we compare the effect of zinc with special antibiotics against acne, the latter will be more effective, but one cannot fail to notice the positive dynamics after taking zinc-based drugs. Unlike the components that make up antibiotics, to which it is easy for bacteria to develop resistance, zinc most effectively destroys them.


Interaction with keratin

In addition to all of the above, zinc reduces the human body's production of keratin. Keratinocytes, produced in large volumes, create a significant hindrance that clogs the skin pores. Closed pores also cause acne formation. Thanks to the action of zinc, keratin production becomes minimal, and skin pores remain open and clean. Preparations with zinc are indicated not only for acne, but also for post-acne, excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, and enlarged pores. Zinc ointment gives the skin the necessary protection and regulates metabolic processes, reduces the amount of male hormones androgens, which play a decisive role in the formation of acne and oily skin.



You can cure acne on your face with zinc using only two methods. This is the direct oral use of a substance as a food additive and the use of ointments, creams, pastes and other similar products externally.

Zinc ointment dries out inflamed areas of the skin, smoothes and soothes it. After just a few uses, positive dynamics are observed: the skin becomes smoother, redness disappears, and the size and number of pimples decreases. Should be applied to dry and previously cleansed skin. For acne, the face must be steamed and cleaned of large blackheads immediately before applying the ointment. The ointment is applied up to five times a day in a thin layer to the entire surface of the skin affected by acne. The composition does not combine well with cosmetics, so it would be a wise decision to avoid makeup during the treatment period.


What to take orally?

For people suffering from acne and post-acne, many zinc-based supplements have been created. All of them are quite affordable, and finding them at your nearest pharmacy will not be difficult. Among all the varieties of such additives, “Zinc Picolinate” occupies a special place. This remedy, according to reviews from dermatologists and patients, is considered the most effective.


Correct dosage

How to calculate the dosage of zinc tablets? For acne on the face, medications are taken quite often. The norm of zinc intake for women is twelve milligrams, for men - fifteen milligrams per day. An individual dose of the mineral should be prescribed by a doctor. In any case, it is forbidden to take more than thirty milligrams of zinc per day, as this already poses a great health risk and unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and stomach upset. Zinc tablets are usually taken in a monthly course, one or two tablets per day, depending on the age and general condition of the person. Only a doctor can correctly prescribe the supplement. Zinc ointment, like paste, should not be left overnight. The product is not completely absorbed into the skin, and if it is not removed from problem areas, the skin will not be able to receive oxygen all night. In this case, the treatment simply will not give the desired result. It is recommended to lubricate the affected areas of the skin five to six times a day, this is quite enough for treatment. You can apply the paste or ointment more often, but with caution. Zinc can be a great addition to an acne treatment regimen, but it rarely works as a single component.


It is best to take zinc orally for acne after eating, as gastrointestinal disorders may begin. A certain group of patients, after taking zinc, notice a temporary deterioration in their skin condition, and there are even more acne breakouts. This is due to the activation of the immune system. In a short period of time, a person will experience an aggravated inflammatory process in areas affected by acne. If such a reaction of the body lasts more than three weeks, then the best solution would be to refuse treatment with this element. Zinc ointment causes side effects only in rare cases. Mainly if you are allergic to one of the elements of the ointment or due to individual intolerance. The resulting redness, itching and burning are frequent accompaniments of intolerance or allergies. In any case, the appearance of at least one side sign should alert you. The symptoms disappear soon after completely stopping the use of the ointment and do not pose a great danger to health. Pregnant and breastfeeding women can use zinc for acne, but only with the advice of a doctor. There were no cases of negative effects on the body of a pregnant woman or a woman during lactation.

Isn't he dangerous?

Although zinc is a natural remedy with few side effects, there is one big caveat: it has the ability to become toxic, mainly due to the way it interacts with copper. The body must maintain a balance of copper and zinc.


Reviews from dermatologists

Despite the fact that the use of zinc for the treatment of acne causes a lot of heated discussions, a rational grain can be identified in them. Dermatologists and cosmetologists are unanimous in their opinion that zinc ointment is a universal remedy for combating acne. Before moving on to more complex forms of acne treatment, you need to start with the simplest remedy, such as zinc ointment. Dermatologists note progress at the initial stage in most cases after using at least one product that contains zinc in sufficient quantities. However, the greatest benefit will come from a comprehensive effect on the skin, that is, nutrition from the inside and treatment from the outside. Dietary supplements with zinc have undergone many tests and have shown excellent results already in the first week of use. Zinc-based medications can be used to prevent acne. Conventional acne treatments are not always able to solve the problem from the inside, while zinc-based products provide replenishment of zinc deficiency in the body.

How does the element act on damaged skin?

Pharmacies offer a wide range of products with the right zinc content to treat acne at any stage. The cost of drugs containing this substance is quite high, but the cost of zinc ointment is quite low. Different types of products can give different results, but, as a rule, most dermatologists recommend choosing the right one based on the individual characteristics of the body.

Brewer's yeast with zinc for acne, according to reviews, has a positive effect on the dermis. They are preferred by more than ninety percent of women suffering from acne.

Vitamins with zinc for facial acne do not increase the resistance of the immune system or help fight infections or skin diseases. They provide a delicate balance that causes the immune system to respond to every minor stress it encounters. This allows the body to take measures to get rid of acne on its own and as quickly as possible.

For a long time, dermatologists believed that acne was caused by certain bacteria. However, in the last few decades this theory has changed somewhat. Bacteria still play an important role in the development of acne, but it turns out that they affect the skin much less than the skin's own immune system. Additionally, many doctors now say that acne is primarily an inflammatory disease rather than a bacterial one. Propionic bacteria are always present on human skin in small quantities and are extremely beneficial. They feed on sebum and secrete acids that are beneficial for the skin. The problem occurs when bacteria enters the pores with excess sebum and dead dermal cells. Once stuck, they quickly multiply and generate a small infection. When the body detects it, it sends immune system agents to fight it. But propionic acne bacteria secrete a special chemical that is more similar to the composition of the skin surrounding them, and the immune system is deceived and begins to fight against its own skin, rather than against the bacteria. Unfortunately, this state of affairs allows bacteria to continue to grow and develop.

Scientists now know that the skin becomes inflamed from stress, lack of antioxidants, due to enlarged pores with bacteria inside. Bacteria send alarm signals to the immune system, and the skin becomes even more inflamed. If you prevent this initial, minor inflammation, then it is quite possible to prevent the formation of a large number of pimples in the future. Zinc is the very element that can relieve all unpleasant symptoms, fill the skin with essential microelements and prevent the appearance of acne.

Medical expert article

Anti-acne pills are a relevant topic, because it is so unpleasant when inflamed bumps of various sizes appear on the skin, especially on the face, which in some cases do not respond to any ointments or creams.

Dermatologists say: if topical products do not help with acne, you need to look for the cause and act on it from the inside.

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Antibacterial drugs for acne treatment

Antibiotics provide a positive therapeutic effect when bacteria begin to multiply rapidly in the clogged sebaceous ducts and inflammatory infiltrates form. The main thing is that the drugs act on these bacteria.

Tetracycline tablets for acne, active against a large number of bacteria, can be used for pustular and large conglobate rashes, as well as for folliculitis. The standard daily dosage of this drug for acne is 10-15 mg (in 2-3 doses) Tetracycline can also be used every other day for 21 days.

Acne tablets Doxycycline (Doxacin, Vibramycin, Novacycline, Unidox, etc.) belong to the tetracycline group and are used for various infectious and inflammatory pathologies, including purulent lesions of the skin and soft tissues in severe forms of acne. The daily dose of this drug prescribed by dermatologists is 0.5 g The tablets should be taken once a day after meals with a glass of water.

Erythromycin anti-acne tablets (synonyms: Adimicin, Ilozon, Synerit, Eomitsin, Eriderm, etc.) are macrolides and are used in dermatological practice in the same extreme cases as all other antibiotics. For adults, the standard single dose of the drug is 0.25 g (with a maximum permissible daily dose of 2 g).

The use of Levomycetin tablets for acne can be explained by its wide range of antimicrobial effects (from pneumonia and dysentery to purulent otitis and peritonitis), but still it is not taken orally for skin infections, since dermatitis is among its side effects. Although chloramphenicol, mixed with an alcohol solution of salicylic and boric acid, is part of a popular suspension for lubricating acne.

Metronidazole tablets for acne and its synonym - Trichopolum tablets for acne - have the same active ingredient - a derivative of nitroimidazole (generics based on it - Metroseptol, Metrovit, Trikaside, Rozex, Flagyl). This is a remedy against protozoans (Trichomonas, Giardia) and anaerobic bacteria (Bacteroides spp., Fusobacterium spp.). Prescribed for the development of abscesses of the lungs, brain and abdominal organs, and for general sepsis. The instructions do not provide for oral administration of these drugs in the case of acne treatment, however, there are forms for external use - Metrogyl gel, Rozamet cream, etc.

Side effects of acne tablets with antibacterial properties are numerous and are expressed in dyspeptic symptoms, changes in the composition of the obligate intestinal microflora (dysbiosis), a decrease in the number of red blood cells and platelets in the blood, liver dysfunction, various neuropathic and allergic reactions, as well as the development of superinfections. And an overdose can lead to irreversible liver dysfunction and hearing loss.

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What pills help with acne?

Before you start listing the names of acne tablets, it should be noted that, firstly, among organotropic drugs that affect the skin, you will not find such a category, and, rather, these will be drugs for the treatment of acne.

Secondly, non-inflamed comedones require exclusively external treatment and proper skin care. But with purulent acne, inflamed papular, pustular and large conglobate (very dense) pimples, with ostiofolliculitis or sycosis (caused by staphylococci), one cannot do without complex therapy using oral medications, which must be determined by a specialist in dermatological diseases after determining the etiology acne. And the main indications for the use of acne tablets are the appearance of acne due to hormonal imbalance in adults, intestinal problems, as well as the presence of foci of bacterial infection. So, products aimed at eliminating the causes of their appearance help against acne.

Regarding disturbances in the production of hormones in the body, it should be clarified that hormones (progesterone in women, testosterone in men) largely determine the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the volume of sebum synthesized by them. And a pimple pops up exactly in the place where excess lipid secretion of the sebaceous gland has accumulated and has not come to the surface as expected to perform its functions - increasing the acidity level of the skin and protecting it from microbes.

As for bacterial infections, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Propionibakterium acnes are involved in the appearance of acne (acne vulgaris, acne conglobata, etc.).

It should be recalled that the use of acne pills during pregnancy is completely unacceptable.

Hormonal acne pills

Hormonal pills for acne on the face can only be used by women (and girls after menarche), and the so-called physiological (juvenile) acne cannot be treated with hormones under any circumstances.

With increased synthesis of the androgenic hormone testosterone by the ovaries and adrenal cortex, acne can appear in women of childbearing age, and due to estradiol deficiency, this problem occurs either with ovarian cysts or during menopause, when the production of this hormone gradually decreases. In addition, experts attribute pathologies of the adrenal glands, leading to increased synthesis of cortisol (hypercortisolism), to hormonal causes of acne.

Hormonal acne tablets Cyproterone (Androcur) have an antiandrogenic effect, that is, they reduce testosterone levels, which leads to a temporary (during the period of taking the drug) decrease in sebum production and the cessation of pathological hair growth in women (hirsutism). The drug is also intended for the treatment of malignant neoplasia of the prostate gland in men. Cyproterone has many side effects, in particular, dryness and flaking of the skin (xerosis), abdominal pain, nausea, swelling, impaired liver function, fatigue and increased absent-mindedness.

Hormonal tablets for acne on the back Drospirenone are used to improve the condition of women during menopause. Taking these tablets helps get rid of acne and oily seborrhea, but can lead to such undesirable consequences as thrombophlebitis and vascular thrombosis, increased blood pressure and heart rate, cholecystitis, swelling of soft tissues, blurred vision, pain and formations in the mammary glands, cramps , sleep disorders.

In addition, Drospirenone is part of oral hormonal contraception - in combination with estradiol (or a synthetic estrogen analogue ethinyl estradiol). But birth control pills for acne can only be prescribed if a woman, based on a biochemical blood test, is found to have excess testosterone. These products include Jess acne tablets, Angelique tablets, Diane-35, Yarina, Zhanin, Midiana, etc. The method of use and doses of such drugs are described in detail in the attached instructions, since they are taken according to a schedule depending on the woman’s monthly cycle.

Contraindications to the use of acne pills based on sex hormones include varicose veins, a tendency to form blood clots, diabetes mellitus, vascular pathologies of the brain, liver and kidney failure, gynecological neoplasms, etc.

Roaccutane for acne

Acne tablets Roaccutane (Isotretinoin, Acnekutan, Dermoretin, Sotret, Isotroin, Amnesteem, Claravis, Absorica) are systemic retinoids that affect tissue metabolism. According to dermatologists, these are the best acne pills available today and the latest advance in acne treatment, especially for severe cystic acne and pimples that do not respond to other medications.

The drug's active ingredient, 13-cis-retinoic acid, is a metabolite of retinol (vitamin A) and is thought to act by binding to the retinoid receptor (RXR). The pharmacodynamics of retinoids have not been fully elucidated, but the result of their influence is inhibition of the production of sebaceous glands of the skin secretion. In addition, gland ducts and follicles are not clogged with dead keratocytes, since retinoids block cell proliferation and desquamation, that is, they prevent the development of follicular retention hyperkeratosis. Thus, all factors in the formation of comedones and pimples are eliminated.

The daily dose of Roaccutane is determined at the rate of 0.5 mg per kilogram of body weight, tablets are taken once a day (with food). Like tablets for acne on the back and other parts of the body, Roaccutane is recommended to be taken in a higher dosage. Usually the course lasts 8-10 months. In cases of hormonal etiology of acne (in women aged 20-30 years), a course of treatment with systemic retinoids can significantly improve the skin condition without the need for constant use of hormones.

Side effects of acne tablets Roaccutane: dermatitis, dry lips (cheilitis), xerosis, blepharitis, sicca keratoconjunctivitis, dry nose and nosebleeds, nasopharyngitis, pain in muscles and joints, anemia, thrombocytopenia, increased liver transminases, ulcerative colitis, increased levels cholesterol and blood glucose, osteoporosis (in adolescents there may be impaired growth of skeletal bones).

Roaccutane has a teratogenic effect, so women of childbearing age should use the most reliable means of contraception not only while taking these pills, but also for a month after completion of treatment. According to the FDA, from 1982 to 2003 in the United States, more than 2 thousand women became pregnant during treatment with this drug: most pregnancies ended in miscarriage, and about 160 children were born with birth defects.

Intestinal tablets for acne

Intestinal tablets for acne are intended, on the one hand, to normalize the intestinal microflora, and on the other, to absorb and remove all metabolic products and, first of all, excess cholesterol. And also to reduce the absorption of fats by binding and removing free bile acids from the body. In this way, enterosorbents (absorbing intestinal drugs) can help fight acne.

Most often, doctors recommend such absorbent stomach tablets for acne as Carbopect (activated carbon, pectin, microcrystalline cellulose), Lactrofiltrum (hydrolyzed lignin with lactulose) or Filtrum-STI (based on hydrolyzed lignin).

Directions for use and dosage: orally, 2-3 tablets (they can be crushed first) - three times a day, an hour and a half before meals, with 150-180 ml of water. Enterosorbents are not used for exacerbation of chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal atony. An overdose can cause constipation and abdominal pain.

Brewer's yeast for acne

By using Brewer's yeast tablets for acne, you reinforce your body with thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), cyanocobalamin and, very importantly, biotin (vitamin B7).

What does this do for the treatment of acne? Firstly, it helps strengthen the immune system. Secondly, brewing yeast vitamins are involved in the synthesis of the bactericidal protein enzyme lysozyme, which not only protects cells from damage and accelerates the healing process, but also creates conditions for normal lipid-carbohydrate metabolism in the body.

Thirdly, biotin, a coenzyme of fatty acid metabolism, regulates the secretion of sebum, and leucine contained in yeast ensures the regeneration of skin cells. In addition, the bacteria of brewer's yeast Saccharomyces boulardii restore and normalize the intestinal biocenosis, and then the synthesis of endogenous biotin is resumed and, accordingly, fat metabolism is improved.

Dermatologists recommend taking brewer's yeast in tablets, two tablets three times a day (after meals), for children 5-12 years old - one tablet once a day.

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Zinc tablets for acne

Zinc is associated with the production of somatotropin (growth hormone), somatomedin (insulin-like growth factor) and the main male sex hormone testosterone. So, when the body lacks this microelement, the level of cortisol, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism, decreases, but, most importantly, the synthesis of testosterone decreases. And this not only negatively affects the male genital area (in terms of erection), but also leads to acne. For this reason, acne pills for men are drugs containing zinc compounds.

Zinkovital lozenges are recommended to be taken two tablets once a day (after meals). Zincite effervescent tablets must be dissolved in water and taken in the morning before breakfast - once a day, for at least 30-40 days.

Zincteral or Zinc Sulfate (in tablets of 1.24 g) is prescribed 1-2 tablets twice a day (an hour before meals) children 10-14 years old - one tablet per day. Duration of treatment is up to two months. Side effects of acne tablets with zinc include nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, a metallic taste in the mouth, sore throat, and increased body temperature.

Instead of the listed medications, dermatologists may recommend taking vitamins with zinc for men.

Acyclovir and Traumeel for acne

Those who believe that Acyclovir is an acne pill are mistaken. This antiviral drug is for Herpes simplex - the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2). And those “pimples with a yellowish liquid inside” on the lips or in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds are not pimples, but vesicles (vesicles) with serous liquid.

So Aclovir is useless for acne. But with herpes rashes there is no way to do without it, since this drug stops the replication of the DNA of the virus and thereby prevents the appearance of new vesicles on the skin - very contagious.

Acyclovir is taken for five days - 20 mg (one tablet) five times a day, preferably every 4-4.5 hours. Swallow the tax tablet whole and wash it down with water. This drug is also available under the trade names Gerpevir and Zovirax.

Traumeel is a homotoxic (homeopathic) drug of plant and mineral composition in relation to soft tissue injuries of various etiologies, it exhibits anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and regenerating properties, relieves swelling and pain. Indications for use include dermatological diseases such as furunculosis, hidradenitis, eczema, and diaper rash. A furuncle is a purulent inflammatory focus in the hair follicle and sebaceous gland, so, most likely, Traumeel is also suitable for simple acne. The method of its use is sublingual (under the tongue), the dose is one tablet three times a day.

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Masks made from acne tablets

Among the remedies for acne there are masks made from acne tablets. To prepare them, aspirin tablets for acne are used in combination with cosmetic clay, natural honey, kefir and aloe juice.

It is enough to crush a couple of acetylsalicylic acid tablets and mix them with clay powder (1:1), and then dilute with boiled water to a paste, adding a few drops of chamomile, geranium or lavender essential oil. This anti-acne mask stays on the skin for 15 minutes.

Another composition: aspirin tablets crushed into powder are mixed with honey and aloe juice, and in the third option you need to prepare a homogeneous mixture of aspirin and kefir.

Mumiyo for acne in tablets can also be used for a healing mask. For example, one tablet of mumiyo should be diluted in lukewarm boiled water (two tablespoons), and then this liquid should be added to a mixture of ingredients such as steamed oatmeal or oatmeal, potato starch or grated fresh cucumber.

Masks made from acne tablets should be left on the face for no more than a quarter of an hour, and it is best to wash off with an infusion of chamomile at room temperature.

The same medications may have different effects on different people. That is, it helped some, but not others. Therefore, reviews of acne pills are very diverse. The only thing they have in common is their complete confidence that it is almost impossible to deal with acne...

But we must not forget the most important thing: you should look for the cause and act on it not only from the outside, but also from the inside, using acne pills recommended by your doctor.

The fight against acne is carried out with a wide range of medications - of various origins, actions and forms. Among the synthetic base products, Zincteral tablets are used. They are made with a high content of zinc - a fairly serious element, the concentration of which in the body must be constantly monitored.

Before using the product, you should determine what the indicators of this element are in the blood. Without laboratory testing, in particular a blood test, this will not be possible to find out. When the response of the procedure is in the range of 70-150 mcg/l, then additional use of zinc-based products is contraindicated.

Indications for use

Considering the beneficial properties of the medicine, it is used in dermato-cosmetology to eliminate rashes of varying severity. The main indications for the use of Zincteral:
• Presence of confirmed acrodermatitis enteropathic type.
• Pustular and purulent acne.
• The need to prevent rashes during long-term hormone therapy.
• Ulcers on the skin that are difficult to heal.
• Boils are present at the stage of rejection of the purulent core.

Zincteral is also prescribed as part of the general treatment of pathologies that lead to the development of zinc deficiency in the body.

According to doctors, the drug provides a therapeutic effect in 98% of cases. Moreover, in only 10% of 98% it occurs delayed in the majority of patients (88%), improvements in the condition of the skin are noted immediately. However, the cost of the medicine is considered unreasonably high, since the composition is characterized not by an extremely valuable substance, but by zinc (75% of 100g).


What is the healing effect of the tablets?

The product helps dry out existing pimples - once covered with a crust, they are quickly rejected from the surface of the skin, and recovery occurs. The skin becomes smooth, uniform, matte.

The medicine is completely suitable for problem skin. Because increased secretion of the sebaceous glands in combination with bacterial flora contributes to the formation of new acne. Excessive fat content is eliminated, against the background of which new inflammatory elements appear. The drug saturates the body with zinc, and therefore there are no favorable conditions for the development of inflammatory elements. In addition to normalizing the condition of the skin, the tablets help eliminate weakness and lingering feelings of fatigue.

How to take Zincteral?

The optimal dosage of the drug is determined taking into account the main diagnosis. "Zincteral" is prescribed to eliminate acne according to the following system: take 1-2 tablets every day for 10 days. If, in addition to the presence of acne, the patient has concomitant problems - alopecia or disorders of the nervous system, the duration of the therapeutic course may be revised. In adolescents, the duration of treatment is no more than 1 week, but the volume of the medication is similar - 1-1.5 tablets.

Side effects from use

During the treatment of acne, the following complications may occur:

1. Dyspeptic disorders. Nausea, often resulting in vomiting.
2. Pain syndrome. The epigastric region is tense, and pulling discomfort occurs.
3. Digestive system disorder. There is upset stool, heartburn, loud intestinal motility, bloating, and pain when touching it.
4. Leukopenia. As the concentration of blood leukocytes decreases, the patient is concerned about an increase in body temperature and pain inside the throat. An increase in temperature causes chills in the patient.
5. Sideroblastic anemia. A decrease in hemoglobin concentration is accompanied by general weakness, and cracks appear in the corners of the mouth.
6. The concentration of copper in the blood plasma is additionally reduced.
7. The patient experiences headaches from time to time.
But the most pronounced sign indicating the development of complications from the use of tablets is a metallic taste in the mouth.

Special instructions for use of the drug

In order for it to have only a positive effect on the body, you need to adhere to certain recommendations:

• If long-term use of the drug is planned, the possibility of developing copper deficiency should be taken into account.

• Do not drink alcoholic beverages at the same time as taking the drug.

• When the patient takes folic acid at the same time, the absorption of zinc is slightly impaired.

• Between the use of tetracycline antibiotics and Zincteral, you need to choose a priority drug. Since zinc salts significantly reduce the absorption of tetracyclines, simultaneous antibiotic therapy and treatment with such an ointment is contraindicated.

• Reduces copper absorption. To prevent this disorder, it is advisable to use it no earlier than 2 hours after taking copper-based medications.

• Excessive fluid intake and the use of diuretics excrete zinc in the urine much more intensely.

• Combining the drug with taking vitamin complexes that contain high concentrations of zinc (this is considered to be 25-30% of the composition of the vitamin complex) is contraindicated. The fact is that an overdose of this component causes unpleasant consequences. The most severe complication is pulmonary edema. The patient is bothered by a severe cough, attacks last up to several minutes, but a characteristic feature of the condition is the appearance of pink, foamy sputum. In this case, you must urgently seek emergency medical help - call an ambulance. It is also important to tell your healthcare professional if you are taking acne medication.
The medicine does not affect the ability to drive a vehicle.
Zinc-based tablets can be used for no longer than 3 years. However, the duration of the therapeutic course generally depends on the existing problem, the patient’s age, the presence of concomitant pathologies, and individual tolerance of the drug. In order for the drug to retain its therapeutic properties, you need to keep the medicine in a cool place where the temperature is kept at 15-20 degrees.


Contraindications for use

There are several groups of people who are strictly contraindicated from using Zincteral to treat acne.

• children under 4 years old
• women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding
• persons with confirmed zinc intolerance
• people with gastric or duodenal ulcers
• patients with confirmed problems of the blood coagulation system
• in the early period after surgery, when the body's immune abilities are weakened
• people with lactose deficiency or impaired absorption.

The list of contraindications may be supplemented taking into account the presence of chronic diseases in the patient.

Zincteral tablets are a high-quality drug that makes it possible to eliminate acne at any stage of development. The medicine is taken after meals, orally, with plenty of water.